<xShadowx> i had to
<awang> lamont: Brand-new sandbox save, launching a stock Saturn V to the Moon
<awang> relative inclination ~0.15, heading 92.5 degrees
<awang> So that seems right
<awang> Going to try skipping forward a few years and see what happens
<awang> lamont: About 5 years later, 1955-365, MJ launches when relative inclination is 5.72 degrees, heading 137.6
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<awang> Final orbit is 196.5km x 176.5km, relative inclination 0 degrees
<awang> Target parking orbit was 185x185km
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<lamont> awang: ahhh, that smells like principia
<lamont> awang: you probably need to put some value other than 0 degrees in the launch-to-plane box
<taniwha> sounds like MJ is launching to the ecliptic
<lamont> well its launching to a plane that is 3.5 degrees below KSC right when KSC is over the apex of that plane, so it has to chase the plane as its going “away”
<lamont> need to lead the launch by a bit
<lamont> most likely anyway
<lamont> its plausible that PEG’s steering is buggy and is overly wiggly to lower inclinations, but i thought i got thoes bugs out
<lamont> launching to an inclination of 25.108 with a free LAN and PEG is picking a heading of 94 degrees
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<lamont> oh 5.72 degrees
<lamont> still launch to 22.888 starts with 96.5 heading
<lamont> wow what the hell is my apoapsis doing up at 266 km?
<lamont> okay yeah that is hilariously buggy
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<lamont> well that was the most ridiculous lauch i think i’ve seen that actually wound up in the right spot
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<awang> lamont: Trying another launch, this time 9 years and 109 days after game start
<awang> Using the pre-built RO Saturn V craft
<awang> Selected Moon as target, hit launch to target plane, then engage autopilot
<awang> MJ is launching when relative inclination is 10.38 degrees
<awang> MJ is aiming for a heading of 138.3 degrees
<awang> Final orbit 178km x 194km, relative inclination 0 degrees (actual inclination 18.235 degrees)
<awang> 10986.3 m/s dv expended, 2764.2 m/s steering losses, 820.0 m/s gravity losses, 17.1 m/s drag losses
<awang> Launching to an inclination of 18.235 degrees manually gives me a heading of 102.2 degrees
<awang> LAN doesn't match that of the Moon, though
<awang> Oh, I should probably mention that I incorporated the tgo < TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime part of your latest commit
<awang> Uhhhhhhh
<awang> Yeah, the apoapsis might be a bit off when launching to a low latitude
<awang> Target orbit was 185x185
<awang> Actual is... 288.294km x 504.144km
<awang> Slightly off
<awang> Also got an inclination of 27.746
<awang> Not quite what I asked for
<awang> Relative inclination of 18.83 degrees, but I didn't time my launch, so it's not entirely unexpected
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<lamont> awang: i don’t know that PEG can successfully launch to that lattitude without a coast period, and PEG is not designed to optimize coast periods
<lamont> i think there’s still months of trajectory optimization software that needs to get written before MJ supports Principia
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<awang> lamont: Then how did PEG manage to hit the inclination of the Moon when launching to the target plane instead of manually entering the inclination?
<awang> And does MJ need explicit Principia support?
<awang> For something like a launch all that it needs is the current inclination, and the timescales for a launch shouldn't be long enough that perturbations become significant
<awang> Also, for the pitch program
<awang> Might it be better to have the set pitch rate only for the first few degrees?
<awang> Then hold prograde until PEG takes over?
<awang> I find that the set pitch rate is usually off from the actual surface prograde vector most of the time
<awang> Er, "most of the time" being "most of the ascent until PEG takes over"
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<awang> lamont: By the way, do you already have PDFs of the AIAA papers you linked in the forum PEGAS dev thread?
<awang> Uhhh
<awang> Can someone explain to me why the bluedog Agena part is in the basicAvionics node?
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<lamont> awang: PEG doesn’t do proper trajectory optimization, its about executing finite burns, it isn’t a replacement for e.g. maneuver planner
<lamont> can’t tell you when to launch, its not even supposed to handle the initial launch azimuth, it simply can’t optimize a coast phase, etc
<lamont> NASA has to feed it information from the ground
<lamont> and this: https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.2012-4843 is probably the best bet at a modern PEG-style launch that is a lot closer to a true calculus-of-variations algorithm that runs open loop
<lamont> and MJ does need some explicit principia support, yes
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<xShadowx> happy turkey day!
<NomalRaptor> ?
<NomalRaptor> That's tomorrow.
<xShadowx> er turkey day eve
<xShadowx> :P
<NomalRaptor> Unless you're at UT+5 or more? But it's a US holiday, so o_O
<xShadowx> day before xmas is xmas eve, day before turkey day is turkey day eve :)
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<Probus> o/
<NomalRaptor> ?
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<smartdummies> is there anybody on that can answer question about the training in rp0?
<ProjectThoth> Would it have been possible to land on the far side of the Moon and maintain telemetry with a relay stuck on the S-IVB?
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<smartdummies> ProjectThoth: Not sure about that. I would expect that in order to maintain comms with the lander, the S-IVB would not have had LOS to the earth and thus could not relay the signal
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<ProjectThoth> Anyone have any good all-black or dim skyboxes?
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