<lamont> wb99999999: if you put RCS on that stage and have it enabled, then PEG will cut the throttle 2 ticks before you go over you target and then trim out the burn on RCS
<lamont> and we should really support constant-accelleration phases (throttle down) and better engine programming
<awang> MJ learns kOS?
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<awang> How well does the finishing a burn on RCS thing work when the upper has really high burnout TWR and RCS has really low TWR?
<awang> Seems like it'd take a lot of RCS to compensate
<awang> (disclaimer: Still haven't gotten around to trying it)
<lamont> not really, and it fixes the dV and doesn’t really run PEG
<lamont> i’ve been testing it with 10G burnout TWR titan-2s
<lamont> even at like 100:1 ratio, 2 ticks = 0.04 secs => 4 secs of RCS
<awang> Ah
<awang> Good point
<lamont> i could maybe do some tweaking to get that down to 1 tick, but i’m using constant accel math in a very non-constant accel phase of the burn, so i’d have to rub some tsiolkovsky on it
<awang> How much TWR does RCS get on average, anyways?
<awang> Rubbing some Tsiolkovsky on it or adding thrust integrals?
<awang> Or both?
<lamont> i think the numbers are in N of thrust so they’re in hundreds-ish of N?
<lamont> just rocket eq
<lamont> it doesn’t support turning so no thrust integrals
<lamont> other than the first L integral which is just delta-v
<awang> I see
<Bornholio> lamont what is newest test version o' PEG, may have time to fly rockets over christmas
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<lamont> whatever is latest is usually bestest
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<Starwaster> lamont: So, I was looking into the gimbal/gimbal response speed issue as to how it relates to control sensitivity in MJ and I'm thinking that the problem is actually with gimbal response speed values that are just too high. That probably results in some of the PID vectors being scaled too high
<Starwaster> I'm talking across the board for just about every mod that sets gimbal response speeds... typically 10-16 or higher when it should be 0.1 or so
<Starwaster> I patched my gimbals to 0.1 response speed and so far it looks like less wiggling on ascent by MJ
<Starwaster> lamont: also, (embarrassment) I set my PEG start after staging incorrectly because I totally forgot for an evening that staging numbers start HIGH not low
<lamont> heh yeah
<Starwaster> so that's why it was saying CONVERGED and still being stuck in unguided gravity turn. It was literally doing exactly what I told it to do
<lamont> oh that
<lamont> yeah
<Starwaster> proving once again that computers do what you TELL them to do, not what you WANT them to do
<lamont> yeah, i’m also somewhat deeply dissatisfied with my UX there
<lamont> “start PEG *AFTER* stage” but maybe it should be at the stage
<soundnfury> inb4 lamont adds a "DWIM" button to MJ
<Starwaster> awang: rubbing Tsiolkovsky on it? Is that fresh ground?
<lamont> because yeah gets into what is before/after and the number go up, so mentally after could be larger numbers, not smaller, but what i mean is time…
<Bornholio> starwaster what code are you using to set gimbals to flat value?
<lamont> the bit that would need tsilokovsky is the logic that tries to figure out if in the next tick you are going to add enough dV to overshoot your target or not, the core bits of PEG have it baked in
<lamont> just the burn termination logic
<Starwaster> Bornholio: @PART[*]:HAS[MODULE[ModuleGimbal]:HAS[#gimbalResponseSpeed[>10]]]:FINAL
<Starwaster> {
<Starwaster> @MODULE[ModuleGimbal]
<Starwaster> {
<Starwaster> @gimbalResponseSpeed = 0.1
<Starwaster> }
<Starwaster> }
<Bornholio> eek code spam
<Bornholio> :)\
<Starwaster> kyou asked for it :P
<awang> DWIM?
<Starwaster> actually it could just do without the :HAS in there too... I think anything 1 or higher is probably too much
<Starwaster> since it's the degrees per physics frame that the gimbal moves
<awang> Starwaster: Of course! You're telling me you don't have a Tsiolkovsky mill?
<Bornholio> .runs to spam code1
<Starwaster> DWIM = D What I Meant
<soundnfury> *Do What I Mean
<Starwaster> derrrr of course I have a Tsiolkovsky Mill! It's a burr grinder too
<awang> !g burr grinder
<Qboid> awang: https://www.amazon.com/Burr-Coffee-Grinders/b?ie=UTF8&node=14092821 [Amazon.com: Electric Burr Grinders: Home & Kitchen] (179000 results found, took 0.50s)
<awang> Uh
<awang> I was hoping for Wikipedia, but noooo...
<awang> Next up on NK's Twitch stream: The best seasonings for holiday rockets
<soundnfury> awang: 'tis the seasoning to be hypergolly, fa-la-la-la
<Starwaster> burr grinders are the best
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<Bornholio> https://i.imgur.com/8Uc3XJV.gifv got me .... i'll stop there
<Bornholio> BTW lamont you rock! RCS finisher. Supa sexy
<lamont> inspired by one of NKs twitch streams
<Bornholio> are they hidden somewhere?
<lamont> one of the old streams
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<awang> lamont: Does PEG throttle down at any point?
