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<awang> Starwaster: I could have sworn that lamont said something about PEG's predictions being wildly off when sitting on the ground
<awang> Can't seem to find it
<awang> But that may make it a bit more difficult to figure out if you can make it
<awang> Proper trajectory optimization might be able to do that though
<awang> If/when MJ gets it
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<awang> Heh
<awang> I found Agathorn in a Unity forums post asking about Slinq documentation
<Starwaster> awang sitting on the ground doesn't make it fluctuate wildly. That's an indicator that 'YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SPACE TODAY'
<Starwaster> (well you might get there but your ass sure as hell aint staying there...)
<Starwaster> From now on, 'just my two √'s' is going to be my catch phrase
<Starwaster> I think it sounds pretty cool... of course... just my two √'s
<soundnfury> that's either totally radical, or completely absurd.
<Starwaster> "Somebody said ... when you come to within three miles (5 km), you've rendezvoused. If anybody thinks they've pulled a rendezvous off at three miles (5 km), have fun! This is when we started doing our work. I don't think rendezvous is over until you are stopped – completely stopped – with no relative motion between the two vehicles, at a range of approximately 120 feet (37 m). That's rendezvous! From there on, it's stationkeeping. That's when
<Starwaster> you can go back and play the game of driving a car or driving an airplane or pushing a skateboard – it's about that simple."
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<awang> Starwaster: I mean, PEG being way off doesn't mean its prediction has to change a ton
<awang> Also, for loops to avoid garbage burns my soul
<awang> I can only hope that the JIT will get rid of all these variables
<awang> Since I have no clue what parts of the KSP API allocate and which ones don't
<awang> The pains of having everything be a reference
<taniwha> awang: basic types (int, float, double, pointers (you don't /see/ the pointer normally, but any var with a class type)) do not cause allocation
<taniwha> they are stored in local memory
<awang> taniwha: Right
<awang> It's more things like "This returns a List<Part>, but is that a reference to one or a newly allocated one?"
<awang> If this were C++, I'd just need to look for * or &
<awang> Also, question for those of you that use KRASH
<awang> Would you like something that shows the cost of your rocket as-is, and the cost of the rocket if all toolings were purchased?
<awang> Well
<awang> I guess that would more properly go into RP-0...
<Rokker> taniwha: little babby japarocket
<Rokker> what are your feelings on it
<taniwha> Rokker: haven't seen it, but cool
<awang> Gah
<awang> Why is PartModuleList a thing
<awang> Is List<PartModule> not good enough?
<taniwha> awang: FindModulesImplementing returns a new list
<awang> taniwha: Is there a way for me to learn that?
<Rokker> taniwha: do you even know what im talking about?
<awang> Besides decompiling the code?
<taniwha> however, much more efficient to do something like "for (int i = part.Modules.Count; i-- > 0; ) {...}"
<awang> taniwha: Yep, I did that
<taniwha> (unless you need to go forward)
<awang> So many nesting levels...
<awang> Is there an advantage to going backwards as opposed to forwards?
<taniwha> Rokker: not really, it hasn't been on the news when I passed the TV
<taniwha> awang: fastest loop form
<awang> I just need to cover all modules in a vessel
<Rokker> taniwha: latest launch, new smallest orbital launch vehicle ever
<taniwha> but really, since you are using an external compiler, just use foreach
<Rokker> breaking the record set by the Lambda L4-S
<awang> And PartModuleList prevents me from using Slinq, which prevents me from doing something shorter :(
<taniwha> (unless it's an inner loop)
<awang> taniwha: Is it actually faster?
<awang> How?
<Rokker> taniwha: launched a 3U cubesat
<taniwha> it's only the mono compiler that Unity uses that causes foreach to generate garbage
<awang> This is called in one of the GUI methods, so I guess it might be an inner loop?
<taniwha> yeah, inner loop
<awang> Ideally it'd only be updated when the vessel changes, but that's not how KRASH is structured
<awang> I think
<taniwha> might be a good idea to fix KRASH
<awang> Oh, modern mono compilers translate it into something better?
<taniwha> in my experience, most mods are very poorly written
<awang> "zero-cost abstraction"?
<awang> Yeah, I'm tempted to
<taniwha> dunno about zero, but yeah
<awang> Just seems to be a relatively large undertaking
<taniwha> it will be a larger undertaking than you expect (always is)
<Bornholio> easy way to put size slider in a part short of tweakscale?
