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<Bornholio> man i got the farts again
<ProjectThoth> something something Burn-holey something i am 12 years old something
<Bornholio> hard to tell how fast you're going on the moon without any telephone poles
<Bornholio> dang it ProjectThoth now i'm bummed out again
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<lamont_> gogoinflight irc disconnects
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<Bornholio> lol
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
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<Oneiros> hi
<Oneiros> notthing i like more than wet melons
<Oneiros> lol
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<Probus> Godspeed John Young. Wow, what a record. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qBb_iKZbGM&t=0s
<Probus> Great link Bornholio! Hilarious.
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<ProjectThoth> Probus: The thing that sucks the most about Young's passing is that, one, we're at the point where there's only one moonwalker for each Apollo mission (excluding 13 and 14) *and* there isn't a single Apollo mission that is fully intact.
<ProjectThoth> Except for Apollo 8.
<ProjectThoth> And Apollo 9 - but out of the lunar landing missions, there ain't one left.
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<Bornholio> pap going to find an issue to add to for little things in RP-1, like Hydrazine not showing up in service module and other HP tanks except Tank I-hp
<Bornholio> FW Soyuz Fairing Wall, reverse shadow texture
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<Bornholio> lamont peg starts too early sometimes had to rig up a special stage sequence to use stage and a half, and manually decouple
<Bornholio> actually looks like its ignoreing that too
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<lamont> stage and a half won’t work
<lamont> and yeah it needs peg to converge to something to get the launch azimuth angle
<Probus> Is this a know bug? I have 15 kerbal astronauts and applicants with only two males...
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<lamont> bornholio: i’m probably going to allow users to manually enter an initial launch azimuth to allow flying rockets that peg can’t fly off the pad
<lamont> also thinking about ways to allow proper analysis of stage-and-a-half rockets, but that likely needs some support in the FuelFlowSimulation in MJ, and that code is mildly terrifying
<lamont> also thinking about ways to model and integrate the initial gravity turn with simulated peg for the upper stage(s) and feed that into an optmizer to take away all the manual entry of intiial launch parameters… but ergh…
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<Bornholio> lamont yeah 1.5 stage is hard regardless unless you have a special analysis or timer that lets you specify the time of seperation. Which would be awesome. its gonna be the pain point. Also the not being able to use ullage verniers is annoying but minor. What was actually annoying was the fact that it was trying to do something other than pitch program which would have made doing a 1.5S thing trivial as long as pitch program is decent
<ProjectThoth> 1.5STO with PEG?
<lamont> the “PEG after KSP stage” should be usuable to make PEGs pitch program not active until after you manually sep the boosters
<lamont> and yeah 1.5 stage with PEG
<Bornholio> With older PEG i did atlas pretty easy
<Bornholio> Which i just went to see :) Mr. Atlas A that is
<lamont> the only real difference should be my using peg for the launch azimuth
<lamont> that may cripple it though because if peg can’t converge at all and just bounces around or points 180 degrees in the opposite direction then you won’t make it to booster sep
<Bornholio> IF the booster spe is short it's fine, what makes it transition to guided instead of program when its not finished?
<lamont> ?
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<Bornholio> If i do a 40 second program i can do a 1.5S but if its 135s, it goes bouncing after a time
<lamont> the initial pitch program should probably be only 40 seconds or something, and then you should fly a zero AoA “unguided gravity turn” via “PEG after KSP stage” so that PEG doesn’t kick in until you sep.
<Bornholio> tried that also and it still bounced around
<lamont> if its getting bouncy after you sep and PEG isn’t stable, then likely your gravity turn is either too high or too low and PEG is telling you it can’t make orbit from there
<Bornholio> IS there anything to exclude higher stages from use other than Stop at Stage # ?
<lamont> well you give it a target and its going to use as much as it needs in order to hit that target
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