<soundnfury> UmbralRaptor: nah, clearly it's the equivalent of #pragma on a quantum computer, #quagma
<soundnfury> only instead of #pragma once, you have #quagma ergodic
<soundnfury> !wpn Rokker
* Qboid gives Rokker a viscous contravariant monorail
* Rokker buys out soundnfury
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn -add:adj vicious
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: Adjective already added!
* soundnfury is not for sale
<soundnfury> Rokker: also, does that mean the Cygnus will be renamed the Swancat?
<Rokker> soundnfury: 10/10
<Rokker> soundnfury: they are gonna turn it into a flying wing
<soundnfury> xD
TechnicallySleeping is now known as Technicalfool
<soundnfury> also it'll be coated in a special radar-absorbent paint, so that NASA can't track it
<Rokker> honestly, they are probably primarily buying it for the weapons and radar aspect
<soundnfury> they'll just find a courier's note pinned to the door of the ISS, "while you were out, we tried to deliver a package"
<Rokker> i hope they dont shut down any branches of OATK
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<ProjectThoth> Is RVE functional in 1.2.2?
<ProjectThoth> Whoops! I've been running the 32 bit version this whole time.
<ProjectThoth> Now let's see how badly I've bungled it.
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<ProjectThoth> I just made orbit!
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<ProjectThoth> Does BDB work in RO?
<blowfish> ProjectThoth: my understanding is that some parts are configured, others not
<ProjectThoth> blowfish: Yeah, just found that out firsthand.
<ProjectThoth> I don't know how config files work, but my goal is to get an RL-10 working.
<ProjectThoth> (I should say, I don't know how RO config files work)
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<blowfish> best bet is to look at one of the exising RL-10 configs and see how it works
<ProjectThoth> What mods have RL-10s?
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<blowfish> ProjectThoth: VSR, FASA, SSTU
<blowfish> probably others
<ProjectThoth> FASA has an RL-10?
<ProjectThoth> Damn, I totally missed that.
<Rokker> Bornholio: https://youtu.be/Bl7m7FGKmwc
<Rokker> ProjectThoth: read the topic ffs
<blowfish> ugh, 2 failures for the same mission is no bueno
<blowfish> (2 failures on separate launches, I should clarify)
<ProjectThoth> MERCURY6 hasn't mooed at me.
<NomalRaptor> ProjectThoth: open the config file, and look for earth?
<Rokker> ProjectThoth: there is a damned Google spreadsheet that lists what engines are in what mods
<ProjectThoth> Really?
<Rokker> it's out of date but it would have answered a lot of this shit
<ProjectThoth> Well shit.
<Rokker> ProjectThoth: ro spreadsheet
<blowfish> I find searching in the RO github repository to be the best bet
<ProjectThoth> Well, I ran an experiment with my spreadsheet. https://i.imgur.com/CsYjM86.png
<jclishman> First actual satellite! https://i.imgur.com/J8unof4.png
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<ProjectThoth> Not bad for an Excel spreadsheet. :P
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: Sweet!
<ProjectThoth> This picture of the LV is slightly better. https://i.imgur.com/VasLBTe.png
NomalRaptor is now known as UmbralRaptor
<awang> jclishman: What's the thing hanging off the side?
<jclishman> awang: DMagic Orbital Telescope
<awang> jclishman: Oh, you must be pretty far in the tech tree
<jclishman> just early instrumentation i think
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<awang> Oh, really?
<awang> Wonder if I have something misconfigured then...
<awang> Don't remember seeing it in any of my early playthroughs
<awang> Unless I didn't get far enough
<awang> Which is likely
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<awang> lamont: How do you build Principia?
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<lamont> ‘make’
<lamont> the magic is that its busted on 10.12, so i have to use my 10.11 machine
<awang> Looks like it's busted on 10.13 too
<awang> Something about shared_mutex?
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Using Clang from Homebrew appears to have fixed that issue
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> lamont: Do you have to build from a git checkout?
<awang> Got a make error
<awang> "No rule to make target '.git', needed by 'base/version.generated.cc'"
<Rokker> ah fuck
<Rokker> thoth is prolly off for a few hours
<Rokker> jclishman: ur making me wanna get back into RO
<jclishman> Rokker: i'm having fun so far
<Rokker> jclishman fuck you
<Rokker> jclishman: im pulling an all nighter and its all your fault
<jclishman> ;p;p
<jclishman> lolol
<Rokker> jclishman: aerospace merger hype
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<Rokker> jclishman: wait, RP-0 or no
<jclishman> Rokker: duh
<jclishman> wait, are you asking what i'm using?
<Rokker> yes
<Rokker> jclishman: are you playing an RP-0 career or no?
<jclishman> Rokker: i am
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<awang> lamont: Should I be expecting test failures?
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<egg|zzz|egg> awang: yes you should use git; depends on the test failures; can you discuss that on #principia so I can keep track of it?
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<Duncan> hi all, can anyone guess why I cant activate rcs? It was working and then it wasnt. I have a comms connection
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<Bornholio> rokker, nice seeing art on the old boys, we had to scrub all ours, including the watchmans (1040) because of a wing commanders wife.
