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<Bornholio> awang if you want to give repo yeah i'll still look, likely not till saturday tho
<Bornholio> NK said he would poke it! awesome
<Bornholio> kerbal enhanced edition
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<SRBuchanan> Welcome back.
<awang> You'll need to git checkout it
<Bornholio> k
<Bornholio> thanks
<awang> np
<awang> Hope it helps
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<Bornholio> awang / Size? lol my 100mbits/s is saturated gonna be for a while/
<Rokker> God I wish I had enough money to have bought that webley fosbery.
<Rokker> SRBuchanan: it's such a beautiful gun in person
<awang> Bornholio: 6.23 gigs
<Rokker> not enough
<Bornholio> dang got to 5.2 before it crapped out
<awang> :(
<taniwha> I'm getting over 16MB/s. already at 1.5GB
<awang> Uh-oh
<awang> Does anyone pay attention to KSPs that are shared online?
<awang> Avoiding trouble would be nice
<SRBuchanan> Anyone got a link for an up-to-date DDS exporter for GIMP? The old Google link's 404'ing for me.
<taniwha> SRBuchanan: since the patent has expired, things may have changed
<SRBuchanan> If you remove the 'Squad' folder you can share your Gamedata folder without potential issues from Squad/TT themselves, since nothing in there is 'theirs' any more.
<Starwaster> ok, I forget, which key is it to set trim? Isn't it alt+<pitch/yaw>?
<awang> ...Perhaps I should have done that
<SRBuchanan> It can run afoul of some of the mods' own legal terms, but if you're just sharing a gamedata folder for a pre-built RSS/RO/RP-0/RP-1 installation with other individuals you should be fine. That's been done a fair bit on the Discord.
<awang> Fair enough
<SRBuchanan> Yeah, alt + [control in the direction you want to set trim].
<SRBuchanan> You have to hold alt down for as long as you're adjusting it.
<awang> Should be an easy enough git rebase to zap the non-GameData folders
<Starwaster> goddamn I hate doing planes
<awang> Starwaster: Atmosphere Autopilot?
<Starwaster> ok I guess my design just freaking sucks. Or maybe Kerbals just aren't meant to plane
<Starwaster> awang which one?
<awang> There's more than one?
<awang> That's the name of a mod
<taniwha> awang: file is bad
<Starwaster> who makes it awang?
<awang> taniwha: ....Huh?
<awang> Starwaster: Boris-Barboris
<taniwha> error []: missing 4346533531 bytes in zipfile
<awang> taniwha: ....It's not supposed to be a zip?
<taniwha> ok, file was confused
<awang> I guess?
<awang> It's a git repo
<awang> So cd into it and git checkout .
<taniwha> it came as a single file
<awang> Starwaster: I've found AA to be pretty good with planes, except for X-1 recreations at 20km
<Starwaster> I'd ask how it compares with Kramax but if you didn't know there was more than that one autopilot for aircraft...
<awang> taniwha: Oh, I see. idk, then?
<awang> I didn't expect it to become a zip
<awang> Although now that I think about it it makes sense
<taniwha> I'll try downloading via firefox
<awang> Starwaster: Well, I knew there were multiple autopilots. Just thought that there might be two with the name "Atmosphere Autopilot"
<Starwaster> oh ok I get it
<awang> taniwha: I'm trying a download now. Man, this would be so much easier if git clone were an option...
<taniwha> awang: one thing you can do is produce a few smaller zips (I don't remember if the max is 2GB or 4GB)
<awang> taniwha: I'll try stripping out everything except my GameData folder first
<awang> That sould eliminate quite a bit of stuff
<awang> Actually, now that I think about it...
<awang> Bornholio: I just remembered that my RO/RP-0 folders in GameData are symlinks
<awang> So giving you the KSP git repo won't help, unless the problem isn't with those
<Bornholio> k
<awang> I have EngineGroupController, HaystackContinued, KSCSwitcher, KCT, KerbalRenamer, Principia, RP-0, RSS + textures, RSSDateTime, RSSVE, RF, RealHeat, RO, ScrapYard, TF, and Ven's symlinked
<awang> Sorry for wasting your bandwidth :(
<taniwha> well, at least I was able to prevent Bornholio super-wasting his bandwidth
<taniwha> (by getting a successful download)
<Bornholio> lol, as long as i don't go over 500g/ month its all good
<taniwha> afaik, I have no cap
<awang> idk what to do at this point, unfortunately
<taniwha> awang: zip up your .git yourself in a multi-part zip
<taniwha> then upload those parts
<awang> But that won't include the symlinked parts
<taniwha> I might be able to get this down myself (one chunk at a time)
<awang> Which are the parts that are probably broken in Bornholio's install
<taniwha> awang: are the symlinks internal or external?
