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<Bornholio> solve the sploddy kerb problem....
<Bornholio> next replace the sun with a kerbal
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<Sigma88> Bornholio: you mean like this? https://twitter.com/Sigma88Mods/status/760574902462255104
<Bornholio> No more like a giant kerbal maybe valentina as the primary forthe system :P
<awang> Does tooling for different tank levels take into account tooling for previous levels?
<awang> For example, if I have 1m diameter tank 1, does that reduce teh cost of 1m diameter tank 2?
<awang> And my god the Black Arrow has low liftoff TWR
<awang> And looks comically stubby
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<blowfish> how cheaty is it to send the sounding rocket telemetry unit to orbit instead of a real satellite core?
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* UmbralRaptor stares at Sputnik I.
<UmbralRaptor> I'm not sure.
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<awang> blowfish: Wait, you're not supposed to do that?
<blowfish> not sure
<blowfish> it's certainly possible, and saves you some unlocks
<awang> That's what I've been doing in my playthroughs...
<wb99999999> how bad is Black Arrow's starting TWR?
<Bornholio> yeah slap that probe in there
<Rokker> wb99999999: 1.45ish
<Bornholio> rokker sitting in the instructors seat is actually the best spot, you get a view and aren't crammed in a console
<Rokker> fun
<awang> wb99999999: I'm getting ~1.15 :(
<awang> Rokker: Wait, what? That's so much better than I'm getting :(
<Bornholio> 14104kg, 234.8kN
<Rokker> hmmmm
<Rokker> wiki numbers gives 1.44
<awang> Just 14 tons?
<wb99999999> yeah
<awang> My pad weight is closer to 19.5
<Rokker> astronautix 1.33
<Rokker> Bornholio: wat
<wb99999999> it's a tiny tini rocket
<Rokker> um
<Rokker> 14 tons is first stage mass
<awang> Oh
<Rokker> its more like 18 tons
<Bornholio> total is just under 20t
<Rokker> 18,130 kg
<wb99999999> aha
<wb99999999> awang you're more than 1 ton too heavy
<Rokker> you could launch one on an F9 with a custon adapter
<Rokker> custom
<Rokker> awang: payload size?
<wb99999999> I remember this thing can only lift 100 kilograms or so
<awang> wb99999999: Whoops
<Bornholio> should be near 400kg
<awang> Rokker: ~750 kg
<Bornholio> thrist stage at least
<Rokker> awang: theres your problem
<awang> And that gets to a ~150km x 2Mm orbit
<awang> Hm
<Rokker> or part of it
<awang> Oops
<awang> Guess using an Aerobee wasn't as smart as I thought
<wb99999999> but you can add boosters
<awang> Not when I'm right at the pad weight limit
<Bornholio> watching the irma stuff is giving me andrew flashbacks and trucking down to clean up
<wb99999999> I was about to ask about burn time restrains
<wb99999999> but alright...
<awang> Pad upgrade is still being worked on
<awang> Although I'm technically slightly over the rated burn times for both the first and second stages
<Bornholio> is there a good black arrow-3 solid?
<Rokker> Bornholio: ?
<Bornholio> 30kN ish 30secs 280isp
<Rokker> awang: dont forget to recreate the hilarious roll problem of Black Arrow 1
<Rokker> Bornholio: stage 3?
<Rokker> should be in there
<wb99999999> waxwing?
<Rokker> aye
<wb99999999> yeah it's there
<Bornholio> ah didn't realize that was a match
<wb99999999> btw who name their ACTUAL flying machine "waxwing"
<Rokker> wb99999999: idk, waxwings are pretty dope looking
<awang> Waxwing is in a different tech node, though, unfortunately
<awang> Rokker: Roll problem?
<wb99999999> it's like a sport injury clinic calling themselves "achilles"
<Rokker> wb99999999: waxwings are a type of bird\
<wb99999999> it's never going to work by the name along
<wb99999999> okay...
<Rokker> Bornholio: passerines are always beautiful birds
<wb99999999> OMG that roll oscillation
<Bornholio> silly problem solve by tiny fins
<wb99999999> btw those are many chambers right?
<Rokker> wb99999999: it makes it look like a prop attached to string in something like the thunderbirds
<wb99999999> not many engines
<Rokker> right
<Rokker> i think
<wb99999999> guess this is what happens when you don't start from V2 technology
<Rokker> anyways yeah
<Rokker> thats my favorite rocketry footage ever
<Rokker> not the first spacex landing
<Rokker> not the apollo 11 launch
<Rokker> that little clip
<Rokker> is fucking amazing
<Rokker> wb99999999: it was an electrical fault
<Rokker> causes 2 of the chambers to oscillate back and forth
<awang> Rokker: Oh... Oh dear
<wb99999999> this thing first launched the same year America landed man on the moon...
