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<Starwaster> lamont how much trouble will Q limit and accel limit cause PEG? or are they safe by now?
<Starwaster> especially with regards to trying launch to rendezvous with a target
<Starwaster> in fact that's really my only concern, I feel confident enough in it to use those limits just on a general launch to orbit
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<Bornholio> point me at todays update mods
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<lamont> well it’ll mess up PEGs prediction, but the atmosphere itself messes up PEGs prediction
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<lamont> i don’t know about accel limits
<lamont> for booster stages that would work
<lamont> if the accel limits kick in for the insertion stage that might be odd? PEG might just figure it out, but i haven’t ever tested that
<lamont> constant accel thrust integrals are actually straight forwards, and PEG could just be fixed to do that right, but it has never bubbled up to the top of my TODO list
<lamont> but the shuttle had to support that to not squish astronauts so PEG supports that
<lamont> and the constant accel thrust integratls are actually more stable than the constant thrust ones
<lamont> so… maybe?
<lamont> lemme know if its busted and i can certainly fix it
<Starwaster> lamont nah I limit the limiter to the early stages. The upper stages are naturally configured for around 0.88 TWR
<Starwaster> (see what I did there...? so funny... ok maybe not)
<lamont> heh
<lamont> yeah i think it should figure it out
<lamont> it won’t be optimal but none of the atmospheric trajectory is optimal
<lamont> AFAIK i correctly go through the ThrustController for everything so those limits should get applied, if not it should be a simple bugfix
<awang> !wpn -add:wpn controller
<Qboid> awang: Weapon added!
<Bornholio> trading this for mod updates
<awang> !kd next
<Qboid> awang: ID: 20 | Name: Канопус-В 3 & 4, S-Net 1–4, Lemur-2 z1–z4/Фрегат-М/Союз-2.1а | Time: 2018-02-01 02:07:18 | Unixtime: 1517450838 | Left: 0d 1h 13m 3s
<Qboid> awang: Description: A Союз-2.1а with Фрегат-М upper stage will launch two Канопус-В satellites ( from Площадка 1С (Восточный) into a heliosynchronous orbit.
<Bornholio> ok that didn't work, trading dancing girls for updates
<Starwaster> green dancing girls or no deal
<Bornholio> ok moving on to trading a whole delta heavy for mods
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<ProjectThoth> Anyone in here a pencil nerd?
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<Bornholio> YES
<taniwha> ProjectThoth: a what?
<ProjectThoth> taniwha: Pencil nerd.
<taniwha> go on...
<ProjectThoth> Bornholio: Alright, here's my question, what color was the eraser on the *original* Blackwing 602?
<ProjectThoth> It looks almost red to me.
<Bornholio> pinkish or redish
<taniwha> fair enough
<Bornholio> but thats most penicl older tha twenty
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<Bornholio> its a wedge thing right
<taniwha> (could have been someone who used pencils for some nerdy pursuit)
<ProjectThoth> I just got a box of Blackwing 602s in the mail.
<ProjectThoth> Bornholio: Yeah, I'm not sure if that's due to age or if they were legitimately red.
<ProjectThoth> Looking to swap the black ones out. God bless Palomino, but the black eraser just looks off.
<Bornholio> no its a light red pretty sure
<Bornholio> salmon color might be most accruate
<ProjectThoth> That's about what I'm seeing, agreed.
<ProjectThoth> Though it's tough to say if the pink or the red is closer to the OG color.
<ProjectThoth> Eh, it'
<ProjectThoth> It's cheap enough that I might as well pick up both colors and see which one works out the best. Red seems accurate to early production 602s. Pink is close, but not the same as, late production ones.
<ProjectThoth> Just need a salmon color one, argh!
<ProjectThoth> Then again, these look really pink.
<taniwha> ProjectThoth: probably not the shade you're looking for...
<ProjectThoth> taniwha: I'm so jealous; I slept right through it!
<taniwha> sorry the focus wasn't better
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<ProjectThoth> taniwha: Not an RO screenshot?
<taniwha> RL skyshot? ;)
<ProjectThoth> The textures are out of control! :P
<taniwha> trying to use manual focus with a small display on a rickety tripod is no fun
<ProjectThoth> Yeah... for that reason, it's amazing we actually got pictures taken at night before the 1990s.
<taniwha> yeah
<ProjectThoth> Nice!
<taniwha> btw, that's just a (good) camera + telephoto lens
<ProjectThoth> I tried astrophotography once, didn't work too great.
<taniwha> Olympus E-M1II + M.Zuiko ED 40-150mm + 1.4x teleconverter MC-14
<ProjectThoth> Nice!