<awang> What do you mean by internal/external?
<awang> Uhhhhh
<taniwha> internal = point to elsewhere in the repo, external = point to somewhere outside the repo
<awang> Ah
<awang> They're all external
<awang> Pointing to different git repos for different mods
<Starwaster> time to drag out one of my old tail lander aircraft
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<Starwaster> tourist contracts have dried up.... now they want me to do all this airplane crap
<Starwaster> homey don't play that
<SRBuchanan> Alright folks, fingers crossed, about to boot in and test this part for the first time.
<wb99999999> why Japan and Europe all went for a hydrolox sustainer?
<awang> wb99999999: Gotta have that sweet sweet isp
<awang> Probably
<Starwaster> Isp isn't everything
<Starwaster> it's just a necessary component for computing duration and thrust
<wb99999999> maybe if Russia is more willing to share some technology there will be many many more LVs using NK-33 or RD-191
<SRBuchanan> Because hydrolox sustainers lend themselves well to long burn times, reducing the scale of the second stage and thus reducing the amount of stuff that has to stage after leaving the pad.
<SRBuchanan> With a hydrolox sustainer you can light your biggest burner, check that it's working properly, and *then* let it go.
<SRBuchanan> The RS-25 had several failures on start-up but only one in-flight. The Vulcain has never had a major in-flight failure.
<wb99999999> and YF-77 failed in the second flight...
<SRBuchanan> There's a pattern there.
<SRBuchanan> The asian countries never had the benefit of kidnapping German rocket scientists.
<SRBuchanan> China's also well behind NASA and the ESA in terms of access to high-precision manufacturing.
<wb99999999> it's always the Germans isn't it
<wb99999999> it's guns and aircrafts and rockets...
<wb99999999> it's Marxism too
<SRBuchanan> You'll also note that JAXA's LE-7 has failed in flight once.
<SRBuchanan> Despite the fact that Japan most assuredly can make high-performance components.
<SRBuchanan> A lot of that comes from lack of experience with the setup - making a new platform in the US, Russia, or EU is much simpler because there's a better body of experience to draw from.
<wb99999999> that's true
<SRBuchanan> It's a lot easier to do something for the tenth time than the first time.
<SRBuchanan> ESA and JAXA can both also glean more information from NASA and US contractors - since the US isn't as friendly with the PRC, there are limitations on what knowledge is permitted to be shared.
<wb99999999> hold on a sec
<SRBuchanan> A US contractor got in trouble over sharing information on improved welding techniques for rocket fuselages with CALT.
<wb99999999> Bornholio ping
<wb99999999> I remember the US refused to let China take part in the ISS?
<wb99999999> or was it the other way around?
<Bornholio> they declined
<wb99999999> right
<wb99999999> okay I was about to ask your fin on SRB trick
<Bornholio> but its more complex than that
<wb99999999> where am I supposed to put the fins again?
<Bornholio> one small fin at bottom to put some torque on it as it departs
<SRBuchanan> The PRC's space program is stunted by the fact that they effectively in a knowledge vacuum - NATO member countries won't share knowledge because it can be used on ballistic missiles, Russia doesn't trust and is a bit scared of the PRC, and Japan's got a pretty hefty history of animosity.
<wb99999999> should it has some angle?
<SRBuchanan> Nah.
<Bornholio> depends on arrangement
<Bornholio> but no usually
<wb99999999> in my case it's very strange
<SRBuchanan> In general I wouldn't. You want the booster to get pulled straight out and back.
<wb99999999> it's not pulling out enough, especially those that separate in higher altitude
<wb99999999> however it is inducing a spin on the separated booster
<SRBuchanan> You might need to incorporate separation motors instead then.
<SRBuchanan> Or bigger fins.
<Bornholio> you can improvise airbrakes also
<SRBuchanan> Do you have any deployable fins. grids, or brakes?