<lamont> no
<awang> Should it?
<lamont> Agathorn does tho
<awang> lol
<Qboid> [#951] title: Enhancement: Declarative Programmable Autostaging | There's a bunch of rockets that we can't fly entirely correctly with PEG or autostaging because they need special things to happen which violating the "simple" Kerbal-style autostaging rules. For example:... | https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/issues/951
<awang> "unplanned rated power readjustment"
<awang> I was more thinking throttling down near the end of the orbital insertion burn if that helps accuracy
<lamont> limiting acceleration would do it
<lamont> its possible PEG could be wired up to the existing acelleration limiter
<lamont> but lots of RO engines don’t throttle at all, so i worked on making that more accurate to begin with
<awang> Are uppers normally throttleable?
<awang> Or is that generally limited for boosters for max Q/acceleration limiting stuff?
<awang> Since uppers are normally lower TWR
<lamont> hrm talking to the wrong person
<lamont> i would have to crack open the RO configs and go look myself
<awang> Fair enough
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<Bornholio> Something like Briz isn't but it would not take much to make it so, RL-10 will https://www.rocket.com/files/aerojet/documents/Capabilities/PDFs/RL10%20data%20sheet%20Feb%202016.pdf
<wb99999999> what is the matter?
<wb99999999> I mean what is the topic
<wb99999999> are we talking about throttling?
<soundnfury> yeah
<soundnfury> afaik in RO the late-period RL10 is about the only throttleable upper stage, unless you use an LLDE or an XLR99 as an upper stage engine I suppose
<wb99999999> hmm
<soundnfury> s/LL/LM
<Qboid> soundnfury meant to say: afaik in RO the late-period RL10 is about the only throttleable upper stage, unless you use an LMDE or an XLR99 as an upper stage engine I suppose
<wb99999999> why would he want a throttling upperstage?
<soundnfury> awang was talking about throttling down at end of burn to get better shut-off accuracy
<wb99999999> I'd suggest RCS
<wb99999999> you need some for ullage anyway
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<soundnfury> wb99999999: apparently they already did that
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<jclishman> How far along is RP-1 development?
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<ProjectThoth> jclishman: It was developed in the 1950s.
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: ಠ_ಠ
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<soundnfury> jclishman: there are still outstanding bugs (mainly in 'naut training, which only NK knows how to fix), and most non-procedural tanks aren't cost/entryCost balanced
<jclishman> alright, cool
<soundnfury> but it's definitely playable despite that
<jclishman> i haven't been able to find a github/forum link!
<jclishman> ty
* soundnfury is currently in 1962 flying (roughly) Atlas-Agena spaceplanes to a small modular station and gearing up for a lunar fly-by :)
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<jclishman> soundnfury: nice!
<jclishman> I just did my first uncrewed lunar orbit in 1966
<jclishman> I'm kinda unsure how to proceed, because i'm not seeing much by way of engine progression
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<soundnfury> jclishman: what're you using atm?
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
<BadRocketsCo> Anyone on?
* BadRocketsCo pokes soundnfury
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<wb99999999> I am
<wb99999999> sup
* soundnfury pokes BadRocketsCo[2] back
<BadRocketsCo> Yo
<BadRocketsCo> I have trouble with KSP
<BadRocketsCo> can't load in new rockets for some reason
<BadRocketsCo> Even though I have rockets with 2x the part count that load in just fine
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<soundnfury> *shrug*
<soundnfury> checked the KSP.log?
<BadRocketsCo> Yup. Gets stuck on loading textures apparently.
<BadRocketsCo> Let me find it
<BadRocketsCo> What was the website again where you could copy long text stuff?
<BadRocketsCo2> soundnfury: https://jpst.it/18V0h
<BadRocketsCo2> it just keeps spamming this over and over again
<BadRocketsCo> K, back on mobile
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<soundnfury> BadRocketsCo: dunno, delete all PF folders from GameData and reinstall them? v0v
<BadRocketsCo> Yeh, makes sense
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<BadRocketsCo> soundnfury: anyway, how ya been?
<soundnfury> not too bad
<soundnfury> occasional neck pains and a mild tendency towards depression, but otherwise coping.
<soundnfury> you?
<BadRocketsCo> In and out of depressive episodes
<BadRocketsCo> It gets pretty bad during darker seasons
<soundnfury> ikr
<soundnfury> clearly we need to slam some asteroids into the Earth to knock its axis upright
<BadRocketsCo> But hey, atleast i'll get nearly a month free from school
<BadRocketsCo> Hahah, yeah
<BadRocketsCo> There would be the side effect of the end of human life on earth but pffft
<soundnfury> "There's no scientific consensus that life is valuable." -- H. Farnsworth
<BadRocketsCo> There's no scientifif consesnus of anything having a value
<soundnfury> (it's from Futurama)
<BadRocketsCo> Ah
<BadRocketsCo> Should watch that actualy
<wb99999999> well...
<BadRocketsCo> hmm?
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<Probus> Is Elon really going to launch a Tesla into orbit?
<Probus> Holy crap! He is
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<Bornholio> .poke
<soundnfury> Probus: heliocentric orbit, at that!
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