<taniwha> but it's almost always worth it
<awang> And this is something that might be quite helpful for RP-0, so I figured I might as well get something out rather than taking forever to rewrite
<awang> Yeah
<awang> I'd love to move to a more event-based architecture
<taniwha> awang: I think I was the original advocate of event-based architectures in the modding community
<taniwha> (everybody else was busy polling :P)
<awang> Oh, really?
<awang> I strongly agree!
<taniwha> now, many of my modules do not have any Update functions :)
<Rokker> compared to a Castor 4xl
<awang> How long did it take for you to start convincing people to switch?
<awang> Actually, now that I think about it...
<taniwha> Rokker: 可愛い :)
<awang> Urgh
<awang> Hopeful idea ran into reality :(
<taniwha> awang: from what I can tell, I wasn't very successful
<taniwha> oh, what was the idea?
<awang> taniwha: :(
<taniwha> oh, and btw, EL even creates its own "GameEvents" (not in GameEvents, of course, but it uses the infrastructure)
<awang> I was hoping that the thing storing cost was updating in only one place
<awang> In which case delegating to a different method that I can register with GameEvents would be relatively straightforward
<awang> Actually, wait
<awang> It's only written to in two places
<awang> One of them is my fault
<awang> This might work
<taniwha> awang: main reason for lack of success was most modders don't frequent IRC, I don't go far in the forums (very small territory), and in IRC, a certain modder kept claiming that PCs were fast enough that we didn't need to worry about optimization :P
<taniwha> however, I'd say that I did manage to convince a fair few
<awang> taniwha: Not naming names? I'm curious
<taniwha> don't want to ping him
<awang> What was that law, something about how software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster
<taniwha> hehehe
<awang> Not to mention cache is everything these days
<awang> Unless you're doing something with stupidly high bandwidth
<awang> idk if games count
<awang> Ah, ok
<taniwha> anyway, previous maintainer of a certain resource mod
<awang> Oh
<awang> Think I know who
<awang> carman?
<Bornholio> I rove around a bit
<awang> carmen?
<taniwha> Bornholio: wrong resource mod
<awang> idk then
<awang> I know there are multiple resource mods, but I don't remember who the current/past maintainers are
<taniwha> mod name starts with a K, sounds like the simplest hydrocarbon, ex-maintainer starts with an M
<taniwha> Rokker: I don't know which rocket is which, but either way, tiny rocket for orbital
<taniwha> awang: look in the Ms in the user list for a name ending in iir
<Rokker> taniwha: fins is the SS-520, non fins is the boosted of the Delta II
<awang> Yep, found the person
<Rokker> early Delta II
<awang> Ah ha!
<awang> onEditorShipModified
<awang> Just what I needed
<taniwha> ah, yeah
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<taniwha> awang: anyway, last night I (re)wrote a part module that has no *Update functions, no OnGUI, one GameEvent handler, and a couple of callbacks (implements IAnimatedModule)
<taniwha> rewrote the DeployableHabitat module so that USITools could be turfed from Tokamak Refurbished Parts
<Qboid> [#5] title: Deployable habitat | I did a quick bit of work to get DeployableHabitat up and running again, relying on ModuleAnimationGroup and IAnimatedModule, so most of the heavy lifting is done by stock. DeployableHabitat now only updates the relevant fields and events as appropriate.... |
* taniwha glares at Qboid
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<CommandoDiamond> Whats this three day stuff I keep hearing about?
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> So what's the difference between OnAwake() and Awake()
<awang> Same for the Start versions
<awang> taniwha: That looks really nice!
<taniwha> works nicely, too
<taniwha> Awake is called by unity
<taniwha> OnAwake is called by PartModule.Awake
<taniwha> after doing some other initialization
<awang> ah
<awang> Confusing names :(
<taniwha> so in a PartModule, unless you know exactly what you're doing, always use OnAwake
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<awang> Would bad things happen if I don't remove a callback in OnDestroy()?
<taniwha> (never Awake)
<awang> Uhhhhh
<awang> About that...
<taniwha> very bad things
<awang> So that's two things that could change here
<taniwha> lots of NRE spam, though I don't remember when
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<awang> Does Start/OnStart have the same relationship?
<awang> i.e. always use OnAwake?
<awang> Wait, I'm not in a PartModule
<awang> So hopefully Awake() is ok?
