<Starwaster> oh no.... this bastard hybrid game I'm playing is getting me into trouble. I'm getting ready to mount a rescue mission. It's Kerbol x10.... the stranded Kerbal is in a 120 km orbit.... so he's pretty well inside the atmosphere :(
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<Bornholio> hyperedit rescue
<Bornholio> bump him up to 160km
<wb99999999> t
<wb99999999> t' happened?
<Bornholio> when you have a kerbal in a sub 140km rescue orbit, gotta pop him up
<Bornholio> or he gets burny
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<wb99999999> jet pack?
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<Bornholio> .pets awang
<wb99999999> are you guys working on a 1.3.1 release?
<awang> Huh?
<wb99999999> I saw conversations but I don't really understand the coding/modding jargons
<awang> I guess?
<awang> Waiting for NK to go through PRs, maybe
<awang> Maybe some last minute testing
<wb99999999> does that mean it is actually getting close to a release?
<awang> Don't get your hopes up :P
<awang> I would hope so, though
<awang> DLLs are recompiled
<awang> Still have a bunch of .cfg fixes to merge though
<awang> Probably some bugs to fix that I'm not aware of, too
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<wb99999999> wait, now I think about it
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<awang> wb99999999: Huh?
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<ProjectThoth> awang: ping!
<ProjectThoth> Yes, I'm learning C, or at least trying to.
<Starwaster> lamont does PEG behave any differently if a vessel or planet is targeted?
<lamont> you can then launch to plane of target
<lamont> and yeah that is different from manual entry of the inclination in the textbox
<lamont> the latter is the “FREE_LAN” mode and that is buggy and doesn’t quite work correctly and insertion parameters are off
<Starwaster> can't figure out what the hell it's doing... says it's stable but the Ap has already passed my intended orbit and it's just... pointing up and up
<Starwaster> thought it might have something to do with the ship I targeted but now it's even past that orbit
<lamont> phi is 45.00?
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<Starwaster> I didnt notice. It wasn't getting anywhere useful so I called that launch a bust
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<Starwaster> lamont yeah it's doing it again and it does say 45. what does that mean?
<Bornholio> will not converge on solution
<Starwaster> even though it says converged?
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<wb99999999> still waiting for the stage detection fix
<wb99999999> T_T
<ProjectThoth> !tell awang Well, I'm trying to, so far it's been 90% stealing other people's code and screwing around with it. My greatest accomplishment so far is a dinky calculator.
<Qboid> ProjectThoth: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> !tell ProjectThoth Welcome to programming? Got any fun projects planned?
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<stratochief> fun project. c programming. does not compute.
<awang> Sorry, should have suggested Node.js
<stratochief> It kinda depends on what sort of person you are. Some people really enjoy learning the lower level stuff like C. I started learning programming (beyond just QBasic/CommodoreBasic) with Python, which I greatly enjoyed.
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<awang> MMU?
<awang> !acr -add:MMU Manned Maneuvering Unit or Memory Management Unit
<Qboid> awang: I added the explanation for this acronym.
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<taniwha> multi-memed utterance
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<awang> Bornholio: Still need a git repo from me?
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<lamont> Starwaster: yeah phi 45 means its clipping. that is essential near the start of a launch, but near the end of an insertion burn it just means that PEG has failed.
<awang> lamont: Is PEG on 1.3 now?
<awang> See a "Revert "manual revert of "1.3 required changes""" in the log
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<Starwaster> awang I was ableto compile it for 1.3 but I dont remember if I had to do anything special
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<awang> Yep, looks like it's for 1.3 now
<awang> \o/
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<kiwivogel> I might want to spend some time cooking up some config for te non-engine parts in bluedogs mod, is anyone actually waiting for that or is that something that would be appreciated?
<kiwivogel> err that sentence made no sense, but you get the idea I guess? :P
<Starwaster> Uhm something about blue radishes philosophizing appreciatively?
<Starwaster> ok so... what's WRONG with this picture? Anyone? https://imgur.com/a/ubKKU
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<Hypergolic_Skunk> Kerbin + Target Orbit speed of 7+ km/s?
<awang> kiwivogel: Have any specific parts in mind?
<awang> Starwaster: Your parachute is armed?
<kiwivogel> Well, the nice parts such as Atlas booster fuselage section or modeled agena sections currently lack a RO config as far as I can see. Lots of the verniers are also missing config
<awang> kiwivogel: As far as I know those aren't being worked on, but I'm not exactly in the loop
<awang> If you don't see PRs for those, I guess you should be good to go
<Starwaster> awang no the chute wasnt the prob in that pic
<awang> Starwaster: :(
<awang> I'm stumped then
<Starwaster> awang look at the MJ controls
<Starwaster> and then look where it's pointing
<Starwaster> and look at the control inputs....
<awang> Oh
<awang> Yeah, that doesn't seem right
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<SRBuchanan> Alright, I think I'm going to need some hand-holding this time.
<SRBuchanan> No matter what I try, I can't get a part to load into KSP.
<SRBuchanan> Not if I create it by following any of the tutorials I've found online, not if I export an extant working part, modify it in any way, no matter how small, and try to re-import it.
<SRBuchanan> Clearly I'm missing something.
<SRBuchanan> Anyone willing to help me trouble-shoot? This has been kicking my ass for over a month now.
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