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<Bornholio> great notes Lamont can't wait to see hover slam also
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<stewartx> Starwaster: https://i.imgur.com/pIz3gNz.jpg
<Starwaster> you're using it faster than it gets generated...
<stewartx> oh dudh
<stewartx> shoulda thought about that
<Starwaster> do you have a fuel cell actually configured for H2/O2 gas? It should also include a config to simulate a heater, like Apollo did. Did you see the link I posted for some sample configs?
<stewartx> i did have a quick look at it
<stewartx> i'm using the US fuel cell
<Starwaster> the first part,t he commented out section shows what kinds of rates and what electrical cost would be
<Starwaster> stewartx: Re: PEG, just as a rule of thumb for pitchover, try 130 seconds of 0.5 deg/s
<Starwaster> and altitude: 60 km / downrange 90 km.
<stewartx> can you relink your config?
<Starwaster> keep in mind those are Saturn numbers but it's a good rule of thumb and you can tweak the pitch program settings if you think you need it, for specific launchers
<Starwaster> sure, just sec
<stewartx> yeah no worries
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<Starwaster> the numbers for the fuel cells comes from the Apollo operators handbook. Original numbers in pounds converted to liters and then kg
<stewartx> i gotchu
Majiir is now known as Snoozee
<wb99999999> wait
<wb99999999> starwaster we CAN collect boil-off cryogens?
<Starwaster> yes, just add a tank for the gaseous resource
<Starwaster> it works best with a properly configured fuel cell that includes a heater because the boiloff will probably not be enough
<wb99999999> I see
<Starwaster> not all tanks are configured in Real Fuels to do it, mainly service modules
<wb99999999> of course
<Starwaster> and service modules have very low heat leakage which is why you need a heater
<stewartx> no it's not, even with only 1 fuel cell i've run out of Hydrogen after 3 days
<stewartx> i'll poke around in the configs and add a heater.
<wb99999999> these is a converter thing
<Starwaster> FYI, supposedly Apollo did NOT have LH2/LOX tankage.... it's said that it was supercritical fluid tankage and the heating was to increase pressure as the tanks drained?
<stewartx> i love KSP + RO
<wb99999999> I never had problems with fuel cells in RO though...
<stewartx> which ones do you use wb99999999
<wb99999999> the stock ones
<Starwaster> as far as density though, LH2 and LOX are close enough for our purposes
<wb99999999> btw don't use hydrolox on light (sub 10 ton to LEO) launchers
<wb99999999> it SUCKS
<wb99999999> I just found out that yesterday
<stewartx> why does it suck?
<Starwaster> yeah, the main reason for going with that combo is to reduce stage mass....
<wb99999999> well
<Starwaster> that's why Saturn V went with hydrolox uppers with RP1 lower
<wb99999999> you have a very not dense stage, with a big volume and thus frontal area
<Starwaster> decreasing upper sage mass increases lower sage deltav
<wb99999999> so less mass, more drag
<Starwaster> yes definitely
<Bornholio> RL10 TWR's are what sucks
<wb99999999> and also the jerk effect
<wb99999999> hydrolox expend energy way too slowly and this leads to high gravity loss
<Starwaster> if you see more than a couple of hundred m/s drag loss then you probably need to rethink things
<wb99999999> I didn't have that window opened but I can feel it
<wb99999999> for once I hope I had a solid motor
<wb99999999> I think gravity loss is the worst part
<stewartx> lol
<stewartx> i just programmed earth's gravity into my calculator
<Starwaster> now why would you do a thing like that???
<stewartx> calculating twr
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<wb99999999> do we have any clue on the PEG10 staging bug?
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<wb99999999> oh man
<wb99999999> explaining space history is so hard even when the listener is an engineer AND like military/aviation stuff
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<wb99999999> someone should config J-2-SL so we can build our own Saturn Int-19s
<wb99999999> XD
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<stratochief> !tell wb99* a J-2 has a low combustion pressure, so I think it would suck at sea level. I've used the HG-3 as a sea level J-2 version, though. that was the development engine between J-2 and RS-25, I think.
<Qboid> stratochief: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Probus> Falcon 9 Heavy is upright.
<Probus> Not long now. Maybe next month.
<Probus> Does the new RP-0 fit well when using the A-4 or is that overkill?
<lamont_> wb99999999: what is the PEG10 staging bug?
<Probus> How did you guys make the tech tree turn colors when the tech is being researched. Very cool!!!
<Pap> Probus: That was a NathanKell tweak of Kerbal Construction Time
<soundnfury> aka witchcraft
<soundnfury> tasty, tasty witchcraft :)
<Probus> Ah! That explains a lot. I always thought NK may have gone to school at Hogwarts.
<Starwaster> I've been hoping that now that he works for Valve that he could teach them to count to three :(
<Starwaster> lamont_ I think he means the stage analysis bug? Maybe?
<lamont_> yeah the SRB thingy
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<lamont_> i haven’t seen that one at all unfortunately
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<stewartx> welp my saturn v design failed
<stewartx> i'm going to design something to launch to gto
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<Bornholio_> .poke
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