<Probus> That's a pretty cool control panel. Everyone NEEEEDS one of these.
<soundnfury> nonsense
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<Bornholio> moo
<SpecimenSpiff> baa
<awang> Anyone familiar with the PartModule API around?
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<awang> Trying to figure out how to use reflection to get KRASH to pretend everything is tooled when calculating costs
<awang> Feels incredibly dirty
<awang> In any case
<awang> I'm iterating over a part's modules
<awang> And trying to find one that derives from ModuleTooling
<awang> Is checking whether module.moduleName contains "ModuleTooling" sufficient?
<awang> Or should I use a different method?
<awang> Or GUIName?
<SpecimenSpiff> If "ModuleTooling
<SpecimenSpiff> is how tooling is indicated, iterating for one should work
<blowfish> Are you expecting more than one?
<SpecimenSpiff> you can look at the testflight/realfuels interaction code for an example
<awang> It is
<awang> I already got a proof of concept working
<awang> But it references the RP-0 dll directly
<blowfish> If not, you can use part.FindModuleImplementing<ModuleTooling>()
<awang> blowfish: To be honest, I don't know
<SpecimenSpiff> though I dont think that example is optimal, I seem to remember there was a much faster way
<awang> But FindModuleImplementing sounds like the right thing
<awang> I'd hope that each part doesn't have more than one ModuleTooling
<Bornholio> awang with master branch RF what .dll is available for the dev testing
<SpecimenSpiff> scan a save file to check, I'd think
<awang> Bornholio: I think whatever dll is there should be fine?
<Bornholio> master soesn't have a plugin folder
<Bornholio> doesn't
<awang> Oh
<awang> Let me get something onto Dropbox
<awang> idk if NK's Dropbox is up to date
<SpecimenSpiff> it should be, he said something about that a few days ago
<taniwha> awang: one thing to do is to hook into the part loading process and build your own part database
<awang> blowfish: Wait, I can't use FindModuleImplementing if I don't reference the RP-0 dll, right?
<Bornholio> mornally there is a RealFuels.dll and an TestFlightRF.dll
<Bornholio> normally
<taniwha> then in-game (flight or editor), you can look up parts in your private database
<blowfish> awang: correct
<taniwha> awang: this is how EL does recipes
<blowfish> or whatever the module is defined in
<awang> blowfish: Referencing the RP-0 dll in KRASH probably isn't the best idea, is it?
<awang> taniwha: That sounds... gross
<awang> EL?
<taniwha> EL = extraplanetary launchpads
<awang> Hm
<taniwha> and it's not gross
<taniwha> (very clean, really)
<awang> Really?
<blowfish> awang: you will have to use a lot of reflection to do anything meaningful with a class you aren't referencing
<awang> taniwha: I'll have to take a look at EL's code then
<awang> blowfish: Yeah, that's what I was expecting
<awang> Unless you have a better alternative?
<awang> Because I thought a dll won't load if a dll it's referencing isn't loaded
<taniwha> awang: Source/Recipes (especially RecipeDatabase.cs and RecipeLoader.cs)
<blowfish> awang: fair enough
<awang> taniwha: Yep, just finished cloning
<SpecimenSpiff> I had code like this in a simple little app to find and list engine data
<SpecimenSpiff> if (!part.partPrefab.Modules.Contains("ModuleEngineConfigs"))
<taniwha> awang: ah, heh :)
<SpecimenSpiff> tyhat might be what you need
<awang> blowfish: I was hoping you'd have some kind of magic incantation that would fix everything :(
<taniwha> awang: anyway, it might not be what you want, but it's certainly something to consider
<blowfish> nah, it's just a lot of manual work
<blowfish> it might be easier to look for the class at initialization time, then search for modules which have a class equal to it
<blowfish> then you can also grab the fields you will need
<awang> taniwha: I'd still have to use reflection to actually call the methods, right?
<awang> blowfish: That's what MJ does, isn't it?
<awang> Guess I'll just copy that, I guess
<taniwha> awang: module specific ones, yes
<awang> If it's actually right
<taniwha> but you can set things up so you call those methods via delegates (ie, build the delegates using reflection)
<taniwha> EL doesn't do /that/ (I read about the technique much later), but it will speed things up
<taniwha> awang: more good stuff: http://blog.monstuff.com/archives/000037.html
<awang> Hmmm
<taniwha> anyway, food for thought :)
<awang> I think I used delegates when putting FAR stuff into MJ
<taniwha> delegates are (or can be) awesome :)
<awang> Also, is it possible to delegate if the object you're calling methods on is a type in a different dll?
<awang> i.e. I need to call <ModuleTooling object>.IsUnlocked()
<taniwha> I don't know if you can use an unbound delegate (where the object is null), but you certainly can for a bound one
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> I'll need to look around some more
<taniwha> (when the delegate's object is null, you can do obj.delegate())
<taniwha> also, unbound delegates are how you can call static methods
<awang> Ah
<awang> That sounds good
<taniwha> heh, had KSP running for 64 hours
<taniwha> only just noticed
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<awang> In C# does BindingFlags.Instance cover instance methods?
<awang> Docs say it covers "instsance members", but I don't know whether that just means member variables or both variables and methods
<taniwha> variables, methods, properties...
