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<awang> SpecimenSpiff: ....And here I'm making "sounding rockets" with the RD-103
<awang> Jeez
<soundnfury> Both approaches are reasonable.
<soundnfury> If you're planning to use the RD-103 in an orbital-stunt LV, flying heavy SRPs on it is a good way to build up TF data
<awang> SRPs?
<awang> SRP?
<awang> ...
<awang> Solid Rocket Propellers?
<Probus> Soft Rancid Plums
<SRBuchanan> Sounding Rocket Payloads
<soundnfury> ^
<awang> ...That makes much more sense
<soundnfury> or, alternatively, Society of Recorder Players.
<awang> That would definitely make for a heavy payload
<soundnfury> yeah, 'specially if they have a contra
<awang> Contrarecorder?
<awang> Woah
<soundnfury> contrabass, yeah. my local recorder ensemble has one, it's taller than I am :)
<awang> You have a local recorder ensemble?
<awang> Where do you live again?
<soundnfury> Cambridge (UK)
<ProjectThoth> Whimsy, USA.
<soundnfury> it's a student group, which I actually joined shortly _after_ graduating...
<soundnfury> I think less than half of the ensemble are current undergrads xD
<awang> Hey, grad students are students too :P
<awang> Also, you play recorder?
<soundnfury> yeah, amongst other things (cornet, french horn)
<awang> Interesting selection of instruments
<awang> What kind of music does the recorder ensemble play?
<awang> Only recorder things I can say I'm even somewhat familiar with are baroque stuff and stuff for elementary schoolers
<soundnfury> mostly baroque, bit of renaissance, and the occasional arrangement of something more modern
<awang> Since everyone in the elementary schools here play recorder for music class
<Probus> Polka
<awang> When'd you pick up recorder?
<awang> Cornet/french horn are at least somewhat related
<soundnfury> here's an arrangement I recently made and recorded multi-track
<soundnfury> Picked up recorder in primary school, put it down at 11 and picked up cornet. Picked the recorder back up at uni and remembered "oh yes, this is really fun, isn't it"
<Probus> That could be polka...
<soundnfury> then bought the horn a couple of years ago
<soundnfury> Probus: "Polka, Dot?" "oh, if you insist"
<awang> Nice!
<awang> What is that an arrangement of?
<soundnfury> the Animaniacs theme tune
<Starwaster> has anyone ever tried overriding the default physics distance to something farther? maybe twice as far? or more?
<Starwaster> wb99999999 I've redesigned my tourist death trap to be a little more friendly. (I hope)
<awang> soundnfury: So *that* is what they're called
<awang> Starwaster: Check on the physics range extender thread?
<ProjectThoth> I should recover that Duna mission...
<soundnfury> awang: hmm?
<awang> soundnfury: Animaniacs
<awang> I've seen bits and pieces of the show
<awang> Never knew what it was called
<soundnfury> ah right
<soundnfury> now you can find it on youtube and watch it all ;)
<ProjectThoth> Has anybody made an Aldrin cycler?
<SRBuchanan> Nah. Mostly out of laziness because with Principia I'd have to babysit it a fair bit.
<SpecimenSpiff> soundnfury, does your ensemble have any of these? :)
<SRBuchanan> Is that an aircraft detection array or just photoshop?
<soundnfury> yeah no.
<SRBuchanan> Reverse image search tells me it's the former.
<SpecimenSpiff> Play polka on those and it might be a war crime :)
<SRBuchanan> To my knowledge the only instance of weaponizing sound against a foreign power is the use of sonar emitters against divers.
NathanKell|Twitch is now known as NathanKell
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|Twitch
<NathanKell|Twitch> starting up again
* soundnfury got bored of watching NathanKell|Twitch and started launching his own sounding rockets
<soundnfury> with blackjack and hookers
<NathanKell|Twitch> :)
<taniwha> my Virginia Edition collection arrived today :)
<taniwha> (complete works of Robert Heinlein)
<soundnfury> nice
<SpecimenSpiff> I so wish his books were available on kindle
<SpecimenSpiff> My copy of Friday got trashed
<taniwha> SpecimenSpiff: mine got damaged too :(
<taniwha> (the paper back copy)
<taniwha> it was rather fun unpacking the books
<taniwha> "Ah, I remember this one." "Ooh, I loved this one." "Hmm, don't know this one."
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<soundnfury> apogee 497.8km. That is mildly frustrating.
<SpecimenSpiff> NathanKell, get Prinicipia installed before those oribital attempts
<soundnfury> NathanKell: how'd the rest of the stream go?
<CommandoDiamond> Lots of sounding rockets
<Probus> He was extremely lucky
<NathanKell> Yep. Maaany A-4s, few failures
<NathanKell> Grind (tm)
<soundnfury> see I've been running my grind without A-4s
<soundnfury> WACs and XASR-1s all the way
<soundnfury> currently flying a 5+1 XASR-1
<soundnfury> named "Epsilon 2XSH" (because yes, I unironically use the word "superheavy" in the name of a three-ton sounding rocket)
<soundnfury> also, very long and spindly
<soundnfury> 30cm core, total height 20m xD
<SpecimenSpiff> holy cow. I remember having a model rocket like that, and it was ridiculous
<NathanKell> Jeepers
<SpecimenSpiff> I thought this one was bad..
