<stewartx> back to the drawing boardx
<wb99999999> I'd saay
<wb99999999> don't fix it
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<wb99999999> have a smarter ascent profile instead
<petti> smarter how?
<wb99999999> like employ a zero-AOA phase when you're around Max Q
<petti> It's hard to have a good profile with a craft that's aerodynamically unstable
<wb99999999> yes, but most engines in RO have HUGE gimbal range
<petti> that means nothing when you flip out of control faster than you can blink
<stewartx> yeah
<wb99999999> strange
<petti> going straight up can be stable but it's not a way to get to orbit
<stewartx> it goes uncontrollable in the vertical ascent so
<stewartx> rip
<wb99999999> ...that's...surprising
<petti> how so?
<wb99999999> has been a while since I see a rocket that loses control during vertical ascent
<petti> I don't think it's suprising at all that an aerodynamically unstable object spins :)
<Bornholio> engines have no gimbal?
<wb99999999> I usually get an exploding rocket around max Q
<petti> you would need lightning fast controllers to make up for the instability, the kind that jet fighters employ IRL
<stewartx> they have gimbal
<petti> exploding means you have too much TWR and you go too fast too early
<stewartx> they are h-1s
<wb99999999> nah, it's because the pressure difference is too large and the thing flips around and disassemble itself
<wb99999999> but this is often solved with just having zero AOA during that time
<petti> flipping again is caused by instability
<petti> if your rocket is inherently stable it cannot flip even if you tried
<wb99999999> I mean...you are right
<petti> not having the ability to control the ascent is very demanding on your initial turn
<wb99999999> but a lot of real life rockets are at least a little unstable
<wb99999999> because they usually have no fin, and have a big ass fairing on top
<petti> It's doable of course but if you end up with the wrong ascent angle you cannot fix that and go way off course pointing prograde and almost pooping your pants
<petti> well IRL rockets have control systems which steer a thousand times a second I'm sure
<wb99999999> not really
<wb99999999> you can send out signals a thousand times a second yes
<wb99999999> but engine gimbals have a finite speed
<petti> in KSP a small drift resulting in a slight oversteer just tends to oscillate out of proportions, especially when the ships are a bit spaghetti
<wb99999999> and very often boosted rocket go way too fast initially by KSP standard
<wb99999999> like Atlas V 551
<petti> and you tend to not have perfect launch profiles so you need to overcompensate along the way to get where you want, real rockets get it right much more accurately
<petti> It's nicer to have reliable stable flyable rockets than really demanding ones, usually
<petti> of course pointing prograde all the way is very efficient if you can hit the sweet spot
<stewartx> isn't that like a perfect gravity turn?
<wb99999999> okay stewartx can I have your craft file?
<stewartx> sure i guess
<stewartx> you use ckan?
<wb99999999> yes
<stewartx> also staging will probably be weird
<wb99999999> don't worry I'll fix it
<wb99999999> sweet
<wb99999999> just give me a few moments
<stewartx> i'll send the craft staging in a but
<wb99999999> wait wait wait
<wb99999999> I meant CRAFT file
<wb99999999> the one in your ships folder
<wb99999999> your rocket
<stewartx> yeah
<stewartx> sure
<stewartx> won't yo need my mods as well?
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<wb99999999> I have a profoundly bloated install with almost all mods that will work with RO installed
<stewartx> sounds relateable
<stewartx> thanks the maker for SSDs
<wb99999999> so yeah just toss that ship file over
<wb99999999> I don't even see a part I don't recognize on your screenshot so it should be okay
<stewartx> smart parts
<stewartx> just press space
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<wb99999999> ok I am booting up
<ProjectThoth> booting of wb99999999 420
<stewartx> it's to go to GTO btw
<stewartx> also omg wasd in the vab is amazing
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<wb99999999> okay stewartx I am going to omit your smart part staging because...it's confusing me
<wb99999999> I haven't used smart parts before
<wb99999999> I'll be honest I haven't any trouble flying this
<wb99999999> I even took out the fins
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<stewartx> weird
<stewartx> which craft was that
<stewartx> tdrs-1?
<wb99999999> yes
<wb99999999> when I first load your craft up the symmetry seems a little wired
<Bornholio> FAR? vs no FAR?
<wb99999999> FAR
<stewartx> far
<stewartx> ofc
<ProjectThoth> FAR 'nuff.