<taniwha> ie, anything without "static" in its declaration
<awang> Alright, that sounds good then
<awang> Uh
<awang> I can't call FindModuleImplementing<T> with T being something I found using reflection, right?
<awang> I need to create the generic method first using reflection?
<taniwha> oh, in that case, you're better off just running through part.Modules checking the module type
<taniwha> I think
<awang> How do I check the module type? Grab a Type instance and use that?
<awang> Or is comparing moduleName enough?
<taniwha> hmm, hang on
<taniwha> I used mod.moduleName
<taniwha> (mod came from part.Modules)
<taniwha> look in EL's KISWrapper
<awang> Yep, I see it
<awang> Although now that I think about it, string comparison wouldn't work for derived classes, right?
<awang> idk if I want to count on derived classes always having ModuleTooling in their names
<taniwha> they won't
<awang> :(
<taniwha> but there are ways to check derivatives
<taniwha> (ie, follow base class chains etc)
<awang> Is there an equivalent of Java's Class<T>.instanceOf()?
<taniwha> checking
<awang> Although I'd still need to figure out if I want to use Type or ClassInfo
<awang> Or TypeInfo
<awang> Type it is, I guess
<awang> Convenient, since I need to get that anyways
<taniwha> yeah
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<taniwha> I'm looking at getting a decent microscope (for myself and my kids). found a nice one that's a little pricey, went looking for reviews, wound up on the manufacturer's website...
<taniwha> "With software available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, ..." Linux? I'm in!
<taniwha> (has a usb camera)
<taniwha> but just acknowledging Linux on their site earns them brownie points :)
<taniwha> (mac and linux are "lite" versions, but still)
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<awang> Wait, how do I invoke a delegate for an instance method again?
<taniwha> everything should be in those articles I linked earlier
<taniwha> (I don't remember the details off-hand)
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<awang> obj.delegate() just tells me that "PartModule does not contain a definition for 'delegate'
<awang> "
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Guess I skimmed them too fast then
<taniwha> yeah, "delegate" in there was a place-holder
<taniwha> and I might have been wrong about the obj.delegate (), there may have been something else to it
<taniwha> (sorry)
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<awang> Yeah, I typed "delegate" into IRC instead of the actual name I used
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<awang> Figured it'd be a bit clearer
<awang> No need to apologize, you're being enormously helpful
<taniwha> ah, look at "creating open delegates with reflection" in that "making reflection fly" article
<taniwha> that might be what you want
<awang> Yep, was literally just staring at it before switching back to IRC
<taniwha> heh
<taniwha> aaah, looks like delegate(obj, params)
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<awang> Yep
<awang> Now the only missing part is that the argument for the delegate is the type I'm trying to find using reflection
<awang> And getting that set up does not look fun :(
<awang> Guess I'll have a shot at it later
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<awang> I'm beat
<awang> taniwha: Thank you so much for your help!
<taniwha> I'm glad I could help :)
<Vader111> no lamont you must fix PEG
<Vader111> PEG is love PEG is life
<Vader111> even if you just fix the current peg in mechjeb2 dev
<Vader111> that would be great to use srbs
<lamont> still don’t understand why SRBs are busted
<lamont> is the stage stats display busted?
<Vader111> well your current peg2 branch doesn't have that issue but has nullref and incination issues
<lamont> yeah i’m not sure what i pushed last to my branch but i’m sure that’s broken
<Vader111> certain srbs break peg and it just spams unguided gravity turns
<Vader111> mostly the big ones what has been said
<lamont> “break peg” how though?
<Vader111> unguided gravity turns and theres nothing you can do to get a stable peg
<lamont> yeah but that’s a symptom of the disease
<lamont> got a craft file?
<Vader111> i have many that have the issue
<Vader111> ok so i just launched a rocket
<Vader111> had 2 gem 60 on it
<Vader111> so basically the peg screen goes nuts with nan on the delta v readouts and madly flickers
<lamont> nan on the delta v readouts? that is weirdness
<Vader111> i will see if i can get a video of it
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<lamont> yeah that’d be helpful
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<Vader111> im doing to vid now lamont
<Vader111> also to do with the unguided gravity turns
<Vader111> i have also had it happen all the time with a Atlas V 501 model with no srbs
<Vader111> with the 2nd stage in the fairing peg for some reason would not find a solution
<Vader111> as soon as i took the 2nd stage out of the faring it would then work
<Vader111> so the atlas 401 would work but the atlas 501 wouldn't work
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<lamont> oh A’s and B’s and Atlas-Centaur
<Vader111> yeah i like my atlas centaurs very much
<lamont> so num stages should be 3 because you’re going to need at least 3 stages to orbit
<Vader111> well it only the srbs the main stage and the centaur
<lamont> that’s 3
<Vader111> so then how does peg actually work with that
<Vader111> with the srb
<Vader111> because if i launched that rocket again with 3 stages in peg then i would not work right
<lamont> when you hit “reinitialize stage analysis” it shows you it needs 3 stages - like at 4 seconds in there
<lamont> (4 seconds in the video)
<Vader111> well just a min got a pic for you htne
<lamont> you need 2308 from the KSP stage 0 which is the upper
<lamont> boosters + sustainer is one stage, sustainer is next stage, upper is next stage
<Vader111> how does that work then
<lamont> not entirely clear what you mean
<Vader111> ok let me try something
<lamont> the “num stages (2): [ 2 ]” display shows you how many stages are ‘left’ in the parenthesis so that value counts down as stages burn out and decouple — the ‘3’ you enter stays there so it doesn’t reset all the time for the next time you launch a rocket.
