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<dxdy> if I use Kopernicus for 1.3.1 with the RSS master then it gets stuck in some kind of endless loop after loading but before the main menu instead
<awang> dxdy: Are you using Pap's scaled textures?
<dxdy> yes, could that be the reason?
<awang> You should be using Pap's scaled textures
<awang> So if you're freezing with them, idk :(
<awang> Anything interesting in the logs?
<dxdy> mh let me just recheck, checking again if I'm using them it seems like the folder path got messed up in copying, so that may actually have fixed it already
<dxdy> I'll be damned that was that indeed
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<Probus> Did you guys notice the reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in the Tesla?
<soundnfury> Yes
<soundnfury> apparently there's a towel too (or that _is_ a towel, not sure)
<Probus> Lol
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<taniwha> so, launch was successful?
<Probus> It was very exciting taniwha
<taniwha> then it's a good thing I decided to not get up at 3am :)
<taniwha> (I figured if I got up, it would be a scrub, but if I slept, it would be a success)
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<Probus> Ha! Well it got delayed, but it was a go. Not 100% successful though.
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<taniwha> found a good youtube vid
<Ezko> taniwha: thanks for making it successful
<SRBuchanan> Only failure of the flight was the crash of the core stage, which apparently damaged the recovery barge.
<taniwha> I'd call that a raging success :)
<SRBuchanan> Yup. Still waiting on the final upper-stage burn, but at this point it's safe to say that the Falcon Heavy's proven that it can function as a carrier rocket.
<awang> Apparently there was a TEATEB shortage?
<awang> Outer 2 engines failed to ignite
<Probus> Wow, I bet that hit hard then.
<awang> 300 mph
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<SRBuchanan> I figured the flight computer would have attempted to light a different pair of engines in that even.
<SRBuchanan> *event
<soundnfury> SRBuchanan: iirc not all the engines have the TEATEB plumbing for in-flight relight
<soundnfury> lamont: heh, it's getting harder to write anti-SpaceX headlines :P
<SRBuchanan> Especially not when SpaceX puts out their own blooper reels and makes it clear that they're totally fine with admitting when they fucked up.
<SRBuchanan> I am a bit surprised we didn't get confirmation of core stage loss sooner, though.
<soundnfury> SRBuchanan: ehh, it was still pretty quick
<soundnfury> I remember in the early days of droneship attempts, it usually took ~6 hours to get news
<Probus> One more time...
<taniwha> yeah, raging success. *wipes tears*
<awang> Took out two engines on the droneship apparently
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<Starwaster> lamont if I have the ascent AP configured to stop staging at a certain point, does PEG recognize that it doesn't have engines above that point to use? Or does it still expect to have them?
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<lamont> no, it doesn’t interact with that setting
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<lamont> it is geared towards the problem where the final burntime is free and not fixed
<Bornholio_> Damn it more TEATEB
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<NathanKell> o/
<NathanKell> Well, sorta-o/, gotta go nomz (worked late)
<NathanKell> but WOOT FALCON HEAVY
<Bornholio> TeABTEb aRgH
<NathanKell> !tell awang* ok gonna look! :)
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<SpecimenSpiff> o/
<soundnfury> NathanKell: woot indeed
<SpecimenSpiff> Found this post last night. Fascinating stuff. Not sure if it's usable in a non-principia ksp install, but still cool problem and solution
<SpecimenSpiff> we now return to our scheduled falcon heavy celebration
<lamont> now someone needs to add that to RSS
<SpecimenSpiff> Damn, mechjeb seriously over-burned that one, man :)
<SpecimenSpiff> yeah, I want a roadster test object soooo bad
<Bornholio> they want BILLIONS of years
<ProjectThoth> I wonder how long it'll be before we re-encounter the Roadster.
<SpecimenSpiff> I saw a thread a while back on recovering one of the LEM test articles... we actually have no idea where it is, and finding it is beyond our telescopes atm
<SpecimenSpiff> roadster would be harder
<SpecimenSpiff> although less perturbation, so easier to predict, I guess
<lamont> should be getting telemetry for at least quite some time i’d assume (years maybe?) and would have a very good initial orbit determination on it
<ProjectThoth> And we know the exact orbital characteristics of the Roadster.
<lamont> at least i’m assuming the upper stage is still attached to it and has power and telemetry coming from it?
<SpecimenSpiff> "Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1."
<lamont> never tell me the odds!
