NathanKell changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread ! RO Spreadsheet ! Code of Conduct ! | [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator" with a rocket-flying minigame
<soundnfury> also, hmm, there's still RCS cfgs to make, and I'm not quite sure how those work
* soundnfury digs into the existing cfgs some more
<leudaimon> don't forget fuel tanks and proc avionics haha
<soundnfury> those aren't generated, are they?
<soundnfury> hmm, we appear to have duplicate PARTUPGRADEs for RCS fuels
<soundnfury> eg. RFUpgrade_Helium in TREE-Engines.cfg and RCSFuel-unlock-helium in RCS_Fuel_Upgrades.cfg
<leudaimon> they have to appear in the tree... so it would be better if they were generated too, no?
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Why are RCS fuel upgrades not in the tree in the first place?
<soundnfury> it appears they _are_
<soundnfury> TREE-Engines.cfg has the @CONFIG{} and the PARTUPGRADE
<soundnfury> but then RCS_Fuel_Upgrades.cfg has a bunch of duplicate PARTUPGRADEs, for no apparent reason
<soundnfury> I'll just chuck the latter :P
<awang> Huh
<awang> Pap: Is RCS_Fuel_Upgrades.cfg chuckable?
<awang> Or is there some hidden functionality that depends on it?
<soundnfury> leudaimon: it would be better, but version 1 doesn't need to do it (those cfgs can stay manual for now)
<soundnfury> afaict the existing spreadsheet doesn't generate them either. At least proc avi, that is
<soundnfury> the tanks (e.g. Tank-II) are just ordinary parts that go in the ordinary tree .cfgs, nothing special needed there
<leudaimon> sure... if it handles ECMs it's most of the job
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<Pap> I am guessing that one of then is an old hold over from old RP-0
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<soundnfury> and that's RFTechLevels.cfg covered too :)
<soundnfury> all that's left now is data entry... anyone want to pick a part category (or other well-defined subset) to take responsibility for?
<soundnfury> 'cos I ain't doing all 3800 rows myself :P
<taniwha> soundnfury: and are now in sync between cfgnode and io_object_mu
<taniwha> soundnfury: also, you might want to take a look at cfg handling in and (in io_object_mu)
<soundnfury> taniwha: I found that, in practice, I didn't have a need for
<soundnfury> since I'm not parsing, and the stuff I want to generate is simple enough to do with %-formatted templates etc.
<soundnfury> (but thanks anyway)
<taniwha> ok. and if you find you do want it after all, you know where to look :)
<soundnfury> yup
<awang> Oh wow, today's launch went into a high orbit
<awang> Or at least high compared to the altitude at SECO for GTO burns
<soundnfury> well, most LEO is higher than your average parking orbit
<Bornholio> soundnfury do you have an open issue that it can be tracked in?
<soundnfury> the latter would decay pretty quick
<soundnfury> Bornholio: on what?
<Bornholio> that data entry stuffs
<soundnfury> I guess file an issue on to claim responsibility for a section?
<soundnfury> I've just filed to claim the bit I'm working on atm
<Qboid> [#1] title: data entry: Orbital Rocketry | I'm entering the engines under the Orbital Rocketry family of techs (parts with CATEGORY=ORBITAL in the spreadsheet) and their EngineConfigs. |
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<Bornholio> uh i got nyankats on my screen
<Pap> soundnfury: how does the data entry part work?
<soundnfury> Pap: person goes through the spreadsheet, turns each row into a suitable object constructor call (see e.g., refactoring as they go when they see exploitable commonality between multiple entities
<Bornholio> why not export the whole thing into a csv and process it with .py
<Pap> Bornholio: the way it is structured is not going to allow that
<Bornholio> i should read more back chat shouldnt' i
<Pap> I don't think
<Bornholio> but you got it to make .cfgs didn't you?
<Pap> I can get the spreadsheet to do anthing I want it to do
<Pap> The way that soundnfury has the file organized, it isn't going to work like that
<soundnfury> I mean, you _could_ mechanically convert a lot of it, but then you'd get giant blocks of not-really-well-organised data
<soundnfury> and you'd be totally failing to notice opportunities for further refactoring / consolidation
<Pap> Is there a different way to organize the files?
