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<soundnfury> o/ BadRocketsCo
<TaggedYa> Hi, looking for some info.
<TaggedYa> I am running rp-1 and am having sever stuttering when transmitting sci. It seems to be because RT is spamming the log every tick.
<TaggedYa> Is this a known problem? I am using RT 1.8.9
<soundnfury> don't think so
<soundnfury> do you have [x] science installed?
<soundnfury> that has a known bug
<TaggedYa> Yes I have X sci. Is there a fix or just live with it?
<soundnfury> there's a fix dll on the forum thread
<soundnfury> the [x] sci forum thread that is.
<TaggedYa> Tks. Much apreciated (sic)
<soundnfury> glad to be of assistance :)
* X is X science.
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<Starwaster> Kerbin is really flat....
<ProjectThoth> It's a pain in the butt to drive across, though.
<TaggedYa> Night folks
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<BadRocketsCo> hiii
<Qboid> BadRocketsCo: awang left a message for you in #RO [09.02.2018 20:52:23]: "Never mind, RealHeat master has been rebuilt for 1.3.1"
<BadRocketsCo> ah, cool
<BadRocketsCo> soundnfury: heyya
<soundnfury> ohai
<soundnfury> how's tricks?
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<BadRocketsCo> my save file got corrupted so I am working on 1.3 save now
<soundnfury> mmm
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<BadRocketsCo> uh
<BadRocketsCo> how do I let steam update the game again?
<soundnfury> idk, I don't use steam
<BadRocketsCo> nvm, got it to work
<BadRocketsCo> anyway
<BadRocketsCo> how have ya been?
<soundnfury> eh not too bad
<soundnfury> playin' some wart hunder right now
<soundnfury> sleep schedule's royally buggered though
<soundnfury> you doing ok?
<soundnfury> actually I'm gonna have to zzz now
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<Probus> o/
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<Probus> Hey Pap. o/ I think I got the engines figured out. SSTU is really cool
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<Bornholio> probus what did you figure out?
<Bornholio> [x]science linky to dll until fix
<Probus> Where to place all the engines in my Engineering Tech Tree.
<Bornholio> cool
<Bornholio> added links and notes about [X]science! stutter issue
<Bornholio> Probus you need a wiki page :P
<Probus> That's 1/2 the fun :)
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<Bornholio> pap nathakell|afk seems like the [x] science .dll does a good job of taking away most of the stutter
<Starwaster> wasn't ModuleEngineIgnitor deprecated? I just noticed I have a bunch of KWR engines still using it.... doesn't even look like limited ignition should be working for them. Not sure what configs they're using
<Starwaster> ohhh that's right... MEC can still use and interpret the old configs if they are in MEC configs
<Starwaster> nvm
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<Rokker> Bornholio: nice
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<Bornholio> when your high tempo they don't get baths
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<BadRocketsCo> hullo
* BadRocketsCo pokes soundnfury with a failed install
<awang> !seen NathanKell*
<Qboid> awang: I haven't seen the user NathanKell* yet.
<awang> ;seen NathanKell*
<awang> !seen NathanKell
<Qboid> awang: I haven't seen the user NathanKell yet.
<awang> ...
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<BadInternetCo> Heh
<Bornholio> !seen NathanKell|AFK
<Qboid> Bornholio: I haven't seen the user NathanKell|AFK yet.
<Bornholio> he is vaporware
<UmbralRaptor> sudo apt-get install NathanKell
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<awang> Dangit
<awang> Why do Sarbian's profiling instructions not work for me :(
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<awang> Does anyone know the actual dynamic pressure faced by real-life rockets at max Q?
<awang> Or a ballpark number?
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<armed_troop> yo, is the ModList in the /topic spreadsheet out of date?
<armed_troop> looks it :D
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<Bornholio> no one else is updating it so if i'm busy, it will be behind, i've taken a bit more care to update the install order page for pap
<Bornholio> well few others update it
<armed_troop> Bornholio: the one in the topic is not your spreadsheet
<armed_troop> awang: thanks
<armed_troop> grr, whatever I did is not making my graphics driver happy
<armed_troop> Bornholio: trying to see what blows up with 1.3.1 on macOS here
<Bornholio> good luck
<armed_troop> is there any documented list? :)
<armed_troop> (of what's known to work / fail on windows)
<Bornholio> barring a few nag errors, everything on the install order page i have running fine with the noted .dlls or other changes
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<armed_troop> I see
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<Slaintemaith> Does a compatible version of SSTU live for 1.2.2 RSS/RO? Or has it been yanked? Or did it never exist?
<armed_troop> Slaintemaith: ?
<armed_troop> it sounds like you'll want to dig through the github releases page
<armed_troop> but I can't tell you which version
<armed_troop> ah wait, may be the last for 1.2.x
<Slaintemaith> Fabulous@
<Slaintemaith> Thankee!
<awang> Er
<awang> Actually, never mind
<armed_troop> awang: oh?
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<armed_troop> Bornholio: what does red highlighting mean?
<awang> Momentary confusion on reading scrollback
<awang> Don't mind me
<Bornholio> awang awang have you played with TF ignitions enough to have an understanding of whats is going on? Seems like ignition failures are much more common than % in config
<Bornholio> Red means something like its Required
<Bornholio> at least for CKAN stuff
<armed_troop> ah ok
<awang> Bornholio: No, not really
<awang> I just know that they seem to be a lot more common
<awang> I remember putting some debug stuff into TF some time ago
<armed_troop> Bornholio: I see that on macOS 10.13 there's that nasty flickering bug that requires passing -force-opengl
<armed_troop> which seems to be because they're on unity 5.4
<awang> Stuff like printing out ignition chances, with what was actually rolled
<awang> Don't remember seeing anything funky in those
<awang> Although it's been a while
<Bornholio> armed is that -opengl requirement from unity?
