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<soundnfury> awang: maybe it's a real projective plane
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<lamont> awang: yeah, i’ve been working through the OPGUID/SWITCH approach — calculations of variations approach — which is the gold standard
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<awang> Bornholio: Huh? Still not quite sure what you're trying to get at
<awang> soundnfury: ?
<awang> lamont: ?
<awang> I'm so confused :(
<awang> Also, anyone here use the glide slope guidance in Waypoint Manager?
<awang> And I just realized that I don't see the TACLS icon in the app launcher
<awang> Or the difficulty window
<awang> Hmmm
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<soundnfury> awang: bad topology joke, just nod and back away
<awang> Uh huh
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Anyone use TACLS on 1.3.1?
<awang> lamont: Uh
<awang> So remember those changes you suggested?
<awang> Steering losses appear to be growing way too fast
<awang> As in for a sounding rocket going straight up, after ~34 seconds of flight I have ~450 m/s of steering losses
<awang> Can anyone say "graphics RAM corruption"?
<soundnfury> awang: pretty. Apparently your Kerbals are holding a rave in the VAB.
<lamont> awang: hrm
<lamont> you should typically get more steering losses now than before
<lamont> particularly straight up
<lamont> that may actually explain why NK was mentioning that to reach the maximum height on a sounding rocket you needed to pitch east a bit
<xShadowx> awang: pic looks fine to me
<awang> soundnfury: Rave assembly building?
<awang> lamont: Guess MJ needs to be more specific?
<awang> Steering losses relative to orbital velocity vs surface velocity?
<awang> Didn't know that I had to pitch east for max altitude, but makes sense if steering losses are relative to orbital velocity
<awang> idk, seems somewhat unintuitive for steering losses to go up so fast early in the launch
<awang> But it makes sense
<awang> Maybe start in surface, but switch to orbital? Need to figure out at what point switching would make sense, though
<lamont> you can’t change them
<lamont> its just physics
<lamont> i believe you’re now just getting an accurate accounting
<awang> I guess?
<awang> It doesn't make any sense if you're early in the launch and you're looking at surface velocity
<awang> Hmmm
<lamont> that’s because you’re looking at surface velocity
<lamont> that’s important for drag, not important for steering losses
<awang> Hmmm
<lamont> and you’ve got a 400m/s orbital velocity at the start which you need to swing through a wide angle, so the steering losses make sense
<awang> True
<lamont> well i just pulled those changes into my branch
<awang> Trying it for yourself?
<lamont> yeah
<awang> Yeah, it's just... weird during the early launch
<awang> The numbers start to make more and more sense towards the later parts of the launch, obviously
<lamont> drag losses are insaneballs
<awang> Are you using FAR?
<lamont> yes
<awang> That'd be it
<lamont> for some reason i’ve never noticed drag loss being insaneballs before though, usually its been zero
<awang> idk
<awang> I remember it always staying 0 at some point too
<awang> No idea when it changed
<lamont> so at apogee on this sounding rocket 2190 dV expended, 1013 gravity losses, 639 steering losses, which leaves roughly 538 m/s of drag losses (horizontal orbital speed is still 390 m/s which is roughly unchanged)
<lamont> that all sounds pretty plausible
<lamont> the nearly-zero steering losses would lead to 1000+m/s of drag losses on a 2.5 TWR liftoff rocket
<awang> If you're curious, the FAR-related changes I made are here:
<awang> I have no idea if that sounds plausible :(
<lamont> 1000m/s of drag sounds way too high
<lamont> soupy
<lamont> hmm that doesn’t cleanly apply to my branch
<awang> Uhhh
<awang> Are you on dev?
<lamont> yeah, dev plus PEG stuff
<awang> Interesting
<awang> That patch should have been on top of dev
<lamont> yeah, idk, getting too late, starting to fade
<awang> Headed off to bed then?
<lamont> slowly
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<Bornholio> !tell awang i've seen wacky FAR drag when i had a space between parts over a separator that made a zero thickness portion of the craft. NK had the same thing in one of his twitch video's that ferram pointed out the problem
<Qboid> Bornholio: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> Bornholio: Hi
<Qboid> awang: Bornholio left a message for you in #RO [02.11.2017 11:20:20]: " i've seen wacky FAR drag when i had a space between parts over a separator that made a zero thickness portion of the craft. NK had the same thing in one of his twitch video's that ferram pointed out the problem"
<awang> That's... Interesting
<awang> I don't think I have any parts like that on my plane?
<awang> Not entirely sure though
<awang> More graphics fun:
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Apparently TF has decided that the Aerobee is not worth tracking
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<awang> Also, do scientists have any effect on the amount of science gathered?
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<schnobs> If anyone's around: how do I write a MM patch to apply to every procfairing?
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