<Vader111> hmmmm ok so i have been doing it wrong the whole time
<lamont> so for three stages it would start “num stages(3): 3” and then “num stages(2): 3” after the SRBs burn off
<lamont> not sure if that explanation helps or not
<Vader111> God F**Ken Dammit
<Vader111> ok brb
<lamont> you might need to loft it a little more with 0.5 degree/s as well due to your low TWR upper and the 250 km target orbit — but if it makes it with 0l.6 that’d probably be better to use
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<NathanKell> o/
<Qboid> NathanKell: awang left a message for you in #RO [26.01.2018 13:27:35]: "I fixed something in KCT? TIL o_O"
<lamont> o/
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Qboid> [#172] title: Update build time/rollout costs on launchpad switch | | https://github.com/magico13/KCT/issues/172
<Vader111> no it gets to orbit good and fine
<lamont> =)
<lamont> PEG10 doesn’t have that num stages nonsense, it just figures it out for you
<lamont> it has additional nonsense though
<Vader111> yeah i have trued it
<lamont> i should work on PEG11, but not at 11pm
<Vader111> basically the only things wrong with it is the null ref spam in the vab and the incanation issues
<Vader111> why not 11pm is good for peg11
<Vader111> its a sign
<lamont> lol
<lamont> i need to wind down
<lamont> i do better in the early afternoon after coffee
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy!
<ProjectThoth> Hullo!
<ProjectThoth> Heh, those two lines had the same number of characters.
<soundnfury> That's not a particularly uncommon occurence, though...
* BadRocketsCo is building a unmanned mars return mission
<BadRocketsCo> soundnfury: it's still am occurence though vOv
<BadRocketsCo> Just like that typo
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<soundnfury> well it happened in the morning for me, so it _is_ AM occurrence ;)
<soundnfury> also apparently I misspelled "occurrence" the first time, if I hadn't I wouldn't have matched length :/
<soundnfury> eh I could have skipped the comma, that'd've worked
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<probus_> o/
<soundnfury> \o
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<BadRocketsCo> Hehe
<BadRocketsCo> Welp, looks like I won't be bringing that heatshield with me to mars
<BadRocketsCo> Makes the lander WAY too heavy
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<Probus> Heatshields are overrated
<Probus> See what I did there --> overrated. Get it? :)
<BadRocketsCo> Heh, yup
<BadRocketsCo> brb
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<BadRocketsCo> There we go
<BadRocketsCo> But yeah
<BadRocketsCo> This thing is already the heaviest unmanned mars lander i've ever built
<BadRocketsCo> 8 tons
<soundnfury> What's the mass delivered to surface?
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<Probus> For the most control, you want your fuel to drain from the bottom of the tank to the top of the tank. Correct? Opposite of what really happens.
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<Bornholio> yes, but also fuel is divided so its not all down at the bottom. but its is always pushed to the bottom of its tank unlnike KSP center of tank
<Bornholio> unlike
<Probus> Thanks Bornholio
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<Bornholio> probus this is the classic source for a lot of good information of rocket systems https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19710019929.pdf it has sections on fuel cycles and design for all the vaious cycles
<Bornholio> written in '71 so its at the end of the moon landings and gazillions of research dollars :P
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<Bornholio> pap not sure what is changed in CC but i'm getting "Rethrow as Exception: Error loading types from assembly CC_RemoteTech" then a set of 5 errors like "ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Errors encountered while trying to load CONTRACT_TYPE 'GeoComSatNetwork'"
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<Bornholio> scary ghostbirb
<Pap> Bornholio: you broke it you fix it.
<Pap> :)
<Bornholio> lokking now
<Bornholio> looking
<Bornholio> also no a-4 engines???
<Pap> That is a complicated contract, if CC changed stuff (I know it did, but don't know what) might have to be fixed
<Pap> The A4 is from Taerobee mod
<Bornholio> ah is that what i'm missing .duh
<SpectralRaptor> Bornholio: Maybe. Or maybe you're seeing all the eigenvalues of Ĥ|Raptor>
<Bornholio> oh thats it :)
<Bornholio> I never was great at matrix math
<Bornholio> pap looks like the changes broke CCRemoteTech which in turn makes the contracts error out, i'll look for any fixes for that, or maybe its just next itteration of RT :P
<Pap> Bornholio do the other contracts with RemoteTech requirements spit out errors?