<wb99999999> I went for separation motors, I am more familiar with it
<SRBuchanan> Hell, haven't the Russians used or at least proposed using *fixed* grid fins for separation?
<wb99999999> Soyuz used gas vent right?
<wb99999999> okay, it worked
<wb99999999> looks very nice as well
<wb99999999> it still spins though
<SRBuchanan> Argh.
<SRBuchanan> Is there a less-terrible way to UV-unwrap models in Blender? It's treating this nozzle stupidly.
<SRBuchanan> Specifically it's unwrapping the exterior as a circle rather than a rectangle even though no part of that converges to a single point.
<SRBuchanan> I tried the other modes and they're all even worse.
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<ProjectThoth> I don't know a single programming language. Is BASIC still useful?
<xShadowx> if you mean visual basic, its as useful as c#, which yes is quite powerful
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<xShadowx> ProjectThoth: most ksp stuff is done in c#, but dont think any reason visual basic couldnt make mods as well, since both compile down to the same thing
<SRBuchanan> If you're interested in advanced KSP modding I'd look into C#.
<ProjectThoth> xShadowx: What's the overlap on C/C#?
<xShadowx> eh been too much time since i touched C, just C# for me lately, safer to ask elsewhere ;p
<xShadowx> but vbasic vs c# is just syntax diffs
<xShadowx> oh and horrid curly brackets ;p
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<xShadowx> ProjectThoth: if you pick up a language, ksp does have hundreds of mods to learn c# from, partmodule is the easiest, ksp does 99% of the work, you add 1 line and stuff happens
<xShadowx> good land to explore :)
<ProjectThoth> xShadowx: I'll consider it, it's one of the biggest gaps in my general comprehension of the world.
<xShadowx> programming isnt /too/ hard, if you stop to think / use common sense alot of things can be done - but i do suggest sticking to object oriented languages (like c#, vbasic, etc) for your first try, shaders can be fun but a headaaaache
<taniwha> the worst bit about shaders is debugging
<ProjectThoth> Wait, programming is done with a text file?
<ProjectThoth> Tee eye fuckin' el.
<xShadowx> ProjectThoth: basicly, then a compiler reads it and turns it into code
<xShadowx> rather machine code
<xShadowx> now you could write in languages closer to / including machine code, if you're a sadist
<xShadowx> er masochist :P
<Bornholio> but it will run on a calculator
<xShadowx> ProjectThoth: also #kspmodding <- note 'ing' not 'ers', ers is the troll cesspool with nothing to do with ksp :P
<ProjectThoth> xShadowx: Noted, thanks. :P
<Starwaster> solved my stupid airplane problem with a ballistic missile launch like I always should have
<Starwaster> just lobbed Bob over to the survey site and had him take the readings on the way down
<xShadowx> :)
<xShadowx> he can always bail out when he gets too low
<xShadowx> i like the eva chutes, just pop out and get readings as you float down lol
<ProjectThoth> Why won't this compile, argh!
<ProjectThoth> I think I'm forgetting a major step.
<SpecimenSpiff> C Code. C Code Run. Run, Dammit, Run.
<SpecimenSpiff> I used to have that as a sticker on my monitor
<ProjectThoth> Let's see... I already changed the PATH, I appear to be looking at the right directory, the code is itself in the right directory...
<Starwaster> ProjectThoth don't forget it has to be Dot Net 3.5 not 4.5
<ProjectThoth> What's the compiling command for C in MinGW? gcc appears to be Unix-related.
<xShadowx> just install visual stupid, and google 'c# hello world' :)
<ProjectThoth> No, sorry, GNU based.
<xShadowx> er visual studio
<xShadowx> XD
<xShadowx> fruedian slip? mwuahaha
<taniwha> #kspmodders... never was there such a hive of scum and villainy
<blowfish> except #kspofficial ?
