maybe an option to force the PEG to engage when remaining pitch started to increase?
it never should increase in the first place
that paper describes simulating a gravity-turn-to-closed-loop ascent and then shoving it into an optimizer and letting the computer figure out the right way to patch them
oh “too deep and *VERTICAL*”
so too little pitch
gotcha, yeah, then that button would help
you can actually edit the pitch rate live
usually I'll just use timed pitch program
and i think the emergency pitch adj is also live
so you could change “0.4” to “0.5” and it’ll jerk fairly hard down
but maybe you want some sort of preventative measure built-in
tick the AoA limiter before you do that and it should smooth it out
personally timed program is just fine for me
i’ll think about it, but i think if you don’t get the pitch program in the ballpark, then its going to have issues…
yeah...the situation itself is really on me
this is one of the many reasons why I wouldn’t replace the default stock ascent profile with PEG because i don’t want to have to explain all these issues to game players that expect to hit a button and have it work...
because I built a new vehicle and am not familiar with its trajectory yet
and got lazy XD
yeah, experience and sim runs
but I think it helps to let you know anyway
i mean we’re supposed to be doing booster development runs in RP0 and getting your gravity turn completely wrong is one kind of failure...
yeah, i’m thinking about what to do
the “right” thing to do is simulate it, but that means extracting the PEG routines into something that can run in a sim and adding travity turn integration and then… etc...
or maybe just have a tickbox that says "no overshooting pitch program"
well its not really overshooting, PEG is just doing PEG stuff, and your pitch program didn’t keep up
well in that case I overshot
PEG was fine, but I overshot
i think we have different meanings of overshoot
wait, yeah
that's not the right verb I was looking for
there might be something that could be done to ensure that the delta in degress always decreased, and to kick the pitch rate up if PEG started crawling away
clamping so that it doesn’t go the wrong direction would be trivialish
problem being what if someone intended this to happen, and uses the stage-activation method
I can't believe I am still capable of thinking XD
i probably wouldn’t patch the peg-after-stage option though, the user told us to only activate after that stage, so we trust them, period, i think.
it can also happen with the timed-pitch-to-gravity-turn option though
I think a easy solution is just to let off a message
wish NK was doing vids because he’s a great playtester
says "your pitch program is busted, do something now" and let players deal with it
hah yes
i’ve been meaning to patch prevent-unstable-ignitions to throw up a warning like that
sounds fine to me
but why does it yaw me so much?
shouldn't the launch azumith includes the deviation due to Earth's rotation?
oh I see...
lamont: So, I had a situation where PEG was converged but status was stuck in unguided gravity turn
i’ve patched it (locally) so that won’t happen
new release past #10?
no, its not even committed yet
no reason to commit unless it's mentally ill...
but yeah once PEG converges the ascent guidance state machine never goes backwards, and if the peg update cycle fails, it restores the old guidance
i’m seeing cases where PEG wigs the fuck out though even though it says its converged
i think i need to look at how sensitive the convergence check can be made
or back the gain off for high angles
I suspect in my case that a non standard engine might have been responsible... I don't think the SRBs I was using were identifiable as engines. MJ couldn't even provide a proper DV on them
gotta remember to follow up on that and see what modulet hat engine is using
ah yeah, if stage stats are busted then PEG will be busted
PEG has to predict the future and needs accurate vehicle info
but, once I drop the uncompatible engine, shouldn't I be able to reset PEG and have it go from that point forward?
(after that point DV is accurate)
hmmm ok weird. the SRB IS standard...
ok, must be the decoupler. that's gotta be it, it couldn't identify it as a decoupler so it didn't know the SRB could be staged away?
goddamit its not based on the stock decoupler at all. No wonder MJ can't figure out the stats
heh that would do it
SSTU has some cool stuff but there's so much non-standard crap everywhere I look screwing up my favorite mods
do you know why SSTU wiggles the engines so much on startup?
no idea, I only have a partial SSTU install. I didn't bother with the engines
ah that’s what i’ve got it for
I would GUESS however that it's a gimbal issue... try scaling gimbal limit down to 25%
oh.... check and see if SSTU engine gimbals use gimbal rate. I'm not sure MJ knows how to deal with gimbal rate. It probably assumes that gimbals respond instantly
(which they do by default)
see, to me, ALL engines wiggle a lot because my game is patched so that all engine gimbals have a gimbal rate
this is when they should just be pointed at vessel.forward though
going straight up at launch
shouldn’t be until 100m or whatever
i’ll try to pay more attention to the controls though and see if there’s any commands they’re seeing
gimbal rate is an interesting hint
yes but roll only has to deviate a fraction for MJ to try to bring it back inline with its starting roll position
you launch, it's a bit off, MJ tries to bring it back
do that same launch with force roll OFF
it probably wont do the wiggle
oh, the Black Arrow
see, the thing about gimbal rate is that MJ expects to get a certain amount of torque out of gimbals but until the gimbal is fully in position it wont get that expected torque
yeah and possibly when the engines aren’t spooled up MJ gives a very large command to what it sees as a very low thrust engine and then it gimbals and doesn’t gimbal back fast enough as it spools up
right yeah so it pushes it to the rails of pitch/roll/yaw initially and then the engine is slow to respond back
maybe it shouldn't look at the current performance but instead base its decisions on rated performance. PID should be enough to correct for that as the errors build up
oh that might be the cause of some wigglies i’ve seen as well.
yeah although it should drop rated torque down when agathorn strikes
having a gimbal sieze would be an interesting failure mode
that could well be game over, time to abort
unless it's really close to staging that bit
wish people wouldn't give me snacks for Xmas.... I swear I can feel my teeth rotting in my head now
so, I had a feral cat that I was trying to lure onto my front porch and she was really cagey because she's already been trapped twice.... even tuna fish wasn't doing it. Then I put her brother outside in a crate...
BAM!!!! She runs right up to him to investigate
then I moved him onto the porch and waited until she came in... pull a string connected to a wooden slat holding the porch door open. SLAM!!!
you rehab them?
it's a sanctuary for feral cats.
she and her brother have been fed by humans since they were kittens but the whole indoors thing is new to them
she's not too keen on being petted but she WILL let me pick her up. (she's not real keen on that either)
her brother loves being petted but doesnt let me pick him up
originally they were going to be outdoors cats but then things happened and we decided we wanted them in
he was easy, he just walked in of his own accord
lamont: ok, MJ DOES look at gimbal rate.... (gimbalResponseSpeed)
anything nitric acid is bond to be more costly right?
depends more on handling requirements, but yes generally
of course when you purchase rocket fuel amounts the price is much less. One of the larger costs for nasa is dealing with ruined and waste fuels
that pdf i dropped has costs for the in bulk prices for when it was made
wb99999999 has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
say see irfna on page 48 @ $.22/lb for a bulk buy of 600klbs