<ProjectThoth> Never odd me the !tells
<SpecimenSpiff> Ive heard many times that it has batteries for 12 hours, no solar or other generation
<SpecimenSpiff> whther thats actually correct or not I couldn't say
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<SpecimenSpiff> This picture... wow
<ProjectThoth> Cool rocket... just wish it had a mission.
<Bornholio> they have multiple presold....
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<BadRocketsCo> Greetings!
<soundnfury> Gratings!
* soundnfury better zzz now, it's 5am and I have work in the morning
<BadRocketsCo> soundnfury: heh, good luck
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<BadRocketsCo> What a lovely launch of thr FalconH
<BadRocketsCo> I'm in love with that one YT comment that said something along the lines of "sending a car to mars is the most expensive shitpost ever"
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<SpecimenSpiff> so, if im trying to burn to depletion for lunar impact, and mechjeb will be executing, should I plan a maneuver with exactly my dV, or fudge one way or the other to assume mechjeb will mess things up?
<SpecimenSpiff> or just not let mechjeb do the burn since I dont need to stop precisely?
<BadRocketsCo> SpecimenSpiff: It's pretty unlikely to get it right with an high TWR stage
<BadRocketsCo> But I've found eyeballing it for lunar impact probes to be more accurate than mechjeb
<BadRocketsCo> Depends on your TWR on the stage, honestly
<NathanKell> SpecimenSpiff: With a solid, exactly. With liquid, fudge over by 0.5-2m/s (to account for ullaging before burn)
<BadRocketsCo> Ohay NathanKell
<BadRocketsCo> He lives!
<NathanKell> yo!
<BadRocketsCo> How's RO doing these days?
<NathanKell> Quite well. Been streaming a testing career...
<acharles> I’m really amused that Elon basically pulled a “We didn’t want that center core anyways.” position at the press conference. (Mostly due to the Eve Online meme of “We didn’t want that <blank> anyways.” whenever someone loses something.)
<NathanKell> !tell awang* haven't dug into the code, but I trust you--and the messages in the commits point to *awesome* fixes! :)
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<acharles> NathanKell: Hi.
<NathanKell> Hi!
<BadRocketsCo> NathanKell: oh, I see. With RP1?
<BadRocketsCo> acharles: heh, nice. Haven't watched the conference yet.
<NathanKell> yeah
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|Twitch
<NathanKell|Twitch> speaking of
<BadRocketsCo> Oh, heh. Good luck.
<BadRocketsCo> I'm off to school
<NathanKell|Twitch> o/
<BadRocketsCo> See ya
<acharles> BadRocketsCo: It was a combination of “We weren’t going to reuse it.” and later “The center core didn’t have the titanium grid fins and those were really important to get back, so if I had to lose one, I’d pick the center core.”
<BadRocketsCo> acharles: hmm, interesting.
<acharles> Remember kids, check that you have enough TEATEB for all intended engine ignitions.
<BadRocketsCo> It was a test launch after all, so I'd say they did pretty good
<acharles> I agree.
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<BadRocketsCo> Now I want to try it out in RO
<lamont> if we get video of the center core hitting the drone ship at 300 mph and exploding i’d call it 100% success
<BadRocketsCo> I'm pretty excited, I may get around to launching my unmanned Mars sample return mission today after this Apollo mission
<SpecimenSpiff> Cool
<SpecimenSpiff> I just did a lunar impactor/flyby in my new career
<BadRocketsCo> Yay!
<BadRocketsCo> What launch vehicle did you use?
<SpecimenSpiff> This was my second go, so I knew the rocket could do it, but I was trying for a perfect, on video capture mission
<SpecimenSpiff> didnt get that, had to quick load one time
<SpecimenSpiff> booster is a single rd-107 with a pair of lr-101 to keep stable during coast, then 4 xasr then 1 xasr for orbit injection, then spin up and 1xasr to tli
<BadRocketsCo> Oh, nice. Sounds like it'd be a lot cheaper than an Atlas-Agena
<SpecimenSpiff> probably. Im doing a nominally soviet career, hence the rd-107
<SpecimenSpiff> but I dont have a soviet upper yet
<BadRocketsCo> Cool cool
<SpecimenSpiff> I send Boris and Natasha to steal rocket plans when I need american parts :)
<BadRocketsCo> I've been using a rocket with 2 NK33's in the first stage and then an 2xRL10 upper stage. The thing is super effective
<SpecimenSpiff> sounds like it would be, yes
<BadRocketsCo> I wonder if I could use a 3xNk33 first stage and then land that back
<BadRocketsCo> Those things throttle down by quite a bit
<SpecimenSpiff> Just remember to bring enough igniter!