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<xShadowx> eh kspofficial wasnt too bad
<xShadowx> just too many kids ;p
<xShadowx> which i guess makes it qualify heh
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<NathanKell> o/
<Qboid> NathanKell: awang left a message for you in #RO [17.01.2018 13:31:34]: "I thought there were some bug with training not working. Issue #787, at least? And mission training doesn't seem to work on my save. I haven't taken a closer look why yet though"
<Qboid> NathanKell: awang left a message for you in #RO [17.01.2018 13:32:37]: "There's also the unlock costs not working. I think the RF changes I ported to 1.3.1 fix that, though. Still needs to be merged though"
<Qboid> NathanKell: awang left a message for you in #RO [17.01.2018 13:38:12]: "Looks like I have a remaining question on my RF PR too"
<Qboid> NathanKell: awang left a message for you in #RO [17.01.2018 13:39:44]: "There's also some weirdness going on with the proc avionics sliders, where they'd get clamped to the 200% utilization value well before the slider actually reaches there (e.g. if 200% utilization is when avionics supports 1.5 tons, a slider value of 1.6 tons may get clamped straight to 1.5)"
<Qboid> NathanKell: awang left a message for you in #RO [17.01.2018 13:45:17]: "I was planning on taking a look at the proc avionics thing, though, since I'd already been poking around there. It isn't that bad of an issue though, since it really only affects those trying to eke out every bit of dv"
<NathanKell> !tell awang* yeah, it'd be great if you could look at proc avionics, I don't have any idea how that code works so my time might be better spent on stuff I do know. I believe #787 is fixed, or so Bornholio's testing preliminarily showed? Not positive. I'll look at the PRs this weekend. As to RF, yes, the unlock cost stuff is in RF now so that would be the source of any issue.
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<NathanKell> !tell awang well, maybe Friday, I think I'll be home at a reasonable hour then finally. Today was an utter wash and I expect tomorrow to be as well.
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<ProjectThoth> YES
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<awang> \o
<Qboid> awang: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [18.01.2018 06:54:06]: "yeah, it'd be great if you could look at proc avionics, I don't have any idea how that code works so my time might be better spent on stuff I do know. I believe #787 is fixed, or so Bornholio's testing preliminarily showed? Not positive. I'll look at the PRs this weekend. As to RF, yes, the unlock cost stuff is in RF now so that
<Qboid> would be the source of any issue."
<Qboid> awang: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [18.01.2018 06:56:02]: "well, maybe Friday, I think I'll be home at a reasonable hour then finally. Today was an utter wash and I expect tomorrow to be as well."
<awang> !tell NathanKell I'll see if I can look at the proc avionics thing over the weekend.
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell NathanKell Yeah, I see your comment on #787. Hopefully it will fix the issues I had with training too.
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell NathanKell Take your time, don't want you to burn out so soon after returning
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> !tell ProjectThoth Learning C?
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Theysen> oi o/
<awang> \o
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<Garlik> To the modders: is there any function like "OnNewYear" or something?
<Garlik> I'dd like to reset some contract parameter every year
<Garlik> But I'm not going to Update() permenantly to check if a new year has begun
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<awang> \o
<Theysen> yo
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<Starwaster> well I thought I had crew blackouts turned on and it wasn't so I turned it on... and now my tourist contracts are failing left and right because they don't like being crushed into unconsciousness
<APlayer> Blackouts are a DRE feature, right?
<taniwha> APlayer: stock
<APlayer> Whoops, then
<awang> APlayer: Seems that g-forces were added to stock in 1.2
<APlayer> I use such a load of mods that I hoestly got lost between what is stock and what is not, by now
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
<APlayer> Humm, the pitch vs. altitude plot looks a whole lot like an exponential function. Is using exponential functions a thing for pitch & roll programs?
<APlayer> Hi!
<awang> APlayer: Same here. Guess I'm just glad at this point that conflicts haven't broken things too badly yet
<BadRocketsCo> What's up?
<awang> APlayer: ask lamont?
<APlayer> BadRocketsCo: First steps with RSS launches :D
<awang> Alternatively, if you feel like doing some math I guess you can try to derive a closed-form equation for a 0-AoA gravity turn
<BadRocketsCo> Oh, hehe
<BadRocketsCo> Are we talking about that codable autopilot mod?
<APlayer> awang: Will do, but I have no idea about lamont's online time
<awang> The thought of that scares me, though
<lamont> huh?
<awang> \o
<APlayer> BadRocketsCo: Currently trying to launch manually, but eventually plan to implement a kOS script, yes
<APlayer> Hi there, lamont! Got some time?
<lamont> heh not really
<APlayer> Alright, then I'm not bothering you (yet :P)
<APlayer> That's some data to grind through, thanks!
