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<KevinStarwaster> PEG doesn't like if I use something like a Delta heavy to put a small one man capsule into orbit
<Bornholio> .smirk
<KevinStarwaster> why did the rocket porn get scrubbed? anyone know?
<KevinStarwaster> Also, did SpaceX last launch REALLY fail to get its payload to orbit? Or is this just Top Secret bullshittery?
<xShadowx> no fire crotch view for you
<xShadowx> i wasted 2 hr waitin to see XD
<Bornholio> as far as i can tell only arstechnica is full on claiming it burned up, and that the rest of the story is still under wraps
<Bornholio> as for the launch from launch order timing it seemed like onboard electronics tripping since it was in a onboard control handoff phase
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<Bornholio> it could be that if zuma did fall back they are trying to recover it before moving to talk about it or, yeah its bullshittery :P
<ProjectThoth> Or it's got one of those fancy stealth thermal shades onboard.
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<wb99999999> so
<wb99999999> you're telling me there is a flat Earth person who launched himself on a rocket???
<wb99999999> to reach less than 10000 ft altitude?
<ProjectThoth> wb99999999: He postponed it, I think.
<wb99999999> well then just change the sentence to future tense
<wb99999999> the part that boggles me the most is the fact he needs a rocket for like, not a lot of altitude...
<wb99999999> just hang a camera on a balloon man...
<ProjectThoth> FISH EYE LENSES
<ProjectThoth> Frankly, they're all insane.
<ProjectThoth> It's just another government conspiracy theory to obscure the fact that the Earth is shaped like the inside of a bucket.
<wb99999999> I think he could use an inert Minutemen missile strike on his house
<ProjectThoth> Gravity is formed by the Earth spinning on the long axis of the bucket. We're just pinned to the sidewalls.
<ProjectThoth> But the bucket also spins perpendicular to that rotation, which is why the Sun rises and sets.
<wb99999999> it should be a inert warhead and he should be warned in advance so it doesn't kill anyone
<wb99999999> but it will smash his ceiling for his disrespect of rocket technology
<ProjectThoth> It's actually reflected off of the aetherous clouds that congregate in the middle of the bucket, which obscure our view of the other side.
<ProjectThoth> Now where's my book deal?
<wb99999999> as soon as you grab me an Occam branded razor sir
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<wb99999999> actually
<wb99999999> this can be amazing
<wb99999999> we need this book
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<wb99999999> I mean it's better than the accelerating disc thing
<wb99999999> way better actually
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<Oneiros> i dont like how easy it is to get into space
<Oneiros> this is not at all realistic
<Oneiros> we should start with millions in the bank and have to spend millions to launch rockets
<Oneiros> and why are we reinventing the wheel with the majority of the tech tree? it's so dumb.
<taniwha> Oneiros: just mentally multiply your funds by 1000
<Oneiros> lol really
<Oneiros> career mode was so badly developed, and after several years in such a huge modding community, it still remains broken
<Oneiros> i dont understand why we have thousands upon thousands of new parts, but awful mechanics
<taniwha> I was about to suggest #RO then I realized this is the #RO tab :)
<Oneiros> as though temperature scans from minmus help me to research a slightly bigger battery just to fit better on my spaceship
<taniwha> that's easy to explain: most find KSP to be very hard
<Oneiros> really?
<Oneiros> ok that surprises me
<taniwha> that's the impression I get
<Oneiros> i guess there are a lot of parts
<taniwha> also, most never leave Kerbin's SoI
<Oneiros> yeah, i went to duna once but that's it
<taniwha> (hard enough getting to Minmus, Duna seems to be nigh on impossible)
<taniwha> (that sort of thing)
<Oneiros> ok
<Oneiros> i do feel like they don't hold the newbies hands enough in the start of the game
<Oneiros> like they should be given finished ships so all they have to do is fly. and just start in the atmosphere to learn the basics.