<BadRocketsCo> Heheh, yeah
<BadRocketsCo> Oh yeah, I just remembered that those things have 2x ignitions
<BadRocketsCo> I guess I could do some CFG editing to increase the ammount of ignitions and TEATEB
<BadRocketsCo> And burn time...
<BadRocketsCo> And make it more expensive, just to be fair
<SpecimenSpiff> I did that in my last full career. I hate that we're limited to what was designed for a specific mission, when we're doing different missions
<SpecimenSpiff> there is a difference between "what CAN be done at this tech" and "what NASA DID at that tech"
<BadRocketsCo> Yup, indeed
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<BadRocketsCo> Ugh
<BadRocketsCo> Docking trouble
<BadRocketsCo> I don't get it, the apollo docking probe slides right into the LM but no lock
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<Probus> Watching the video of the seperation, the FH center stage was traveling at 9500 km/h as apposed to 8200 km/h during a regular GTO launch (LEO ~5500 km/h). Just an FYI for those who were curious.
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<Probus> Thats about 360 m/s delta V that needs to be compensated for.
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<taniwha> I wish they'd give m/s readouts (even in small print)
<Maxsimal|Work> Only a minute long burn to go from their (guessing) 250x7000 orbit to a (beyond) TMI orbit - someone definitely kerballed this rocket.
<Starwaster> taniwha: same
<BPlayer> So what happened with Elon's plan to fly the Tesla to Mars?
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<dxdy> Another question about the setup: When I start a new sandbox game to test stuff (with the install following the RP-1 install spreadsheet), I can't seem to find procedural tanks. I've got procedural batteries and all the other stuff and that works fine, however there is only a "non RP-0 procedural liquid tank" that only takes oxidizer and liquid fuel
<dxdy> Where did I go wrong? I used the RealFuels dll from the dropbox as advised, and I tried both the proc parts master and the v1.2.12 which did not seem to make a difference
<dxdy> basically I seem to be missing all the actual tank types
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<awang> dxdy: idk, your install sounds borked
<Qboid> awang: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [07.02.2018 03:52:14]: "ok gonna look! :)"
<Qboid> awang: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [07.02.2018 05:25:28]: "haven't dug into the code, but I trust you--and the messages in the commits point to *awesome* fixes! :)"
<awang> The new tank types are added by MM in TANK_DEFINITION nodes
<awang> That don't depend on anything
<awang> So either those are failing with an error somewhere
<awang> Or they aren't getting read
<awang> That's my guess
<awang> See anything in the logs?
<dxdy> yeah it is curious. Everything else works fine, and I've checked to see that the files are actually there and they are
<dxdy> MM complains about 6 errors but those seem to be related to ven's stock parts so a different problem altogether
<awang> !tell NathanKell* I wouldn't be that quick to trust my code :P But yeah, the changes are mostly ergonomic changes more than anything else
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> dxdy: Huh, funny
<dxdy> it does also complain that the procedural parts are incompatible with this ksp version
<awang> You're going to want to pull Ven's from the GitHub
<awang> master branch
<awang> It's quite a bit ahead of the latest release
<awang> Yeah, I get the proc parts warning too
<awang> Works for me
<awang> Although I don't remember if I have something compiled locally...
<awang> Let me check
<dxdy> yeah, I#ve so far ignored it because based on the fact that all the other PP's parts work perfectly fine I don't think it's an issue with that
<awang> Only proc parts changes I made were some logging things for another change I was working on
<awang> So don't think there's anything significant
<awang> That and changing proc decouplers to be a regular cylinder rather than a filleted cylinder
<awang> The weird diameters were bothering me
<awang> Are the RP-0 tanks mentioned anywhere in your log?
<awang> Tank-I, Tank-I-HP, etc.?