<taniwha> many not so nice shots in that directory (figuring out good settings, took a while to realize I should grab my phone and use it to fire the shutter)
<taniwha> also, varying levels of haze
<taniwha> most of the total eclipse shots were 8s, thus the slight streaking
<taniwha> except when I fiddled with the exposure setting and got a 50s shot :P
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> o/
<Qboid> NathanKell: awang left a message for you in #RO [31.01.2018 15:35:02]: "how many engines does it take for TF to become an issue?"
<Qboid> NathanKell: maxsimal_home left a message for you in #RO [31.01.2018 17:19:08]: "looked into that problem with your SR contract progress getting wiped. I don't see how it happened unless there was a data store problem. I think maybe what happened was it got reset when you hit another altitude record - might be worth someone double checking the altitude record contract"
<taniwha> NathanKell: hi o/
<NathanKell> !tell awang 2 or 3 tops. It's quite slow.
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<NathanKell> !tell Maxsimal* yep it was an altitude breaker that did it somehow I think
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<NathanKell> o/ taniwha
<taniwha> you look at my photos yet?
<Vader111> o7
<taniwha> hi, Vader111
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|Twitch
<ProjectThoth> taniwha: The 50s shot looks like an album cover. :P
<Vader111> hi
<taniwha> ProjectThoth: heh
<NathanKell|Twitch> !tell Maxsimal* the other deeper problem with the SR contracts is that by the end they pay better than orbital launches. They really shouldn't be paying 1/3 of a lunar launch (and I'm probably not even at the end of the progression string)
<Qboid> NathanKell|Twitch: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Bornholio> thoth you nerd :P
<ProjectThoth> Bornholio: When I find something I care about, I get really nerdy about it.
<ProjectThoth> Case in point: I actively use a slide rule in class.
<Bornholio> i use an RPN calculator, not quite as nerdy
<NathanKell|Twitch> !tell Maxsimal* correction I think I am at the end of the progression. But still, ~50k advance and 50k payout is quite a lot
<Qboid> NathanKell|Twitch: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<ProjectThoth> Bornholio: Got any good pencil brands to suggest? All of my Amazon orders are add-ons. :/
<Bornholio> no, just have my old drafting pencils, if you o that way sometimes you find good finds on ebay, but its a mixed bag, or a ripoff
<Bornholio> I prefer floating leads/mechanical and nice nippon erasers
<ProjectThoth> Hmm, drafting pencils. My EDC is a Pentel P207, which I love to pieces.
<Bornholio> well have agood night
<ProjectThoth> Cheers!
<Bornholio> vader thanks for the .dll and config fixes
<Bornholio> vade111 ^
<Bornholio> bah
<Vader111> no worrys
<Vader111> did you work for you?
<Bornholio> yes, posted to the sheet also
<Vader111> no worrys
<Starwaster> does 80W/cm2 sound right for Mercury?
<Vader111> night
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<saabstory88> Alright, so what version of Unity are we using these days?
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<saabstory88> Rokker: How’s the museum?
<Rokker> saabstory88: great as always
<saabstory88> Titan IV still keeping you company?
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<Rokker> saabstory88: t-3 months until the Memphis Belle is put on display
<Rokker> and yep
<saabstory88> I still need to take a trip out there. Trying to convince my wife that the 4 hr drive is worth it
<Rokker> saabstory88: psh, that's what everyone says
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<NathanKell|Twitch> blowfish: Node alignments are in universe-space. So if you align along the maneuver node vector you should be fine.
<NathanKell|Twitch> That's how I did my "unguided solid insertion into lunar orbit" stuff
<NathanKell|Twitch> Which you'll see quite soon
NathanKell|Twitch is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> (when I do it again, for this campaign, I mean)
<lamont> aww i missed the twitch
<lamont> missed the launch earlier today too, i am just not in sync today
<saabstory88> I mean, the real launch payoff happened after the webcast
<SpecimenSpiff> oh?
<Qboid> SpecimenSpiff: awang left a message for you in #RO [31.01.2018 12:41:22]: "Never mind, I see Vader111 found the fix"
<SpecimenSpiff> I didnt keep up with the launch news today either
<SpecimenSpiff> I know they had a good launch, but thats it
<saabstory88> SpecimenSpiff: The landing was a failure though
<lamont> successful planned failure
<NathanKell> brb nomz
<blowfish> NathanKell: odd, I was definitely off alignment when I tried it
<saabstory88> It was a failure in the sense that it was supposed to be destroyed on landing, but somehow survived
<SpecimenSpiff> oh cool
<SpecimenSpiff> ill have to see if there is vid
<SpecimenSpiff> or is just reports?