* stewartx rimshots
<wb99999999> but I'll have to question a few of your designs
<wb99999999> what's your starting TWR?
<stewartx> it was like 1.35 right
<stewartx> because i use smartstages it can get a bit screwy
<stewartx> i think i mathed it to check it
<wb99999999> I am getting something like 1.1 here
<ProjectThoth> Using the vac numbers instead of sea level?
<stewartx> 1.13
<wb99999999> way too low
<stewartx> i think because i fiddled with the design
<stewartx> wasn't saturn like that on launch?
<stewartx> no ariane v i know
<ProjectThoth> Saturn V was about 1.2.
<wb99999999> personally I'd say don't go below 1.18
<stewartx> is that the problem though?
<ProjectThoth> 1.2 to 1.6 is the optimum range.
<wb99999999> no
<wb99999999> it's just a bit non-optimal
<wb99999999> your boosters aren't lined up, but they ARE symmetrical so this shouldn't be the problem either
<ProjectThoth> Something's calculating it as vacuum when it should be atmospheric.
<wb99999999> can you describe how you loses control?
<stewartx> i'll load a video
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<wb99999999> my guess is down to piloting...but let's see
<stewartx> how dare you talk about our lord and saviour mechanical jeb
<stewartx> ruuuude
<wb99999999> oh
<wb99999999> oh that's why
<stewartx> why tho?
<wb99999999> MJ can only fly fairly stable craft
<stewartx> so back to the drawing board is tehre an easy fix to make it stableier?
<wb99999999> why don't you try to fly it manually
<wb99999999> if you don't have PEGAS then MJ is worse than manual flying sometimes
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<wb99999999> your rocket would probably flip around 350m/s, if my guess is right
<stewartx> i do
<stewartx> not even 100
<wb99999999> when does the pitch program happen?
<wb99999999> yeah just upload a video if you have what's needed, it'll be neat
<stewartx> on it
<stewartx> uploading
<stewartx> at least the explosion was pretty
<wb99999999> it's part of the intended gameplay you know XD
<Bornholio> the video is unavailable :p
<stewartx> should be fixed
<wb99999999> got it
<wb99999999> okay, there's 2 things you need to do
<wb99999999> first, take out those fins, you really don't need them
<wb99999999> second, re-align your booster
<stewartx> yeah so i've been reading
<stewartx> re-align?
<wb99999999> yes
<wb99999999> they're not aligned
<wb99999999> if you look top-down, you can see it
<wb99999999> and also turn corrective steering on
<wb99999999> PEGAS needed it
<stewartx> still nothing :-(
<wb99999999> hwat?
<wb99999999> but...but...
<stewartx> idk still uncontrollable
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<wb99999999> another thing then...
<wb99999999> do you mean to pitch side way?
<stewartx> should without the boosters
<stewartx> wdym?
<stewartx> it was even worse without the fins btw
<wb99999999> like, you know, usually rocket pitches along the wide side
<stewartx> oh yeah
<stewartx> it doens't even get to the pitch program tho
<wb99999999> and can you control it manually?
<stewartx> i might abandon this design
<wb99999999> oh and maybe check your fuel tank
<wb99999999> it looks a bit like an imbalance of fuel in the boosters
<stewartx> ok
<wb99999999> check if your fuel duct is connected
<stewartx> i'm gonna ditch the boosters and just see if i can launch the core
<wb99999999> go ahead
<Bornholio> what fairing is that? so far nothing you have is too weird, but it seems like the fairing is not eliminating the drag from the contents, otherwise your CoL should be lower
<wb99999999> Born I found out that I have became very reliant on a zero-AOA phase when I don't use PEGAS
<wb99999999> because I build those rocket with long fat fairing and bad balance (hydrolox upper)
<Bornholio> yeah i make sloppy rockets also, but nothin i see here is something that sticks out as not flyable.
<Bornholio> maybe just a tad bit of a low CoM
<wb99999999> neither do I
<wb99999999> I got his craft file and flown it myself
<wb99999999> I think even if the fairing is defunct it sill should't be this bad
<Bornholio> https://i.imgur.com/qV4nMnN.png flew this hot mess to orbit yesterday
<stewartx> procedural fairing
<stewartx> kw rocketry base
<wb99999999> are you crossfeeding your booster?