<Pap> That would allow large bulk edits?
<Pap> For example...Let's say I want to do the Tantares mod and convert it all into RO and RP-0
<Pap> We are talking a hundred parts
<Pap> I am going to have to put the parts into multiple categories on different sheets, and I am also going to have to make sure I search for the corresponding engine before I do it
<Pap> If I search and don't find it (user error) then I would add it and it would duplicate, no?
<soundnfury> uh, I'm not sure I follow
<soundnfury> for your 'bulk edits' is there some existing data source you want to consume?
<soundnfury> as for the duplicates issue, my intention (which isn't in any way enforced) is that each file should be kept alphabetically sorted within each category
<soundnfury> also, you don't _have_ to split something up by category (engines, fins, tanks etc.)
<soundnfury> you could have a file '' that just holds Tantares parts of all categories
<soundnfury> if that's what makes sense in that case
<soundnfury> it's a very protean system
<Pap> No, what I am saying is that there is no way to control where things are put in this system right now
<Pap> For the Tantares example, yes, I could put all the parts in a file, but they should be scattered throughout the file as they are Soviet parts
<soundnfury> right, there is no 'control' because there's nothing to enforce that control
<Pap> I am saying that this is going to increase the time to do that by a lot
<soundnfury> there is just the engineering judgement of whoever is adding the parts
<soundnfury> and once we start to see what kinds of regularities exist in the data we're putting in, we can factor those out
<soundnfury> for instance, we might decide that for a certain class of (generic) parts, costs should be generated by some formula, then we can define a function to create a part following that formula
<soundnfury> and then have a bunch of calls to that function for each of the parts.
<soundnfury> (the above might work for e.g. RCS thrusters and quads)
<Pap> I fear that you may be underestimating the amount of work (and people willign and able to do it)
<Pap> RO and RP-0 existed for a long time before I came around and no database of parts existed before I created it
<Pap> It took hundreds of hours
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<Bornholio> launching from a 350t pad feels like this
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<soundnfury> Pap: I can put in the hours, so long as I know that (a) others will help out at least a little, and (b) people will use it once I'm done
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<Maxsimal> o/ TGIF
<Probus> Anyone having problems with CKAN?
<zilti> I had problems with it 12 hours ago, if that counts
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<Bornholio> yes
<Bornholio> Error in autoupdate: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
<Probus> It seems like it is pretty much down until the error is fixed.
<Bornholio> curse forge update broke it?
<Probus> No idea...
<Bornholio> github broke it
<Probus> Who maintains CKAN nowadays.
<Qboid> [#2293] title: Auto-update and other GitHub connections not working on .NET 4.5 and earlier | Background... |
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<Rokker> good news
<Rokker> i found all of my old KSP saves
<Rokker> i guess i did back them up before wiping the drive
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<Starwaster> you know what I like about SRBs? You don't have to worry about the mod author screwing up the mix ratio
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<Rokker> Starwaster: too much aluminum, not enough epoxy
<Hypergolic_Skunk> Rokker: o/ I think my next time playing KSP for real will be the next time I'm unemployed.. which is sad, either way :D
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<Rokker> Hypergolic_Skunk: fun
<Rokker> Hypergolic_Skunk: I'm at the unemployed part of that statement atm
<Hypergolic_Skunk> I feel both happy and sorry for you. mostly happy though.
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<Rokker> dude, I'm fucking glad, my job was killing me
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<Hypergolic_Skunk> GG. I can't wait to start an entire new KSP RO/RP1 run, but I have to stick to my current job at least a year, so my recent CV doesn't look as messed up anymore..
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<schnobs> Question: in an alternate history that leads to the huge shuttle, what should one do in lieu of Mercury?
<schnobs> I figure that the ferry would be about late-60s stuff. Not in and of itself, but one needs reliable restarts and docking.
<schnobs> The latter justifies/requires smaller exploratory missions.
