<xn--m92i> yeah
<xn--m92i> otoh 𠨡.example.com’s server IP address could not be found.
<xn--m92i> does copy-paste properly
xn--m92i is now known as xn--jc2a
<xn--jc2a> awang: here, a chinese nick
<awang> 蛋!
<xn--jc2a> eggsactly
<xn--jc2a> ... should I add that to the words that ping me
<soundnfury> xn--jc2a: I'm pretty sure "interpret it correctly" == "never heard of this punycode nonsense"
<soundnfury> nothin' about it in rfc1459 AFAIR
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<Bornholio> looking into this error [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node: RealismOverhaul/RO_RCS_Fixes/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleRCSFX],@MODULE[ModuleEngines*]]:FOR[zzRealPlume]:AFTER[zRealPlume]
<awang> Bornholio: Can't have both FOR and AFTER
<awang> I thought blowfish would have fixed that
<Bornholio> I'm showing 12 errors from RO for this type in my 1.3.1 run
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> When was the last time you pulled?
<Bornholio> the other weekend
<awang> Uh
<Bornholio> master then added your dll
<awang> Looks like egg merged blowfish's fixes Saturday
<Bornholio> k
<awang> Shouldn't you be on dev?
<Bornholio> not for 1.3.1 testing
<awang> ....what
<Bornholio> dev needs other dll weirdness
<awang> egg merged my 1.3.1 PR for RO on Saturday too
<awang> Really?
<awang> What other dlls?
<Bornholio> kct/rRF
<awang> KCT merged in the RP-0 changes some time ago
<awang> idk if a new release has been cut
<awang> NK merged in the RF changes either today or yesterday, I think
<awang> Definitely recently
<awang> But the RF dev dll should work
<awang> If he didn't cut a release
<Bornholio> well testing 1.3.1 for release should not be using dev regardless
<Bornholio> dev is dev until it isn't
<awang> But the 1.3.1 changes are on dev
<awang> And the 1.3.1 release is going to be cut from dev
<awang> How does testing for 1.3.1 without the 1.3.1 changes work?
<Bornholio> dev has lots of not 1.3.1 related changes, bah
<awang> But they're changes that will end up in the 1.3.1 release anyways, right?
<Bornholio> dev has changes that break things and require custom dlls for other mods, so it layers even more changes that have to get to release to get to 1.3.1 but need testing for the changes. NVM i'm gonna wander off
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<Bornholio> ok so in dev did RO_RCS_Config get a change that makes MM error
<blowfish> Bornholio: what's the error?
<Bornholio> [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when replacing (%) key minThrust = #$thrusterPower$
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> o/
<ProjectThoth> Do spacesuits REALLY need gloves?
<NathanKell> awang: Yep, merged.
<NathanKell> And I have RO working locally, so...progress!
<NathanKell> !tell egg* IIRC you were building things last I checked. Did the build work? Can haz?
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<NathanKell> !tell egg* s/checked/heard/
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
egg|phone|egg has joined #RO
<egg|phone|egg> Grmphzzzz?
<Qboid> egg|phone|egg: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [24.01.2018 02:31:02]: "IIRC you were building things last I checked. Did the build work? Can haz?"
<Qboid> egg|phone|egg: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [24.01.2018 02:31:17]: "s/checked/heard/"
<egg|phone|egg> Zzzzzgrmbl.
<egg|phone|egg> Zzzzzz.
<NathanKell> Sorry, didn't expect you to be awake. How silly of me. :P
<NathanKell> egg|notsleeping|egg the last tag is 10 days ago and I thought we spoke more recently, hence the question. But perhaps I am confused.
<blowfish> NathanKell, sorry I didn't get a chance to look at the PR before it was merged. I guess I managed to avoid Github notifications for a day
<NathanKell> blowfish: Ah, hope the merging was ok! I saw you online so thought you'd looked and thought it ok...
<taniwha> if necessary, git revert $magic :)
<taniwha> (hopefully not necessary, though)
<NathanKell> :)
<taniwha> also, side ping
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<NathanKell> thanks, mobile app sucks
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<wb99999999> hmm, RD-108 is still brokenÉ
<wb99999999> ?
<SRBuchanan> Speaking of Russian rockets, I think I'll see what happens when I replace the first-stage engines on an R-7 with RD-191's.
<NathanKell> Soyuz 2, no?
<SRBuchanan> Not quite, because that ditches the boosters.