<awang> That looks fun
<Rokker> yes
<wb99999999> this is just sad
<wb99999999> no wonder they slashed the project
<wb99999999> oh and Rokker: when I said thing about not starting with V2 I meant the number of chambers are obscene
<wb99999999> it's just way too many of it
<Rokker> yeah
<Bornholio> like the rus, manufacturing large chambers is harder and so is proof testing them. plus atlas is 5 chambers at ground why is 8 so many
<wb99999999> Atlas is 5 chambers for more than 2500 kN of thrust
<wb99999999> this is 8 chambers for... what was it?
<wb99999999> 240kN?
<Rokker> wait what
<Rokker> Bornholio: 5 chambers?
<Bornholio> reminder lr101's
<Rokker> well 5 chambers attached to 5 engines
<Rokker> and its only that many because they were scared of ignition in the sky
<Rokker> in flight
<wb99999999> for me it's just too little thrust per chamber for an orbital vehicle
<wb99999999> the 8 chambers combined produce only about the same amount of thrust as the V-2
<awang> What first-stage engine do you guys use for early satellites?
<awang> LR-89 series, RD-107s, RD-108s, LR-79s, or something else?
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<wb99999999> you, have, LR-89
<wb99999999> why don't you use it then
<wb99999999> especially if you have the AZ50 version
<wb99999999> it's very high performing
<wb99999999> wait
<wb99999999> that was LR87 right?
<wb99999999> stupid me
<awang> LR87 is kerolox, isn't it?
<awang> And I don't have it yet; haven't paid ECM
<awang> Although I have the option
<awang> Trying to decide to avoid wasting money
<blowfish> okay, looks like I can get the sounding rocket telemetry unit + some science instruments to orbit on a redstone + 2 AJ10-27 stages. Should I do it?
<blowfish> or wait for real probes and baby sergeants?
<awang> blowfish: Do it
<awang> Even better, waste money on a Black Arrow
<blowfish> black arrow is 1956 tech, I'm not there yet
<awang> Wait, you get AJ-10s first?
<awang> Never mind then
<awang> I'm dumb
<Bornholio> I usually don't push to orbital till 56 tech
<Bornholio> but you can, a-6+2A-4 side boosters and then stacke a x3 and x1 XSAR stages
<awang> Is that with the default pad, or after an upgrade?
<Bornholio> thats above 20t, thats why the gamma's are nice
<awang> Ah
<awang> Only reason I went for the Black Arrow was because the pad was still upgrading
<awang> But in any case
<awang> blowfish: Do it!
<blowfish> awang: AJ10-27 is really an upgraded aerobee
<blowfish> different from the normal AJ10 progression
<awang> blowfish: Oh right, that AJ10
<awang> I knew that
<awang> I'll have to try that build... Didn't even buy the A-4 this time around
<blowfish> can't figure out why my 3rd stage isn't igniting though...
<Bornholio> pressure?
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<awang> Didn't MJ used to calculate dv of 0 when pressure-fed reqs weren't met?
<blowfish> oh, took more nitrogen than I thought to achieve propellant stability
<awang> You use the attitude control thrusters for ullage instead of sep motors?
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<blowfish> awang: yes - I already needed RCS on the 2nd stage so it didn't seem worth adding sep motors on the 3rd stage
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<wb99999999> hey bornholio
<wb99999999> did you try the thing I said about?
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<awang> blowfish: Makes sense
<awang> Speaking of which, just how much thrust do you need for proper ullage?
<awang> I've had some 69/111N class atttitude thrusters going for ~45 seconds
<awang> On a ~800kg stage
<awang> And apparently that isn't enough to get stable ullage
<awang> And after that, they exploded due to overheating o_O
<awang> 11000+K?
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<awang> And then the Gamma 2 exploded to overheating?
<awang> Hm
<wb99999999> lol
<wb99999999> it shouldn't be
<awang> Is there a wya to get a "proper" interstage ring?
<awang> Like separate the tank, *then* the ring?
<awang> Instead of both at once?
<wb99999999> umm
<wb99999999> install the interstage fairing base backward
<wb99999999> and have another decoupler?
<awang> ...ewwww
<awang> That works
<wb99999999> lel
<awang> But seems gross
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<wb99999999> not really
<wb99999999> eveytime you make a boattail
<wb99999999> you're doing the backward thing
<awang> boattail?