<wb99999999> if so, check if the pipe is still in place, sometimes the symmetrical attachment goes wrong
<stewartx> still unconftrollable with just the core
<stewartx> i'm going to take a break now
<stewartx> tired from partying last night
<stewartx> btw
<wb99999999> alright
<stewartx> does ckan download the older version of the mods for 1.2.2?
<wb99999999> yes
<stewartx> figures
<wb99999999> it downloads the correct version for your game
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<Bornholio> mostly
<wb99999999> Bornholio if you scroll up you can see stewartx's craft file
<wb99999999> maybe grab that and figure out what is going on, because I am very intrigued...
<Bornholio> I'd have to make a fresh install to get the mod list so it'll be a bit
<wb99999999> it's so weird...
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<Bornholio> https://i.imgur.com/vJQb8Qg.jpg couple years ago i was amazed by new horizons, this was what we had before
<Bornholio> and after https://i.imgur.com/OzTZLUb.jpg
<wb99999999> what kind of wavelength is these pics taken?
<Bornholio> new horizon was B&W plus four single color imagers http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/Mission/Spacecraft/Payload.php
<Bornholio> http://hubble.stsci.edu/the_telescope/nuts_.and._bolts/wavelengths.php hubble images were its weird vis light FGS imager
<Bornholio> Sad that JWST is delayed into 2019
<wb99999999> don't even start me on JWST
<Bornholio> no please do
<wb99999999> I read about it in a children's magazine back when I didn't even speak English and have no idea about videogams
<wb99999999> like, when I was 6 or something
<wb99999999> and the damn thing is still on the ground
<wb99999999> dozens of years later
<wb99999999> for a while I thought it definitely is up there doing science because the last time I saw it was so long ago
<wb99999999> but then 10 years later I started getting into aerospace stuff and woops
<wb99999999> it still hasn't been launched
<wb99999999> I am so very disappointed about it T_T
<Bornholio> Yes thats about right
<Bornholio> every 3rd president ramps it up, then one stagnates it and then big cuts, rinse and repeat
<wb99999999> well at least we now have a very beautiful animation of how it would looks like when they launch it
<stewartx> it's a mod for ksp
<stewartx> too
<wb99999999> much, much better than what we have in the 200s
<wb99999999> 2000s*
<Bornholio> They really need to start including a little fly along sat that films selfies of these things
<wb99999999> you know what's ironic about me reading about JWST 10+ years ago?
<stewartx> i'm not sure that's compatible with orbital mechanics.
<wb99999999> on the same magazine I learned about the Space Shuttle for the first time
<wb99999999> which, as we all know, it's no more
<Bornholio> I watched STS-1 land at edwards...
<wb99999999> wow
<Bornholio> still waiting for those 25 launches a year
<wb99999999> I have this strange experience of growing up reading about Apollo and Shuttle, but then grown up to see...what? SpaceX landing a booster on the pad?
<wb99999999> because I was so young back then I have no idea about the timeline, so in my head the moon landing just happened a few years ago
<Bornholio> for me it was Gene Cernan walked on the Moon when i was an infant
<Bornholio> pretty sad state. Hope to see it rectified in the next couple years
<wb99999999> I think people who wrote those articles I read didn't even know the recession of space exploration would last so long
<wb99999999> it's the early 2000s you know
<Bornholio> My angry opinion puts that one squarely on the ULA here in the US. Nasa paid for a lot of engine development and they squandered it until the only option was russian engines .sigh
<wb99999999> I remember a blog post about the F-1B booster engine mentioning that NASA teams had to relearn how to liquid engine by studying museum piece F-1s...
<wb99999999> it's almost humiliating
<Rokker> psh
<Rokker> wb99999999: every time they update the B-52 they have to call up old engineers to make sure they don't fuck it up
<Bornholio> happy new years to ya Rokker
<Rokker> Bornholio: and to you
<wb99999999> nice seeing you
<Bornholio> Rokker get to do a EC-135 resoration tour
<Rokker> wb99999999: you would be surprised how many documents for aircraft have been lost
<Rokker> you have to be a magician to work at the NMUSAF restoration hangar
<wb99999999> still, imagine telling someone "we landed on the moon" NASA needs to go through liquid rocket 101
<Rokker> wb99999999: but that's not what happened
<wb99999999> I mean I am exaggerating
<Rokker> relearning the basics isn't the same as learning how the engine worked
<wb99999999> you're right
<wb99999999> well I am still a little fuzzy about how ULA ended up using RD-180
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<Rokker> wb99999999: cheap Russian labor
<Bornholio> hmm Musky must be using slave labor also
<Rokker> Bornholio: basically
<wb99999999> so Bornholio can you tell me more about the ULA screw up you mentioned?