<NathanKell> Which is my point :P
<SRBuchanan> Nah. I want to keep the boosters on mine.
<SRBuchanan> In Thrust we Trust
<SRBuchanan> The Soyuz-2-1v uses the NK-33 anyways, which is functionally similar to the RD-191 but a fair bit older and bulkier.
<blowfish> Isn't an RD-191 like 2.5x the thrust of an RD-107/8 ?
<blowfish> And Russian LVs tend to have pretty high liftoff TWR to begin with...
<SRBuchanan> Yup.
<blowfish> ...
<Pap> THAT is a lot of commits!
<NathanKell> Ah *(#@*(% it looks like Magico built KCT off master not dev, but *tagged* dev, so it *looks* like my code is there, but in reality it's not :(
<NathanKell> Pap: Heh
<Pap> Very exciting to see!
<NathanKell> :)
<wb99999999> I think there is a proposal to have a re-engined soyuz with 4 boosters
<wb99999999> the center engine will be RD-191 or NK-33 and the boosters will use sea level version of RD-120
<wb99999999> tanks stretched accordingly
<NathanKell> Makes sense
<SRBuchanan> Has anyone ever launched a ground-lit hydrolox core with non-hydrolox liquid-fuelled boosters before?
<SRBuchanan> As far as I know the only hydrolox core with liquid-fuelled boosters is the Delta IV Heavy.
<SRBuchanan> For the curious, my RD-191 R-7 has an off-the-pad TWR of 2.5
<SRBuchanan> With NK-33's it's closer to 2.1
<SRBuchanan> The RD-191 and derivatives are slated to replace the NK-33 everywhere.
<NathanKell> Pap: Got a sec? Two questions
<Pap> Shoot
<NathanKell> 1. Was stuff being done / going to be done to RSS?
<NathanKell> New bodies or biomes or something?
<Pap> RSS should be completed
<Pap> I did that a long time ago and everything got merged and tested
<NathanKell> 2. TACLS - Bornholio's golden sheet says it needs a new RO config. Know anything about that issue?
<NathanKell> 1. Awesome!
<Pap> 2. I don't know anything about that. Isn't the config created by RO?
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<SRBuchanan> Hmm... I should try Kerbalism.
<Pap> SRBuchanan: Does it play nice with RSS / RO?
<NathanKell> !tell Bornholio* the golden sheet says something about TACLS needing a new RO config. Know anything about that?
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<SRBuchanan> That's what I'm trying to find out.
<SRBuchanan> TACLS only 'plays nice' for a given value of 'play nice' anyways and it's very feature-incomplete.
<SRBuchanan> Fixing life support's probably going to be my next crusade after fixing RCS.
<NathanKell> SRBuchanan: I know it also had an RT-lite in it, and the life support was iffy, but that was a while ago
<NathanKell> be interesting to hear how it is now
<NathanKell> what's wrong with RCS?
<SRBuchanan> Not enough real engines that look real and have their proper names.
<SRBuchanan> I want some off-the-shelf real-world hardware.
<NathanKell> Ah right. I thought you meant code-wise
<SRBuchanan> Nah code-wise it's fine. I'd add the ability to switch most thrusters between MMH/NTO and MMH/MON3 but other than that they all work great.
<SRBuchanan> RCS is something I can 'fix' entirely with parts and no actual coding, thus my addressing it first.
<NathanKell> :)
<SRBuchanan> Though long-term I'd like to have clustering options like SSTU does to lower partcounts and part menu clutter.
<SRBuchanan> I'll worry about that once I have the single-thruster parts done.
<SRBuchanan> Speaking of, would it be best for me to 'stock configure' the parts and then make pull requests for Realism Overhaul config switching?
<SRBuchanan> Or just write them pre-configured for RO? I really don't give a damn about the vanilla playerbase for this one, the whole point is making real parts.
<SRBuchanan> Also argh that frickin' kid on Discord. Finally caved in and blocked him today.
<wb99999999> oh you guys have a discord server?
<NathanKell> which kid?
<SRBuchanan> TheAveragePxtseryu
<SRBuchanan> Nothing he does is quite bannable, exactly... I just have a low tolerance for kid antics online.
<NathanKell> Ah yep...