<soundnfury> are those Redstones?
<SpecimenSpiff> yep 4 redstones for stage 1, another redstone for stage 2, able for tli
<soundnfury> cool
<blowfish> Looks pretty normal compared to my Redstone with A-4 boosters
<SpecimenSpiff> For ridiculous, I need to get this thing working properly:
<soundnfury> yikes!
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<ProjectThoth> SpecimenSpiff: That is art.
<soundnfury> now to tempt Agathorian fate by launching my 9+3 XASR-1 sounding rocket (I went to 80cm dia. after unlocking Tank-II)
<NathanKell> ...Quite a lot, that
<soundnfury> ... It worked!
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<NathanKell> \o/
<soundnfury> :)
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|Twitch
<NathanKell|Twitch> y not orbit
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<Starwaster> Nertea has been busy:
<Bornholio> holy sh....
<NathanKell|Twitch> Hate to say this, but god I wish stockalike would gdiaf >.>
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<lamont> holy sh…^2
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<NathanKell|Twitch> hey lamont what's the recommended attitude controller?
<NathanKell|Twitch> mj seems good for RCS, or hybrid? What's hybrid?
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<lamont> i’m honestly not sure
<lamont> i don’t like some of the behavior of the kOS one, i just went back to the MJ one again, i have no idea what is hybrid about hybrid, have to ask Sarbian
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<SpecimenSpiff> hm, im playing through those options.. hybrid seems to be more straightforward on the axes, the default mj tried spinning my spaceplane all around
<SpecimenSpiff> but hybrid also overcorrects and has to come back
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<Probus> o/
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<Mike`> !tell NathanK* Some other LR79 costs were also wrong, i've fixed these along with the SHIP one and identicalparts in the spreadhseet a few days ago
<Qboid> Mike`: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Starwaster> how far did Apollo fly out of the atmosphere on a double dip reentry?
<Mike`> Bornholio, do you know the status of your RD-108/NTR fix PR?
<lamont> did apollo do a douple dip? because i did a douple-dip in KSP yesterday and was wondering if they would have ever used that
<Starwaster> I'm not sure they all did it...
<Starwaster> would have depended on exactly what altitude they targeted (Pe of 30 wouldn't be able to) and what orientation they came in at
<awang> Mike`: It'll need to be rebased at least before it's merged
<awang> idk about the comments PhineasFreak left
<awang> Looks like I had to add an extra brace, too
<awang> So might need a bit of tweaking?
<Mike`> i think i used the rd 108 config and it appeared to work, i don't know however if and what weight now is correct for it
<Mike`> but i think the rd-108 deserves to work in the upcoming release. :) So i'm wondering if anybody knows what needs to be done besides rebasing
<awang> The RD-108 loads without the patch, but produces nonsensical values for its thrust/fuel consumption/etc
<awang> And TF configs aren't loaded
<awang> Or at least that's what I remember
<Mike`> yep, thrust was NaN or something
<Mike`> and i thing engine configs didn't work
<Mike`> think*
<awang> Yeah, sounds about right
<awang> You can manually apply the patch in the meantime
<awang> Pretty straightforward
<awang> Copy/paste the part in green, and you're good to go
<awang> Might have to insert an additional closing brace
<Mike`> well, i just used the config as is i think and it works
<Mike`> at least looks like it, i haven't actually flown an rd-108 yet in my career
<awang> Really?
<awang> I would have expected NaN thrusts to break things pretty badly
<awang> I wouldn't know though
<awang> I haven't flown them either, if only because RD-107s seem to have them beat in pretty much every category
<awang> For the 60 ton pad, at least
<Mike`> no, the dev version shows nan, but locally i use the PR-version which does not show NaNs and does show engine configs.
<awang> Ah
<awang> Interesting that you didn't have to insert another brace
<Mike`> so the patch appears to fix it, but i haven't actually flown it yet
<Mike`> well, i might have inserted that, i can't remember
<awang> idk how resiliant KSP is to weirdness in config files
<Mike`> but i'm sure it wasn't anything more serious than that
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<Pap> o/
<Pap> Which version of MechJeb should I be getting for PEG to be included?
<Mike`> o/
<Mike`> depends if you want to try the latest shuttle peg or not
<Mike`> worked fine for 2-3 test launches so far, has a small issue with disabling itself but i guess that can be worked around
<Pap> let's say no (for the time being)
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<Mike`> then i'm afraid i'm not sure which version i used before that, mh, let me check my download folder
<Pap> Is it not the realease version?
<Mike`> oh, there was a release 3 weeks ago, i didn't even notice
<Mike`> i probably used a version from jenkins, 2.6.1, but i'd try his release now
<Pap> thank you
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