<lamont> just a pic so far of it floating in the water intact
<saabstory88> Now they have to tow it back to land. They can’t just leave it floating intact in the Atlantic
<SpecimenSpiff> lol I can imagine the headlines if a ship crashed into it
<saabstory88> Or some other country scooped it up
<ProjectThoth> I'm looking forward to Musk tweeting a picture of him riding the floating stage, cowboy hat in hand.
<saabstory88> Holding a flamethrower
<blowfish> oh nice, Tricom 1R is this week
<blowfish> 2nd attempt for the world's smallest orbital LV
<saabstory88> Which LV?
<SpecimenSpiff> I have a friend who lives in Florida, he kindly promised me some cell phone video next Tuesday. Lol
<blowfish> SS-520-5
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<blowfish> it's a modified sounding rocket
<saabstory88> That’s pretty cool!
<saabstory88> I remember way back in the early days of the Orbital Mechanics podcast, they joked about the Russians launching orbital payloads from a submarine. Then I corrected them to let them know that they had actually done just that
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<NathanKell> back
<SpecimenSpiff> I'm catching up, my lunar attempt will be tomorrow looks like
<SpecimenSpiff> I need to figure out the best way to upgrade my LV for another 2.5km/sec
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|Twitch
<SpecimenSpiff> obvious answer is jsut to stretch the rd-108 core and add oh, say 4 rd-107 boosters...
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<blowfish> SpecimenSpiff: what's your 2nd stage?
<SpecimenSpiff> sorry, was watching stream
NathanKell|Twitch is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> and gn all
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
<Vader111> night
<SpecimenSpiff> currently, I have an xasr, providing about 4km dV with my 20in probe onit
<SpecimenSpiff> figure that should still be enough for tli even after I add the bigger antenna, etc
<lamont> hmmm need to get NK on shuttle PEG
<SpecimenSpiff> so I either need to make that my 3rd stage and add a 2nd stage, or add boosters, or something
<blowfish> I would recommend the first option
<SpecimenSpiff> but my current booster has a liftoff twr of 1.7 and isn't even close to max burn time, so there is a good bit of capacity
<blowfish> are you going all soviet engines?
<blowfish> ahh yeah, increasing first stage burn time would help
<SpecimenSpiff> But there is also the fact that I'm in theory do a soviet campaign, and the problem of the proper rocket has already been solved for me...
<SpecimenSpiff> I actually need to look up what engine they used for tli on luna, I don't see anything obvious coming up on my tech tree
<SpecimenSpiff> maybe Im missing a mod
<blowfish> RD-0105
<SpecimenSpiff> xasr works fine, but is not of course correct
<blowfish> I forget which node it's in though
<blowfish> 1958 maybe
<SpecimenSpiff> hm, Ive got my core to correct r-7 block b dimensions as far as I can tell, and it's 16 seconds short on burn time, even with what is probably higher then correct utilization
<SpecimenSpiff> aha, one tank empty, now its almost perfect
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<SpecimenSpiff> and yes, rd0105 is in the next node after the 107/107, 1958
<SpecimenSpiff> ouch 246 days to research that, might need to spend some more kct upgrade points
<SpecimenSpiff> that would put me into 1956
<blowfish> yeah unfortunately no good early soviet 2nd stages
<SpecimenSpiff> I really, really, really wish the procedural parts dialog wouldnt magically resize and move itself when you're trying to adjust values
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<Bornholio> Scatterer 0.0324 has fixes, calls 1.3.1 as base ksp and is released :P plz test if your rp-1in'
<Bornholio> also please give feed back to mods on the list
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<Vader111> bornholio tried it with rssve it no work
<Vader111> the configs have been changed in the new version
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<awang> Vader111: Did you get the newest RSSVE?
<Qboid> awang: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [01.02.2018 04:03:28]: "2 or 3 tops. It's quite slow."
<Vader111> no
<awang> There were changes this past weekend
<Vader111> yeah but blackrack has changed the scatterer configs abit
<awang> !tell NathanKell* Wow, that's a lot fewer than I expected. Yeah, guess I'll take a look after KRASH, since RealScience seems to be on hold while Pap gets regular science sorted out
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> Vader111: Right, but I'd imagine the RSSVE changes would compensate for that
<awang> Actually looks like they were released the same day
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<Mike`> Bornholio, awang, the new scatterer plus rssve master work fine for me so far, although i haven't done alot yet
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<soundnfury> o/ BadRocketsCo
<Probus> I wish there was a gravity assist app for RSS/RO.
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<BadInternetCo> o/ soundnfury
<BadInternetCo> And o/ to everyone else too
<BadInternetCo> Quick question, how much dV do you usualy get into your venus orbiters?
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<BadRocketsCo> K, back
<soundnfury> I think about 800 is the minimum, if you're happy with a highly elliptical. But I'd pack more to be on the safe side.