<awang> Oh, looks like it's still there
<armed_troop> Bornholio: yeah...
<awang> armed_troop: There's a flickering bug?
<armed_troop> (afaict)
<armed_troop> yes, very bad flickering on macos 10.13
<armed_troop> in stock as well
<Bornholio> I run in both DX9/11 but haven't tried OpenGL lately
<armed_troop> it's a macos thing
<armed_troop> Bornholio: do mods built against 1.3 have to be rebuilt for 1.3.1?
<awang> I'm on 10.13
<armed_troop> awang: do you get flickering?
<armed_troop> if not -- does your GPU support Metal?
<Bornholio> if its on my list it runs (in windows) even if not compiled directly for 1.3.1
<awang> armed_troop: I don't recall ever seeing flickering?
<awang> idk if my GPU supports Metal
<armed_troop> it may very well depend on GPU
<armed_troop> and MEtal
<armed_troop> Metal*
<armed_troop> Bornholio: I get two ModuleManager errors, need to figure out where they're coming from
<awang> Looks like my computer should support Metal, in theory
<armed_troop> what GPU do you have?
<awang> armed_troop: GeForce 650M, IIRC
<armed_troop> ahhh, macbook pro?
<awang> Bornholio: Looking back through the logging code, I'm sort of inclined to say that ignition failures may partially be due to dynamic pressure?
<awang> There are a few multipliers here
<armed_troop> I wonder if you'd get flickering if you force Intel HD (with gfxCardStatus)
<awang> armed_troop: Yep, mid-2012 retina pro
<armed_troop> I have a 13" with Iris graphics (mid-2016)
<awang> armed_troop: idk, I never tried. Don't think I have gfxCardStatus installed
<awang> Been using istat menus to keep track of what GPU is in use
<armed_troop> also -- is loading supposed to take a while?
<armed_troop> I think istat can force a specific gpu but I don't recall.
<awang> armed_troop: Can take upwards of 30 minutes for me
<armed_troop> darn, ok
<awang> But I have over 100 mods installed
<awang> Bornholio: Looks like TF uses whatever ignition chance defined by the curve in the cfgs if you're in prelaunch
<awang> Otherwise, there's a multiplier based on dynamic pressure and number of ignitions
<Bornholio> yeah it just fails so often though, my triple lr89's fail at least on per every other launch
<Bornholio> and they are max data
<awang> Bornholio: Yeah, I've had ignition issues too
<awang> Multiple ignition failures in a row
<awang> idk if I'm looking in the wrong place though
<awang> [7] = 3.7863227753762256
<awang> Uh
<awang> iTerm2 weirdness
<awang> Don't mind that
<awang> Bornholio: What LR-89 config are you using?
<Bornholio> I would expect .9^3 failure to ignite chance per launch (~73%), the initial one
<awang> Yeah, looks like that
<Bornholio> lr43-05 or whatever it is to start
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> One possibility I can think of is that number of ignitions may be incremented early
<awang> Well
<awang> Actually
<awang> What counts as prelaunch again?
<Bornholio> is there a chance its double rolling it?
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<awang> Maybe?
<awang> It's only supposed to roll when transitioning from not ignited to ignited
<awang> And the additional penalties are only supposed to take place if you're not in prelaunch
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<awang> The other thing I can think of is that there's a call to GetInitialFlightData(), not GetFlightData()
<awang> So wondering if it's effectively treating your flight data as 0
<Bornholio> I suppose i better start taking real statistics not just hunch time
<soundnfury> awang: maybe Initial is "data you had when you rolled out / build it"?
<awang> soundnfury: I have no clue
<awang> I'm not familiar enough with the codebase
<soundnfury> for the record, I also feel there are too many ignition failures
<awang> There's no comment on the method
<awang> It's also only used for ignition failures
<awang> I'm going to compile a dll with some additional logging
<soundnfury> my mid-game engines (things like AJ10-104 and Model8096-39) are failing with full data
<soundnfury> which given that apart from ignition failures they basically _never_ fail, yeah there's probably something wrong there
<Bornholio> i'll spam 40 launches with a triple
<awang> Bornholio: Hold on, DLL should be available momentarily
<soundnfury> awang: nitpick: "momentarily" means "for a moment", not "in a moment"
<Bornholio> ^nitpicker
<awang> soundnfury: Do you want me to help you figure out this TF issue or not :P
<soundnfury> I want you to figure it out, but I cba to help :P
<awang> cba?
<soundnfury> Can't Be Arsed ;)
<ProjectThoth> I have to hop away from the computer for a bit, but would something that adopted a reentry profile like the DC-X be easier to design from a loading standpoint - i.e., reentering nose first so that most of the load paths are identical to what would be seen during a normal launch - over a horizontal entry like BFR/ITS?
<ProjectThoth> I would assume that that was one of the prime movers behind adopting a nose-first entry profile.
<awang> soundnfury: Ah, fair enough
<soundnfury> ProjectThoth: it may be that the hypersonic aerodynamics is just easier
<soundnfury> but idk
<awang> soundnfury: ^
<awang> It should say in the log if ignition calculations are being carried out
<awang> And if so, the flight data value it's using
<awang> And if additional multipliers are being applied, then those multipliers are output too
<awang> I think
<awang> Wonder why this isn't registered to an OnIgnition event
<awang> Assuming such a thing exists
<SRBuchanan> With nose-in entries you can have some issues with high terminal velocity and too much stability - turning around to land engines-first can be an issue.