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<schnobs> Is it just me or does the X-15 cockpit have no life support?
<Starwaster> You're supposed to hold your breath
<Starwaster> hey what's the largest payload the Falcon 9 has ever flown?
<leudaimon> Starwaster I doubt any of the big sats are heavier than a fully loaded dragon...
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<Probus> What is the name of that mod that makes you search for each planet before they show up in the tracking station?
<Probus> Research Bodies...
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<Maxsimal> doesn't seem appropriate for RP-1
<awang> Besides the fact that we discovered all the major planets before 1951, why not?
<awang> If you want realistic, you can really only discover the smaller bodies, e.g. Ceres
<soundnfury> I mean, it _would_ be nice to have errors in orbit & (especially) mass data for planets until you've done a flyby to refine them... but that's not really doable in KSP as it is right now
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<awang> Some fuzziness in atmo data could be nice too
<awang> And fuzziness as to what constitutes inSpaceHigh vs inSpaceLow
<schnobs> awang: you can easily roleplay the first, and just as easily defeat it by saveloading.
<schnobs> as for space hi/lo, I don't get the point.
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<awang> schnobs: ...For some reason roleplaying never really comes to me
<Probus> Talk about saveloading awang. It is time for an Ironman mod in my humble, but correct, opinion. :)
<schnobs> what's the bonus for upgrading the tracking station, btw?
<schnobs> gni...
<schnobs> the VAB is what I meant to ask about.
<schnobs> It's as costly as 33 upgrade points, and I don't care about a second pipeline. When will it be worthwhile?
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<schnobs> Just discovered the MJ PEG thingy. Won't take off. :(
<schnobs> Do I have to pre-stage the engines or something?
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<Starwaster> has anyone been able to get a polar orbit or other highly inclined orbit with lamont's PEG?
<Starwaster> schnobs you have to initiate the launch by staging, yes
<Starwaster> unless it's a timed launch (i.e. launch to rendezvous or plane)
<zilti> Hm, CKAN is still down? I get "Failed to connect to repository. Exception: The value must not be NULL. Parameter name: collection"
<zilti> schnobs: MJ PEG?
<schnobs> Starwaster: it was a timed launch; I eventually got it to work, though.
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<Starwaster> zilti PEG = Powered Explicit Guidance. It's (usually) better than the original MJ ascent guidance
<zilti> Ah.
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<awang> Probus: Ironman mod?
<awang> schnobs: second pipeline gets better upgrades per build point, IIRC
<awang> 2x the build rate per build point for second pipeline, 4x the first build rate for the third pipeline, etc
<awang> idk if it's 2x, 4x, 6x or 2x, 4x, 8x
<schnobs> Yeah, but first you need something worthwhile to put into the second queue.
<schnobs> Which I don't have very often.
<schnobs> You *can* crank out LVs and later mate them with individual payloads, but the process is a bit involved and for whatever reason I tend to make a mess of things.
<awang> Yeah, idk
<awang> You'll have to ask NathanKell or Pap about balancing stuff
<awang> Starwaster: I think lamont has gotten to polar orbits quite a few times when testing PEG?
<Probus> Yeah awang. It saves as soon as something blows up, and quite often. no F9, no revert and no F12.
<schnobs> awang: it's not as much about balance rather than usability.
<awang> Probus: Basically enforcing hardcore play?
<awang> schnobs: I mean, the second build stuff is perfectly usable
<awang> Just no incentive to use it
<awang> Or not much incentive
<schnobs> It's easy enough to mess things up in plain old RO. Mismatched RCS and propellant is one of my favorites, closely followed by staging mishaps.
<schnobs> mating half-finished vessels in KCT compounds this.
<awang> Wait
<schnobs> About incentive, well, I liked building early probes in pairs. Because testflight.
<awang> What does mating half-finished vessels have to do with KCT?
<awang> Right, but you probably don't have the funds until later in the game, when things are relatively more reliable, right?
<schnobs> Yup. 1 Million is too much, I can't afford it until I no longer need it.