<lamont> use an integrator to model the flight of the rocket. model the first portion of the flight as a zero AoA / zero sideslip gravity turn after an initial pitch over, then after booster sep model PEG fliying the rocket to its orbital insertion parameters — then feed that model into an optimizer and turn the crank until it spits out the right parameters for the gravity turn
<APlayer> What sort of parameters for the gravity turn would the optimizer spit out?
<lamont> the initial pitch over and initial launch azimuth
<APlayer> Ah, so I, at the first run, just need to guess things?
<APlayer> Alright, let me try to do that over the course of the next few days
<lamont> yeah
<APlayer> Dissecting the PEG maths is a whole challenge of its own, not sure I'll do it on my own
<lamont> yeah it makes for some brain hurt since its an iterative convergent algorithm
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<APlayer> Well, thanks a lot for the help, I'll try to implement that and will ask if needed
<APlayer> Wohoo, I launched to orbit, at last! :D
<APlayer> 106 m/s of delta-V left, even
<awang> \o/
<awang> What's the rocket?
<APlayer> dummy ore payload
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<awang> What engine is that?
<APlayer> SSTU's Merlin 1D Vac
<Starwaster> APlayer no, blackouts are a stock KSP feature now, if you turn it on
<Starwaster> DRE just brutally kills you. it doesn't knock you out first.
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<APlayer> I see... So DRE is mostly obsolete now?
<Starwaster> no anesthetic... no lubing up first
<Starwaster> not that I've noticed
<Starwaster> as long as everything in DRE has the melting point of fucking tungsten then DRE will always be needed
<Starwaster> DRE also has other things... screaming Kerbals for instance
<Starwaster> dont believe me?
<Starwaster> install it, and put your Kerbal on EVA during the worst part of reentry
<Starwaster> Go on!
<Starwaster> DO IT
<APlayer> LOL
<APlayer> I don't play with sound on, I prefer listening to background music from YouTube
<APlayer> As for DRE, IIRC you said in your topic that stock reentries became realistic plus G-blackouts are stock too now, that's what led me to think DRE is mostly stock now
<APlayer> Will have to install DRE then, because I don't like my stages surviving LEO reentry without a single part burning up
<awang> Wait, why is DRE needed for the super high melting points?
<awang> Can't those be set in cfg files?
<awang> And what does DRE do that stock doesn't?
<awang> Besides the screaming Kerbals
<Starwaster> awang rebalances max temps (hence the reference to everything stock having outrageously high melting points above)
<Starwaster> alters heat shield characteristics when they run out of ablative
<Starwaster> (i.e. they allow more heat through and have lower failure temperatures)
<xShadowx> dosnt DRE do burning kerbals too?
<xShadowx> or somethin in that direction
<Starwaster> soft failure of parts when a max operating temp is exceeded that is below the hard failure of maxTemp
<Starwaster> things catch fire, yes
<xShadowx> ^ which TF can do and still repair
<xShadowx> Starwaster: catch fire and stay on fire?;3
<Starwaster> no. also I reworked the whole fire thing so that it damages the part and simulates hull burn through
<xShadowx> i ran into a mod once, uh wildfire, made stuff burn, i wanted that applied to everything when i saw it :D
<Starwaster> previously, a part on fire would just get damaged and then explode
<Starwaster> instead, things that are on fire get damaged and allow heat into the interior. No additional heat is actually applied and the fire itself won't destroy the part. It just weakens things until KSP itself destroys it
<APlayer> Wait, so will DRE break more parts than happens in stock, or is the only thing in that direction that it does adjusting the temperature tolerance?
<xShadowx> i never understood ksp and exploding -.-a tamnk with fuel sure, but other stuff...
<Starwaster> DRE will weaken connections. Part to part connection can fail easier. HOWEVER
<awang> Starwaster: Didn't realize that those were part of DRE
<Starwaster> HOWEVER, it seems that connection strength is more and more increased to outrageous levels just like max temps are
<awang> Also, what does "soft failure" mean? Is it like TF failures?
<Starwaster> not sure what TF is
<xShadowx> testflight
<Starwaster> no, it doesnt do failures like that. It might in the future since KSP itself is introducing part failure
<awang> I didn't know hull burn-through was modeled either
<Starwaster> KSP has a max temp both skin and internal that no part can exceed. If it gets hotter than that temp then the part explodes right?
