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<acharles> How is everyone?
<taniwha> hi, acharles
<taniwha> pretty good
<Bornholio> Hey
<Bornholio> awang i have a TF reliability for R-4D-11 on several engines, maybe all? very long burn time, its not selectable though, just information block in Vab
<Bornholio> looks like all my "Rocket" engines
<Bornholio> I'll restart with the new RF dll pair next
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<lamont> cd
<Bornholio> what directory?
<lamont> err
<lamont> my ksp rss 1.3.1 install dir plz...
<Bornholio> Format C:\\*.*
<Bornholio> darnit couldn't rescue a tundra orbit with RCS
<awang> Bornholio: Sorry, I'm not quite understanding what's going on
<awang> Mind expanding?
<Bornholio> prrobably not your dll :P
<awang> Hey, it might be
<Bornholio> so you know the info boxes in the engines before placing them. I have extra ones on all my rocket engines
<awang> The middle click for TF info?
<awang> Or the ones when hovering over the part in the part list?
<Bornholio> in the parts list
<awang> Hmmm
<Bornholio> would seem like something that would require a .cfg to make happen
<awang> idk
<awang> I think the popups are created by code
<awang> Maybe I'm making an extra one by accident?
<awang> I'm booting KSP
<awang> might be a while though
<Bornholio> i'll load those pair of dll you gave me last after dishes
<Bornholio> do you know if the .mdb and .pdb files are needed or are they compile time files
<awang> Yeah, I don't see any changes in what I compiled from master that would create an extra tooltip
<awang> I wouldn't be surprised if I missed anything though
<awang> No, they aren't needed
<awang> They contain debug info
<awang> That Unity apparently doesn't use, unfortunately
<awang> You'd use them for line-by-line debugging, for line numbers in stack traces, etc.
<awang> I think
<Bornholio> k
<awang> *nix embeds those in the executable/library
<awang> MSVC uses external files
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<Bornholio> looks interesting
<Bornholio> what does the other colors indicate?
<taniwha> the blue/orange is just because the mouse was over the toggle
<taniwha> green is enabled, dark(?) is disabled (whole set)
<Bornholio> now if you can put them in a seperate window, you'll be granting me a wish i've had since playing elite in the '80s
<taniwha> what do you mean?
<Bornholio> I want UI that i can put on the other screen :P
<taniwha> anyway, that's the first actually useful bit of the gui
<taniwha> oh, not-ksp window
<taniwha> yeah, something like that would be nice
<Bornholio> Allways wanted Elite to support 5 screens, one for each view, FRLA and Turret, since i'd fly in turret mode and off axis control is difficult enough
<Bornholio> or at least move the radar and controls to their own :)
<taniwha> *nod*
<taniwha> btw, "separator" is because I haven't figured out a good way to get relevant stage info
<taniwha> but with docking ports, the child vessel's name is extracted
<Bornholio> how does it handle EC
<taniwha> just another resource
<taniwha> the idea of this resource manager is to manage resources by module rather than by part
<Bornholio> clustered by symetry then
<taniwha> within the module, yes
<Bornholio> awang the dll's didn't change my weirdness
<awang> Bornholio: As in the new DLLs didn't change anything, or removing the DLLs didn't change anything?
<Bornholio> the new dlls didn't change anything, i'll put old dll's in next time i load
<Bornholio> at least not the weirdness
<awang> taniwha: Is that for moving things around or locking resources?
<taniwha> awang: it will be for moving things
<taniwha> but I figured an easy way to mass-(un)lock resources would be nice
<awang> Bornholio: You'll probably end up loading with the old DLLs before I finish loading my install
<awang> taniwha: Sort of like TAC fuel balancer?
<taniwha> yeah
<taniwha> basically TAC FB on steroids
<Bornholio> yeah for hover over current tooltip info
<awang> You have my interest
<awang> TAC fuel balancer is pretty nice
<awang> I'm curious how you can make it even better
<awang> Although to be fair I've pretty much only used it for dumping fuel
<taniwha> mainly in the clumping of resources into modules
<awang> Because I have a bad habit of bringing way too much with me
<awang> Oh, so more fine-grained grouping?
<awang> Interesting
<taniwha> I got tired of having to transfer resources from lots of tanks to lots of tanks
<awang> I can relate
<taniwha> with this I'll be able to transfer from (eg) docked transfer ship to station
<awang> Although probably for a different situation
<taniwha> actually, it's watching Shadow Zone's Ozymandias series that inspired the mass lock/unlock
<awang> The what series now?
<awang> Jeez that's a lot of tanks
<Bornholio> RSSVE is spamming me in console
<awang> Bornholio: Yeah, I'm not getting weirdness with the new RF dlls
<awang> idk what's going on
<lamont> finally getting around to installing earth
<Bornholio> using pap's scaled Textures?
<lamont> cloning that right now
<lamont> what are they?
<Bornholio> they work with the load on demand stuff in kopernicus
<awang> I think they're technically required for RSS 1.3.1, too?
