awang: I added the explanation for this acronym.
!acr -add:GLOW Gross Lift-Off Weight
awang: I added the explanation for this acronym.
soundnfury: I didn't know about yarchive, but now I need to read it all
lamont: I seem to have broken PEG again
Pitch program has negative numbers
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Probably my fault since I may have been pressing launch into plane/window/etc. in the wrong order
Also, question
Does launching into planetary window also launch into the right plane?
ferram4_ has joined #RO
i have never done launching into planetary window
and always launched to plane of moon
Never mind then
And I can't launch into the plane of the Moon because Principia :(
interplanetary trajectories are currently very broken anyway
I always shoot for a lunar plane orbit first, and ejections to other planets are usually fairly compatible with that
Seems Venus is at a low inclination relative to the Cape, too, since MJ wants to launch to an initial heading of 120something degrees
realistically i don’t think that saves you a whole lot its likely a hyperoptimization, particularly compared to everything else wrong with the transfer planner
What's a hyperoptimization? Launching to the right plane?
And what's wrong with the transfer planner?
Honest question
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some KSP patched conics / trajectory projection issue that i don’t understand
it optimizes the projected directory down to a miss of nearly 0m but it never does an SOI transfer and the actual transfer misses the planet completely like its off by some very large dT
getRelativeVelocityAtUT is lying to me by a lot
lamont: afaict, that's not a KSP function, unless you mean GetRelativeVel()
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awang: :) once you've read yarchive, you'll (probably) know about as much as I do
including validting that when both orbits are around kerbol and target_orbit is the orbit of e.g. moho that i can drive either getTruePositionAtUT or getRelativePositionAtUT to zero and i do not get another SOI patch for an encounter and the resultant orbit doesn’t encounter moho, but it looks like a proper transfer orbit to moho, just for some reason out of phase
i’m suspicious that the `orbit.StartUT = t;` is doing something to make `orbit.getTruePositionAtUT(x[4])` off by t or something like that…
tty has joined #RO
can we just have a ban on 3 letter nicks?
ok bad idea
pap wpuld be sad
TheRealPap ✔
pap spacex is making me design my AC unit redundant Hoping i can post pics/cad render at least soon
lamont: I'm seeing some odd inaccuracy with PEG
Targeted 185km x 185km, got 310.725km x 155.322km
It was a due east launch, so non inclination shenanigans involved
~2.5 minute first stage, second stage burn was ~5 minutes
Second stage started at ~0.45 TWR, ended at 2.14
awang meant to say: It was a due east launch, so no inclination shenanigans involved
my guess is thrust integrals or J^2 of Earth in Principia
Is J^2 that significant?
although i would think J^2 wouldn’t matter as tgo approaches zero
I also used a pretty slow pitch program
i think that is more for coasting IDK
0.6 degrees/sec
So second stage started its burn at ~95km, apoapsis ~215km
that is usually about what i test with
Have to do that because with a faster pitch program the second stage doesn't provide enough thrust to keep stable against aerodynamic forces
Oh, really?
I've been using 0.9 deg/s
uh that’s quick
Although that's with roughly 5 minutes to orbit, so that might explain that
yeah i typically use 0.4 to 0.7 ish
I guess I've been spending too much time with low time to orbit launchers
even with a titan-2-esque launch i usually don’t go beyond 0.7
............so i think we should reconsider this whole free speech idea :P
some ants just need to meet a shoe
freeze peaches only applies to the government
okay after writing that whole wall of text to taniwha i think i just fixed the transfer planner
think it was the orbit.StartUT = t line that was buggy and i was getting trolled by a Mun encounter
lamont: Is autopilot with PEG ever supposed to go into "Unguided Gravity Turn"?
yeah, if you do “start PEG after KSP stage” it definitely does, also if PEG can’t find a solution it may
from the code it looks like that is the only time
Oh jeez
I had that enabled and didn't even realize it
My bad
also looking at the code, if you see negative degrees that means that peg was not in PegStatus.CONVERGED
Must have clicked by accident
i need to expose that better up front still, but the only way that happens now is peg isn’t stable
Would PEG not updating at all also fit that?