<Bornholio> so far just 5 failed to load correctly
<Bornholio> Line 258473: ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Errors encountered while trying to load CONTRACT_TYPE 'GeoComSatNetwork'
<Bornholio> Line 263209: ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Errors encountered while trying to load CONTRACT_TYPE 'EarlyComNetwork3'
<Bornholio> Line 263097: ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Errors encountered while trying to load CONTRACT_TYPE 'GPSnetwork'
<Bornholio> Line 260785: ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Errors encountered while trying to load CONTRACT_TYPE 'GLONASSnetwork'
<Bornholio> Line 263253: ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Errors encountered while trying to load CONTRACT_TYPE 'EarlyComNetwork4'
<Bornholio> obviously they need RT specific information like coverage
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<Bornholio> pap maybe i ansered the wrong question, yes other people have the same problem not just RP-0 dev
<Pap> Ah, yep it is an RT issue
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<soundnfury> Pap: have you seen https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/pull/783 ? I know it's not against the Dev branch but it applies there too and it looks right to me
<Qboid> [#783] title: Fix NewCrewStations.cfg | As I read this, the point of this contract is to send crew to an empty station. But the current requirement is set to only allow the contract to occur when there are less than 3 vacant seats availabl... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/783
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<NathanKell> o/
<CommandoDiamond> Is it true that NathanKell is actually Gabe Newell?
<CommandoDiamond> Think about it, they both work at valve now and we've never seen them together
<NathanKell> I have insufficient beard game
<NathanKell> Mike` are you around? Have I finally beaten time zones?
<Bornholio> Nathan Saturday at noon doesn't count
<NathanKell> Bornholio: Heh. Still better than weekdays at 6:30 for talking to +8/+9ers
<Bornholio> finally getting a 1.3.1 rp-1 running well, noticing a lot of stutter at certain times like transition. have you seen similar or do i just need more ram :)
<NathanKell> My guess is the localization stuff hits the GC fairly hard
<awang> Bornholio: I blame Unity not having sgen
<Qboid> awang: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [27.01.2018 07:06:32]: "https://github.com/magico13/KCT/pull/172"
<NathanKell> I seem to recall a convo with Thomas last spring
<awang> NathanKell: Was that a bug?
<Bornholio> yeah it feels like GC pauses
<awang> It's not the rollout costs bug
<awang> Well, not the more important one
<NathanKell> It's still a fix tho, no? :)
<awang> True
<awang> Just not the one everyone is hoping for :P
<NathanKell> true
<awang> btw, looks like there actually is a way to force failures in TF
<awang> I was just blind and totally missed it :(
<NathanKell> Ah interesting!
<awang> btw, does KRASH still have the thing where it'll let you start a sim without having unlocked a part of your ship?
<awang> Then give you some extra money, then not actually go to the flight scene?
<awang> And flash the "simulation active" message when you're still in the editor?
<NathanKell> No idea. I've never used it :]
<awang> Oh really?
<awang> RP-1 launches without sims?
<awang> You're a brave man :P
<Bornholio> rather crash then crash, launch empty pods with a core then do manned flights
<Bornholio> Krash
<awang> Starwaster: Is HeatPump going to see a 1.3.1 release anytime soon?
<NathanKell> awang: No I just miss KCT's sims.
<NathanKell> But yeah, I guess also I'm fairly brave, or rather I've just played RO enough to have a good sense of things
<awang> NathanKell: KRASH still isn't on par in terms of features?
<NathanKell> In terms of ease
<NathanKell> and from interactions with him when I was a KSP dev, I have a...healthy distrust, let us say, for LGG's modding.
<awang> Ease?
<awang> And what makes LGG's modding so interesting, if you don't mind my asking?
<NathanKell> He may be rather better now, but at the time he had all the confidence and little of the skill required to pull stuff off
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<NathanKell> (and was fairly pissy to us as devs, too)
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<NathanKell> (and was fairly pissy to us as devs, too)
<awang> Huh
<awang> Interesting
<Bornholio> alright Should KJR be on the list?
<NathanKell> KJR's fine yeah
<awang> Hmm
<NathanKell> Starwaster: When you're next around can you walk me through newCryo a little bit? I'm having a bit of trouble following the insulation/type level stuff, looks like some things are disconnected?
<awang> What happened to the custom loading screen?
<Bornholio> was going to mention that
<NathanKell> Took them out because JPLRepo fixed up loading screen behaviour and I would have thought someone else would have thus made a loading screen changer that's good. But if not I'll rewrite it for 1.3.1's loading screen
<awang> Ah
<awang> Was anyone aware of the ability to change loading screens outside of those of us who played RP-1 dev?
<awang> Haven't heard of other mods doing that
<NathanKell> There's this, the original of which seems to predate RP-1's. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162397-131-loading-screen-manager/
<NathanKell> but since it predates 1.3.1 I doubt it's doing it correctly anymore
<Bornholio> LGG didn't update a mod? .gasp
<NathanKell> Recompiles count, surely? :D
<soundnfury> ohai Nathan!
<NathanKell> Yo!
<soundnfury> I share your opinion of LGG, btw :S
<soundnfury> awang: since KCT removed sims, I've also been doing without
<soundnfury> but then, I'm so l33t I don't need 'em ;)
<NathanKell> Shocking, the unanimity involved.
<soundnfury> it's like... we're both developers, and therefore think alike!
<soundnfury> so NathanKell you want to start up RIS ASAP or wait 'til that todo list is all ticked off?
<soundnfury> (I'm guessing the latter)
<NathanKell> The latter I think
<NathanKell> I also kinda need to get back up to speed tbh :P
<awang> What, am I going to have to write a sim mod that does things right? :P
<awang> Hmmm
<NathanKell> I'm sure KRASH works well enough for most use
<soundnfury> speaking of which: does anyone in the channel use Soyuzes?