<xShadowx> why do i got feeling ksp is gonna fuck that up :P
<awang> Oh wait
<awang> I didn't read enough scrollback
<awang> xShadowx: Re. exploding: there are at least two mods which change how explosions work
<awang> Blast Awesomeness Modifier and KerboKatz modified explosion potential
<xShadowx> uh theres like 10
<awang> There's also ferram's Blastwave for explosions with real shockwaves that push things around, but idk if that works
<awang> And KSP itself is introducing part failures? TIL
<xShadowx> he finished it?;o
<ferram4_> Needs a lot of work still. Just making parts explode is wrong.
<Starwaster> DRE introduced a lower failure temp, the max operational temp.
<Starwaster> for Kerbals, if that temp is exceeded then they take damage and start screaming
<xShadowx> ya, im a big fan of KKS, collisions = boom on everything is so fakey
<awang> xShadowx: Last I remember he fixed a bug that was causing things to fly away from the explosion at Mach 3 or something
<Starwaster> if their internal temperature reaches the temperature of boiling water then they just die outright
<Starwaster> I mean seriously....
<xShadowx> awang: thats a bug? sounds perfectly reasonable :P
<Starwaster> if it's the skin max operational temp exceeded then the part starts to burn through
<xShadowx> with burn signs? some shader or extra texture layer?:)
<Starwaster> its breakingForce, breakingTorque and crashTolerance are also all reduced
<Starwaster> no, there's no visible sign of that, unfortunately. Unless I can do that directionally then I dont know that I'd want to do that
<awang> xShadowx: It might have been a full tank
<awang> I'll see if I can find it...
<Starwaster> I eman I could do what heat shields do and just darken them all over but that's not cool
<Starwaster> the whole damage thing needs more player feedback to be honest
<Starwaster> but, if one of your wings or landing gears suddenly falls off after a rough reentry then it could be because of DRE
<xShadowx> dont want global darkening no :(
<Starwaster> because of breakingForce or crash Tolearnce
<xShadowx> but you could tie into KKS, higher temp = more malleable + high enoughstresses = trigger dent / collapse
<awang> xShadowx: <@ferram4> awang, a 300 t stock rocket sends parts flying off at Mach 3
<awang> <@ferram4> awang, these are fully fueled, undamaged tanks being sent flying at Mach 3. Not gonna happen
<xShadowx> awang: entirely depends on stock vs realism, if stock it sounds reasonable and kerbal ;p
<awang> It's ferram, what do you expect :P
<awang> Realistic all the way
<awang> Starwaster: I didn't even know DRE did weakening until just now
<xShadowx> alot of mods have stuff to make things fail, and yet so many more things could fail :)
<APlayer> if anyone is interested in the data I recorded of the manual launch to LKO
<Theysen> pitch please?
<APlayer> LOL what?
<Theysen> whats happening to the pitch :D
<APlayer> A bit of bad piloting skills and hard to fly rockets
<APlayer> I have some nicer-looking graphs from the same rocket, but none of them was a successful launch
<APlayer> And the one success I had caused pitch trouble early on because I was deviating from the target values more than expected
<Theysen> oh script?
<APlayer> As for the spike at about T+550s, I pitched up to 60 deg because I had fuel to spare, and my apoapsis was falling behind more than I wanted
<Theysen> Ah gotcha
<APlayer> No, currently by hand, but I had comparison data from previous failed launches, so I knew what to aim for
<APlayer> A script is planned in the near future, with initial guess data from this one successful launch
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<APlayer> For some reason, I find the graph aesthetically pleasing
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<awang> APlayer: Not using MJ PEG?
<Starwaster> PEG isn't always the solution
<APlayer> awang: I like the challenge of writing my own guidance algorithms for stuff
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<Starwaster> it doesn't deal with certain designsv ery well
<Starwaster> and it doesn't do suborbital
<APlayer> s/writing my own/implementing myself/
<Qboid> APlayer meant to say: awang: I like the challenge of implementing myself guidance algorithms for stuff
<APlayer> Well, close enough
<awang> APlayer: I thought the same way until I saw what it took to make a good guidance algorithm :(
<APlayer> Starwaster: I have had/still have only one recent use case of suborbital trajectories, which is the rockets first stage boost back and landing, Falcon 9 style. Preliminary script kind of eyeballed it by burning in the right direction at a fixed pitch until the impact location was good enough, but I indend to model it using ballistic equations
<APlayer> Good enough for me
<awang> Starwaster: Didn't think about suborbital stuff. Are they that comon?
