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<wb99999999> hey guys
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<soundnfury> ohai nines
<UmbralRaptor> 9S?
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<wb99999999> given the chance I am so banging 2B
<wb99999999> I AM SO DOING IT
<UmbralRaptor> :D
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<awang> wb99999999: "banging 2B"?
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<UmbralRaptor> awang: so there was a game released this year with some really hawt robots…
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<wb99999999> yep
<ProjectThoth> yep
<awang> ....wut
<Bornholio> uhh
<soundnfury> <-- nov 1961 :)
<Bornholio> nice sound
<soundnfury> (n.b. those are smol docking ports, the crew had to EVA their way in...)
<UmbralRaptor> So, who wants to link awang some Nier Automata fan art?
<wb99999999> it's so everywhere I don't even know what to link
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<egg> a transient diomedea again?
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<UmbralRaptor> Is he migrating?
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<Rokker> Bornholio: I just received the flag and casings from my grandfather's military honors at his funeral :(
<Rokker> I've never been in that position during a funeral
<Bornholio> Feel pride in his service and celebrate his life. I was lucky enough to get my grandfathers beret and legion mug. We put the uniforma and medals ina museum that thankfully wanted it
<Rokker> Bornholio: a bit of me wants to get some of the casings melted down into something nice
<xShadowx> couldnt be that, robots have 4 digit names, R2D2, C3PO....
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<Bornholio> rokker do something respectful and ask anyone else who was close for their opinion otherwise make something fun
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<Rokker> Bornholio: I was thinking of doing the earth globe and anchor
<Rokker> he would like that
<Rokker> he was so proud of his service in the marines
<Bornholio> I like the simpe one of add them to a strong knecklace/leather thong also
<Rokker> perhaps
<Bornholio> a traditional one for marines is each is a vial filled with dirt from the combat zones they fought in
<Rokker> Bornholio: well he never actually ended up overseas
<Rokker> he was drafted and they kept him stuck in California
<Rokker> despite his marksmanship and performance
<Rokker> Bornholio: he was drafted for the Korean war and then just ended up spending it all in cali
<Bornholio> he's a marine :) service record and current location never change that, talking with a guy that did software setup for me last week, he was medical discharged from the marines during basic. reminded him that he is and will always be a marine.
<Rokker> Bornholio: I kinda wish I could reload one of these cartridges and take it to the range. He was so proud of his marksmanship and I always joked that we should go out to the range together, but there was no way with mobility issues. unfortunately blanks are too shit to fire irl
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy!
<BadRocketsCo> I wonder, is there an irl 1970s rocket that could get ~2t to Mars?
<Rokker> BadRocketsCo: define to mars
<Rokker> just launch it on a trajectory to mars?
<BadRocketsCo> Yeah
<Bornholio> if you can get to the moon its not much more to get it to the mars, if you can orbit the moon you have more than enough capability
<soundnfury> also might have to define irl
<soundnfury> like, do paper rockets count?
<BadRocketsCo> I know I could just go overkill and use an J2 but I feel like I would want to use something lighter
<Rokker> BadRocketsCo: Titan III-E with Centaur launched the 3.6 ton Viking spacecraft to Mars in 75
<BadRocketsCo> RL10ish
<BadRocketsCo> Of course! The Titan family!
<BadRocketsCo> Completely forgot about that
* soundnfury was thinking of Titans with crazy strapons
<Rokker> BadRocketsCo: Proton-K with Blok-D
<Rokker> 2.6
<Rokker> BadRocketsCo: those are the two big ones
<Rokker> BadRocketsCo: Atlas Centaur could do 1 ton
<BadRocketsCo> The lightest I can go for a Mars lander is 1.8 tons
<BadRocketsCo> Unless I throw away propulsion
<BadRocketsCo> Anyone here tested the airbags?
<Rokker> BadRocketsCo: you could always Soyuz it
<Rokker> chutes and landing rockets
<BadRocketsCo> Oh yeah, good idea!
<BadRocketsCo> I did an aeroshell kind of thing like on the Curiosity
<Rokker> BadRocketsCo: a lot of people don't realize that spirit and opportunity used landing rockets and chutes along with the airbags
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<Bornholio> without propulsion the slowest i've got probes to is 125m/s generally unless its really draggy. need to get under 70ish to use bags
<BadRocketsCo> Yeah, that does make a lot more sense.
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<lamont> West Africa needs a @#$@#$@#$ ground site for comms
<Bornholio> says the itallians for esa. let build a platform
<schnobs> lamont: There ught to be one in Lagos, IIRC.
<schnobs> or is that too far north?