<NathanKell> Did last time
<NathanKell> For Glorious Soviet Space Program
<awang> Agathorn mentioned that it's possible to reference a dll without having KSP crash if the dll isn't loaded
<awang> How does that work?
<NathanKell> Reflection?
<soundnfury> I never have, so I couldn't cover them in https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/pull/815
<Qboid> [#815] title: Implement multiplier fixes for (some) crew pods | Work towards Issue #771. However, there are some TODOs, mainly for mods that I don't have.... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/815
<Bornholio> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A7gQkIiQKi0VtRecE6p86KCKuoawZPdzk7NlaxssRJ4/edit#gid=0 Add KJR to the list, anything else need addition. Also should we remove CTT from the RP-0 list since it is not used by dev
<NathanKell> Agree
<awang> NathanKell: I thought the dll referencing would take place before reflection could do aynthing about it
<soundnfury> (also NK, does '<3' mean I should go ahead and merge it?)
<NathanKell> soundnfury: Merge when ready, indeed :)
<soundnfury> done :)
<NathanKell> awang: I am not aware of a way for KSP to load a dll that *hard* links another dll, that other dll not having already been loaded.
<NathanKell> However, reflecting isn't hardlinking at all so that's fine
<NathanKell> So I think that may be what Agathorn meant. He uses reflection a lot
<soundnfury> I never use reflection at all
<soundnfury> I think that makes me a vampire?
<NathanKell> There are worse things to be. Like a Sea Vixen.
<awang> NathanKell: Thing is Agathorn has a separate category for "pure" reflection
<NathanKell> Then huh, neat!
<awang> The last method he mentions for interacting with TF is a "hybrid" approach where a hard reference to the TF dll is used but reflection is used to determine whether the dll is actually loaded
<awang> And I didn't know how that was possible, since I thought missing a referenced dll was an instant crash
<Bornholio> Somebody fix FRE for me :(
<awang> FRE?
<awang> It's broken?
<awang> !acr -add:FRE Forgotten Real Engines
<Qboid> awang: I added the explanation for this acronym.
<Bornholio> maybe its just me
<Bornholio> is Engine lighting still giving the phantom lighting for anyone?
<awang> Phantom lighting?
<Bornholio> "Seems to work as is, has issue with illumination when active but no thrust/throttle."
<awang> Hm
<awang> idk, been too long for me
<soundnfury> NathanKell: what's wrong with Sea Vixen?
<Starwaster> having trouble properly matching inclination of a contract orbit.... if it's 88 deg and I'm passing under the AN/DN, how much do I have to lead it to get into that orbit?
<soundnfury> is fleet air arm not stronk enough for you?
<soundnfury> glorious de havilland master race
<Starwaster> stock I never had any problem but I just can't get it
<NathanKell> soundnfury: It kinda makes a Phantom look spritely.
<NathanKell> Starwaster: I never did the math, I kinda just go by instinct and correct on the way up
<awang> NathanKell: Looks like the gloster meteor temperature PR was against master by accident :(
<awang> Can you merge to master?
<Bornholio> depends on speed to orbit, that amoount of rotation :P
<NathanKell> awang: Hehe
<awang> s/master/dev
<Qboid> awang meant to say: Can you merge to dev?
<NathanKell> awang sure
<awang> Sorry >_<
<Bornholio> is vixen that weird dual cocpikt/offset thing
<NathanKell> np :)
<NathanKell> Bornholio: No that's a Gloster bird IIRC
<NathanKell> Vixen is centerline
<NathanKell> Nope
<NathanKell> I'm exactly 180deg wrong
<NathanKell> Javelin is centerline, Vixen is canted
<NathanKell> Starwaster: Do you have a sec to you walk me through newCryo a little bit? I'm having a bit of trouble following the insulation/type level stuff, looks like some things are disconnected?
<NathanKell> s/to you/for you to/
<Qboid> NathanKell meant to say: Starwaster: Do you have a sec for you to walk me through newCryo a little bit? I'm having a bit of trouble following the insulation/type level stuff, looks like some things are disconnected?
<Starwaster> nathankell vacuum insulated tanks are definitely not hooked in, is that what you meant?
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<NathanKell> yeah, insulation type/level didn't seem hooked in at all
<NathanKell> wondered if I missed something
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<Starwaster> what happened was that I simultaneously coded in a GUI for the MLI when you did that
<Starwaster> when you did yours
<NathanKell> Ah
<Starwaster> and I was thinking along different lines I think, where MLI and vacuum bottles would be enabled separately
<Starwaster> rather than either/or
<NathanKell> Ah ok
<NathanKell> might as well nuke mine then
<Bornholio> https://github.com/dkavolis/PersistentRotation recompile for 1.3.1
<Starwaster> if configured as a vacuum bottle, that should significantly reduce the utilization percent I think
<CommandoDiamond> I have a question about some of the FASA parts if anybody minds answering
<Starwaster> also.... how do we feel about MLI being destructible if the skin overheats? That would simultaneously introduce another bit of realism AND solve a problem where MLI tanks are prone to being destroyed when their skins overheat
<CommandoDiamond> Like why does the explorer core generate solar charge?