<taniwha> anyway, the On* (except OnGUI) methods in PartModule are called by the KSP-supplied versions of those functions (FixedUpdate, Update, Awake etc)
<taniwha> they're so that PartModule itself can do some housekeeping and actual modules don't need to worry about calling the base class
<taniwha> when not in a PartModule, then yes, use Awake
<taniwha> only OnGUI is Unity
<awang> What about Awake() *and* Start() in a MonoBehaviour
<taniwha> Awake is called shortly after the class is allocated
<awang> Ah
<taniwha> Start is called when the game object(?) is started, but I'm not sure on the details
<taniwha> something to do with cloning, I think
<taniwha> awang: tooting my own horn, but most of my mods show fairly efficient ways of dealing with KSP and Unity
<taniwha> (there are some areas that could do with a lot of improvement, but EL (mostly), the core of KerbalStats, and AdvancedInput don't send me running)
<taniwha> I did have MFT in a nice state at one time, but then Swamp-Ig did some crazy things to it and it never recovered
<taniwha> oh, SurveyTransponder, too
<taniwha> My main thing is to NOT have OnGUI on my part modules, but in a separate class that the part modules talk to
<taniwha> that way I can have multiple modules and one gui. and more importantly, only one* OnGUI call per frame rather than one per module per frame (* not really one because of the way OnGUI works, so one set of calls)
<taniwha> it was particularly important for InfernalRobotics (I rewrote IR several years back), since you can have quite a lot of joints in one vessel
<awang> Nice!
<awang> Guess I'll be looking at your things for a code model
<taniwha> please ensure you have a good supply of salt, though :)
<awang> taniwha: How much do you know about the codebases of RO-related mods?
<awang> Yeah, I'll try not to be blind to faults
<taniwha> not a lot, but KSC switcher's code made me twitch
<Probus> I just realized from the JAXA launch that you should angle your launch for high TWR rockets...
<soundnfury> heh - a few days ago I had an LR79-from-the-20t-pad that launched about 20° off vertical ;)
<ProjectThoth> Probus: Also true if you don't want a guidance system.
<ProjectThoth> (which is why they do that)
<Probus> So it has less to do with TWR then?
<ProjectThoth> Bit of column A, bit of column B.
<ProjectThoth> After the war, Japan was forbidden from developing guided liquid rockets... so they went with solids instead.
<ProjectThoth> If you angle the thing just right, you can get a guidance-free gravity turn.
<ProjectThoth> But then things changed and they were allowed to develop guidance systems and liquid engines (H-II, for example).
<ProjectThoth> Their history is squarely in the domain of unguided solids, though.
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<taniwha> with extreme TWR (and very good heat shielding), you want to launch almost horizontal
<Qboid> [#5] title: Deployable habitat | I did a quick bit of work to get DeployableHabitat up and running again, relying on ModuleAnimationGroup and IAnimatedModule, so most of the heavy lifting is done by stock. DeployableHabitat now only updates the relevant fields and events as appropriate.... |
<taniwha> oops
<taniwha> just noticed an error
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<duckie> henlo, frens
<taniwha> hi, duckie
<duckie> been trying to get RP-1 working. i think i'm on the verge of it workinmg
<taniwha> I can't help you much, sorry
<taniwha> I hang around to give the odd bit of programming advice
<duckie> oh, i'm not asking for help just yet. it's a nice little problem for me to try and solve on my own
<taniwha> I do advise that you get intimately familiar with KSP.log, though :)
<duckie> noted
<taniwha> but that applies to any KSP issues, modded or not
<duckie> as far as programming advice, what do you have to say on the subject of staying motivated to learn programming? lol
<taniwha> find an interesting topic you can implement
<duckie> i've been telling myself for two years I need to learn C++ or Python or something, but when I sit down to actually do it i just go "nahhh"
<taniwha> for me, it was physics simulations
<taniwha> ie, do not "sit down to learn programming", rather use programming to study some other topic
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<duckie> good point. i am getting to where some things in my classes would benefit from some simulations
<duckie> did spend some time with matlab, but that didn't feel like the real thing, y'know?
