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<xShadowx> robot fights woo
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<blowfish> Aw yiss, figured out the reason why ModuleManager was slower
<blowfish> and fixed it, and now it's faster
<blowfish> baseline 150s -> current 110s
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<taniwha> that's almost 30% faster
<taniwha> nice :)
<blowfish> hmm, looks like I lost a bit of that performance somewhere, but it's still ~22% faster
<blowfish> awang: I verified the slowness on my own install and fixed it, if you want to check out the new DLL it's here:
<blowfish> I hoped for more performance improvement, but I guess iterating through the game database just isn't very fast
<blowfish> what really takes up time are those passes that have a lot of patches that each only apply to one or a few parts
<blowfish> and RO has a lot of those
<blowfish> like all the engine configs
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<Rokker> Bornholio: I always love that gif
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<schnobs> Would anyone happen to have a link to a "how to properly land a plane" video?
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<schnobs> I can manage to come in fast and not touch down, rather fly overhead; I can also manage a stall and plunge down vertically.
<schnobs> There has to be a middle ground.
<xShadowx> if you know your stall speed then it makes stuff easier, and mods such as trajectories make it easier, line up with runway far enough out, then bring speed down to a bit above stall, goal speed is so you can fly safely but slow enough that you lose lift, and aim your trajectory to come down just a bit after the start of the runway, if you drop too fast then raise nose / again keping above stall
<xShadowx> its just a balancing act using horizontal speed / angle of attack to control vertical speed, eventually touching down softly at just enough stall speed, then cutting engines
<xShadowx> s/enough/above
<Qboid> xShadowx meant to say: its just a balancing act using horizontal speed / angle of attack to control vertical speed, eventually touching down softly at just above stall speed, then cutting engines
<schnobs> riding a razor...
<schnobs> Vessel looks roughly like that:
<xShadowx> schnobs: more practical for iva view landing but ;p
<schnobs> all wing, no mass. no joystick either -- I have to click it into MJ.
<xShadowx> so flying a b2 bomber ;p
<xShadowx> oh wow didnt know b2s landed on a carrier
<schnobs> stock KSP -- coming down from the grasslands is only 300m but provides me with so much airspeed that the runway just isn't long enough.
<schnobs> I'm pretty certain that a B2 has nowhere as much lift.
<xShadowx> cut engines early as you want to lose speed
<xShadowx> air brakes are nice if you have em
<xShadowx> drogues are nice ;p
<schnobs> ...and there's my problem. :)
<xShadowx> if you have enough distance, S curves with engines off to lose speed
<xShadowx> or just come in off the water end
<xShadowx> nobody comes in from the water end >.>
<xShadowx> gear down helps lose speed to
<xShadowx> wait stock cartoon physics? no wonder you have trouble :P
<schnobs> I'll try RO again when and if I get around to updating my OS.
<schnobs> (really hope that's the core of the problem)
<xShadowx> problem?:|
<xShadowx> whatd you break
<schnobs> in 1.3 I had some interesting but harmless issues which were apparently down to me using an "incompatible" linux kernel.
<schnobs> I wasn't aware that this was a possible cause of trouble.
<xShadowx> just get windows :)
<schnobs> Anyhoo, RO just crashes on me most of the time. Got worse with every update, in early summer I stopped even trying. I think it's kopernicus, not sure. Definitely a core pice of RO.
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<schnobs> As I seem to be the onyl one affected... the problem has to be on my end somewhere.
<xShadowx> :(
<schnobs> Besides, doing silly stuff in Kerbal Spaceplane Program can be fun, too.
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<awang> ~tell blowfish* I'll try out the new DLL
<awang> !tell blowfish* Might it be possible to create subsections of the database so you don't have to iterate over all parts for RO-style patches?
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell blowfish* like a mini-database for just the engines?
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> schnobs: Use spoilers if you're on FAR?
<awang> !tell blowfish* I intended to !tell you that I was trying the new DLL earlier, but looks like I hit ~ isntead of !
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<schnobs> awang: stock game, have you even looked? Vessel was supposed to go to Duna and back, I saved on mass wherever I could. That includes possible spoilers, airbrakes, whatever. Never really needed these before, but then again, my usual flyer looks more like an F-104.
<schnobs> That a plane just won't lose altitude is not a problem I encountered before.
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<awang> schnobs: I looked, but evidently not closely enough
<awang> Completely missed that tidbit. Sorry.
<schnobs> I don't think one could even try that stunt in RO.
<awang> I mean, there's always FAR without the rest of RO
<awang> But that's sort of a moot point
<awang> Hmmm
<schnobs> No need to be sorry, though -- I'm way OP and should STFU.
<awang> Way OP?
<schnobs> *OT
<schnobs> ooops.
<awang> I don't think there's such thing as off-topic here :P
<awang> In the meantime, I think the suggestion to come in over the ocean would otherwise be your best bet
<awang> If the speed from coming in the other side is too much
<awang> idk how much airbrakes weigh, and spoilers won't work without FAR
<awang> !tell blowfish* Cache created in 899.190s. 142634 patches applied.
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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