<Starwaster> does anyone know what g-dot would refer to? Context is Apollo 11 reentry: 191:58:13 Evans: Okay, Mike. Of course, this is in the event the G&N and the EMS quits and you have to fly the constant-g; and what we're trying to do is to extend the constant-g range from 1,100 to 1,500 miles. We've run this procedure in the simulator, and it works fine. Basically, I'll go through it - just go through it, and then if you have any questions, come back. But it's
<Starwaster> the same lift vector up until Max g, and then lift vector down, and then modulate the lift vector until g-dot goes to zero. Okay, this procedure is essentially the same so far. And then hold g-dot zero until you pass the Retro elapsed time of V-circular; and then after you pass this Retro elapsed time of V-circular, roll to a gimbal angle of 45 degrees, and then hold this constant bank angle of 45 degrees until you come to the Retro elapsed time of
<Starwaster> drogues. Over.
<Starwaster> ok sorry that was spammier than I anticipated
<stewartx> all good
<wb99999999> okay..
<stewartx> and no clue what it means
<wb99999999> my instinct is that is referring to a instrument
<wb99999999> ...AN instrument
<stewartx> is it bad spacecraft etiquette to put an rcs thruster next to the crew hatch?
<Starwaster> it's bad if you fire it off when someone is next to it no matter where it is
<stewartx> i'lll be sure to include that in the SOM and i'll add a placad
<stewartx> using a saturn 1 b to put a 200kg satelite into low polar orbit, seems like overkill
<Bornholio> G-dot should be change in Accel unless i'm stupid, but thats a given also :)
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<Bornholio> lol my recovery pod is cheesewheeling across central mexico
<stewartx> poor astronauhts
<Bornholio> lol just a mechjeb case a sounding rocket core, thre antenna, three empty snubotrons and nose cone, parachutes blew away after landing detect cut them
<Bornholio> things you do when you still have no heat shields :P
<stewartx> what does leading angle to plane mean?
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<stewartx> o7 lamont
<Bornholio> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_of_periapsis#/media/File:Orbit1.svg if not on this the .shrug spitball it!
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<wb99999999> the stock launchpad looks...sad
<wb99999999> it really needs a launch tower of some sort
<Bornholio> dreams for KSP II
<wb99999999> or maybe just turn RO into a stand-alone game
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<Bornholio> KSP Earth!
<Bornholio> want to see agathorns game
<wb99999999> and we'll finally be able to make totoidal parts
<wb99999999> toroidal*
<wb99999999> what would be a good title for it if there ever be a stand-alone RO?
<Bornholio> for you stewrtx
<Bornholio> stewartx
<Bornholio> which i am going to update shortly
<wb99999999> still waiting for a fix for side boosters
<Bornholio> mine work? what is your symptom?
<wb99999999> Starwaster has recreated the problem so it's not just me
<wb99999999> with lamont's MJ-PEG10, the stage simulation got messed up when you have side boosters
<wb99999999> it would treat the side boosters as if they'd never separate
<Bornholio> booster phase < pitch program...
<Starwaster> bornholio the problem is that stage analysis does not properly compute delta-v both total for the vehicle and on a per stage basis
<wb99999999> it's not directly related to PEG10, but switching to older MJ would fix this
<Bornholio> ah
<Bornholio> cause so far i'm having smooth as greased glass
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<wb99999999> try a large side booster
<ProjectThoth> no
<ProjectThoth> Out of curiosity, does anyone have any data on the methalox version of the RL-10? I'm curious as to how it worked.
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<Starwaster> bornholio are you actually looking at the delta-v display? This doesn't necessarily cause an issue with PEG getting to orbit. It might or it might not
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<Bornholio> I normally keep my booster sep inside my pitch program so as long as i simulate a run and tune my pitch enough it runs smooth
<Starwaster> not what I asked
<Starwaster> look at the delta-v window both int he VAB and in flight screen
<wb99999999> I found out the problem when I built a rocket which can't reach orbit without shedding the booster mass
<Starwaster> and see if it is displaying correct delta-v stats
<wb99999999> the delta-v stats gave me very weird reading
<Bornholio> K i'll look at my next recon launch it has boosters
<wb99999999> and PEG goes haywire and says it can't find a solution to the booster
<wb99999999> but from building rocket so many times I know by my gut this rocket has enough to go to orbit
<wb99999999> and that's when I find out
<Starwaster> some of my designs do ok in spite of the problem and some cause PEG to fail convergence
<Bornholio> never seen a failed to converge
<wb99999999> than's when the calculation ends up with not enough delta-v to orbit
<wb99999999> just try the 120'' boosters tbh, they cause the bug to surface because their dry mass is very large
<Bornholio> yisss landing my photo pods in central florida, kerbal senses improving
<Bornholio> wish list for KSP II, UI panes in seperate Window so goes on other screen, preferably map view also
<ProjectThoth> I just want maneuver nodes to be less finicky.