<dxdy> yep, it does emit "Config TANK_DEFINITION .." for the tanks, it does the applying node stuff, and the tech tree
<dxdy> the problem is I can't even put any of the RF fuels into that procedural liquid tank, so I'm thinking it maybe went wrong there already
<dxdy> but I grabbed the ModularFuelSystem master, as well as the RealFuels.dll from that dropbox, and I put the ModularFuelTanks folder as well as the RealFuels Folder (plus the DLL) into GameData
<awang> You don't want the ModularFuelTanks folder
<awang> Just RF
<awang> Yeah, looks like they conflict
<awang> Hmmm
<dxdy> I'm keeping my fingers crossed, removed that folder and starting up again
<awang> !tell NathanKell* I think the RF README needs to be updated. It says that SolverEngines installs need to be removed before installing RF. Isn't SolverEngines required for AJE, at least?
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell NathanKell* And required by RF, too, apparently
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell NathanKell* Unless it's just to ensure the right SolverEngines version is used?
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<dxdy> awang: that was indeed it. Works like a charm now. Big thanks to you again, I definitely wouldn't have gotten the install up and running without all your help
<awang> dxdy: :D
<awang> Thanks for mentioning ModularFuelTanks; wouldn't have realized what was going on otherwise
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<Slaintemaith> Pretty sure the Tesla-in-space is past due for its 50,000 mile maintenance.
<Probus> Ha!
<Probus> Saw this on Reddit:
<Probus> Elon is actually an alien who has been stranded on Earth for a while. He fell in love with humanity but also really wanted to go home. However, no other race has ever invented cars (for some unknown reason) so he wanted to take one of them with him, but no other races uses fossil fuels so needed an electric car. SpaceX is of course so he could get back to his ship.
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<APlayer> I can't imagine how anything can fall in love with humanity while stranded on Earth for a while ("It's flat! You idiots, the government tricks you into thinking it's round, but actually, it's FLAT!!!")
<APlayer> Or is the boring company supposed to take care of that? "Look, we'll just dig a tunnel and come out on the other side, so you guys finally can rest assured that it /is/, after all, round."
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<Starwaster> aplayer but the tunnel will just come out to the other side of the disk!
<APlayer> They would find an explanation, I have no doubts regarding that
<APlayer> The one and only way to solve this problem is to wait enough until space travel becomes as affordable as a regular airliner flight. Then everyone will be able to see it with their own eyes, provided they don't start crying that it's holograms on the windows.
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<Starwaster> aplayer honestly, sometimes I think that they (or at least the vast majority of them) know goddamn well it's a sphere. they're just trolling us
<Starwaster> except for the hard core religious notjobs
<Starwaster> nutjobs
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<Slaintemaith> Can't wait to see what the TrumpBrainTrust comes up with regarding Coal-powered rockets and satellites.
<APlayer> Coal jet engines are a thing, even
<Slaintemaith> Sure. Those resupply missions for the satellites to shovel more coal in. That'll keep the industry booming.
<lamont> the thing that irritates me the most about the flat earth thing is the PBR drinking hipsters that ironically read r/flatearth and give them the audience they crave
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<Slaintemaith> PBR irritates me.
<Slaintemaith> Almost as much as the flat-earth thing.
<lamont> PBR was what we drank in high school because we were broke and wanted the most beer for the least money
<APlayer> The flat earth thing is interesting. I have a kind of cycle regarding that. In the beginning, I can spend anywhere from 10 to 30 or so minutes reading an argument between a flat earther and a sane person, and be amused by it. Over time, as I encounter more and more such trash, it makes me incredibly sad that this is part of our society. I start actively avoiding it, and gradually "forget" the incident. And after about
<APlayer> a month or so, I see such an argument again and the cycle re-starts
<Slaintemaith> Lamont: We had Milwaukee's Best.
<lamont> MGD was another popular one (Miller Genuine Draft)
<lamont> Budweiser long necks for whne we were feeling rich
<Slaintemaith> APlayer: I just avoid avoid avoid now whenever I see such nonsense.
<Slaintemaith> In the 90's, I discovered Newcastle.
<lamont> yeah i posted one argument about the whole perspective argument issue and how bad that guy’s grasp of geometry was a year or two ago and now i’m just still seething with hatred for how idiotic the whole thing is…
<Slaintemaith> I'll even concede that -as a metaphor- it could even sum up the rejection of some hip-hop performer's idea of white culture.
<Slaintemaith> ...but in practice?
<Slaintemaith> Sorry. That was in reference to flat-earthing. Not Newcastle ale.
<Slaintemaith> Get in an airliner and go to 30,000 feet. Look out the window. "It is round..."
