* soundnfury gives Bornholio a Jupiter submarine
<Bornholio> Now i have more than two
<Bornholio> oh and a mechjeb case that floats in the deep metalic sea
<Bornholio> https://i.imgur.com/WHJo3i4.png https://i.imgur.com/DORqbvI.png repeated some moon trips https://i.imgur.com/nktNDUM.png really need totaly boyancy to be a thing balloons need balance otherwise https://i.imgur.com/XZ4wwxS.png had spotty communication when landed https://imgur.com/a/iZCgI
<soundnfury> yay, gemini
<Bornholio> for got i posted my glide bombs also https://imgur.com/a/pscgl
<Bornholio> those are pre-juno, we now know conclusivly that its not fire truck driving in a circle, and guacaomole layer is now less likely
<soundnfury> xD
<Bornholio> go i need context!
<soundnfury> Gemini first fought in the Fourth Wars; Apollo in the Eighth Wars (aka first series of the reboot)
<Bornholio> ah yes robot wars duh
<soundnfury> :)
<Bornholio> an empty car wanders the highways until someone notices the credit card charges for gas
<soundnfury> which is odd, because it's an electric car.
<Bornholio> it installes a backup generator out of fear when passing through glacier national park almost stalled it
NomalRaptor is now known as UmbralRaptor
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<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Anyone tried using a Gamecube controller as a joystick?
<taniwha> awang: I've used an Elecom controller. It was horrible.
<awang> First I've heard of Elecom
<awang> Looks like a [S]NES controller?
<awang> Doesn't look fun if that's the case
<taniwha> [s]nes, xbox, sony... they're all the same essentially
<awang> The controller I was looking at didn't have analog sticks
<awang> But seems like analog sticks aren't the way to go
<taniwha> real analog sticks are
<taniwha> saitek x52: not bad. thrustmaster t.16000m: pretty good
<taniwha> (haven't tried others recently)
<awang> Analog sticks for consoles aren't the way to go, then
<awang> Jeez
<awang> Those look... complicated
<taniwha> they are
<taniwha> though really, a good PC joystick (especially HOTAS) is way more complicated (but better laid out)
<awang> Wow those are expensive too
<taniwha> yeah
<awang> Going to be difficult justifying buying these
<awang> For the moment at least
<taniwha> yeah, getting my x52 was rather difficult
<taniwha> the thrustmaster was easy (though more expensive)
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<wb99999999> hey guys
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<awang> taniwha: What do you do with them besides KSP?
<awang> wb99999999 \o
<taniwha> awang: nothing. I got them for KSP
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<awang> That's dedication :P
<taniwha> sadly, I've barely used the thrustmaster :(
<Bornholio> https://bato.to/comic/_/comics/isekai-ni-kita-mitai-dakedo-ikanisureba-yoi-no-darou-r22844/ Ive decided to imagine Taniwha is the character from this manga
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<Bornholio> taniwha have you tried the 3d connexion controller with KSP
<taniwha> not yet. got one, though
<taniwha> been too busy with other stuff
<Bornholio> to bad, but good also
<awang> Why not?
<awang> *why not use the thrustmaster
<taniwha> just haven't been playing KSP enough
<awang> Fair enough
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<taniwha> awang: btw, it's ferram4's fault I bought joysticks for KSP ;)
<ferram4> ...
<Qboid> ferram4: ProjectThoth left a message for you in #RO [13.12.2017 05:19:00]: "Yeah, I'm still on the interstage thing... just wondering if you think a monolithic interstage would handle the heat better (with blowout ports or something to partially restore aerodynamics for the flyback cruise)."
<taniwha> ferram4: we were talking about joysticks, them being expensive and me having bought some just for KSP
<taniwha> you came in more or less at the end of it and couldn't resist
<ferram4> Ah.
<taniwha> however, I really did get a joystick for flying planes in KSP using FAR
<ferram4> Oh, I was here for a fair bit of it based on my stored backlog.
<ferram4> Just wasn't paying attention.
<taniwha> yeah
<taniwha> just meant the chanserve bit (I have quit/join messages suppressed)
<ferram4> Had to reboot my PC because the thermal sensors weren't active (for some reason) so the fan wasn't running.
<awang> That doesn't sound healthy
<taniwha> yeah, scary
<UmbralRaptor> Should be fine if you're using liquid sodium cooling.
<ferram4> More scary: it's a laptop
<ferram4> That runs hot to begin with
<ferram4> But all seems to be well now
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<wb99999999> so here's a question of mine
<wb99999999> how does the benefit of adding side boosters to a stage change, if at all, depending on the Isp of said stage?
<UmbralRaptor> Example for clarity?
<Bornholio> see section on optimal stage TWR and max dV
<wb99999999> I like how Born always have some book/paper/article for me to crunch on XD
<UmbralRaptor> ^let's go with Bornholio's link
<Bornholio> that course is a great one for understanding a lot of propuslion
<Bornholio> take a look at figure 1 for the optimization section and you will see that it is a combination of fuel fraction vs engine mass percent
<Bornholio> the side boosters push the fuel fraction and twr up at expense of cost and launch total mass
<Bornholio> but at a certain point they will also bring max dV for a given payload down
<Bornholio> calculus is mean
<wb99999999> well this is...surprisingly complicated
<wb99999999> I should have expected it though, since calculus is almost certainly involved in my original question
<Bornholio> damn, sorry laymans terms....ISP Good, TWR More gooder sometimes! good night 9's
<wb99999999> puff what
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<wb99999999> good night then
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<xShadowx> taniwha: his fault i bought one too ;p before FAR i couldnt stand planes, now i even use for rockets heheheh
<taniwha> rockets take a bit more practice (and more appropriate configuration)
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