<awang> Or at least that's the impression I got
<lamont> should i get master of Kopernicus or is CKAN good enough for that?
<Bornholio> mster is quite a few commits ahead
<Bornholio> master
<lamont> i see africa
<lamont> yeah but more commits can be good or bad
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<ebigunso> hello, is anyone online?
<ebigunso> I'm trying to create a RO compatible config for MKS, and want to know by what standards you guys modify the Electric Charge capacity for new parts. I've checked the existing configs for other parts, but it seemed quite random and unrelated to the original EC capacity of the part in question, so I wanted to know how I could calculate how much I should set.
<lamont> i’m online but i’m not an expert on that
<ebigunso> hmm, ok. Good to see someone online though :)
<lamont> NathanKell has been around of late but its his annual date of his spawning this weekend
<lamont> i want to say that 3600 EC is supposed to be one kWh, but i could be confused
<lamont> i always have to look that up and wind up asking people
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<ebigunso> I'm thinking of just taking numbers from some existing configs of parts with similar mass, but if there's a better real life example that I can take from I'd love to know.
<ebigunso> I guess that's kind of hard to find though, since MKS is essentially about surface colonies that we haven't really set up any in real life
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<BadRocketsCo> Hullo
<ebigunso> hello :)
<BadRocketsCo> Any updates on RO 1.3?
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<Starwaster> Does Kopernicus have the same camera issues that RSS had with scaled down planet surfaces with gas giant types? (erratic camera rotation if you get below the altitude of the hard coded surface of Jool)
<Starwaster> anyone know?
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<Pap> o/
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<Starwaster> why why WHY won't MJ2 execute my goddamn maneuver node?
<lamont> which MJ version? mine?
<lamont> i think there’s still a small dV node + 0s lead time bug that i have to track down (its still on my board)
<lamont> try a 30s lead time if that’s the case
<Starwaster> lamont ok.... not just not wanting to execute, sometimes it won't even point at the node... is this related to PEG? Is it somehow replacing the old node executor with PEG logic?
<lamont> yes
<lamont> make sure you’re on #14, i cleaned up a lot of those bugs recently
<lamont> (its not related to PEG itself, its related to all the other wiring around it)
<Starwaster> yeah it's #14
<lamont> smallish burn and/or no lead time?
<Starwaster> I left it to do a long burn and when I got back it had burned almost twice the amount it was supposed to (95% of my props) and instead of a nice elliptical orbit I was in a suborbital and it was burning 90 degrees away from the node
<Starwaster> please don't let that go mainstream without a toggle for the old behavior
<lamont> no, that’s on my board to add a GUI switdch for that
<Starwaster> this is some serious regression here
<lamont> i need to do a serious GUI overhaul once the major bugs have been worked out
<lamont> so were you doing a long burn from a low earth/kerbin orbit? something that took a large fraction of the orbital period to execute the orbit?
<lamont> i’m guessing that PEG might have taken you into the atmosphere
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<Pap> !tell Bornholio I ran into an issue with your install instructions, but it might be a user error. Procedural Fairings caused my game to crash, removed it and everything loads fine. What is the right version to get?
<Qboid> Pap: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Starwaster> lamont no, it didn't have a chance to
<awang> Pap: I have proc fairings v4.0
<Pap> awang: Do you have a link handy? If not, no problem, I will go search later
<awang> Pap: No, I just read the version from my git log
<awang> Sorry :(
<Pap> No worry!
<lamont> Starwaster: did it have any warp time to the node or was it fairly immediate execution?
<Starwaster> lamont yes there was timewarp. it stopped the warp as it approached the time of burn (measured by the countdown) and then sailed on past
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<Probus> Glimpse of tomorrow's launch:
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<Probus> If I were betting I'd say it explodes around max Q. I bet something shakes loose. If it can get by max Q I bet it can nail all three landings.
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<Probus> Maximum "shakeage" (a technical term) is probably at launch though.
<Pap> I am still going with a scrubbed launch
<Probus> History would be on your side Pap
<lamont> 10% explodes, 10% perfect landings, %80 scrubbed launch
<Starwaster> I'm betting that tomorrow, a Tesla is going to be getting its ass to Mars.
<Starwaster> my feral girl Martha has one paw on my shoulder and the other one keeps reaching around to my face to prod me with her claws
<UmbralRaptor> Starwaster: cat!
<Starwaster> yeah, feral girl cat
<Starwaster> we're on petting terms though
<Starwaster> I swear to god, every time I let Github for Windows update itself it screws something up
<Starwaster> this time it decided to not install Git Bash...
<Starwaster> actually I don't think that's true, I think it just forgot where it was because it IS installed... was installed...
<Starwaster> I think Github just likes to periodically kick me in the balls and then when I collapse writhing on the ground it just sits there kicking me in the balls some more, while I'm down... with sharp pointy Leisure Suit Larry style shoes...
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<Probus> I've been told Github enjoys that kind of thing Starwaster
<Starwaster> true story
<soundnfury> #NotAllRepositories
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