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<awang> How do I get the tooled cost for a proc part?
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<awang> Also, is there a way to get the Part a PartModule is attached to?
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<taniwha> PartModule.part
<awang> That's it
<awang> Thanks!
<awang> Alternatively for the cost of a tooled part, how can I get the default cost for a part?
<awang> So I can just use (partTotalCost - ModuleTooling.GetModuleCost(defaultcost))
<awang> Either way, really
<awang> schnobs: How'd you get the values needed to make NavUtilities aware of the RSS runway?
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<awang> lamont: For the new PEG
<awang> When "Booster Pitch end" is not selected
<awang> When does the pitch program end?
<awang> Also, what's with the pitch program deciding to point waayyyyyyy down
<awang> Like -25 degrees
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<awang> And what are these fancy new lines for?
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<awang> And is autostaging supposed to ignite engines on its own?
<awang> Also, jeez things in KSP have a high max temperature tolerance
<awang> What is the difference supposed to be between Part.skinExposedArea and Part.exposedArea?
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<schnobs> awang: I equipped a small cockpit with launch clamps, put it as far back&low in SPH as I could, hit "launch".
<schnobs> Noted coordinates etc, converted them to decimal, entered into file.
<schnobs> wohoo! success!
<schnobs> awang: Simply put, config requires lat/long/alt of the end of the runway (just place something there and read it's position in the world), and the runway direction (that's what the launchclamps were for, to keep my vessel steady).
<awang> I see
<awang> I'll go give that a shot then
<awang> Thanks!
<schnobs> awang: I thought I made a pull request for "my" coordinates, can't see where it went.
<schnobs> If you need stock KSC, I can deliver.
<awang> Sure
schnobs is now known as schnobs|afk-ish
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<awang> Alright, thanks!
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<awang> Is Vessel.srf_velocity incorrect in any way?
<awang> MJ calculates it as orbitalVelocity - vesselmainBody.getRFrmVel(CoM)
<awang> Wondering if there is any reason why instead of grabbing it directly
<taniwha> looks right
<taniwha> ah, might be new
<awang> I see
<ProjectThoth> Yay, people are doing my challenge!
<awang> Guess I can ask the same about atmosphericDensity
<taniwha> or possibly was incorrect
<awang> There's Vessel.atmDensity
<awang> MJ uses atmosphericDensity = FlightGlobals.getAtmDensity(atmosphericPressure, temperature)
<taniwha> I do remember there being a lot of tweaks to such things for 1.2
<taniwha> (NK and I (more he) went to a lot of effort to get all positions and velocities into sync (ie, nothing was out by a frame))
<awang> So it should be right now?
<awang> Looks like MJ code needs a little modernizing
<awang> AKA breaking things
<taniwha> certainly needs testing to see what is still required
* xShadowx should wander back to playing ksp again
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<awang> Ahhhh
<awang> SolverEngines/Plugins/PluginData/SolverEngines/EngineDatabse.cfg
<awang> The typos
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schnobs|afk-ish is now known as schnobs
<lamont> awang: i would bet there’s a pile of MJ code in VesselState which is still circa KSP 0.24 or something — the problem is that its difficult to know if you should touch it and clean it up or not
<lamont> also awang: it ends when the pitchover equals the peg prediction for pitch. it may be a better idea to not do that and flight a zero-AoA gravity turn to minimize aero forces on stage separation to not have it wobble all over the place, but then you have to hunt around with settings to make the initial pitch of the upper stage match the peg prediction. may be better to just allow peg to fly it the whole time and constrain AoA to 1-2 degree
<lamont> and you’d have to be more specific on when you’re seeing a lot of pitch down. it might be normal. also might depend on which version of the code you’re using. although i just rewrote the guts of it again tonight for like the eigth time, so whatever you’re seeing may just go away in later revisions.
<awang> lamont: Yeah, I'm a bit scared to touch the MJ code since I don't know what was supposed to work around bugs that have been fixed and what is still working around bugs that haven't been fixed
<awang> Ah, the pitch program thing makes sense. It's much more user-friendly, for sure
<awang> btw, the pitch shown for "Autopilot status"
<lamont> yeah the default is a bit more stupid-proof, while still allowing NK and folks to fiddle
<awang> Is that supposed to be the difference between current pitch and what PEG is predicting?
<lamont> yeah, that’s a countdown
<awang> The ton of pitch down was just for a single flight. Didn't see it again, for whatever reason
<awang> I'll see if I can replicate it
<awang> PEG does seem to be somewhat twitchy, though
<awang> Also, the circularization burn after cutoff is hilariously off
<lamont> circ burn?
<awang> Uh
<lamont> yeah, don’t use that
<awang> It's the burn MJ seems to schedule after upper stage cutoff
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Disable by default when using PEG, maybe?
<lamont> maybe
<lamont> but yeah i never fly with that on when i’m using PEG
<lamont> and yeah there’s some questionable code in there
<lamont> i’d never even considered someone might try to use that
<awang> It was on by default for me
<awang> I always manually canceled the burn, but this time I was curious as to what it was supposed to do
<awang> Also, when did persistent rotation stop being a requirement for RO?
<lamont> yeah i’ve got it turned off and my settings are persistent, so i’ve never checked
<awang> Er, a recommended mod
<lamont> well, its a bit problematic, that stupid default its got that you always have to disable and its never compiled for latest KSP
<awang> I usually have it off, but my settings tend to get temporarily wiped when I'm jumping around in my git history
<awang> Stupid default?
<lamont> yeah it keeps it oriented relative to the mainbody in the orbit instead of just keeping it inertially oriented
<lamont> or something like that, IDK, i just turn it off when it acts wonky
<awang> Ah
<awang> btw, I submitted a MJ PR to allow for fairing autostaging based on heat flux
<awang> So you might have another merge to make :P
<lamont> should be trivial
<awang> Does MJ have a test suite or something I can use to see if "cleaning up" VesselState breaks anything?
<lamont> no
<lamont> no unit tests or anything
<awang> :(
<lamont> yep
<lamont> lots of meditation and manual testing
<awang> fun fun fun
<awang> Guess a really dirty way would be to compare the current calculations against those retrieved directly from Vessel and see if they're "close enough"
<lamont> yep
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<blowfish> awang: what about engine database?
<Qboid> blowfish: awang left a message for you in #RO [14.11.2017 13:55:49]: "Did you take out the MM errors detected functionality? MM built from dev is loading from cache, even though I know my RO install still has the MM errors"
<blowfish> awang: I didn't take anything out
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<awang> !tell blowfish The SolverEngines EngineDatabase file has a typo in its name
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell blowfish Guess I'm messing something up with MM then. I'll see if I can figure out what...
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> Gah
<awang> Any ideas why Debug.Log wouldn't output anything?
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<awang> Is there a way to programmatically get the cost of a tooled proc part?
<awang> Or get the default cost of a part?
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