<Bornholio> it has solar panels
<CommandoDiamond> really?
<CommandoDiamond> It charges to the point where the battery basically lasts forever
<NathanKell> Starwaster: Sure, that makes sense
<NathanKell> Bornholio: Huh. I've been using the 1.2.x one and it seemed fine. Neat find!
<soundnfury> CommandoDiamond: explorer 1? not that I've ever seen!
<CommandoDiamond> Yeah
<NathanKell> Explorer 1 was battery powered AFAIK
<Bornholio> lol, no it should not
<CommandoDiamond> I've had probes with no solar panels and the explorer core and charge will be replenished
<CommandoDiamond> I've also noticed that normal solar panels do not produce any charge (won't even satsify contracts that need solar charge)
<CommandoDiamond> Like the little FASA ones and first generation of solar panels you get
<soundnfury> hmm, sounds like your install is borken, then, because I've never seen either of those problems
<Bornholio> does it have a stray generator in its code...
<Bornholio> commando doesn't appear to in the normal .cfg
<Bornholio> post a copy of your MM cache
<CommandoDiamond> MM Cache? I'm not familiar with all this modding stuff
<Starwaster> is there any information on Centaur heat leakage values?
<Bornholio> in your GameData folder "ModuleManager.ConfigCache"
<CommandoDiamond> Alright, I think I'll pastebin it
<Bornholio> Think i have some thing DTIC Starwaster
<NathanKell> back in a bit, o/
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
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<CommandoDiamond> and its too big for pastebin
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<Bornholio> don't see anything in it for modules that would generate power, or any -ec consumers
<awang> Bornholio: Hopefully PersistentRotation will become unnecessary when Principia starts managing vessel orientation
<Bornholio> yeah but then i have to drop other mods to run it :P
<awang> Pfffft
<awang> Who cares when you can run the One True Mod? :P
<awang> btw, can anyone here test my KRASH dll that provides the option to disable TF?
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<awang> Previous dll disabled TF unconditionally, but this provides the option
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<awang> If/when anyone gets around to taking advantage of TF's ability to force failures
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<Bornholio> 263pager
<Bornholio> summary 42.09 BTU/hr
<Bornholio> oh and also 14.46 bTU/hr for LN2
<Bornholio> boil off os .218lb/hr and .169 lb/hr
<Bornholio> I now demand cookies
BadRocketsCo has joined #RO
<BadRocketsCo> Hullo
<BadRocketsCo> Does anyone know how much 1 fund is irl money?
<APlayer> Pretty much an arbitrary amount, from my experiences
<Probus> One Billion Dollars!
<APlayer> Somewhere on the order of $ 1000 to $ 1,000,000 I'd say
<soundnfury> BadRocketsCo: there is a specific thing
<soundnfury> it's $10k in... I think it's 1973 USD? not sure
<soundnfury> ask NathanKell
<BadRocketsCo> Hmm, okay
<APlayer> Perhaps not quite $ 1,000,000, but, if you especially look at some payloads, might get up to $ 100,000
<APlayer> Could probably directly compare by fuel prices, though
<Bornholio> 1fubnd is 1000$/1951
<Bornholio> fund
<CommandoDiamond> I think its 1 fund for 4 dollars (Current US dollar)
<Bornholio> this spreadsheet is used to adjust prices
<Bornholio> ah and its 1965
<BadRocketsCo> I could just
<BadRocketsCo> Oups
<BadRocketsCo> Wrong channel
<BadRocketsCo> Thanks Bornholio!
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<BadRocketsCo> Oh boy, my unmanned Mars sample return costs about 80 million USD of today
<CommandoDiamond> I'm not sure if thats cheap or expensive
<soundnfury> that's crazy cheap
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<CommandoDiamond> I thought so
<soundnfury> yeah a realistic MSR would cost about a milliard USD
<SpectralRaptor> $8e7 sounds like a flyby mission.
<CommandoDiamond> c h e a p b o y s
<Mike`> awang, i guess KRASH still does that, at least the "simulation active" after trying to sim with unlocked parts, i haven't checked the funds part
<awang> Mike`: Ah, ok
<awang> I'll see if I can take a look
<Mike`> are you doing anything with the sstu patches? because i started a few small 1.3 fixes
<awang> That's weird because the code has a bit that is supposed to disable the start simulation button if any locked parts are present
<awang> Evidently something about it isn't working
<Mike`> hehe, apparently
<awang> Only things I've done with SSTU is a few MM patch fixes for the tanks and looking into tooling
<awang> The former just changes two lines, and there are PRs on the RO repo if you want to check for conflicts
<awang> The latter isn't going to be in a PR for a while
<awang> Probably
<awang> Yeah
<Mike`> yeah i've seen the PR
<awang> foreach (var part in EditorLogic.fetch.ship.parts) { if (!ResearchAndDevelopment.PartTechAvailable(PartLoader.getPartInfoByName(part.name)) { lockedparts = true; } }
<Mike`> because the tanks need fixes for 1.3 to even display in the VAB
<awang> if (lockedparts) { flyable = false; }
<Mike`> ive started those in a branch, haven't submitted a pr yet though because ... it's just a start for 1.3
<awang> Best guess is that PartTechAvailable is doing something funky
<awang> I'll have to take a closer look
<awang> Oh really? Didn't know the tanks were broken
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<Mike`> well, it's just a minor thing
<awang> But yeah, the changes I made are pretty inor
<awang> s/inor/sminor
<Qboid> awang meant to say: But yeah, the changes I made are pretty sminor
<awang> s/sminor/minor
<awang> Er
<awang> brb
<Mike`> a tank cap/nose name changed, old sstu patches reference the old name
<Mike`> the SRBs have more issues, i don't know how well they worked in 1.2 however
<Mike`> eg if the engine configs for realfuels worked, right now they don't seem to be in 1.3
<Pap> Mike`: the solids in SSTU haven't worked well for a while
<Pap> I did the configs for all SSTU parts for 1.2 so let me know if you have any questions
<Mike`> Pap, so that "for a while" includes 1.2? I'm wondering if/how the engineconfigs worked for them, because they don't seem to be in 1.3
<Pap> Yes, they were very screwy in 1.2 and I never got to fixing them
<Mike`> ah okay
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<Bornholio> is Testflight Dev branch using the same testflight.cfg's from RO dev?