not updating? that’s odd
I assumed that was why I was getting into negative degrees
The PEG pitch wasn't changing at all
yeah that sounds like its not even running at all, so yeah, it would never become converged
idk then
I want to say that tgo may have been counting down
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But I'm not certain
yeah i cleaned up the state machine inside the controller but i really need to expose that properly in the UX
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Tried another launch, got 267x169
PEG seems to be missing the point where the vessel "falls" back to the target altitude
So it's still burning when the vessel drops down below 185km
Also seems to be burning with a pitch near 0 degrees at upper stage ignition
So like it's overestimating how much speed it's going to get
Then trying to pitch up when it falls short
lamont: yeah, I suspect StartUT is messing things up.
or at least the initialization of it
soundnfury: Was it you that had issues with yellow planets?
lamont: however, its only use in Orbit seems to be GetTimeToPeriapsis
awang: yeah that sounds like thrust integrals
and yeah, taniwha i think that was doing something. that was just a hack since otherwise orbit.StartUT is zero and the loop wants to use that, so i just unrolled it a bit so that the first PatchedConics.CalculatePatch call uses t then it uses orbit.StartUT after that.
i’m still seeing one transfer to moho having issues, but everything else seems to work well
(and there’s a mun encounter on the way out that may be messing things up)
oh is it possible i’m exceeding the number of conics?
no, CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT = 6 doesn’t help
/maybe/, but placing maneuver nodes resets the counter
yeah but my transfer orbit start kerbin, has a mun SOI, then back to kerbin, then sun, then its supposed to be moho
so the sun orbit is the 4th conic past the burn, the moho one would be the fifth
although in the calculationi don’t see the mun encounter either so that’s weird too
i think the code just hates moho
there is one possibility: the solver is failing to find that orbit intersect
lamont: Anything I can do to help the thrust integrals out?
lamont: Also, does PEG allow for specifying argument of periapsis?
Even if it requires a coast phase
heh yeah
the node executor does arbitrary orbit targeting
lamont: unfortunately, my newer code /does/ have problems with close roots (ie where the orbit intersects are too close: it loses one)
I didn't have the time to fix that, unfortunately :(
But PEG doesn't hook into the node executor, does it?
awang: yeah it does, the code you’re using has PEG for doing node burns (part of the reason why i want to get the interplanetary transfer planner fixed is to watch PEG do accurate finite burns to interplanetary trajectories)
Oh wow
I wasn't aware PEG was capable of such things
I thought it was pretty much for ascent only
taniwha: i’m not quite parsing “close roots” or “orbit intersects are too close”
lamont: roots of the polynomial that gives you the closest and furthest points between the two orbits
yeah, you keep trying to turn it into a trajectory optimizer, but its really all about finite burns
i’m not using that API
you are
by using patched conics
oh, you mean the intersection of the ship orbit with the mun orbit
I'm tempted to start learning whatever maths are necessary to try implementing those more interesting papers
lamont: yeah
But then I try to read the papers and give up :(
yeah they’re hard papers
okay, but why after putting the maneuver node down, does the core KSP code accurately find the mun encounter but the MJ code doesn’t?
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lamont: Why can't they be easy? It's like it's rock---...
rocket surgery
i think i almost understand primer vector theory, but i kind of need a simple problem to solve with it first
i might be able to replace the thrust integrals with an rkf45 integrator which would make PEG a lot better and would be a step in that direction, but modifying PEG can be weird (c.f. jaggers thrust integrals failures)
What kind of math do I need to learn to understand this?
I don't even know where to start
Do you know why the jaggers thrust integrals failed?
graduate level calculus of variations
Seems odd if they were the subject of a paper but didn't help
i suspect the space shuttle flew with different thrust integrals (the one in the technical note i cant track down) and not the jaggers ones because they were unstable, but that information is lost in the late 70s
Ah, I see
Have you tried contacting Draper lab and/or the author?
If you haven't, I'll get around to writing an email
yeah i tried pinging them
i seem to be bad at social engineering
i just get /dev/null
I'm really not that good, either
But it might be worth a second shot
go for it
Wonder if a .edu domain might help
tfill@draper.com might be Thomas Fill who wrote the paper
awang: yes, it was me that had yellow planets
[#130] title: Textures of Planet Packs Using Kopernicus are all Yellow | I am using KSP version 1.1.2, and have installed several planet packs that use kopernicus. Attached is a screenshot of the mods I'm using.... | https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/issues/130
lamont: Alright, thanks! I'll let you know if I get a response
converting all the DDS to PNG works around it
soundnfury: Yep, that's exactly what my planets look like
I'm on mac, though
And I could have sworn that it was working for me previously