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<Bornholio> done mars manned landing three times, fly by twice
<Bornholio> pretty much have to have nukes and isru helps a lot, propsitioned tankers otherwise. Manned martian moons are easy peasy compared to full landing on mars
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<soundnfury> Bornholio: one of these days I'll get round to installing RealISRU...
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<Bornholio> I need to poke someone to push my PR and make a release
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<awang> Bornholio: PR where?
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<awang> lamont: MJ PR created!
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<ProjectThoth> What exactly are steering losses?
<ProjectThoth> MechJeb defines them as "esselState.deltaT * vesselState.currentThrustAccel * (1 - Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.surfaceVelocity.normalized, vesselState.forward));" but I don't know how to parse that.
<ProjectThoth> Change in time * Acceleration(From thrust), then ?.
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
<Qboid> BadRocketsCo: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [31.10.2017 23:51:35]: "no mars here, I usually restart before getting to lunar flaggage. Think I might have done a venus fly-by once, not sure."
<BadRocketsCo> Hmmm
<BadRocketsCo> I'm trying to figure out a manned interplanetary transfer vehicle
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<awang> ProjectThoth:
<awang> Er
<awang> Hit enter too early
<awang> looks like it's calculating the amount of dv you're spending thrusting not-forward
<awang> So if you're pointing prograde, no steering losses
<awang> Pointing completely sideways? Everything is steering losses
<awang> dt * acceleration = dv
<awang> Vector3d.Dot(surfaceVelocity.normalized, forward) is the dot product of the surface velocity and vessel-forward vectors
<awang> aka how much of your surface velocity is actually pointing vessel-forward
<awang> Er, made a mistake
<awang> dot product of the surface velocity *direction* and vessel-forward vector
<awang> So what proportion of your surface velocity is actually going forwards
<awang> 1 - that is the proportion of your surface velocity that is not going forwards
<awang> So multiplying that by dt * acceleration gets you dv spent not going forwards
<ProjectThoth> Ahh.
<ProjectThoth> awang: So if I was dead-reckoning velocity, would the true acceleration involve subtracting gravity losses out of it?
<BadRocketsCo> Guys, does lqdoxygen and the sort evaporate when you're not focused on the vessel in question?
<ProjectThoth> BadRocketsCo: Tempted to say "yes."
<BadRocketsCo> Alright
<awang> ProjectThoth: What do you mean by dead-reckoning velocity?
<ProjectThoth> awang: Using kinematics and acceleration to predict burnout velocity along the velocity vector.
<awang> Uhhh
<awang> Maybe?
<awang> You'd want to integrate all accelerations over burn time
<awang> Since acceleration is a vector, you can integrate them separately, then add them together after
<ProjectThoth> Yeah, I have a model trajectory and all that.
<awang> So yeah, I think gravity losses would be subtracted out of that?
<ProjectThoth> Though I'm doing it the difficult way because I'm bad at calculus.
<awang> What's the difficult way?
<ProjectThoth> Doing it in 10-second intervals algebraically.
<awang> ...Isn't that calculus with really large timesteps?
<awang> Also, I just realized
<awang> Do gravity turns work on airless worlds if you don't have any kind of thrust vectoring or such?
<awang> On Earth, aerodynamic forces provide torque for you
<lamont> the idea of a gravity turn though is to have a nearly zero lift ascent
<awang> Right
<awang> But something has to provide the torque to turn the rocket, right?
<lamont> gravity does
<ProjectThoth> awang: Yes, but I'm bad at calculus.
<awang> Both gravity and engine thrust effectively act through the CoM though, right?
<lamont> in a “perfect” gravity turn you would have no AoA to the atmosphere and it would not be providing any torque
<awang> So they can't provide any torque?
<lamont> torque is wrong, its force which is not aligned with the velocity vector
<lamont> the same force that causes you to swing around in a circular orbit is the same force that causes a gravity turn to curve — gravity
<awang> That doesn't necessarily change your orientation though, right?
<awang> I see how the velocity vector changes, that falls out easily from vector addition
<awang> Wait
<lamont> yeah you need some kind of control authority over orientation
<lamont> aerodynamics, spin stabilization, thrust gimballing
<lamont> i’m thinking trajectory
<lamont> (RCS)
<lamont> that just reduces to the problem of having a rocket in orbit and needing to align it with some orientation to do a burn
<lamont> and i think most real big rockets are unstable so they’re using thrust gimballing and a zero-lift profile to avoid flipping
<wb99999999> I think big rockets are usually slightly unstable
<awang> Hmmm
<wb99999999> but most big rockets have big engines with large gimbal range
<wb99999999> so with adequate software they can compensate, or decrease AOA when going through high stress phase
<awang> lamont: I think I may have found one of your Space.SE questions
<awang> Also, TIL PEG *can* handle coasts
<awang> NathanKell lied to me!
<ProjectThoth> heh
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<awang> I was wondering what proper integration of the trajectory to figure out the burnout velocity would look like
<awang> But realized that there's an extra constraint in that the direction of the engine thrust should match the velocity vector
<awang> So it's now a diff eq problem, I guess?
<awang> Or is it still calc?
<awang> But yeah, that's why I was wondering what exactly enforced that direction of thrust = direction of velocity
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<schnobs> o/
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<Maxsimal> o/
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<TaggedYa> Knock Knock anybody home
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* schnobs waves
<schnobs> Procedural Fairing sides have a tendency to fall off on vessel load. KJR notwithstanding. Strange, that.
<Maxsimal> *waves*
<Maxsimal> Taking off for home though
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<awang> ferram4: FAR is estimating negative endurance/range o_O
<awang> And negative drag, on a regular plane
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<Bornholio> awang does your plane have azero with part like a separator with a gap?
<Bornholio> width
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