<awang> Ninja'd
<awang> Sort of
<APlayer> awang: Good guidance algorithms are hard, but I want to make the ultimate Mars mission, with proper scripts, of course
<APlayer> Might take a year or so, but the amount and versatility of the work to put in it is astounding, which is fun. Also, I expect to learn a ton of things about guidance and control algorithms in the process
<APlayer> I mean, that's basically the essence of KSP for me. Maths, algorithms, the satisfaction of watching things work on their own at last
<awang> To be honest, that sounds really fun
<awang> Those guidance papers get really intimidating though
<awang> Don't think I have the mental fortitude to wade through them
<APlayer> I use help from the community, though :D
<awang> I've been tempted many times to dive into scripting, mostly to try to fly probes a bit more realistically
<APlayer> If you want to start with kOS, I may try to get you started (if you are unfamiliar with it). Because it does not only sound fun, it /is/ fun
<awang> I've been learning more towards kRPC, actually
<awang> Learn me some more scripting stuff
<APlayer> A lot of things can be approximated well enough for KSP, and much more easily than proper algorithms
<awang> Guess if I use kRPC I can steal some of Principia's integrators, too
<awang> Even though I have no clue how to use the,
<awang> s/,/m
<Qboid> awang meant to say: Even though I have no clue how to use them
<APlayer> Oh, I was eggsplained how RK4 works, it's not even as hard as it might sound
<APlayer> I currently have one sitting in that very booster landing script I mentioned earlier. It is pretty stripped down, but fits into 36 lines of Kerboscript
<APlayer> The maths is not hard to implement either, and you get a sense of intuition after watching it work for some time
<lamont> RKF45 is a bit better for launches since you get adaptive step-size
<egg|zzz|egg> ping!
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<egg|zzz|egg> pn awang
<egg|zzz|egg> um
Ezko_ is now known as Ezko
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn awang
* Qboid gives awang a Bourbaki dodecahedron
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: principia 37 integrators!
<egg|zzz|egg> (TODO(eggrobin): implement 20 more)
<egg|zzz|egg> damn it now I start using TODO(eggrobin) outside of work >_<
<awang> Guess it's time for me to dust off the mathy side of my brain then
<awang> Need to learn how RK4/RKF45 works
<awang> It's been way too long since my last math class
<egg|zzz|egg> meow
<awang> And jeez, 37 integrators?
<awang> That's dedication
<awang> Guess I'll need to learn about numerical stabbity too
<awang> About time, too; there's a FEA thing at work I'm supposed to look at eventually
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: 37 integrators:
<awang> ...I'm just going to pretend I understood what that meant :P
<APlayer> Alright, I will look at RKF45... Thank you very much for the tips you provided! I am off for today, but I will get to work on these things soon and see what I can do myself. See you tomorrow!
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<Starwaster> Awang: Suborbital: Early career tourist contracts are suborbital. And if you play with blackouts, most of those contracts prohibit knocking out the tourists
<Starwaster> if the suborbital trajectory is too steep, it can knock them out. And (might just be my imagination) they seem to be easier to knock out then the trained astronauts
<awang> Starwaster: Right, tourist contracts. I've been playing too much RP-0...
<awang> Only suborbital things there are sounding rockets
<Starwaster> I play semi-stock. Large planets, some RO but stock contracts and stuff
<Starwaster> home brewed engine configs... mostly to give me Saturn V using KWR parts
<Starwaster> I turned the Titan V into the Titan X (basically SII, 5 J2 rocket engines)
<Starwaster> and then I made an MEC config to turn the same part into the bottom of the Ares V
<awang> I see
<awang> Suborbital tourist contracts for large planets doesn't sound fun
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<Starwaster> I love stock contracts.... I have yet to orbit the first Kerbal... and yet SOMEHOW I have three Kerbals in orbit around the planet in need of rescue
<Starwaster> How the hell did they get there? Did a rival nation beat me to orbit? I thought Kerbin had a single world wide government
<Starwaster> wow I just had a thought... are those stray Kerbals using up oxygen? I hope they're ok up there...
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