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> Mike`: We meet at last! :D
<Mike`> !tell ferram4 Do you know what might cause a small part (bluedog's new lr 101 vernier) to have a gigantic drag? I see no error/warning in ksp.log, and debug voxels don't seem to do anything with the part attached, they work fine without it
<Qboid> Mike`: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<NathanKell> Mike`: If they're not showing with the part attached, that means soemthing's throwing, no?
<Mike`> NathanKell hey... :) yes, although i already should be sleeping so i don't have much time :)
<NathanKell> :D
<NathanKell> I did try at ~7:45p yourtime but I guess you can be excused for having a Saturday night :D
<soundnfury> o/
<NathanKell> Did you get my note about realplume configs the other day?
<NathanKell> heya snf
<Mike`> NathanKell, was 8:45 my time and was watchging a movie, sorry :)
<NathanKell> no worries ^_^
<Mike`> and i don't see any throw in ksp.log...but i should maybe check the console
<NathanKell> Also huh I figured by the 'tea' you'd be on GMT.
<Mike`> hehehe
<NathanKell> If they're not in the log then I'm stumped
<Mike`> nah, i'm german, and while most of us seem to prefer coffee, there are some tea guys around :)
<NathanKell> Ah!
<ferram4> In any case, if a small part is causing gigantic drag... that means the model is screwed up.
<Qboid> ferram4: technicalfool left a message for you in #kspacademia [25.01.2018 08:36:22]: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/334049720001626112/405858007512121373/unknown.png"
<Qboid> ferram4: Mike` left a message for you in #RO [27.01.2018 22:53:20]: "Do you know what might cause a small part (bluedog's new lr 101 vernier) to have a gigantic drag? I see no error/warning in ksp.log, and debug voxels don't seem to do anything with the part attached, they work fine without it"
<NathanKell> HI FERRAM!
<ferram4> And requires fixing on the other modder's end, there's nothing I can do.
<NathanKell> Good to see you :)
<ferram4> Oh, hello. You're alive.
<NathanKell> Shockingly
<NathanKell> I feel like the most relevant thing I can say to you on greeting, however, is "RIP Fresh Kills"
<Mike`> ferram4, i was guessing that might be it and already asked him, he has no idea what might be wrong. :(
<NathanKell> collider issue?
<ferram4> NathanKell, I'm not aware of anything changing there... landfill is still closed, park idea on top of it still seems.... stupid.
<NathanKell> is it using geometry or colliders?
<NathanKell> ferram4: Ah, last I heard the park idea was moving forwards
<Mike`> without the part: total vol: 711.325305355996 filled vol: 52.0214767519718, with the part: total vol: 729835538.541784 filled vol: 13801.1142636835
<ferram4> Mike`, Almost certainly means there is some part of the model left over floating somewhere stupid out in the middle of nowhere.
<ferram4> When this happens it's always down to things not being completely cleaned up.
<Mike`> okay, i'll try to ask him again. was trying to import the mu in blender myself but the blender import throws errors...
<ferram4> Ask him again, mention that I said, "There's probably a random transform floating somewhere far from the rest of the mesh that's screwing it up"
<Mike`> thanks very much, ferram4, and really cool mod you made there, was so much fun to use the analysis tool compared to basically guessing in stock. :)
<Mike`> will do
<ferram4> Ah, yes. I need to actually get an update out.
<ferram4> I haven't played enough to be confident in its stabiltiy myself. >_<
<NathanKell> Team Rusty!
<NathanKell> /fistbump
<ferram4> Nothing should really have changed... but I've gotten bitten with that assumption so many times I know not to trust it anymore.
<Mike`> i think i haven't noticed anything severe with it on 1.3. One tiny issue i noticed is that after you change your rocket and press analyze in FAR too quickly, the results won't be correct/change if you press again.
<Mike`> But if you know that you can work around it. :)
<ferram4> Yeah, that's not exactly intended, but I suppose I can add something to the GUI to prevent that.
<ferram4> It takes the background threads a sceond to recalculate everything for the vehicle and until that happens everything is wrong.
<Mike`> yep, thought itd be something like that.