<awang> Actually
<awang> Now that I think about it
<awang> A second build rate could help in my save, if only because it lets me grind while waiting for the larger ships to finish
<awang> I'm stuck in the SPH otherwise
<schnobs> The VAB<->SPH distinction is pretty pointless, IMO.
<schnobs> And it's not that I'd have zero use for a second queue -- but I'm pretty convinced that, on average, boosting the first benefits me more than investing in the second.
<awang> Well, you technically get more bang for your buck with the second rate
<awang> And a larger percentage difference per upgrade
<awang> Since the rate per point is capped at what, 0.05 or something?
<awang> At least for the first build rate
<schnobs> yep.
<schnobs> There has to be a point where upgrading the VAB yieds you more build rate than investing the same amount in upgrades.
<awang> There's probably a formula for that
<schnobs> first upgrade boosts build rate by 25%
<schnobs> So once your rate reaches 1.8, upgrading the VAB becomes reasonable from a monetary point of view.
<schnobs> +-maintenance.
<awang> First upgrade to the second build rate?
<awang> Or first build rate?
<schnobs> First build rate.
<awang> Hmmm
<schnobs> And sorry, if you only look at the first rate it needs to be 2.4 before the building upgrade.
<awang> Build rate formula is actually a formula
<awang> So maybe plugging those in could yield results?
<awang> idk what these variables are though
<schnobs> documented in the KCT wiki.
<awang> There's BPFormula = (500 + ([E]*20))*[O]*1.5
<schnobs> But I just built the upgrade and compared before&after.
<awang> Ah
<awang> Hm
<awang> KSCUpgradeFormula = sqrt(cost) * 1000 * multiplier
<awang> Build rate formula is weirder
<awang> idk, I'll look more later
<awang> You probably have a better way of figuring this out
<Probus> awang: Yep
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<Mike`> zilti, you got 16GB RAM? hm. that's kinda not enough for me. I can run the game on that for....2-4 hours maybe? until it takes 13-14GB which makes my pc swap other apps and get horribly slow :(
<Mike`> but quite imptressive mod list you got there, hmm...should try to remove some mods i have and you dont
<Mike`> thanks for the list
<Mike`> zilti, oh, i see you're not on 1.3.1 yet.. :s
<ProjectThoth> Bornholio: You in?
<Bornholio> now
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<awang> Mike`: And here I am sitting at ~23 gigs RAM just after loading o_O
<awang> I think KSP's memory reporting is busted on my machine
<Bornholio> ksp reporting is crap
<Mike`> ksp reporting? my numbers are from task manager
<Bornholio> pap got to mk1/mercury pods last night and didn't have crew science interface options show up in VAB
<awang> My numbers are from the mac equivalent
<Mike`> do you have some kinds of "top" on mac showing different numbers for res, virt etc?
<awang> Yeah
<Mike`> and that shows 23GB as RES? oO
<awang> Uh
<awang> I was more thinking Activity Manager, not top/htop
<Mike`> well
<awang> I'll check top next time I boot
<Mike`> as i only know linux, i was interested if top shows the same high number
<Mike`> :)
<Mike`> kk
<awang> Maybe
<awang> Any extra parameters I need to pass to top?
<awang> I know some linux, but it's basically all dev-related
<Mike`> don't think so
<Mike`> i only used htop anyway during the last years but top should do the job
<Mike`> just checked, plain top is fine but shows res in KB
<Mike`> so numbers will be large :)
<awang> I don't see res
<Mike`> interesting
<awang> Ah
<awang> htop has RES
<Mike`> k, htop is better anyway if you have that
<awang> It was broken on High Sierra until relatively recently
<awang> Well
<awang> More like macOS couldn't handle htop
<awang> Something in macOS broke
<Pap> Uh oh Bornholio that means 1.3 broke something. Someone is going to have to dig into that and I don't have the time unfortunately
<Qboid> [#682] title: Htop on macOS High Sierra | Can anyone confirm the htop available on homebrew (2.02) is broken on macOS 10.13 (crashes iTerm2 after several seconds)? |