<taniwha> yeah, you learn more when you have to start at int main () {...} :)
<taniwha> also, you don't /really/ learn programming
<taniwha> instead, you learn logical thinking, math, systems integration, etc
<taniwha> (ie, how different parts work together)
<taniwha> programming language is /mostly/ irrelevant
<duckie> yeah, i like that stuff, but most of my exposure to it has been via shenzhen i/o >.>
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<taniwha> that's actually very good
<taniwha> (though very difficult)
<duckie> i got distracted by the solitaire minigame, but now that i got the 100 wins achievement i guess i need to play the main game again
<taniwha> shenzhen i/o is very good for logical thinking
<taniwha> it also does a nice job of showing how simple components come together to form something much more complex
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<taniwha> but definitely, the way to stay motivated to learn programing is to not learn programming, but rather to /use/ programming to get something done
<taniwha> you didn't learn English to learn English, you learned English to survive
<taniwha> (or whatever your native language is)
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<taniwha> I learned programming because games were banned at school outside of "game days" (didn't have a computer at home), so I had to write my own :)
<taniwha> (back in the early-mid 80s, so they were Apple ][+ and ][e :)
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<lamont> i learned to program 6502 assembly because i went to a high school in alaska on an island with 400 other kids and i was the really weird one
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<duckie> once i was old enough to be interested in it, I was in a funk until about 23 and virtually useless
<taniwha> I once had the 6502 opcodes memorized
<taniwha> (ie, the hex values)
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<awang> I just wrote a commit message that's 120 lines long. The commit itself is adding 75 lines of code
<awang> Send help
<awang> taniwha: Looks good! The best code is no code :)
<lamont> where are we gettings engines from these days for 1.3? RealEngines? SovietEnginePack? SSTU?
<awang> lamont: idk :(
<awang> You can always install all the part packs, and keep the engines :P
<awang> Alright, submitted the second KRASH PR
<awang> Now to get LGG's attention somehow
<awang> The TF one has been sitting there for a while now
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<NathanKell> o/
<Qboid> NathanKell: Maxsimal left a message for you in #RO [02.02.2018 13:59:48]: "For one thing, I think the current thing where all the contracts are 3 types, but its invisibly scaling them up as you do more difficult missions doesn't help a player sense of progression, + the tuning has to fit a curve over the whole range, so that's one issue, I was thinking of splitting the contracts up into a dozen or so SR c
<Qboid> her ideas but I'm not sure if they're possible with CC."
<Qboid> lasses that fit historic mission profiles (with the top end being more like MRBM/IRBM/ICBM tests"
<Qboid> NathanKell: Maxsimal left a message for you in #RO [02.02.2018 14:02:27]: "And then it might be fun to have some contract variants - I came up with 3 I know can be done with CC - whether or not the payload had to be recovered, whether or not the launch window is very time sensitive (you get one shot at it) and whether or not the payload is very g-sensitive so you need a gentle boost phase. I have some ot
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<NathanKell|Twitch> lamont this is Thor-Able where the Able uses Agena tooling
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<NathanKell> lamont: So I can do Ablestar and Agena without retooling diameters :)
<lamont> ah cool
<NathanKell> It's also a very early Straight Eight for the Thor tankage, and no fins.
<lamont> i still have not played any RP-1 with tooling yet
<NathanKell> It's a game changer.
<NathanKell> (heh)
<NathanKell> Night all!
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
<Mike`> lamont, i like RealEngines and SSTU - bluedog db and raidernick us rockets also have some, but especially bluedog has tons of other parts
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<Mike`> looks like the untooled cost display is wrong in rp-1s tooling overview window, at least for the procedural battery i'm playing around with
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<CommandoDiamond> beep boop
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<Bornholio> Lol Taniwha your an apple II programmer like me! making my game have flight of the bumblebee as background music on the box speaker using peeks and pokes was my apex. good o'l days.
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<taniwha> yeah
<taniwha> though trying to run KSP on an apple II...
<taniwha> (more accurately, I was trying to play KSP + RO on an 8088:)
<Bornholio> I had a 1d lander sim, had to control the thrust to land at a slow enough velocity before running out of fuel
<taniwha> while I still had access to an apple II, I did manage to do a focus-centered polar plot of an elliptical orbit in logo :)
<taniwha> (by that time, I had been programming in applesoft, 6502 machine code (raw bytes), 6502 asm (using the miniasm ripped out of integer basic), and logo for a bit
<Bornholio> logo was weird
<taniwha> yeah
<Bornholio> i found machine and asm easier even if it was a bit slower. Now i grognard at how inefficient code is
<taniwha> yeah, machine/asm was much more time consuming to code, but a well written bit of code could do so much more
<Bornholio> do any mods drop stuff in \squad\ /
<Bornholio> ?