<NathanKell> Pap: Ok, 2 more questions if you're still around. (1) SSTU, do we support any 1.3 version of it? And (2) ok it's not a question, it's a statement, relays are finally in \o/ https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/532
<Qboid> [#532] title: Request: Non-Relay ModuleSPU | (I had at first wondered whether ModuleSPUPassive did this, but in fact it does the reverse of what I'd like to do.)... | https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/532
<SRBuchanan> I've been spoiled by the typical RO culture of a bunch of 20-somethings and up with a mix of gallows humor and cynicism.
<NathanKell> So we can finally go through and (a) mark all antennas as *not* relay, and (b) have a purpose for your commsat bus parts!!!!
BasharMilesTeg_ is now known as BasharMilesTeg
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<Pap> 1) We haven't touched any of SSTU 1.3. Maybe I shuold try and find some time to support that. Does anything from 1.2.2 SSTU still work, or did it all change in 1.3?
<NathanKell> SRBuchanan: Yep. Like I was saying the other day (and soundnfury more so) there's a reason I don't poke my head into discord much :]
<Pap> 2) SWEET!
<ProjectThoth> I actively avoid Discord at all costs.
<SRBuchanan> So what - making a functioning relay now is going to require the appropriate electronics?
<NathanKell> Yep. No more bouncing signals off Sputnik.
<SRBuchanan> Instead of the previous viability of slapping a big antenna to a cubesat, adding solar panels, and talking to Pluto for less than a metric ton?
<SRBuchanan> Nice.
<NathanKell> Pap: tbh I don't know. I ask you because you at least know of 1.3 SSTU :D (we discussed supporting it with tooling and, per your notes on how things changed in 1.3, we decided to skip for now)
<SRBuchanan> Also awww... but yay!
<Pap> I set up the Discord. Trying to make it helpful for the younger, more impressionable generation, but it seems to require a ton of babysitting
<NathanKell> kids amirite :D
<SRBuchanan> Yup.
<NathanKell> I tried to be engaged earlier but freely admit that was about the first thing I dropped. Sorry Pap :]
<SRBuchanan> The more painful a program is to use, the less painful its users are to deal with.
<Pap> NathanKell: For sure. I will see if I can poke around in it tomorrow
<ProjectThoth> SRBuchanan: Beat me to it.
<Pap> NathanKell: SSTU I mean
<SRBuchanan> We need to make a revision of IRC that actively stabs the user periodically.
<SRBuchanan> Then we'll REALLY be limited to just the cool kids.
<SRBuchanan> SSTU for RO 1.3?
<ProjectThoth> SSTUt up, that's awesome!
<SRBuchanan> You're my new hero.
<SRBuchanan> Sorry Nathan.
<NathanKell> Pap: Sounds great! Because as of now, sans SSTU, I *think* I have the full panoply of RP-1 up in 1.3.1.
<NathanKell> I tested RO alone last night (with RP-1 cfg changes) and it was fine, tongiht added the RP-1 deps
<NathanKell> So fingers crossed
<NathanKell> blowfish: You mgiht have missed this from a couple hours ago. Remessaging to make sure it's really ok. Don't want to toe-step. :) [18:38] <@NathanKell> blowfish: Ah, hope the merging was ok! I saw you online so thought you'd looked and thought it ok...
<NathanKell> s/giht/ight/
<Qboid> NathanKell meant to say: blowfish: You might have missed this from a couple hours ago. Remessaging to make sure it's really ok. Don't want to toe-step. :) [18:38] <@NathanKell> blowfish: Ah, hope the merging was ok! I saw you online so thought you'd looked and thought it ok...
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|Twitch
<SRBuchanan> I gotta go sleep. Goodnight all.
SRBuchanan has quit [Quit: Leaving]
NathanKell|Twitch is now known as NathanKell
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<blowfish> NathanKell: got it! I didn't do the merge so I hope it went well too
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<NathanKell> blowfish: Um, does MM 3.0.1 still dump all configs to a file or is that turned off?
<blowfish> There's a button I thought
<blowfish> it still always writes ModuleManager.ConfigCache unless there's an error
<blowfish> nothing in that area has changed recently I don't think
<NathanKell> Ah, so it doesn't if there are errors now
<NathanKell> it used to write regardless I thought?
<NathanKell> I'll dump ingame then, but hopefully the errors are fixed anyway so \o/
<blowfish> never wrote if there were errors I don't think
<NathanKell> huh. Coulda swore...weird.
