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<blowfish> awang: makes sense. I added more projects so had to change the structure a bit
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<NathanKell|AFK> awang: My parents are visiting. Hopefully Sunday I'll remember to log back in and answer any questions you have. Also merge PRs.
<Qboid> NathanKell|AFK: awang left a message for you in #RO [16.11.2017 00:12:28]: "?"
<blowfish> what is it about warp to SOI that keeps messing up my encouter?
<xShadowx> :)
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<blowfish> Penultimate Delta II launch in about 20 minutes
<blowfish> this is also the second to last ever launch of the long line of Thor-derived launch vehicles
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<blowfish> T-3:00
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<Duncan> Does the term 'escape velocity' as it is applied to the earth apply in the same way as it would with an interstellar planet or is it simply referring to when the sun's gravity takes over?
<Duncan> i guess what I am asking is in an infinite void with a single planet in it, is there a velocity where the periapsis goes to infinity, or is it always finite?
<Duncan> I understand if no one knows the answer for sure it is a pretty abstract question :-p
<taniwha> Duncan: 1.414*circular velocity
<taniwha> which means there are velocities where you /never/ stop (even at infinity)
<Duncan> ok, so thats a yes
<Duncan> thanks
<Duncan> are you from NZ?
<taniwha> no, but I lived there for several years
<Duncan> I bet everyone pronounces your nick wrong, lucky there is no voice on irc
<taniwha> yeah, most do
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<Bornholio> I imagine it as tah Nee wha, but maybe a softer f sound for the wh is correct :P
<Bornholio> I liked how ULA gave PE and AP stats during luanch last night
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<awang> NathanKell|AFK: I'm not in a hurry, so don't feel obligated to have to do that. Relaxation comes first
<awang> lamont: MJ FAR fixes have been merged
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<awang> Anyone have an issue where sometimes after quitting the keyboard shortcuts for angle snapping/symmetry toggling get reset to none?
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<xShadowx> only when i hit the X to hard close
<awang> Yay, it's not just me
<awang> Also, how much would having RF show TWRs for engines help?
<awang> I have it showing TWRs in my local install, and considering making a PR for that
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<awang> xShadowx: What mods do you have installed?
<awang> I may have narrowed down what mods cause the symmetry/snap key reset
<awang> But none of the mods make sense
<awang> And figuring out exactly which one is going to take a bit more time since KSP takes forever to start for me
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<xShadowx> awang: easier to list what i dont have, 754 installed atm
<xShadowx> editor extensions is only thing i can guess might be related from my install, as its the only VAB thing i think i kept
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<xShadowx> not saying its to blame though ;p
<awang> xShadowx: You have **754** mods installed?
<awang> I have like 150something, and I thought that was a lot
<awang> git bisect seems to point towards editor extensions actually not being the problem
<awang> Or at least if it is the problem, it isn't showing up until after quite a few more mods are installed
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<xShadowx> in my case i always suspected (didnt really investigate, wasnt annoyed enough) stock, just because hitting X on a problem / it losing recent setting changes is fairly common in the world, and not doing it avoided the problem ;p
<xShadowx> on a program*
<awang> Wait, stock does this?
<xShadowx> awang: 'suspected' 'didnt really investigate'
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<awang> xShadowx: Do you have Airplane Plus installed?
<xShadowx> awang: 755 :3
<xShadowx> (ie i do now lolz)
<awang> xShadowx: Another mod to add to your modlist?
<awang> But yeah, you were right
<awang> git bisect lied
<awang> Or more precisely, apparently I can't trigger the behavior consistently enough for git bisect to work
<awang> Or at least I think it's Editor Extensions Redux?
<awang> Interestingly, there *is* code to restore the keyboard shortcut
<awang> Just seems it doesn't get triggered for some reason?