<stratochief> Ole' Musky
<Bornholio> The companies that make up the ULA have many billions of dollars of engine development under there belt, yet they have to go buy 60's engines from russia?
<Bornholio> their
<UmbralRaptor> *80s engines
<Bornholio> now that would be even sadder :P
<UmbralRaptor> You've heard the story of when the west learned about the NK-33, right?
<Bornholio> you mean those AJ26's :)
<UmbralRaptor> uh
<wb99999999> okay, I have to correct myself
<wb99999999> a sleek fairing do help with stability
<Bornholio> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h2XJJqxaxc AJ26-58 ala NK-33 at stennis
<Bornholio> this is the one that blew up on launch :P
<wb99999999> wow
<wb99999999> Alcentar's mod pack sure rendered this precisely
<wb99999999> the RealEngines mod
<wb99999999> I like how the camera get knocked over
<wb99999999> feels like someone saying "nope I'm out"
<wb99999999> do we know what happened in this accident?
<wb99999999> engine ruptured?
<Bornholio> look for the Irt document if you want more, there should be an executive sammary that isn't to bad to read
<Bornholio> short is that it was either fod in the LOX pump or it burned through
<wb99999999> so talking about the NK-33/AJ26
<wb99999999> why hasn't any Russian engines after that come even close to the T/W of these engines?
<wb99999999> actually RD-170 and its derivatives have a T/W that is lower than the US stuff
<Bornholio> reliability, single shaft and oxygen rich is really friggin hard. the Rus have always been good at high temp metalurgy though
<wb99999999> they did stick with oxygen rich
<Bornholio> manley has a really good video on the topic
<wb99999999> I probably watched it before
<wb99999999> watched most of his science videos
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<Bornholio> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QXZ2RzN_Oo at about 7:00 in
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<Bornholio> and have a good night i'm off to bang pans at the bad spirits, or drink bad spirits out of a pan :)
<wb99999999> good night
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<stewartx> is the integrated powerhead demonstrator in RO?
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<xShadowx> lol......just saw a commercial for the airforce, and they were using nasa's rockets as part of what they do, which is funny since most of the peeps that went to space were navy not airforce :P
<wb99999999> you sure about that's NASA's rocket?
<wb99999999> NASA doesn't operate many launch vehicle nowadays
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<BadRocketsCo> Greetings!
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<Oneiros> we need more perturbations in our orbits
<Oneiros> "..This discovery observed the consistent 1:1 correlation between very large positive gravity anomalies and depressed circular basins on the Moon."
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<Probus> Can you make R-7 boosters from procedural tanks?
<Bornholio> its a bit annoying but yes, NK has a good video doing one
<Probus> Do you remember Bornholio, if the booster is made from a single tank or a few tanks?
<Bornholio> my memory is several, the tip is a seperate nose peice, the body a cone , then a cylinder base, that is probably the attachment point for the decoupler, then some boat tail and the engine
<Bornholio> shouldn't be nearly as bad as a peice built atlas half stage :P
<Probus> Yeah, that would be a bear.
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<stewartx> o7
<Bornholio> o7 is very unstable :)
<soundnfury> allotropes ftw
<soundnfury> isn't there like an O₈ or something?
<soundnfury> under some ridiculous conditions like several GPa perhaps?
<Bornholio> thats a solid form
<Bornholio> not sure what 07 is
<soundnfury> maybe he meant oo7?
<Bornholio> or he placed his hand above brow and peered in to see whom was active
<soundnfury> is the sun up where he is? what's his timezone?
<soundnfury> it's dark here so that wouldn't be necessary
<Bornholio> its very white and sunny here
<Bornholio> also -17C so brrrrr
<Bornholio> sadly no metastable oxygens
* stewartx stares blankly
<soundnfury> ... happy new year stewartx.
<stewartx> ty
<stewartx> why does the saturn aps use so much helium to propellant 90%?
