schnobs is now known as Glasswhatever
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<soundnfury> hmm, seems it's not just Venus that's a moiréed yellow blob, most of the planets are like that :(
<soundnfury> and the one that's fine, Vesta, has all .png and no .dds, suspicious...
<awang> Apparently random loading errors due to ModuleRCS throwing exceptions can cause satellites to vanish permanently :(
<soundnfury> Pap: is there anything I can do to help debug this planet rendering bug?
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<awang> soundnfury: Are you doing anything interesting with your install?
<awang> Don't have any issues on my end
<Pap> soundnfury: That is so bizzare, are you on Linux or Mac?
<soundnfury> Pap: Linux
<soundnfury> awang: just a plain RP-1 install using ScaledRSS-Textures (2048), no scatterer/RVE
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<awang> soundnfury: Huh. Interesting
<Pap> soundnfury: I think that might be the issue
<Pap> I did not know this before, but I am pretty sure that I read that there might be an issue with the .DDS files in the PluginData folder for Kopernicus with Linux
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<awang> Hey look, I'm flying on Venus!
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<awang> Jeez, this RP-0 Iridium contract
<awang> That's dedication
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<blowfish> damn, had FAR's assistants on in vacuum, that was messing shit up
<UmbralRaptor> a few atoms per ml at best tends to make for annoying aerodynamics.
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<xShadowx> ml? ul
<UmbralRaptor> ul?
<UmbralRaptor> ml as in cm³
<awang> Hmm
<awang> Because FAR abstracts away airfoil shape
<awang> Does that mean that a plane's vertical stabilizer would actually produce a net sideways force?
<awang> Since it would be treated as a sideways wing?
<awang> ferram4: ^?
<ferram4> No, because FAR abstracts away airfoil shape.
<ferram4> Zero-AoA lift is a factor of airfoil shape.
<awang> But aren't wings treated as if they were airfoils even though they look flat in-game?
<awang> So shouldn't a vertical stabilizer produce lift still?
<ferram4> If at an AoA, yeah.
<ferram4> That's how vertical stabilizers work.
<awang> Right
<awang> But would a vertical stabilizer in FAR still produce lift at 0 AoA?
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<awang> The way I'm thinking of it is as if I took just the left wing of a normal airplane and rotated it so it pointed upright
<awang> Er, and changed the dimensions so it made sense
<ferram4> No, because FAR does [i]not[/i] model zero AoA lift because that is purely due to airfoil shape.
<awang> .....Uh
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<ferram4> Remember that AoA is measured for any wing relative to its plane, not to the vehicle as a whole.
<awang> I thought FAR treated wings as a NACA 6a series airfoil or something?
<ferram4> Symmetrical ones.
<awang> Oh
<awang> That'd explain it
<awang> My bad then
<awang> I'm just seeing a non-zero SideForce reading in the FAR flight data window when flying with 0 sideslip and was wondering where it was coming from
<awang> Thought a nonsymmetrical vertical stabilizer might explain it
<awang> Appears I was wrong
<awang> Thanks for the explanation
<blowfish> I'd blame asymmetric KSP joint stupidness
<awang> blowfish: Huh?
<blowfish> apparently KSP has some weirdness as to how it calculates joint strength for surface attached parts which results in asymmetric joints on parts attached with symmetry
<awang> wut
<awang> That's certainly unexpected
<blowfish> wut indeed
<awang> Only KSP could make symmetry nonsymmetrical
<UmbralRaptor> That's still not fixed?
<blowfish> I haven't heard anything about it being fixed
<UmbralRaptor> stabbity
<awang> Didn't know that was a long-standing bug
<xShadowx> how many of squad are still squad that have been squad since like the start? :|
<taniwha> I thought it was fixed for 1.2
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<awang> Uh
<awang> I'm not sure how to word this
<awang> Do planes trim up or down?
<awang> So like in KSP, when setting trim
<awang> Do planes normally trim as if they were constantly pulling up or nosing down?
<awang> In level flight and/or cruise, that is
<taniwha> depends on the plane, I imagine
<taniwha> and conditions
<awang> Do engineers try to aim one way or another?
<awang> It may vary by plane, but I'd guess that that would be a parameter that engineers would at least experiment with?
<awang> How uniform are conditions during cruise anyways?
<awang> Barring flight into areas of really heavy turbulence
<taniwha> cruise? fairly uniform
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
<BadRocketsCo> So, uh
<BadRocketsCo> Why is the ALSEP scanner almost as large as the lunar module?
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<awang> How much does the vertical location of the center of lift (center of pressure?) relative to the center of mass matter?
<awang> I know for sure it needs to be behind the CoM
<awang> But how bad is it for it to be slightly below the CoM vs above?
<awang> Also, what distance between the two should I be aiming for?
<awang> Approximately?
<taniwha> awang: CoL above CoM gives roll stability (for subsonic, at least)
<taniwha> awang: think of it as grabbing the plane by the CoL and how the plane wants to dangle from a pinch-hold (ie, one where the hold itself induces no torque)
<taniwha> CoT affects it too, of course
<taniwha> but once you know how your plane wants to pitch based on those three, you know which direction you need to trim to maintain level flight
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<lamont> is there any way to debug contracts from sandbox mode?
<lamont> or is the general method used to create a career save with piles of money and science up front and all the sliders on maximum easy mode and then just unlock the tech and contracts you need?
<Bornholio> you can cheat complete active contracts until you get to the one you want to run
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<schnobs> lamont: the cheat menu provides convenient and quick means to provide you with all tech, all facilites and so on.
<schnobs> If you only want a subset it becomes busywork, though.
<lamont> yeah the debug menu for contracts seems to be disabled in sandbox though which was really what my question was about…
<lamont> so just start a new career save and cheat your wat up to the point you want to test then...
<schnobs> ah... now, won't work. You can turn career into a defacto sandbox, but that's it.
<Bornholio> I din't see a way to enable contracts in any form in catbox when i tried
<lamont> cool
<lamont> ah, and i’ll have to look for those buttons schnobs...
<lamont> because, yeah, i don’t need a subset of tech...
<Maxsimal> if you're just trying to debug something besides contract criteria, you could temporarily comment those out
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<schnobs> 4km/s to get from LEO to LLO, is that right?
<Maxsimal> yup
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<awang> Anyone here tried this?
<Bornholio> nice
<Bornholio> happy with nasa, NRTS 19710019929 pag 439 gives me nozzle throat section and downstream section profile thickness based on characteristic length and effective total burn time
<Bornholio> can finally canlulate Nukes with better estimates on flight nozzles
<Bornholio> can calculate
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<wb99999999> Hi guys
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