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<wb99999999> alright
<wb99999999> I've been missing out
<wb99999999> they sure did fly a 27-engined rocket
<wb99999999> okay...
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<APlayer> Dude, you missed a freaking perfect synchronous landing of the boosters
<APlayer> This made every second of the wait for the launch absolutely worth it
<wb99999999> I actually was waiting at the stream
<wb99999999> but then it got delayed twice and when it finally came I missed it
<Slaintemaith> That and the Starman behind the wheel with "Don't Panic" written in friendly letters on the dash will be the images of the decade.
<Slaintemaith> I hope they will, at least. Unless politics gets WAY stupider than it already is.
<APlayer> They only need to avoid getting stupider for another two years to achieve your goal
<wb99999999> I didn't know the F9 S2 have that long of an endurance
<APlayer> I say it's manageable if they try real hard
<wb99999999> I thought it was like the centaur that only lasts a few hours
<wb99999999> but that's a 90-ton thrust engine relighting some 6 hours after SECO
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<awang> wb99999999: It is like the Centaur in that it only lasts a few hours
<awang> Batteries will last ~12 hours at most, IIRC
<awang> TMI burn was ~6 hours in
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<Probus> For your listening pleasure (need headphones), The Incredible Sounds of the Falcon Heavy Launch (BINAURAL AUDIO IMMERSION):
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<lamont> Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion will be available for PC on March 13th, 2018.
<Probus> Sweet!
<awang> \o/
<APlayer> Aww, need it to be on Pi day
<lamont> so… RP-1 will be fully ported to 1.3.1 and CKAN-installable on March 31st then?
<awang> RP-1's release cycle is slower than Squad's
<awang> Impressive
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<Starwaster> what was that old lighting mod that had all the lights? Even flashing ones? Is it still around and updated?
<Starwaster> I need something for all these f***ing rescue contracts where I always end up doing them on the dark side of the planet. I need flashing red lights on my rescue ship
<Probus> I think Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights has flashing lights.
<lamont> HAHAHAHAHA, yes, lights on the rescue ship
<Starwaster> aviation lightsi s what I was looking for.
<Starwaster> anyone watch Altered Carbon on Netflix? Really liking it
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<lamont> friend of mine mentioned it to me
<Mike`> Starwaster, why aren't you playing rp0/1? No more rescure contracts? :)
<Starwaster> Mike because I don't like Earth.
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<Mike`> eek. compared to most other planets, i think it's pretty beautiful. :)
<Starwaster> I have to LIVE on this f***ing planet, I play KSP to get away from it :P
<Mike`> hehehe
<Starwaster> Reminded of a certain line from the first Total Recall movie.... "THAT'S for making me come to Mars... you know how much I hate this fucking planet!"
<Mike`> well, that's what we do in RSS aswell :D at least until we do return missions, admittedly. :S
<Mike`> well okay, i understand then. i also started a stock career and thought i'd try to explore some of the planets, but didn't get very far, i prefer RSS, knowing the RSS stuff exists in the real world etc...
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<Starwaster> Mike`, I don't play stock though, I play Kerbol x10 - it's a scaled up Kerbol. Kerbin isn't QUITE as big as Earth but very nearly so.
<Starwaster> So RO (or parts of it) are definitely a must
<Starwaster> though in the past I've gotten by with just KWR parts. You can get pretty far with KWR + RF, especially once you unlock the 5m parts.
<Starwaster> And I have patches to upscale the 5m parts into Saturn V 10m parts
<Starwaster> right now I'm primarily going with SSTU. I have KWR installed still but I'm avoiding using it so that if I decided to uninstall it, it won't hurt so much
<Mike`> yep, SSTU is really excellent, at least standalone
<Mike`> RF/RO integration is a different matter :s
<awang> Wait, what's wrong with SSTU and RF/RO?
<awang> I know it isn't compatible with RP-1 tooling
<awang> (yet)
<awang> idk about other things
<Starwaster> RO is lacking in the patch department for much of SSTU (and we've already had that discussion haven't we Mike`)
<Mike`> SRBs, i guess. And i haven't looked at integrated RCS yet, no idea if that works
<Starwaster> I found out though that there ARE patches for SSTU on another branch of RO that never got rolled in
<Starwaster> that's probably where you got configs for it Mike. They arent on the other branches of RO
<Starwaster> there are patches that SCALE the parts physically
<Starwaster> but don't properly scale up their other characteristics
<Mike`> okay? i think i only used the development branch - oh wait, i might have got that one from awang, so no idea if he has additional stuff pulled maybe
<awang> Wait
<awang> How'd you get RO from me?