<taniwha> I sure hope not
<taniwha> any that do should be hung, drawn, quartered and really hurt
<Bornholio> trying to trim down my gamedata to cive to someone having trouble getting RP-1 installed
<Bornholio> give
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<Probus> Interesting F-1/Rocket Engine video:
<taniwha> my current project:
<Probus> Nice taniwha. Is that a new docking port?
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<Bornholio> what am i missing if i don't see colors for stability on engine icons, didn't i use to? maybe i'm halucinating
<soundnfury> Bornholio: TF broke it by using the same colours for failures
<Bornholio> okay. man i need something in TF to be less CPU also, if it wasn't for burn time limits i wouldn't use it
<Bornholio> heck if burntime limits were in the body of the engine descriptions i'd self limit and ignore TF :(
<Mike`> do you notice TFs influence?
<Bornholio> yeah if the engine count goes up it will go yellow fast, same with RT if the antenna count starts going up much in the game the impact is high
<awang> Bornholio: I've seen the stability colors sometimes work, and sometimes not
<awang> s/stability/stabbity
<Qboid> awang meant to say: Bornholio: I've seen the stabbity colors sometimes work, and sometimes not
<awang> idk when it works and when it doesn't
<Bornholio> this latest build i don't think ive ever seen them
<awang> I just ended up hacking RF to display the ignition probability in the right-click menu
<Bornholio> maybe they need to be interior color like is done in realchutes
<awang> Maybe?
<Bornholio> i'm not making the change
<Bornholio> so yes maybe
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> I may take a look
<Bornholio> awang pretty please make me colored stabbity icons
<Bornholio> :)
<awang> I want to run through my game first
<awang> Because I could have sworn that I had stabbity colors sometimes working with my 1.3.1 install
<UmbralRaptor> uh, †‡⚔🗡🔪?
<Bornholio> lol your psychic powers made me ignition fail Awang
<awang> And I was using RF newCryo at the time
<awang> I think
<awang> :(
<UmbralRaptor> The first 3 generally do not have an emoji presentation, though.
<Bornholio> last one is psycho stabbity
<awang> I feel that having TF use interior colors is just punting the problem down the road
<awang> Especially if/when TF gets chute failures
<Mike`> Bornholio, lucky you, my game is solid yellow instantly on the pad, no idea what's causing it, but it isn't TF. :(
<awang> Then RF would break
<awang> Or TF
<awang> Or both
<awang> s/RF/RC/
<Qboid> awang meant to say: Then RC would break
<Bornholio> well then engine stabbity should be interior then it doesn't matter to realchutes
<Bornholio> thats Rf
<Bornholio> once again tF fixes are punted ::P
<Bornholio> Mike` you have many commsats in orbit? and RT
<awang> What's with the VS default of sticking a space between function names and their argument list?
<awang> This isn't Haskell
<awang> Bornholio: Also, now that I think about it having TF using interior colors for engines but outer colors for everything else isn't the best UX
<awang> Inconsistent
<Bornholio> well chutes uses outer for fails and inner for conditions
<Bornholio> or is that reverse, maybe its all mixed up
<Bornholio> Personally i think fuel color should be changed by RF for stabbity
<Bornholio> but ii have no idea how much effort is involved
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> That's an interesting idea
<awang> Or a fake fuel meter whose fuel level corresponds to the ignition probability
<awang> idk if that's considered good UX though
<awang> Didn't air intakes behave like that in the past?
<Bornholio> can't remember
<awang> Oh, quick question
<awang> Are the n-kN class thrusters supposed to be subject to ullage?
<Bornholio> no
<Bornholio> they are oversized and expanded RcS
<awang> Hm
<awang> There are some fixes I've been sitting on for a while then
<Mike`> Bornholio, no, got 5 "normal" sats in orbit... and the framerate turns green once i am in orbit myself
<Bornholio> using a structures mod or have things loitering near KCS?
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Looks like generic n-class thrusters don't have engineType configs?
<awang> Actually, never mind
<awang> It's hidden away in RO_SuggestedMods/RO_RCS_Config.cfg instead of Engine_Configs
<awang> I can never keep this straight
<awang> Does ModuleEngineConfigs override all ModuleEngines*?
<awang> ModuleEngines, ModuleEnginesRF, etc.?
<awang> Trying to figure out if the "fix" here should be just deleting the ModuleEngines* or if I should actually fix what's in the cfg file
<soundnfury> Mike`: surface/water visual FX maybe?
