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<soundnfury> aww man, I missed the Christmas miracle!
<ProjectThoth> A KSP update not breaking everything?
<soundnfury> ProjectThoth: NK not being AFK ;)
<soundnfury> NathanKell|AFK: I'm not sure anything's been written down 'cos a lot of the reports are contradictory
<Bornholio> I'll share my hug with yall
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> no you didn't :P
<soundnfury> I think the main thing is that sometimes people who should be trained aren't selectable in the KCT side of the UI
<soundnfury> NathanKell: yaaaay
<NathanKell> What do their flight histories show in the sfs then? Do they look ok? (i.e. is it a training bug or a KCT bug, both my fault but still :P )
<NathanKell> and how's it going? :)
<soundnfury> idk, haven't looked there
<soundnfury> next time I reproduce it I'll save the sfs and inwestigate
<NathanKell> My guess is somehow the flight history isn't being added right in that case. the KCT side code is simple and if it's screwed then it should be 100% screwed, not 1%
<NathanKell> I mentioned above Ma and Dad leave on the 4th; the problem is the room with my desktop is their bedroom, and they go to sleep at, well, Ancient Human Time (tm)
<soundnfury> ehh, mostly going OK but I'm veering around on the border of depressive episodes
<Bornholio> several times i've got to the point of not being able to train or have existing training recognized. so noone could fly the pods
<NathanKell> Ah :\
<NathanKell> <3 then, more even than usual <3
<soundnfury> oh the other side of the issue is that if someone _is_ trained for a mission, once they've been on that mission they can't be trained for a new one until their old mission training expires
<NathanKell> Bornholio: If you hit one of them, please do save the sfs so I can check if the history looks sane
<NathanKell> the lack of expiration is weird. They should scrub ok, that sounds like a fairly straightforward bug.
<Bornholio> just persistent or make a named save and point it to git?
<NathanKell> just persistence
<NathanKell> happily I decided to do this the Slow And Stupid way, and abuse KSP's own flight history bit, so it saves and loads seamlessly
<NathanKell> so the data's all cleanly there. We hope (tm)
<soundnfury> Keep It Stupid, Simple! :D
<Bornholio> the extra comma makes the statement
<NathanKell> ^_^
<ProjectThoth> "Keep It, Stupid Simple!"
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<Bornholio> ok i have disapearing VAb and pads in my save, is there a place i can see spent points in KCT?
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<ProjectThoth> Man, if my ability to build planes in KSP is any indication, I shouldn't have been an engineer after all.
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<Bornholio> Merry Christmas
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<Moistmelon> Yo
<Moistmelon> what version does RO/RSS work with atm?
<petti> the first link in the topic would suggest 1.2.2 according to the main thread of the mod
<Moistmelon> How does one acquire an old version of KSP?
<petti> well that would depend on where you bought it from
<petti> steam is the best of course because you can choose a bunch of versions and remember to keep them by zipping up the game folder.
<Moistmelon> I have it through Steam
<Moistmelon> I think I still have 1.2.2 on my old PC
<Moistmelon> or rather, my desktop
<petti> 122 is in the betas in steam
<Moistmelon> Oh. Not where I would have expected it :p
<Moistmelon> Thanks
<petti> Moistmelon: remember to copy the game folder out of the steam installation and play from there to keep a backup and prevent steam from updating your modded install
<petti> also you can keep separate versions with different mod sets etc.
<Moistmelon> I'm excited now :D
<Moistmelon> I haven't played KSP in so long lol
<Moistmelon> RO/RSS + kOS + Principia
<petti> hehe, It's a handful
<Moistmelon> We're gettin' sciency up in here
<petti> but boy is it refreshing if you've a bit bored with the base game
<Moistmelon> Should I launch in 32 or 64-bit mode?
<Moistmelon> More accurate question: Are there any issues I should be aware of w/ 64-bit?
<petti> 64 always
<petti> 64 used to be unstable long ago but not any more and you simply cannot run many mods with 32
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<petti> even 8 gigs is not enough ram for heavily modded installs so 32-bit is out of the door for sure
<Moistmelon> Welp, she's running
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<Moistmelon> I was afraid that getting RSS going would be a huge hassle (again)
<stewartx> o/
<stewartx> merry christmas!
<Moistmelon> But it looks like 1.2.2 + CKAN is quite stable :D
<Moistmelon> Merry Xmas, stewartx :D
<petti> it should be, it's been around for a long while now
<petti> anyways it worked for me with a few tweaks when scott manley tubed the installation guide for RSS/RO/principia for 1.2.2 and that was early this year or something like that
<Moistmelon> Ah nice
<Moistmelon> Hmmm, do you guys know what "Connectivity Manager" I should use for kOS?
<Moistmelon> Options are: CommNet, PermitAll, and RemoteTech
<petti> matter of taste, not a "should" thing I suppose
<petti> I tend to go for remotetech usually
<petti> or used to, I haven
<petti> 't played for months now
<stewartx> so ksp now has remotech built in?
<Moistmelon> Sorta
<Moistmelon> It's its own implementation, and it's a little more arcadey / simplified
<stewartx> that works for me
<stewartx> i never really enjoyed playing with remotetech
<Moistmelon> Yeah, I haven't really played with the stock version but I've heard good things. I think it's a nice compromise
<petti> the calculation differences make it a bit iffy to make sure what the actual ranges will be
<petti> whatever floats your boat
<petti> principia allows for some interesting stuff for relays, like lagrange points and the like
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<stewartx> but is principia stable these days?
<egg|anbo|egg> if it's not you should file a bug report :-p
<stewartx> hey egg :D
<egg|anbo|egg> also, appropriately, merry newton's birthday!
<stewartx> i'm just getting back into ksp after a long hiatus!
<egg|anbo|egg> Principia now has a new release every new moon
<petti> I didn't encounter any problems a few months ago when I played it
<stewartx> well i might check it out then. awesome
<Moistmelon> Yikes, decoupling issue on my craft :o
<petti> or actually then I had some tweaking to do with some of the versions of the dependencies before I got it running, but after it started it was a-ok
<Moistmelon> Anyone know what "decent mode" does?
<petti> removes boobies?
<petti> but in the capsule descent mode changes the center of mass so that you will be slightly angled when coming down, it allows you to "glide" a bit with the capsule
<petti> or change your course
<Moistmelon> haha
<Moistmelon> Bit of a typo :p.
<Moistmelon> Yeah, I realized after a while that it was moving the weight sled around which is kinda neat
<Moistmelon> Now I have to research how to actually use that to my advantange.
<petti> well you can figure it out by thinking about the aerodynamics, rotate the leading edge up a bit in the airstream to make you bottom a "wing" and slightly decrease your rate of descent or point it to either side to move sideways etc.
<petti> I never use it really
<Moistmelon> I suppose you could train kOS or MJ to use it
<petti> I guess
<Moistmelon> Everything seems to be working fine
<petti> nice
<petti> Well on that bombshell it's time to go to bed
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