<soundnfury> don't recall it using helium at all. but is that a volume ratio or a mass ratio you're looking at?
<soundnfury> helium is pretty low density, gases all get bit numbers ;)
<soundnfury> *big
<Bornholio> probably for high chamber pressure and fast fuel delivery, unless youre noting a problem, the APS could have very poorly even operated on just spray if it failed to ignite
<stewartx> just looking in RO
<Bornholio> there needs to be a ground station RT part so i can put up stations
<Bornholio> pap no recover from orbit until tech? just made a cheaty high drag recovery pod "FOR SCIENCE" but i have no contracts showing yet.
<stewartx> umm
<stewartx> how can i see what's chewing power
<Bornholio> its almost always the controls, pods eat power fast also
<stewartx> https://i.imgur.com/T7syISn.jpg i've turned the reaction wheels off and it's got a deficit
<stewartx> do i need bigger solar panels?
<Bornholio> can you turn off the avionics
<Bornholio> ie what probe core are you using
<stewartx> 1t satellite bus
<Bornholio> can disable
<Bornholio> can disable
<Bornholio> goes from 120-1.5w
<stewartx> is that hibernate?
<Bornholio> yes
<stewartx> is there a way to calculate power usage in the vab
<Bornholio> just add up consumers ElectricCharge system - 1EC/s = 1kW, 1EC = 1kJ.
<soundnfury> Bornholio: yeah that contract depends on having a HS part unlocked
<Bornholio> thanks, figured i'm too early, but wanted that returnable science :)
<Bornholio> one of the nose cones needs some reduced temp limits i'd guess since it made a good enough heat shield to get a sounding rocket core and a bit of support back to earth
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<Bornholio> https://imgur.com/a/gwhUz stewartx i made this craft unstable just for you.
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<Pap> Yeah bornholio, tried to stop you and your chesty exploits. :)
<Pap> Happy New Year everyone!
<Bornholio> Pappy new year to yall to
<soundnfury> HNY Pap
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<stewartx> and does mechjeb fly it Bornholio
<Bornholio> Shuttle PEG10 fly's it straight to tolar orbit 280x306km
<Bornholio> polar
<stewartx> can i have the craft file
<stewartx> any exotic mods?
<Bornholio> no very few
<Bornholio> are you on DEV?
<stewartx> dev of?
<Bornholio> or master/ckan
<stewartx> ckan
<Bornholio> ah, yeah bad juju then
<stewartx> ah
<Bornholio> i'll post it anyways
<stewartx> dev of RO?
<Bornholio> ro and RP-0
<stewartx> mmm okay
<stewartx> never played iwth RP-0
<Bornholio> very awesome changes, just needs more testing and a NK to push it :P
<stewartx> well
<stewartx> if peg10 can help me with my orbiting i might be able to check it out
<stewartx> always struggled with it whenever i used to play RO
<Bornholio> can you get to orbit manually?
<stewartx> not reliably
<Bornholio> what style of rocket are you using? One thing PEG can't handle well is anything that needs the coast phase
<stewartx> nope
<stewartx> wouldn't standard mechjeb be able to handle that?
<Bornholio> not well
<stewartx> i've been having stability/controll issues
<stewartx> oh what's the problem there?
<Bornholio> assuming you are on 1.2.2 KSP
<stewartx> yes
<Bornholio> Most of the time i go to orbit on smartA.S.S.
<Bornholio> Start in surface mode UP, the use the pitch heading settings to push the nose over keep the pitch moving down until i get close to my target AP, then use the pitch control to keep the climb rate low and correct for changing TWR's as it stages
<stewartx> yeah same
<Bornholio> If your burn time is long enough, PEG will do all that automatically, and get to orbit in a single long burn (staging included), things it won't handle well are Hot Staging (still works just some accuracy loss), Coast phase (again may do it but its less accurate)
<stewartx> yup peg is working well
<stewartx> mostly
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<Starwaster> stewartx PEG mostly works at night. Mostly.
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<wb99999999> YO
<stewartx> o7 wb99999999
<stewartx> HELLO
<stewartx> and that's how world war iii started
<wb99999999> yep
<stratochief> WWIII will also be known as 'the autocorrect war'
<wb99999999> oh man I'd start a war against that
<wb99999999> damn it took me 5 tries to speed "against" right
<wb99999999> ...
<wb99999999> and another one for SPELL