<wb99999999> also called an "engine shroud"
<wb99999999> for first stage engines people often make a fairing to hide the upper nozzle/pump assembly
<wb99999999> so it looks more like a real rocket engine assembly like, say, delta 4
<wb99999999> or maybe...I had another idea
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<awang> I didn't know that
<awang> Interestint
<awang> s/int/ing
<Qboid> awang meant to say: ingerestint
<awang> Wait
<awang> Crap
<wb99999999> now what are u going to do lol
<wb99999999> I'll show you an example after my game loaded
<wb99999999> and I think there's another way to do the interstage ring
<wb99999999> but it might cause some trouble
<wb99999999> so you put the intstage fairing base directly below the stage tank
<wb99999999> and only then you attach your engine on the fairing base
<wb99999999> use an one-piece PAYLOAD fairing wall to from the interstage
<wb99999999> this is because you can decouple a payload fairing wall
<wb99999999> oh and the whole thing is still backward
<wb99999999> so when you stage, the interstage node would decouple your lower stage tank
<wb99999999> the fairing would decouple and fall off
<wb99999999> the fairing base would stay
<wb99999999> https://imgur.com/a/8vAlU and here's an example of a boattail
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<soundnfury> NathanKell|AWAY: I feel like facilities costs are too low. They're almost negligible next to integration, R&D, and astronauts.
<soundnfury> (e.g. right now I'm at 1916/yr integration, 2000/yr astronauts, 3400/yr research teams... and 201/yr facilities.)
<soundnfury> ^ that's facilities maintenance cost, of course. the upgrade costs are fine
<awang> !tell wb9* Ah, I see what you mean by a boattail. I'll have to do that. Looks much better, and looks like it'd work the way I want
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> Gah, why have the B52 cockpit when no other Mk 3 parts are available
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<Maxsimal> o/
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<awang> Man, these launch pad limits...
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<Starwaster> !tell NathanKell Sorry I haven't had a chance to work on RF thermals this past week. Been busy preparing for Irma and I'm expecting that I'll probably be without power for awhile
<Qboid> Starwaster: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<borntosleep> .BigHug Starwaster praying for you
borntosleep is now known as Bornholio
<Starwaster> thanks
<Starwaster> btw, always be skeptical of early turn predictions
<Starwaster> 800K+ already without power and the eye only JUST touched the keys
<Starwaster> it's going to go right up the peninsula like a buzz saw :(
<Starwaster> hopefully it weakens by the time it reaches Tallahassee but probably not
<Bornholio> yeah, hoping that the drop to 3 is faster than expected
<Starwaster> ok have to run, still stuff to do
<Bornholio> luck
<Starwaster> l84
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<Probus> Leave for 2 seconds and they totally change the Forum on me. Geez....
<Bornholio> its lazy multilanguage design. Icons replacing words instead of having proper language select/detect
<Bornholio> silly thing is that the icons have tooltip/alttext that needs to language detect
<Bornholio> anyone testing out 1.3.1?
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<soundnfury> aaaand lunar impact in october 1956 (with an unguided kick stage)
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<wb99999999> click
<Qboid> wb99999999: awang left a message for you in #RO [10.09.2017 10:33:38]: "Ah, I see what you mean by a boattail. I'll have to do that. Looks much better, and looks like it'd work the way I want"
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<ProjectThoth> How difficult is it to develop a new engine bell that can slide over an existing engine for better vacuum performance, compared to just developing a new engine?
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<blowfish> hmm
<blowfish> ah, nvm
<ProjectThoth> Hmm?
<soundnfury> > google for delta v map
<soundnfury> > displays a map of Delta, Ohio
<soundnfury> -_-
<Bornholio> lol
<Bornholio> https://i.imgur.com/WGOy3qT.png this one?
<soundnfury> yeah that
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<wb99999999> one can search for "solar system subway map" for easier keywording
<wb99999999> subway referring to the style of the link-dot map
<wb99999999> not the totally not foot-long sandwich
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<taniwha> Bornholio: I am about now, but not quite up to a lesson yet (might be able to answer some questions, though)
<Qboid> taniwha: lamont left a message for you in #RO [20.08.2017 18:33:47]: "Inverse Rotation is trolling me, halp!"
<taniwha> got home last night
<Bornholio> ooh he's alive :)
<Bornholio> Is it worth my time doing a model in a parametric CAD program and converting it as long as i keep it simple?
<taniwha> hmm, if it's easy enough to import into blender, I see no reason why not (even if complicated)
<taniwha> also, mu.py (the code that does the actual reading/writing) is quite usable without blender
<Bornholio> not quite sure the best format to bring into that is will .stl work fine?
<taniwha> I don't have a lot of experience importing things into blender
<taniwha> it consists of quake .mdl and ksp .mu (wrote both importers myself)
<Bornholio> ok, then after that is pulling it into unity simple or do i need to go do a turtorial?
<taniwha> well, if the animations are simple enough, my script should handle them
<taniwha> (it can't do material animations yet)
<Bornholio> is an animation needed for thermal on engines?
<taniwha> yeah, and just what my script can't do yet :/
<taniwha> (funny, I thought I hacked something by hand recently)
<Bornholio> yeah thats the one thing i'll have to figure out since what i want to do is engines :)
<taniwha> I need to get the material setup better anyway
<taniwha> it's been on my todo list for a long time, now :/
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<Bornholio> alrighty, thanks for the quick overview. I'll start with CAD first then :)
<taniwha> yeah, definitely start there
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