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<acharles> lamont: Sorry, took a nap. But it should work out given that I’m using a Luna style R7, which has a really long burning upper (third) stage.
<lamont> yeah i’m seeing some odd terminal wiggles
<acharles> It freaks out on launch, which is the weird part.
<acharles> Makes me think it’s related to inclination, not apo/peri
<lamont> freaks out on launch? that’s weird
<acharles> Cause if I just leave it alone, it doesn’t even go north, it seems to just fly around randomly.
<acharles> I can try on a 150x150 with 97 inc.
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<wb99999999> gonna try to build a Ariane 6PPH style LV
<wb99999999> bundled solids as lower and liquid upper
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<awang> Pap: You around? I have a balancing question
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<Starwaster> I lol'ed: %emissiveConstant = 0.9 // not too absorptive for reentry
<awang> ?
<awang> !tell lamont Alright, tried mchenry5 with a launch to 185km x 185km, inclination -63.4
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell lamont Running update interval of 0.01s
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell lamont Got some pitch oscillations as PEG approached terminal guidance. Seemed to get worse at a rapidly increasing pace as PEG got closer to terminal guidance
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell lamont i.e. oscillations stayed between ~13 degrees and ~17 degrees, changing slowly enough that the upper stage could keep up, until maybe around 10 seconds before terminal guidance
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell lamont Around 2 seconds before terminal guidance pitch was changing at over 10 degrees/sec
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell lamont Right when terminal guidance started, vgo changed from ~200 m/s to ~2570 m/s
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell lamont and vgo is *increasing*
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell lamont pitch seems to have stopped changing as fast
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell lamont vgo continued increasing during the entirety of terminal guidance, ending at ~2700 m/s
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell lamont Final orbit was 182.846km x 215.110km. Upper stage burned out at TWR of 2.33
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell lamont Should probably mention that PEG status was either CONVERGED or TERMINAL. Didn't see anything wrong at any point.
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Starwaster> hate going AFK and hearing the sound of parts exploding from the next room
<wb99999999> pff what happened
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<acharles> !tell lamont I think I found the issue. I had staging setup such that I would hot stage the verniers on the blok i, then I would separate and then stage the engine on, which meant that MechJeb thought that the stage was going to take 13 hours, instead of realizing that I’d eventually turn on the other engine.
<Qboid> acharles: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<wb99999999> man
<wb99999999> those 120 inch UA SRMs can lift ANYTHING
<wb99999999> you can literally build a rocket and lift the rocket into upper atmosphere with them and then ignite main engine
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<acharles> It’s a weird combination of fun and annoying to use a luna style launcher to doing interesting launches, like high periapsis ones. You just light the verniers and coast for a few minutes before lighting the main engines, just like they actually did to get to the moon. Feels like doing a launch in stock, except that you can’t time warp to the second burn.
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<Kiwivogel> Erm so, I think I buggered my PEG settings in mechjeb but cannot figure out why. Rocket decides it's going the wrong direction halfway up
<Kiwivogel> I suspect It may have something to do with leading angle to plane but I have no idea what that is. and it's not in the wiki : /
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<awang> acharles: I did a launch sort of like that for the first comsat contract (850km x 4500km orbit), except I used separation motors on 0.5 thrust limiter to space out the burns. MJ seemed to handle that fine
<awang> kiwivogel: What inclination are you trying to launch to, and from what latitude are you launching?
<awang> leading angle to plane only matters if you're trying to match target plane
<awang> It's how many degrees ahead of the target plane you're launching
<awang> So if you're trying to match a polar orbit, a value of 1 means you'll launch when you're a degree ahead of crossing under the polar orbit
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<acharles> awang: MJ/PEG seems to ignore staging events which contribute small amounts of dv. The issue with the luna R7 is that the blok i upper stage has vernier engines that burn the same fuel as the main engine and it looks as if they can do that for ~13 hours.
<acharles> If you put them in the same stage, it works, but I don’t think the rocket ever flew where it ignited the RD-105 and verniers at the same time.
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<awang> acharles: I don't think it ignores those staging events; it just makes assumptions about when staging takes place, and the verniers violate those assumptions
<awang> Probably assumes that a stage will burn to completion before starting the next one
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<soundnfury> woo, successfully docked Napier to a target vehicle!
<soundnfury> my ridiculous lunar plan inches closer…
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<Starwaster> soundnfury what is your ridiculous lunar plan?
<soundnfury> Starwaster: I'm glad you asked
<soundnfury> later upgrades involve a propellant depot in LLO to allow lunar orbit — and, eventually, if I'm crazy enough, surface — missions
<soundnfury> aka "EOR-EOR-EOR-LOR-LOR mission mode" ;)
<Starwaster> hmmm
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<soundnfury> nearly everything launches from the 150t pad
<soundnfury> (the CDEDS _might_ need the 350t-er, idk yet)
<soundnfury> as for why I'm using a translunar taxi rather than, say, a capsule that can aerobrake: I'm roleplaying a timeline where people don't believe ballistic capsule re-entry is safe enough to man-rate
<soundnfury> because reasons and I happened to be able to launch a spaceplane before capsules were invented.
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<awang> Also because capsules are stupid expensive
<soundnfury> that too (although someone did a patch to "fix" them which I've applied to my game)
<wb99999999> I feel like one can almost do the Titan 3 thing to any medium LV
<wb99999999> strap the 120 inch motors and have them lift the vehicle to midair
<wb99999999> then ignite main engine
<soundnfury> sounds like a wild ride :)
<wb99999999> 120'' SRMs are actually very mild in thrust curve
<wb99999999> more than half of the burn time is under like 70% max. thrust