<NathanKell> that or it didn't count some things as full errors :]
<blowfish> there are errors that did not exist prior to 3.0.0, yes
<blowfish> stuff that was silently ignored before and now complains
<NathanKell> yep. Which I like, btw :)
<NathanKell> !tell Pap* I'm getting an error about part dmXRay not existing. Is that one of the clones or did that used to actually be in dmagic science?
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<NathanKell> !tell Pap* TACLS is fine, it just required starting a fresh save.
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Garlik> NK? Has there been any thoughts by you or someone else to review KCT rollout costs in RP-1?
<Garlik> They are absurdly high with higher level lanchpads
<Garlik> like a 1200T rocket for man fly-by/orbit arround Moon is about 500k $
<NathanKell> If it has crewed parts, then yes, that's a known issue
<NathanKell> If it does not, then please show me the example :)
<NathanKell> ah, you said "man fly-by" so yeah
<NathanKell> Yep, known issue for every crewed part except the Mk1 pod.
<NathanKell> The other pods need to have custom multipliers created
<Garlik> that actually was with the 'stockish' MK1 (black) pod 1 crew
<NathanKell> Huh
<Garlik> but IIRC even unmanned rockets rollouts are very expensive
<Garlik> just arrived at work though, no examples here :)
<Garlik> I'll try to remember to take a few pics when I get back home
<NathanKell> We know the Apollo/Saturn V config had a launch cost of 413k funds.
<NathanKell> On a max-level pad
<NathanKell> so we need to calibrate.
<NathanKell> I'll have to tweak the formula, doubtless :D
<lamont> matlab has a two point value problem solver
<lamont> i may have just taught it how to optimize an on-orbit finite burn
<NathanKell> :D
<Garlik> its was a test LV design, with just a simple probe on top, no real payload, just a test procedural tank for weight
<Garlik> 400k rollout for a 1200T unmaned, just for the LV
<Garlik> on a 1200T lanchpad (lvl 5 IIRC)
<NathanKell> Yep, definitely needs a turndown. That should probably be 50-100k.
<NathanKell> OHHHH
<NathanKell> wait
<NathanKell> The number in the VAB is wrong
<NathanKell> Actually build it to see what the rollout cost will be
<NathanKell> Save first
<NathanKell> build it, then check.
<NathanKell> I'd love to know what the real number is
<NathanKell> OH! Also, the LV alone is 54k. Probably from untooled parts?
<NathanKell> (the currently right-clicked tank needs tooling--so probably the rest do too?)
<Garlik> dont remember when I took the shot, I'll check tonight (8AM here) and check VAB rollout vs real rollout and report to you
<Garlik> possible I took the shot before tooling was done, as this was the design phase
<Garlik> oh, on a completely different note, your fix for the crew training seems to be working fine. I think that was #787
<NathanKell> Woot!
<NathanKell> And thanks, looking forward to hearing!
<NathanKell> I need to head off to bed myself ( \o/ timezones \o/ )
<Garlik> your kidding?
<Garlik> thank YOU!
<Garlik> good night
<NathanKell> :)
<NathanKell> Cheers!
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
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<lamont> this looks like perfectly reasonable numbers i’m getting out of the optimizer
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<egg|phone|egg> Not sure what you mean nk
<egg|phone|egg> I submerged some cull lequests
<egg|phone|egg> What do you want to can has
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
<lamont> i wonder if i can just do shooting with the secant method to turn the TPBVP into an interative IVP and give myself a slow and dirty trajectory optimizer
<lamont> *iterative
<lamont> without having to integrate the goddamn jacobian as well
* egg|phone|egg pets the Jacobian
<lamont> do not pet the jacobian! not friendly! bites!
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg
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<Bornholio> .poke
<Qboid> Bornholio: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [24.01.2018 04:12:52]: "the golden sheet says something about TACLS needing a new RO config. Know anything about that?"
<Bornholio> !tell NathanKell* I don't think its broken. I didn't confirm any numbers maybe someone felt they were wrong.
<Qboid> Bornholio: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Mike`> !tell wb99999999 there's a PR for the RD 108 but it hasn't been merged yet
<Qboid> Mike`: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Bornholio> !tell NathanKell* should we use nextRP0 or newCryo realfuels branches? Also KCT should we use RO Fork?
