<awang> Wait, did I miss something
<awang> I don't like the sound of this
<Bornholio> Testing PEG is a noble endeavour
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<awang> Alpha-quality or not, it's just too good not to use
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<soundnfury> awang: http://jttlov.no-ip.org/SLE_plan.png <- the horror in full, as crappily drawn by moi
<soundnfury> with upgrades to the ERPS (i.e. using AJ10 (Advanced) instead of AJ10 (Mid)), there might even be enough delta-V for TEI as well as ERB
<soundnfury> in which case if I were to fill up a propellant depot in low lunar orbit, then the taxi could brake into lunar orbit, fill up, and fly home again
<soundnfury> I reckon it'd be possible to go all the way to lunar landings with (a) no capsules, and (b) 350t pad limit
<soundnfury> however, that'd be a *lot* of launches and a *lot* of docking (EOR-EOR-EOR-LOR-LOR mission mode, anyone?)
<soundnfury> also of course it's hideously unsafe because if the braking burn fails, you're dead (admittedly, if Apollo fails TEI you're dead, but the SPS has to have worked once to get you into that situation)
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<Bornholio> nice
<soundnfury> still undecided whether to _actually_ do this
<Bornholio> YES
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<soundnfury> http://jttlov.no-ip.org/napier1960.png <-- here's the 1960 model of my Napier spaceplane btw. Currently flying a two-day endurance mission.
<Bornholio> very nice
<soundnfury> ... the only trouble with a beautifully gentle re-entry that peaks at 1.6g is... it takes ruddy ages!
<soundnfury> 12 minutes in and I'm still at 60km doing 3.5km/s...
<soundnfury> 25 minutes, still 8km up...
<soundnfury> (oh and as you can see, the game is running well below 1x speed -_-)
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<awang> soundnfury: Looks like a lot more planning went into this than I expected
<awang> TEI?
<awang> What effect do the small wings on the cockpit have on the Napier?
<awang> And that reminds me, I should figure out why TACLS isn't working on my install...
<awang> Never mind, I found out why
<awang> There's a .gitignore in the TACLS Plugins directory
<awang> That ignores the .dll
<awang> And how stable is the new version of the Napier?
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<soundnfury> awang: TEI is Trans-Earth Injection (i.e. the burn to leave lunar orbit and go home)
<soundnfury> the small canard (front wing) produces a pitch-up moment that makes the Napier stable at high AoA during re-entry. It also helps protect the cockpit from kinetic heating
<awang> Ah, makes sense. TLI is Earth -> Moon, TEI is Moon -> Earth. Should have guessed.
<soundnfury> and it's gloriously stable, not only does it peak at 1.6g, but by the time you're down to about 1km/s, it's 1g all the way down to the ground.
<awang> Oh nice! Glad to hear you solved the stability issues. What'd you tweak?
<soundnfury> I think I just happened to move the CG aft a bit when adding some extra batteries
<soundnfury> I still didn't actually dare land the thing horizontally, though, because KSP and wheels.
<awang> I see
<soundnfury> anyway, zzz o'clock for me, ttfn
<awang> Are wheels still that broken?
<awang> Night!
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<Probus> o/
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<awang> Pap: Are KSC biomes supposed to give science in RP-1?
<awang> There was a Crew Report thing too, but I hit reset experiment
<Pap> While flying it is OK, just not landed.
<awang> Oh, ok
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<soundnfury> awang: wow, need a few more data readouts on that screen? :)
<soundnfury> awang: want to look at RP-0#803 and check my merges, before I push it?
<Qboid> [#803] title: Merge several of @aw1621107's PRs, and recompile | | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/803
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<awang> soundnfury: I think the merges look fine?
<awang> And yeah, I may have a bit too many things on there
<awang> But I actually do use all of those
<awang> Atmospheric Autopilot is for taking care of long climbs
<awang> Surface info is there to ensure vertical speed is positive, and to keep heading around 90 degrees since the plane tends to drift left
<awang> Custom info window is... there? Not really necessary beyond curiosity
<awang> Maybe nice for keeping track of heating? idk if the formula used is correct for airplane altitudes though
<awang> Engine info is there for keeping an eye on the throttle percent. Not strictly necessary, I guess
<awang> Proc control surface window is there for flap setting info, since sometimes the flaps don't change when I use the key binding
<awang> Tank info is there to keep LOX topped off in the X-1
<awang> FAR is there for lift info so I know when I can take off
<awang> And for the endurance/range estimates
<awang> FMRS is there so I can recover the launcher after separating the X-1
<awang> Probably wouldn't look nearly as bad if I were playing on a decently sized screen
<awang> Window is 1280x800 (or 1280x960), I think?
<soundnfury> I suppose many of the things you have there, I get from my konrad terminals
<soundnfury> and when I have FAR open, I generally have it display fewer things
<soundnfury> *shrug* I just found it amusing that I couldn't see the actual plane ;)
<awang> I guess I'm management material
<awang> I like seeing numbers, even if they aren't all useful
<awang> I'd give Konrad a try, but Telemachus isn't updated for 1.3 :(
<soundnfury> oh I like pages of numbers too, hence konrad (also my latest project, Encyclopedia Kerbonautica)
<awang> Yeah, I guess I should get around to hiding some of the FAR numbers
<awang> I like how "Encyclopedia Kerbonautica" brings up a single result on Google
<soundnfury> That's one more than I was expecting
<soundnfury> oh, apparently Google believes "wiki" is a synonym for "encyclopedia" lol
<soundnfury> anyway, EK is a launch library system (in python) which generates pretty tables like this: http://jttlov.no-ip.org/ek-output.txt
<awang> Woah
<soundnfury> (the name is, of course, a reference to the great and glorious Encyclopedia Astronautica)
<awang> What would I need to try this myself?
<soundnfury> you would need me to upload my repo, and you would probably need to speak Python
<soundnfury> it doesn't automatically record things, you basically write a script that adds all your stages, vehicles using them, and launches of those vehicles to its !database
<soundnfury> it's very much a WIP right now, in future it may have a web UI for entering data
<awang> I see
<awang> That doesn't sound too fun to use
<soundnfury> it is really only for incredibly nerdy people like me who don't mind