<Mike`> github? :)
<awang> Why me instead of the actual RO?
<Mike`> it was when your 1.3.1 stuff wasn't merged yet
<Mike`> so i needed to get stuff from someone who did it :)
<awang> Ah
<awang> I thought that people were only pulling the DLL
<awang> Didn't expect people to get the cfgs, too :P
<awang> I think the 1.3.1 update branch was just DLL changes, though
<awang> Yeah, it was
<Mike`> yeah, i thought so too, so the sstu stuff that works for me really should be in develop
<Mike`> the file structure is a bit different, instead of each engine having its own file, you have engines_us.cfg there etc
<Starwaster> I like the new SSTU... I recolored my rescue rocket in OSHA Yellow.
<Mike`> the reworked parts, especially engines, look amazing
<Mike`> J-2 ahd F-1
<Mike`> and*
<Mike`> i hope they'll all get reworked at some time
<Mike`> bluedog also updated the atlas parts, look better now, should get my changes for that pushed into RO
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<Starwaster> goddamit I took another rescue contract against my better judgement and of course he spawns in the damned atmosphere
<Starwaster> WELL inside the atmosphere... 111 x 103 (km)
<Starwaster> I can set up a rendezvous within a few meters even without MJ but he literally will not be able to grab onto the hatch because the wind will be buffeting him too hard
<Starwaster> he probably will burn up before he can get in
<Starwaster> time to make a new plugin
<awang> I'm sort of surprised that altitude range isn't a parameter in a .cfg somewhere
<Starwaster> yeah me too. But it looks like it's hard coded.
<Starwaster> The thing is that I've LOOKED at that code and I really don't understand the behavior. Unless I am badly misinterpreting some bit of code it shouldn't be possible to spawn in the atmosphere
<Starwaster> even for scaled up planets
<awang> That's what I would expect, too
<Starwaster> OOOOO maybe it is... goddamit how did I miss this parameter: HighOrbitDifficulty
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> The description doesn't really match?
<awang> Unless the eccentricity pushes the periapsis down
<Starwaster> it's getting passed in to GenerateOrbit
<awang> Oh
<awang> Misleading comments ftw?
<Starwaster> well it was in RecoverAsset which is what actually generates the orbit for the kerbals stranded in orbit
<Starwaster> because they are always in parts
<Starwaster> it gets passed in twice, once for the altitude and once for inclination difficulty
<Starwaster> just a thought but maybe the intention was to keep the altitude from being too high? so the defaultd ifficulty is 0.3 to keep it close to the planet
<awang> Huh
<awang> Interesting
<awang> Maybe? How are the altitude limits generated?
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<Starwaster> CelestialUtilities. It looks at a variety of variables and one of them is atmosphereDepth... which is NOT being set properly for Kerbin... looks like a Sigma configuration issue.... I'm using a set of rescale configs and the config says that the atmosphere depth is only 87.5km but it's actually going to 126 km. I think basically one set of configs is saying one thing and another is saying something else
<Starwaster> so it's not entirely a Squad issue... though the GetMinimumOrbitalDistance function could clearly use some sanity checks to make sure that the atmosphere is actually as deep as it says and not deeper
<awang> Nice
<awang> Found a bug!
<awang> That reminds me of a bug that was reported on the Principia repo
<awang> Someone was playing with RSS, but the atmo ended at 70km
<awang> And then weird gravity shenanigans destroyed the ship
<Starwaster> it's also partially a Starwaster issue because I dimly recall the atmosphere not being as deep as I wanted so I tried to override it... but not successfully apparently.
<Starwaster> I have to figure out how to scale the atmosphere properly for that mod... not even sure how I got it to 126 when the Body configs clearly show something else
<awang> Oh nice
<awang> What is the atmosphere depth normally?
<awang> Maybe pressure/temperature curves?
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<Starwaster> awang ... I'm trying to think... it's been awhile but I think it might be a holdover from the old days when we couldn't define our own pressure curves easily...
<Starwaster> that it's even possible to set it independently is probably a bug. I can't think of a legit reason for it possible to set it so radically different from the max atmospheric height as defined int he pressureCurve
<awang> Starwaster: What "it" are you referring to? Sorry, getting confused here :(
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