<Bornholio> neat feature for kct or a mod would be improvable stations as a seperate place, or a part that "Ground" linked a communication vehicle. Then you could transport comms network to arbitrary locations
<awang> lamont: Missed a burn?
<lamont> not quite just annoying to have to warp in order to engage RCS and execute
<BadInternetCo> Strange. It seems like the engines from the Soviet Engines back cause my game to crash
<lamont> try your Saturn V or whatever problematic asshole rockets you got, i think it should be able to handle it a lot better
<awang> "problematic asshole rocket"
<awang> That's a new one
<lamont> my worst asshole rocket is flying pretty beautifully now
<awang> Does disabling the free LAN stuff affect launches to lower inclinations?
<awang> Er
<awang> Lower = not high/polar inclinations
<awang> Not necessarily inclination < latitude
<lamont> if you launch-to-target-plane the FREE_LAN stuff was never involved because you want to pin your LAN then
<awang> Right
<awang> But what about just plain east launches from the Cape
<awang> Stuff like that
<lamont> if you’re just launching to an inclination and inclination is near to latitude then it won’t matter much
<awang> Ah, ok
<awang> Oh, should have specified that I was mostly concerned about the "wastes a bunch of fuel" part
<lamont> plain east your coriolis velocity is already on track so it won’t matter
<awang> Alright
<awang> What about something like a 40 degree inclination from the Cape?
<awang> Wastes some fuel, but not as much as to a polar orbit?
<lamont> meh? it’ll waste a bit, but yeah..
<awang> Would retrograde orbits waste more fuel than polar orbits?
<awang> e.g. sun-synchronous
<lamont> 50 dV of waste? maybe less? dunno. yes. retrograde will be ass, pack more dV.
<awang> 50 doesn't sound that bad
<lamont> yeah i want to say i saw like 200-300 dV loss to 90
<lamont> anyway, i’m going to add the FREE_LAN stuff back in, but i just want to get this tested and make sure its pretty solid before i start messing around with hacking on it again.
* soundnfury gives lamont a Coriolanus velocity.
<awang> Fair enough
<lamont> so my worst asshole rocket is this Atlas V HLV that i’ve got setup so that it needs 30 seconds of burn from the TLI stage to finish 185x185 insertion and it hit that at like 185.2x185.4 or something like that, and then i set it off to Mars and after executing the burn out of parking orbit, I have a trajectory which collides with the center of Mars.
<awang> That's insanely accurate
<lamont> if vgo is not 0.1-0.2-ish at the end of the burn and your insertion isn’t exact then that’s a bug i’m interested in hearing about (i haven’t tested it with higher TWR insertion stages though, i should do that)
<awang> Alright, will do
<lamont> yeah, now its plausible to consider planning burns out of parking orbits on Earth that would target e.g. Mars periapsis or inclination and to plan free-return trajectories to send the craft back to Earth.
<soundnfury> (paging Pap ;)
<soundnfury> given that after flying the First Space Station contract you have an empty station with _four_ seats...
<Pap> You rang?
<Qboid> Pap: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [08.12.2017 18:44:19]: "the Soil Mechanics Surface Sampler part is utterly broken; it spazzes NREs from ModuleAnimateGeneric and prevents other animated sci exps from deploying; the experiment can't actually be run."
<soundnfury> ^ that too
<soundnfury> but yeah, AFAICT after completing First Space Station none of the station contracts are available, and I suspect that's the one that should be
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<soundnfury> o/ BadRocketsCo
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<soundnfury> Pap: if you have any ideas on the soil sampler btw, now would be a great time :) as I'm just about to fly a sample return mission, and it'd be nice to actually return a sample...
<ProjectThoth> A plastic shovel and beach pail?
<soundnfury> !wpn ProjectThoth
* Qboid gives ProjectThoth an oncological Schwartz frustum which vaguely resembles a python
<soundnfury> which part pack do I get a plastic shovel from :P
<UmbralRaptor> OSIRIS-REx is literally going to use compressed gas to push regolith into its containment system.
<UmbralRaptor> So, random tankage/containers?
<ProjectThoth> A vacuum cleaner?
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<ProjectThoth> Would it be possible to have a capsule with vertical sidewalls?
<ProjectThoth> I'd assume it would probably have an L/D ratio of basically zero.
<soundnfury> ProjectThoth: problem is more the level of heating on the sidewalls, I think
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<soundnfury> oh also, an (end-on) cylinder can produce lift, consider the F9S1 on its way down
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<soundnfury> Pap: I think I've nailed it
<soundnfury> animationName should be deploy, not Deploy :|