<Mike`> the gui should probably do something like wait for the calculation to finish before displaying data, or grey out the analyze button until the calculations are done
<Mike`> NathanKell, sorry, yes, i got your note
<NathanKell> Mike`: Ah cool. Just wanted to make sure--that's why we do RP ourselves, since we utterly change engines ourselves any existing plumes will 9 times out of 10 be wrong...
<Mike`> was a bit frustrated with realplume today as it seems i basically need two speed params because the animation speed at which the plume looks good changes with the atmosphere thickness. :/
<NathanKell> urf :(
<NathanKell> oh hmm, I bet smokescreen supports speed as a curve
<NathanKell> it supports everything else as one
<Mike`> because i dislike those plume "balls" when low in the atmosphere - lowering the speed fixes those, but makes the out of atmosphere plume look worse
<Mike`> i don't know - i basically looked at existing configs and the ro-realplume wiki and i don't think i've seen curves yet
<NathanKell> give Sarbian a holler maybe?
<NathanKell> (also HI SARBS)
<Mike`> yep, should ask him when i see him around. :)
<ferram4> IIRC, it already accounts for that, but probably has too high a speed for low-in-the-atmo.
<Mike`> yep
<NathanKell> Pap, soundnfury: do you remember what we decided about tooling maintenance?
<ferram4> Or it's just running into too-mayn-particles, too-little-GPU-available problems.
<NathanKell> I thought it was a krakensbane thing
<ferram4> Hmm. Maybe?
<soundnfury> NathanKell: I don't recall us deciding anything
<ferram4> I dunno, I haven't checked the effects when the ship is just on the ground and Krakensbane is gauranteed-off
<NathanKell> soundnfury I thought we decided to not have maintenance costs for them, but I forget *why*
<NathanKell> Oh, now I remembered just by saying that >.>
<NathanKell> nm
<Mike`> i have a gtx1060, i'd hope that should be fast enough for a single engine running
<soundnfury> which is?
<NathanKell> (It's because bespoke parts, like Atlas SLV-3C, don't and can't easily have maintenance, so it would be unfair to charge for maintenance for proc tooling)
<soundnfury> ah right
<soundnfury> btw is there any documentation you can point me at for the RT stuff?
<NathanKell> I mean, we'd have to (a) write a maintenance hook to check for unlocked parts, (b) write the database for those parts, and (c) allow you to *de* unlock parts.
<NathanKell> Which we should do At Some Point (tm), but Not Now (c)
<NathanKell> re: RT, I don't know offhand, I was just gonna dig in ModuleSPU.cs
<NathanKell> it's just a KSPField bool I think, from what taxi was saying
<soundnfury> ok
<soundnfury> well I may or may not get around to looking at that
<NathanKell> :)
<NathanKell> Actually, hmm
<NathanKell> it's AllowSignalRelay
<NathanKell> I'm gonna write a blanket patch to set that false in all things that don't specify, and we can then go back in and per-part enable it as desired.
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<NathanKell> Argh. ModuleSPU has the field but ModuleSPUPassive has it hardcoded true.
<soundnfury> :(
<NathanKell> Wait I think it's ok
<NathanKell> it would have failed in taxi's testing if it weren't, anyway
<NathanKell> But we do need to make sure only atennas have Passive, not any cores.
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<Mike`> i'm off to bed, need to sleep cause i'm ill. :/ nighty. And happy to see you back, nathan. I enjoyed your race into space youtube series. :)
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<NathanKell> Mike`: Thanks! Good to be back. Cheers!
<Bornholio> is the name Suicide booth appropriate... for a HE111 cockpit on a A-4 rocket :)
<soundnfury> yes, it's not airtight :P
<ferram4> It's not capable of supersonic flight either. :P
<soundnfury> NathanKell: sounds like you have much more clue than me as to what's going on, so I'll wait for a patch from you to show the way
<soundnfury> ferram4: ehh, details. Stick a spike on the nose, it'll be fine
<ferram4> That's not how this works
<ferram4> That's not how any of this works
<soundnfury> windmills do not work that way!
<Bornholio> so the smoke that starts comming off of it is just the kerb lighting um pright
<NathanKell> soundnfury: And you just now have it :)
<NathanKell> Bornholio: As of dev, it's quite suicide because I fixed a typo
<NathanKell> You'll need the X-1 cockpit
<Bornholio> dev today?
<soundnfury> ooh
<NathanKell> A couple days ago
<Bornholio> thats why they smoke hmmm
<NathanKell> I did that this summer a but a typo in the cfg (in the sheet iirc Pap?) prevented it from being applied
<soundnfury> tasty
<soundnfury> also toasty
<NathanKell> was supposed to say the above, but the MODULE node said Module*Tag*NonReentryRated
<NathanKell> so it was never applied
<NathanKell> Also there's the fact that your crew may run out of breath before reentry :D
<NathanKell> (even going to ~100km, there's more than a minute of hypoxia IIRC)
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<Pap> Very possible, that spreadsheet is a beast NathanKell
<NathanKell> I presumed that's where the tagging originated since it was applied with other tags, but the module name doesn't actually include 'tag' hence the problem :)
<NathanKell> I fixed it in cfg but not on the sheet since i didn't realize until later that's where it was from
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