<taniwha> there are the tutorials, but they are rather one-shot
<Oneiros> yeah
<Oneiros> because then you have to go and design the rocket
<taniwha> might be an interesting mod idea, actually
<Oneiros> there should be contracts that say: pay 10k and here is an orbital rocket that you fly the same as in the tutorial
<taniwha> would take a lot more work than I'm willing to do, though
<Oneiros> its pretty easy imo. ive been thinking about this for my mod
<taniwha> "it's pretty easy, imo"... I thought that about Progeny
<Oneiros> and start with cheap unmanned things so they can crash everything and all it costs is a little money
<taniwha> 3-4 years later, it is still stalled
<Oneiros> ok yeah, fair call lol
<Oneiros> it always ends up getting more complicated doesn't it
<taniwha> yeah
<Oneiros> modder: "oh i just want to do this one simple little thing" game: our code won't allow it without an overhaul that breaks all other mods.
<Oneiros> thanks for listening to my rant anyway. i liked one of your mods but i forgot which one it was
<Oneiros> what is progeny about?
<taniwha> breeding kerbals
<taniwha> first related checkin was Feb 2015
<Oneiros> haha nice
<Oneiros> like in that game banished?
<taniwha> no idea, I don't know anything about banished
<Oneiros> oh ok. it was a small-town management sim where you got more people through breeding
<Oneiros> fairly popular i think
<Oneiros> ah kerbalstats
<taniwha> yeah, KerbalStats is the enabler
<taniwha> and thus the umbrella project
<taniwha> KerbalStats let me save extra data for kerbals
<Oneiros> ok. so this breeding is for on colonies?
<taniwha> yeah, but it can happen anywhere, possibly inconveniently
<Oneiros> lol
<taniwha> (though as a dodge, never on watched locations)
<taniwha> (eg, never on a focused vessel)
<Oneiros> what happens if the ship is already full?
<taniwha> that's part of why it's taking so long: "how am I gonna do that?!?"
<Oneiros> hm ok
<Oneiros> you could add a "babies" module so each pod has a rating to support X number of little ones
<taniwha> part of the plan
<Oneiros> haha ok.
<Oneiros> its an excellent idea in extending the colony aspect
<Oneiros> i need to start making progress on my mod too. it's getting close to the "going around in circles" part
<Oneiros> i think people here wanted help with rp-0 or the tech tree or something but RO doesn't work on 1.3.1, so I'm stuck
<Oneiros> the research system is probably the thing that annoys me most, i'd love to fix it,
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<Oneiros> i tried with a tech tree but the system itself needs to be changed.
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<awang> Oneiros: If you're interested in overhauling the research system, take a look at RealScience
<awang> I have a version that compiles in 1.3.1 here
<awang> And there should be enough PRs up to get RO/RP-0 running on 1.3.1
<awang> If you're willing to do a bit of manual work
<Oneiros> i'd love to but i need to read what the mod does first
<Oneiros> and i don't know what PR
<Oneiros> PR's are or what you mean by manual work
<Oneiros> im not a coder
<Oneiros> it sounds really interesting, i'd love to hear what you've changed
<taniwha> Oneiros: PR = pull request. it's a git term
<Oneiros> ok ty. i
<Oneiros> i'm not so familiar with git. but getting better.
<taniwha> you use git and github to clone the repository, make your changes, push them to your own github repository, then use github to send the request to the original project
<taniwha> the nicest thing about PRs is you get full credit
<Oneiros> ok
<Oneiros> it seems mainly for coding
<taniwha> not the greatest description
<Oneiros> lol its okay, i read the github tutorial
<taniwha> mainly. git was originally designed by Linus Torvalds
<awang> Oneiros: IIRC RealScience aims to have science done by staying in a particular situation for a particular amount of time to collect a particular amount of data, which then gets processed for a particular amount of time for a particular amount of science
<Oneiros> oh okay
<awang> I want to say that it was intended to "categorize" science points, so thermometer readings didn't help you research rocket engines, but I'm not entirely sure
<Oneiros> so it still uses the science based tech tree
<taniwha> science points aren't the problem with the science system
<Oneiros> sounds interesting. but i think at least half the parts could be taken out of a tech tree and just be "sold in shops" since they're low tech.
<taniwha> working with temperature changes were probably part of the discovery of radiation
<Oneiros> i love the science system, but how it relates to parts unlocking is what seems unrealistic
<awang> Yeah, looks like there was some kind of overhaul planned for the unlock system
<awang> Core design goals #2: "Replace the generic science point based unlock system with something more logical using research from various schools of science"
<Oneiros> cool
<Oneiros> yeah, it should be relevant. if you're developing an engine, take temperature and thrust readings during a test, or something
<awang> Main question I would have about such a system though is whether real-life science payloads actually help rocket design
<awang> Or whether improvements come mainly from telemetry/failures/etc.