<BadRocketsCo> Ah, okay
<BadRocketsCo> This dV map i am looking out gives me about 3000m/s for a low orbit
<BadRocketsCo> Which feels like a bit much
<BadRocketsCo> Aerobraking is apparently impossible in KSP because the satellite burns up before the atmosphere can start doing its things
<BadRocketsCo> Antennaes just go boom even before entering the atmosphere
<BadRocketsCo> I am guessing the game isn't used to such high temperature atmospheres
<lamont> you can aerobrake from a highly elliptical orbit on venus down to a roughly circular orbit using multiple revolution, its just a massive PITA
<BadRocketsCo> Hmm, okay. Yeah, I guess irl space programs aren't in as much of a rush as we are :D
<lamont> would really like to know if the MJ scripting interface could be used to automate that
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<Mike`> interesting, something makes my KSP a giant memory leak it seams like - eating memory even while paused via menu
<Mike`> seems*
<Probus> Me too Mike'
<Mike`> :\
<Probus> Have you got Haystack installed?
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<Mike`> probus_, no
<Mike`> i'm currently suspecting principia a bit, because i was experimenting with a 30d flight plan and trajectory before memory usage exploded :) have to watch memory a bit closer it seems
<Mike`> can be anything though
<Mike`> it's really interesting though that it grows while the game is paused and basically nothing should happen
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<awang> Mike`: We need to bother the Unity devs more to hurry up with sgen
<awang> We need compacted heaps yesterday
<awang> I'm also curious whether the 30d flight plan would affect anything
<awang> I played around with longer transfers to Venus/Mars, and those didn't cause RAM bloat
<awang> I think
<awang> Might be because KSP usually runs at 20 gigs on my computer, though, so any increase is small
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<probus_> 20 gigs! Thats a bunch. Mine starts about 6-7 and I restart around 13-14.
<awang> Mine starts around 17GB and I never restart for RAM >_>
<awang> Pretty sure it's gotten up to 28GB before
<awang> My computer only has 16GB...
<awang> But for some reason it doesn't seem like it's that much slower
<probus_> ???
<awang> Doesn't seem to be hitting the swap file that frequently
probus_ is now known as Probus
<awang> So I figured that it's just requesting a ton of pages from the OS but never actually using them
<awang> So I get a nice 20GB swap file
<Probus> Does yours get slower and slower awang?
<awang> idk, it's always slow :P
<awang> Well, in flight at least
<awang> 40-60 fps in the editor
<Probus> what about pauses every few seconds?
<awang> For flight it's just MJ
<awang> Trying to remember...
<awang> I think my computer actually gets away with a decent amount of time between GC pauses
<awang> I want to say I can get away with >1 minute between pauses?
<awang> It's been a while since I've been in the flight scene
<awang> I'll check next time
<Probus> Its about 15 seconds for me.
<Bornholio> memgraph time if you have enough memory
<Probus> I will try that.
<Bornholio> learn how to use it before play and pray
<awang> memgraph actually didn't help me that much
<Probus> :)
<awang> idk why
<Bornholio> also i find dx11 make a gbig difference for my memmory ussage untill my mod list is obnoxious
<Probus> Do you know where you find what version of directx you have installed?
<Probus> in windows 10
<Probus> I guess I could look it up...
<Bornholio> if you run kxp default its dx9
<Bornholio> you need to run it with command line switches to do GOL or Dx11
<Bornholio> OGL
<Probus> OK. I'll check into that.
<Probus> That is interesting.
<Mike`> awang, oO i have 16GB, and when KSP hits 14GB it's time to think about a restart bnecause everything else has started to swap
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<awang> Mike`: idk, something is really weird with my install
<awang> Loading times are suuuuper long, but the computer isn't swapping much
<awang> I can still do other things on here pretty snappy
<awang> And it's not because it's an SSD
<awang> I've swapped this computer to death before, and KSP wasn't the reason
<awang> I want to say that KSP usually has a ton of inactive memory
<awang> I'll check next time I boot up KSP
<Probus> Is there a way to stop swap files from being used with KSP?
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<awang> Maybe on Linux?
<awang> idk about other OSs
<awang> I want to say no for Windows, since it's the OS taking care of swapping
<awang> Regular applications are not aware of swap
<Bornholio> pap linky me the science experiment spreadsheet
<Bornholio> also for RP-1 remember many science changes read up at
<awang> Can't wait to switch to RealScience and confuse people even more
<Mike`> gn :)
<Bornholio> crew science is in the pods
<Bornholio> should all work assuming you have the right version of wild blue tools installed
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<Pap> Don't tell me what to do Bornholio
<Pap> JK, won't be in a position until later. Remind me in 3 hours?
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