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<awang> There's no easy way to reload a single .dll, is there?
<awang> Without restarting KSP?
<soundnfury> nope
<soundnfury> wouldn't changing data structures cause that to catch fire even if you could?
<awang> I have no idea
<awang> That's a good point though
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<awang> Debugging reflection-based things is annoying :(
<awang> Line numbers in the stack traces in the log would be nice
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<ProjectThoth> Somebody pinged me in here, and I can't figure out who it was.
<awang> ProjectThoth: Last ping I have for you in my logs is me saying "Hmmm... Wonder if anyone has made an 'Awesome flames' texture pack for proc parts"
<ProjectThoth> awang: That'd be it!
<awang> :D
<awang> :e
<awang> Er
<awang> Wrong window
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<awang> Question for the C# folks here:
<awang> Does casting not invoke implicit conversions through operator <class>?
<awang> For example, I need to convert a Vector3d to a Vector3
<awang> Vector3d provides an implicit operator Vector3
<awang> But I get an InvalidCastException when using (Vector3)<Vector3d var>
<awang> Seems the only way to do it is to use "Vector3 temp = <Vector3d var>"?
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<blowfish> been away for a while, did I miss anything?
<soundnfury> don't think so
<soundnfury> been pretty quiet 'round here
<blowfish> shows what happens when NathanKell goes away I guess :D
<blowfish> (not that he was the only one making changes of course, but the one driving things forward)
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<soundnfury> blowfish: well, I think Pap took a break as well, he's been the _other_ driving force ;)
<blowfish> yeah, that too
<xShadowx> Pap run off to a diff game? :P
<xShadowx> the traitor!
<soundnfury> xShadowx: diff game? I did not hear that
<xShadowx> hense the ?
<soundnfury> I think he is just busy having a life
<Pap> Pap ran off to baby #2 and school and full time work
<Qboid> Pap: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [27.10.2017 21:38:43]: "looks like the Pioneer 10/11 and Voyager antennas are marked non RP0 and have zero cost."
<Qboid> Pap: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [27.10.2017 21:43:14]: "(also I don't know if I've mentioned this, but the 75-point R&D building upgrade only opens up a handful of techs — a lot of branches jump straight from 50 to 80)"
<soundnfury> Pap: you exist \o/
<schnobs> hey!
<soundnfury> hope said life is not too stressful :)
<schnobs> *waves*
<xShadowx> hes not a myth?o.O
* xShadowx offers Pap earplugs
<schnobs> Aaargh! -ragequit-
<schnobs> I just cannot add a new resource to a pod.
<schnobs> Shows up in mmconfigcache alright, but not in the game.
<schnobs> Is there something special to keep in mind when adding new resources?
<Pap> o/
<xShadowx> schnobs: something something RF tanks something remove resource not in tanks something
<xShadowx> add said resource to the tank defs :P
<xShadowx> i think anyways :D
<schnobs> Nah, worse. It's MonoPropellant with a capital P... I think. Reloading.
<schnobs> Yup, that was it.
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<Bornholio> wild Pap sighting!
<stratochief> I also spy a Pap :)
<xShadowx> pics or didnt happen
<Bornholio> *ʞɔᴉl*
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