<awang> Well, I guess not in this case, since the generic RCS configs don't set ullage/pressureFed/ignitions/etc
<awang> Bornholio: Looks like switching RF to use interior colors is really really easy
<awang> Or at least I think it is
<awang> Literally a one line change
<Mike`> soundnfury, yeah, maybe a combination, because it's also better with small rockets
<Mike`> Bornholio, no structures mod
<awang> There are some other changes mixed in, but they should be just cosmetic
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<Bornholio> ooh
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<awang> Bornholio: Might want to redownload the dll
<awang> Missed a SetBackgroundColor call
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<Bornholio> same link?
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<awang> I think so?
<awang> Yeah, looks like it
<Bornholio> i'll test in 20 min or so
<awang> Alright
<awang> Hey, Ignition! is getting another print run!
<Bornholio> nice awang, also like the stability % output
<awang> :)
<awang> Also made a few changes to the engine config window in the editor
<awang> Is the icon thing working now?
<Bornholio> yes
<awang> Great!
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<Bornholio> awang what else am i looking for in particular
<awang> Bornholio: Engine config window should show TWR
<awang> And the pop-up thing when hovering over engine configs should more closely match what is shown in the main window
<awang> So you don't have to keep switching between configs to see things
<awang> And the pop-up window shows up for the currently selected config
<awang> So you don't have to switch to a different config to see TF burn times
<awang> That's all I can remember off the top of my head
<Bornholio> if only it would show stats on what is selected (max burn time mainly)
<awang> Hm
<awang> Could have sworn I did something about that already
<awang> Apparently not
<awang> I'll go fix that real quick
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<awang> Oh wait
<awang> It's because that change was in an old branch
<awang> Let me get that rebased
<awang> Forgot to add TestFlightRF.dll earlier
<awang> Changes made:
<awang> Show tooltip for current engine config
<awang> Be a bit more explicit about saying whether ullage is required and whether an engine has unlimited ignitions
<awang> Show TF rated burn time in the main engine config window
<awang> Show engine mass in main engine config window
<awang> And for things I haven't commited yet, but are in the dll
<awang> Bits and pieces of minor code refactorings
<Mike`> cool - hope those changes can be merged soon. :)
<awang> Change the icon color for ullage stability instead of the background color
<awang> Show TWR for engines
<awang> Show propellant stability in right-click menu
<awang> And that looks like it's it
<awang> Mike`: Code still needs to be cleaned up, but hopefully it can be merged
<awang> I think I wanted to talk to one of the actual maintainers about some of the changes to displayed strings
<awang> Since there's more text now, IIRC
<awang> Propellant stability should really be a percentage, too, now that I think about it
<awang> And should be rounded
<awang> Argh
<awang> So many changes
<awang> So little time
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<awang> \o blowfish
<blowfish> hi
<Qboid> blowfish: awang left a message for you in #RO [03.02.2018 21:41:25]: "Is there any disadvantage to Slinq?"
<awang> (Slinq questions in general)
<awang> :P
<blowfish> slinq can get a little messy if you actually have to refer to the type of a complicated enumeration
<blowfish> also you need to add a .Slinq() before anything you want to use it on
<blowfish> usually you don't have to refer to the types though
<awang> Sort of like C++ template messes?
<awang> When would I *not* want to use slinq?
<awang> Given that it seems like LINQ without the downside of allocations everywhere, seems that it would be preferable than going back to manually indexed for loops everywhere
<blowfish> not sure tbh
<awang> Does it perform as well as regular for loops?
<awang> That's the best I can think of
<awang> Since I'm guessing the C# compiler can't do the ridiculous inlining C++ compilers to do get rid of templates
<blowfish> I think actual iteration performance will be about the same
<awang> Huh
<blowfish> you have an iterator object either way, only difference is that with Slinq it's a struct so that it gets allocated on the stack rather than the heap
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<awang> I see
<awang> And stack is probably better unless you have enough to blow the stack
<awang> And I doubt that'll be an issue
<blowfish> I think that would be a stack overflow
<awang> If it is, there are probably larger problems to worry about
<blowfish> stuff on the stack goes away when it goes out of scope
<blowfish> stuff on the heap has to be GC'ed
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<taniwha> Probus: no, it's a new resource manager
<taniwha> Probus: it clumps tanks into symmetry groups and modules (kind of like CLS)
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<Probus> Oh. I see taniwha. I was looking for a new part.
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