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<Rokker> Bornholio: wright patt has been brought to it's knees
<Rokker> by a water main
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<Duncan> is there a special probe core you have to use for the comsat network contract or something? It wont recognise my launches
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<Pap> Duncan: No special probe core, but you have to have the ComSat Resource loaded on your craft
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<regex> There's a ... "ComSat" resource?
<regex> What's its mass and theoretical exhaust velocity?
<regex> density rather
<awang> regex: It's one of the fuel options for service module tanks
<awang> AFAICK it does nothing but add mass
<awang> There's also a SoundingRocket resource, a WeatherSat resouce, etc
<ferram4> They are used for contracts.
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<Maxsimal_> yeah, it's just a resource to simulate a required payload.
<Maxsimal_> Since we can't generate an actual new satellite for you to place in orbit, and most of the bits that CAN be required, like antenna or solar panels, can be done with very light/cheap parts.
<Pap> regex: It was designed to have the player need to have different levels of launch vehicles to accomplish the contracts instead of just using one type over and over again
<regex> Huh
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<blowfish> Pap: what's the justification for having the sounding rocket altitude contracts in addition to the altitude records? It seems to encourage not fully utilizing your capabilities in order to milk the contracts as opposed to going higher as soon as you are capable of doing so
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<awang> ferram4: Would building FAR in debug mode result in significant performance penalties?
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<awang> Do I need a dev version of KCT?
<Maxsimal_> blowfish: Does it bother you that we always had x-plane contracts as well as crewed altitude records? Also, the altitude records can actually push the sounding rocket difficulty up.
<blowfish> I haven't tried any of the X-Plane contracts. They have to be crewed though right?
<Maxsimal_> blowfish: That's why I also extended them, so that the altitude records extend all the way up to the max sounding rocket contract height (6000km) - that's also from the old sounding rockets stuff. I'm open to retuning them, of course.
<Maxsimal_> blowfish: Yeah - I'm just comparing having those + also having crewed altitude milestones.
<Maxsimal_> blowfish: Anyway, so yeah - you can slowly push your altitude record up doing the altitude sounding contracts, or you can push it higher sooner, 'demonstrating' that you have more capability, and the sounding rocket contract stuff will give you harder contracts then.
<blowfish> Maxsimal_ my point is that even if you have the capability to go higher, the sounding rocket contracts make it advantageous to not use it right away and cut the engines once you hit the contract altitude
<Maxsimal_> blowfish: I was kind of aiming for a system where contracts scale up based off of people's accomplishments, rather than scaling it off of how many techs you've got like the current comsat contract system does.
<Maxsimal_> blowfish: Yeah I know what you meant, I'm just saying there's also an advantage to going the other route of pushing the max altitude limit right away.
<blowfish> Is there though? The rewards for the altitude records aren't enough more that it's considerably more advantageous to get them sooner
<blowfish> especially in the early days where building a sounding rocket might only take 10-15 days
<Maxsimal_> blowfish: Yes, I'd say there is - if you push your altitude limit higher right away, you'll get more lucrative sounding rocket contracts for the (easy)(intermediate) and (difficult) ones as well.
<blowfish> more lucrative, but also harder (and you may not have the tech for it)
<blowfish> and you'll get those contracts eventually either way
<Maxsimal_> blowfish: In theory they should be in your reach. But you can test if if you'd like. Try throwing the best max-alt sounding rocket you can with start node tech, and see if the new sounding rocket offers are too difficult - they haven't been in my testing, but I'd like to hear more people's experiences.
<awang> Wait, RP-0 still requires a custom KCT DLL, right?
<Maxsimal_> blowfish: Unfortunately I have to head to bed (gf is calling) but leave me a tell with anything you find, I'm happy to talk about it more :)
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<blowfish> !tell Maxsimal* I guess the problem is just that there doesn't seem to be enough of an advantage to the go higher sooner route. Why should I build a new LV now when I can launch my old one a couple more times and get more funds out of it. I'm only delaying my space program by a little bit and I will get the higher altitude contracts eventually either way. The funds gained vs time lost seems heavily skewed toward getting each contrac
<Qboid> blowfish: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<blowfish> t rather than going higher.
<ProjectThoth> Spreadsheet works, woo!
NomalRaptor is now known as UmbralRaptor
<awang> Right, I know about the testing DLLs
<awang> Just wondering if something changed recently to not require them
<awang> Also, does ModularFlightIntegrator require a recompile for KSP 1.3"
<awang> s/"/?
<Qboid> awang meant to say: Also, does ModularFlightIntegrator require a recompile for KSP 1.3?
<awang> Does Interstellar Fuel Switch conflict with anything import in RO/RP-0?
<lamont> doesn’t RF pretty much replace the functionality of IFS?
<lamont> (i’ve mostly used IFS in stock for creating LF-only tanks for nukes, so my impression is that its unnecessary in RF)
<lamont> "stock"
<lamont> meaning “100+ mods, but not realism overhaul"
<Bornholio> lol
<Bornholio> yup ie easy mode :P
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<awang> idk, I just saw that Kerbal Atomics says it's a dependency
<awang> Which I thought odd
<awang> Also, is RSS compatible with 1.3? Thought I remember reading someone talking about 1.3 work with RSS
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