<Starwaster> wb99999999 - try this please:
<Starwaster> start with a stock Kerbal-X and remove all resources from tanks (if any remain)
<Starwaster> all engines kerolox
<Starwaster> (dont add resources yet)
<Starwaster> upper stage (payload) configure the engine, preferably hypergolic like aerozine - probably doesnt matter exactly what, but just so we see the same thing
<Starwaster> at that time, the delta-V window should display something like 3500 m/s dv
<Starwaster> next fill all of the center tanks
<Starwaster> at that time, stage 4 should display a delta-V reading along with stage 2
<Starwaster> NOW: This is where things get interesting
<Starwaster> fill up one of the booster tanks
<Starwaster> its stage will display its correct delta-V...
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<wb99999999> trying it now
<Starwaster> I wish squad would fix landing gear so that the feet don't unfold to weird angles
<wb99999999> so what am I supposed to get out from the experiment?
<wb99999999> oh wait
<wb99999999> darn, I have an older version of MJ
<wb99999999> because MJPEG10 would give me faulty reading
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<Starwaster> the results of the experiment for me are that it correctly displays upper stage delta-V until a booster tank connected radially is filled up
<Starwaster> at that time, the upper stage (not counting upper stages with sack decouplers) will zero out
<wb99999999> sounds about right
<wb99999999> but if you move the side booster to a separate stage, Titan 4 style
<wb99999999> the reading will go back to normal
<Starwaster> not sure I follow, it's already in a separate stage...? or you mean the engine itself?
<Bornholio> ask for 300x1710km get 300.022x1710.003km, hot staging included, boosters, 2 castors, lr89, lr105, gamma-2 and aj early stages, tiny dab of rcs at end, inclination near perfect
<Starwaster> jesus christ... distant exploding part scared me so badly that I slammed my mouse on the desk
<ProjectThoth> Starwaster: It happens.
<Starwaster> what's cool though is that I steered my capsule to within a couple hundred meters of it during reentry using negative lift
<Bornholio> last night i had to yell at the cat for missing a landing on a computer case thought a racoon was try in the room
<Bornholio> get
<Starwaster> you realize when you say your cat missed the landing.... that I think stuff like MJ landing prediction?
<Starwaster> dont you think you're expecting a little much out of your cat?
<ProjectThoth> kitty!
<Bornholio> yes but this was actually a black cat named Jiji his landing prediction should be much better
<Bornholio> claws out on metal case
<Starwaster> Jiji sounds badass
<Starwaster> in his crew file, the badass bit is set
<Starwaster> he probably would wear an orange suit
<Bornholio> he has murdered many mice, but lately he keeps his claws in, we have had very tired mice in the living room
<Bornholio> I think the last mouse had been caught before, came over and hopped onto my glove when I went to escort himm out.
<Starwaster> has Jiji ever presented you with dead mice?
<Bornholio> at least 60 so far, plus a few dumb gray finches
<Bornholio> lol, that extra yuck
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<Starwaster> I think Diva was just worried that her mom was't getting enough to eat
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<ProjectThoth> Does anyone have data on what the payload density is of most vehicles?
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<ProjectThoth> Man, 1.5STOs are a *bitch* to try and do math with.'
<Probus> Some SpaceX/NASA footage I've never seen before: https://youtu.be/bIZ64Cr9sco?t=6m40s
<Probus> Started it right before the entry burn.
<Probus> Its smokin'
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<Starwaster> probus: Mmmmmmmm rocket porn
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<wb99999999> I just disvouered just how much I hated lecture rooms, the slanted ones in particular
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<xShadowx> mmm rocket porn
<xShadowx> she looks hot too
<Probus> Did you notice the odd angle that the falcon 9 came in at? It was not straight at all.
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