<taniwha> vibrational, gravitational...
<taniwha> everything is related
<Oneiros> ya
<awang> Some things more than others, though, right?
<awang> Gravitational data helps plan trajectories, but doesn't directly affect how rockets are built
<Oneiros> the thing is, all parts are just throwin into this big system
<awang> Radiation data helps plan electronics
<Oneiros> *thrown in
<Oneiros> some parts need to be developed, others are all the same just in different sizes
<awang> Vibration/acoustic/etc. data is part of telemetry, which you get independently of what you launch
<awang> Unless telemetry experiments are added
<Oneiros> e.g. all batteries have the same weight to charge ratio
<awang> Guess the main rocket-related thing that has in-space tests is electric engines
<awang> VASIMIR being tested on the the ISS, etc.
<taniwha> Oneiros: the only problem with that is they're all the same tech
<taniwha> only difference is form factor
<Oneiros> exactly
<Oneiros> so there is no development line there
<Oneiros> meaning, they should all be available at the same time
<taniwha> yeah, no dry cell, alkaline, NiCd, NiMH, Lion type differences
<Oneiros> which is why i would just use a shop system where players can just buy whichever one they want
<Oneiros> ya
<awang> That sort of exists already
<awang> Tech levels/configs for engines
<awang> Just got to add configs for batteries, and you're good
<Oneiros> do u mean in RO?
<awang> Just curious, do modern satellites use Li-ion or Li-po batteries? Or do they use something less energy-dense but safer?
<awang> Yeah, in RO
<Oneiros> ok. RO doesnt count for me because it doesn't run on 1.3.1 lol
<awang> It can
<Oneiros> i need an instruction manual
<awang> Er
<awang> Looks like it needs updating anyways
<awang> Deadly Reentry, and RF both have official 1.3.1 releases
<awang> But basically, if you make a RO install with the 1.2.2 stuff and replace the .dlls with their counterparts in that folder, you should get RO for 1.3.1
<Oneiros> okay ty
<Oneiros> ill see if it works
<awang> Might want to wait a bit, since I have to get updated dlls there
<Oneiros> haha ok np, maybe tomorrow
<Oneiros> is RO still being actively developed?
<awang> Depends on how active "actively" means?
<Oneiros> lol fair call
<Oneiros> idk im just in here most days and there doesnt seem to be much activity
<awang> Yeah, it's been pretty quiet for a while now
<Oneiros> could be a time zone thing but idk
<awang> Nah, it's just quiet
<awang> Main committers are busy with life
<Oneiros> ok
<Oneiros> ya, fair enough
<awang> So no one is really around to review/commit changes
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* soundnfury drifts in and out to apply obviously-good PRs
<Oneiros> i forgot who said it but i guess this is what "getting credit" is all about
<Oneiros> making small steps into understanding theses strange beings called "coders"
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<xShadowx> coders are the ones who run the world unseen
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<Probus> 30 minutes
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<KevinStarwaster> ok stupid question time: What is the canonical conversion rate of funds to 1965 USD?
<KevinStarwaster> I thought it was something like $1000 but I've seen other larger values cited
<soundnfury> is it not on the wiki somewhere?
<soundnfury> hmmm, possibly not :/
<KevinStarwaster> well there's lots of references to how things were priced but I don't have RO part prices in front of me. I guess I could go find the cost of an F-1 engine in RO and then do the conversion myself but it seems silly that we can't point to the canonical definition somewhere on the wiki :/
<KevinStarwaster> if I get around to figuring it out for myself then I'll go add it
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<soundnfury> that'd be great, please do :)
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<KevinStarwaster> so tired of the goddamn mood music that EVERY news site seems to be doing these days.... talking about videos devoid of any commentary except printed combined with mood music.
<KevinStarwaster> ... if you decline a contract... Gene might tell you 'Boring conversation anyway'... bit of Han Solo reference there :)
<KevinStarwaster> I never saw that before
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