<Qboid> Bornholio: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> Bornholio: nextRP0 RF branch has been merged into master
<awang> newCryo still requires some work according to Starwaster
<awang> idk if the work is just cosmetic though
<awang> magico should have merged the RO/RP-0 changes to KCT into master
<awang> Er, into master or dev
<awang> NK mentioned above that there appears to be some kind of shenanigans involving the KCT release being cut from master but the RO/RP-0 changes being merged into dev
<awang> idk for sure, since I've been building locally
<awang> !tell NathanKell* Glad to hear RO is working for you!
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Probus> Falcon Heavy test this afternoon hopefully.
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<Mike`> !tell Pap I've started a few SSTU fixes at https://github.com/MikeOnTea/RealismOverhaul/commits/sstu_fixes
<Qboid> Mike`: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Mike`> !tell Pap Also, what was the plan regarding tooling for SSTU? There's an issue about it: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/768 - maybe that's a good place to keep track of it
<Qboid> Mike`: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Qboid> [#768] title: SSTU modular tanks don't require tooling | Not sure if this is known yet or not. I couldn't find anything regarding it searching through the issues. | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/768
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<BadRocketsCo> Hullo
<Probus> o/
awang has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by awang_))]
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<BadRocketsCo> Probus: what ya up to?
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<BadRocketsCo> Aaand bach
<BadRocketsCo> Err
<BadRocketsCo> Back :D
<BadRocketsCo> Bach would be nice to listen to but not right now.
<Probus> Not much
<BadRocketsCo> Got any projects on KSP?
<Probus> Right now I'm updating the Engineering Tech Tree. Been about 6 months. What about you?
<awang_> Mike`: I'd imagine tooling for SSTU is a matter of figuring out what module corresponds to ModuleProceduralPart from Proc Parts and shoehorning that into the existing tooling code
<awang_> Which IIRC would basically mean figuring out how to query the part for its length and diameter
awang_ is now known as awang
<awang> Or at least that'd be the start
<awang> Looks like the tanks are significantly more customizable than the proc parts tanks
<Mike`> awang, yes, the code doing that doesn't look too hard. I also wonder though how/if we should integrate the sstu tanks into the new tank levels, eg tank 1/2/3/4
<Mike`> because with all the tanks sstu has, that would be quite a bit more than the current procparts tanks.
<awang> I think I'll take a shot at getting tooling up for SSTU tanks
<awang> idk about integration
<awang> That's an interesting question
<awang> Actually, now that I think about it, I'm curious why we have different tank parts for levels instead of having that be a config, like different engine configs
<Mike`> i wondered about the same, and i thought tooling might've been the reason, that's just a guess though
<awang> That's a good point
<awang> Didn't think of that
<awang> Makes sense, since I think tooling tracks by part, not by config...
<awang> Hmmm
<BadRocketsCo> Probus: going to launch a venus lander soon
<Probus> awang, I like seeing the different tank parts so that you can see what you are upgrading to
<Probus> Mine always burn up BadRocketsCo
<Maxsimal> Probably was more of a 'that's how he felt like making it work' thing when NK did it. It does make it a little harder to tech-up a rocket design but I didn't mind it that much.
<Mike`> even when you end up having 30+ different tanks in your part list, Probus? :)
<Probus> That would be bad Mike`
<Probus> Just a placeholder would be optimal
<Mike`> That's the problem though, because sstu has a few more tank parts that procparts. If you multiply those by 4 levels, plus give some service module levels plus add the procpart tanks, you'll end up with that many.
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<BadInternetCo> Probus: heh yeah, they're tricky
<BadInternetCo> Probes around venus tend to be really glitchy for me. Random parts just blow up even when out of the atmosohphere
<awang> Probus: Can't you see upgrades for config upgrades too?
<awang> Like engine config upgrades show up in R&D nodes
BadRocketsCo has quit [Ping timeout: 207 seconds]
<awang> Hmmm
<Mike`> yes, but at least not in the VAB editor
<awang> True
<awang> Engine configs have that nifty engine config window, though
<awang> Perhaps something similar could be created for tank configs?
<Mike`> I'd guess, but it seems up to now another road was taken, so i'd probably like to hear pap's and nathan's opinion about it
<Maxsimal> It'd be nice to see the tank data printed out for their configs like engines do. Like, cost vs storage would be nice to see.
<awang> Yeah
<awang> (for both Mike` and Maxsimal's comments)
<Mike`> :) yeah, that would be cool.
<Maxsimal> Btw, nice to see this place active again :)
<awang> Jeez SSTU tanks have a lot of variants
<Mike`> yep, MFT-A, -R, -S, -D, -LV, MUS
<awang> What are all the variants for?
<Mike`> A is the standard cylinder tank, -R is a radially attachable tank, -S is a tank made out of spheres, -D is the soyuz/R-/ booster tank, -LV is the new lander tank, MUS is the modular upperstage which contains RCS thrusters, battery etc.
<awang> Hmmm
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<Maxsimal> Some of those seem like they should be toggleable options themselves.
<Maxsimal> Those are cool looking. But if all the capsule tanks are one part, how do you jettison them for proper asparagus staging? :P
<awang> Holy GitHub notifications
<Probus> Very nice Mike`
<Mike`> actual ingame screenshot: below is the lander tank, the side tanks are the MFT-S spherical tanks: https://i.imgur.com/IM0OZN5.png
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<BadRocketsCo> Mike`: wow, those tanks look great!
<BadRocketsCo> Sorry, I just randomly come in
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<awang> Anyone who wants a KRASH DLL that disables TF and assumes everything is tooled when calculating costs can find it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ggmt2cb4zbxmyf6/KRASH.dll?dl=0
<Maxsimal> Nice awang :)
<Maxsimal> You should put that in as part of the installs needed for RP-1, I think that should be the default w/Krash use.
<awang> I intend on getting the changes upstreamed soon-ish
<awang> idk about the legality of distributing a custom build more publicly, so I didn't
<Mike`> really cool, awang, thanks! :)
<Maxsimal> It *seems* like it's ok with the liscences Krash uses (MIT/GPLv3), but IANAL.
<awang> Huh
<awang> guess uploading a temp copy might be alright then
<awang> Just curious, is there ever a time where you *want* TF failures during a simulation?
<awang> !tell NathanKell* Is it worth removing ModuleEngine*-related things from configs, since engine stats are taken care of by engineType?
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Mike`> awang, don't think so @ failures
<awang> If no one complains about being unable to re-enable TF failures in KRASH sims, I'll comment on my PR that it should be good to go
<awang> Guess that means that there should be a way to disable random TF failures in a sim, but force specific ones to occur at arbitrary times
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<Maxsimal> awang: Did you ever see this game? http://store.steampowered.com/app/292330/Starship_Corporation/
<Maxsimal> awang: Kind of interesting take on making a starship, and basically the game forces you to do different failure/hazard tests. I think disabling TF during KRASH sims is the best because currently KRASH is used to either test if rocket can do the job period or figure out what the best launch profile is
<Maxsimal> awang: But it would be cool, in some future not-to-be achieved gameplay, to have players forced to man-rate their craft by running KRASH tests with TF failures forced to happen and making the player prove the crew would survive it.
<awang> Maxsimal: I haven't heard of that game
<awang> Maxsimal: That's a very interesting idea, though!
<Maxsimal> awang: Thanks :) But ideas are cheap, modders who implement well like yourself are precious.
<awang> I wouldn't call myself a modder just yet
<awang> Still need to write something significant
<awang> Curious what the TF rewrite would require, and whether the man-rating thing could be incorporated
<awang> Assuming it isn't already
<Maxsimal> Same here. I added some missions but gave up on more work because testing/debugging CC was awful. I'm kinda hoping we'll be able to use the Making History expansion with RO - would be awesome to have a GUI & Scoring system for making RO missions.
<APlayer> Humm, do you guys know what good options are out there for 1.3(.1) failure mods? I currently use Kerbalism + Kerbal Launch Failure, also I am aware of TF and DangIt. But my current setup is rather uncomplicated to play with, I never managed to get TF to work with my install, and DangIt lacks support for most of the part mods I use. Are there any alternatives?
<awang> TF needs a rewrite, RealScience needs updating/etc. I'm getting too many projects on my plate :(
<awang> Maxsimal: The mission planner for Making History does sound like a good idea, but might it be a problem because some people bought the expansion and others didn't?
<awang> Unless the mission planner will work for games without the expansion too?
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<APlayer> Maxsimal: Also, I have been looking for a mod that would introduce LV R&D costs, and thus force you to get creative with existing launchers rather than make a new one for every single payload. But many people told me that's hard to do
<Maxsimal> awang: No idea. I mean, I imagine if it's useful for RP-1, that most people here would buy it, given the value for money we've already gotten for KSP?
<APlayer> So you'd probably not be able to "man-rate" a vehicle
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<awang> APlayer: What about TF didn't work for you?
<Maxsimal> APlayer: One of the big reasons people here are making the next RP-0 version is exactly that
<awang> APlayer: RP-1's tooling is intended to simulate LV R&D costs, if that's what you're looking for
<awang> ninja'd :P
<APlayer> awang: TF didn't take any effect, for some reason
<APlayer> Also, regarding RP-0 (-1?), never tried it, let me have a look
<awang> Maxsimal: Thing is that the people here are probably a relatively small portion of the total RO/RP-0 playerbase
<Maxsimal> APlayer: If you were using other mods, TF has to have configs for the parts in those mods to make them fail.
<awang> ^
<APlayer> Maxsimal: It did not even pick up the stock parts
<Maxsimal> awang: Well yeah, but in general the RP-0 community has to be a very dedicated bunch. You don't just pick up KSP and start playing RP-0 on a whim a couple hours later.
<Maxsimal> APlayer: No idea then, sorry. I've never tried using TF outside of playing RP-0.
<awang> Maxsimal: I think that's true until RP-0 gets back onto CKAN :P
<Maxsimal> awang: I guess: Anyway, they claim they're keeping modders in mind with this expansion, so they have to consider how people deal with having users who do/do not have the pack.
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<awang> Maxsimal: That's somewhat comforting, although given the complaints I've heard about the modding API I'm not sure how comforted I should be
<Maxsimal> awang: No idea. I remain hopeful though.
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<awang> Falcon Heavy static test was successful, it seems?
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<Pap> o/
<Qboid> Pap: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [24.01.2018 06:15:31]: "I'm getting an error about part dmXRay not existing. Is that one of the clones or did that used to actually be in dmagic science?"
<Qboid> Pap: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [24.01.2018 06:30:11]: "TACLS is fine, it just required starting a fresh save."
<Qboid> Pap: Mike` left a message for you in #RO [24.01.2018 13:39:03]: "I've started a few SSTU fixes at https://github.com/MikeOnTea/RealismOverhaul/commits/sstu_fixes"
<Qboid> Pap: Mike` left a message for you in #RO [24.01.2018 13:59:42]: "Also, what was the plan regarding tooling for SSTU? There's an issue about it: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/768 - maybe that's a good place to keep track of it"
<Pap> I remember reading that some things change in Module Manager from 1.2.2 to 1.3, what do I need to know?
<awang> Pap: Some things are now errors in the new MM
<awang> e.g. having both :FOR and :AFTER for the same patch
<awang> And if there are any patch errors, MM won't create the cache
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<awang> Er
<awang> The things which are errors now have always been errors, it's just that previous MM versions silently ignored them
<awang> Now MM complains
<awang> I think that's the big change
<Pap> Gotcha
<Pap> Thanks awang
<awang> np
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<awang> !wpn -add:adj public
<Qboid> awang: Adjective already added!
<awang> !wpn -add:adj private
<Qboid> awang: Adjective already added!
<awang> !wpn -add:adj protected
<Qboid> awang: Adjective added!
<awang> !wpn -add:adj package-private
<Qboid> awang: Adjective added!
<awang> !wpn -add:wpn module
<Qboid> awang: Weapon already added!
<awang> !wpn -add:wpn package
<Qboid> awang: Weapon added!
<awang> !wpn -add:wpn class
<Qboid> awang: Weapon added!
<awang> !wpn -add:wpn struct
<Qboid> awang: Weapon added!
<awang> !wpn -add:wpn union
<Qboid> awang: Weapon added!
<awang> !wpn -add:adj unionized
<Qboid> awang: Adjective added!
<awang> !wpn -add:adj virtual
<Qboid> awang: Adjective already added!
<awang> !wpn -add:adj static
<Qboid> awang: Adjective already added!
<awang> !wpn -add:adj dynamic
<Qboid> awang: Adjective already added!
<awang> !wpn -add:wpn vtable
<Qboid> awang: Weapon added!
<stratochief> the complex design considerations of a mod to handle 'stages' as units that are brought in and assembled together is trickly. it has been talked through 2-3 times on this room in the past 2-4 years. people have found implementing the idea too daunting, and nobody has so far made an attempt at creating such a mod, at least not for RO
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<Bornholio> .poke
<UmbralRaptor> ekop.
<Bornholio> EOL!
<Bornholio> shadowbirb extraordinarily contrary!