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<awang> Is MFI v1.2.4 the right version for KSP 1.3?
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<ProjectThoth> Also, wow, toasted Pop-Tarts are pretty lit.
<ProjectThoth> ...wrong channel. >__<
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<jclishman> My mars flyby mission failed because I forgot to change the fuel of the RCS thrusters
<jclishman> i hate it when tiny shit like that ruins a mission
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: Just do a savefile edit.
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: nah thats definitely cheating
<ProjectThoth> I prefer to call it "playing God," thank you very much.
<jclishman> i'll rush build a duplicate one
<jclishman> how bad do you think the Δv penalty will be for launching 40 days after a launch window opens
<jclishman> actually nvm
<jclishman> turns out you can just throw money at it and it'll finish faster
<taniwha> jclishman: 40 days is a bit less than 40 degrees change in Earth's position, and nearly 180 in Mercury's
<jclishman> taniwha: so it would totally screw it up
<taniwha> yeah
<jclishman> good thing i threw money at it then lol
<taniwha> however, Mercury is probably the worst case
<taniwha> I suspect Venus and Mars have pretty wide windows (though not 40 days)
<wb99999999> if you screw up a launch window just perform some sling shots maybe
<wb99999999> since you missed it anyway
<taniwha> oh, there are options, certainly
<taniwha> maybe even some interesting opportunities
<wb99999999> For Mercury I'd advise on a Venus swing by
<wb99999999> (is that too obvious?)
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<taniwha> not necessarily
<taniwha> (ie, not necessarily too obvious)
<wb99999999> for me it's a bit obvious tho
<wb99999999> Venus being the most popular sling shot candidate and the only other planet closer to sun
<wb99999999> I recall sending a probe to Neptune in sandbox and it took me more than 60 years to get there with 2 slingshots...
<wb99999999> when I launched the cold war just started and when I arrive the soviet union has dissolved
<wb99999999> next time I am soooo using a nuke
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<UmbralRaptor> O_o a Hohmann transfer would take "only" 30 years.
<awang> Does the VAB engineer report emit a warning in those cases about an unused resource?
<jclishman> (View from boost stage camera) Spacecraft separation confirmed
NathanKell|AFK is now known as dontqboidme
<dontqboidme> xShadowx: Not dead. Just in crunch. The team has all gone back to their respective caves but we're still rather busy.
<dontqboidme> And I'm heading to the east coast for a week to visit the parents.
<xShadowx> lolz @ name :P
<dontqboidme> Sorry to be mostly non-present, all!
<xShadowx> have fun :)
dontqboidme is now known as NathanKell|AWAY
<blowfish> I can't help but think something is breaking certain tweakables affecting symmetry
<blowfish> like I'm pretty sure the FAR sliders are supposed to affect symmetry
<blowfish> and the the stock actuation toggles on gimbals and RCS definitely do, at least in the editor
<blowfish> maybe RT, since it has to mess with those things?
<awang> blowfish: As in tweaking one part of a symmetry group doesn't affect the other parts?
<blowfish> right
<awang> Also, what exactly does RealHeat do that stock thermal doesn't?
<awang> I've seen that behaior before
<awang> s/behaior/behavior
<Qboid> awang meant to say: I've seen that behavior before
<awang> Don't know what caused it, though
<awang> I noticed it with fairings and RCS
<awang> Try to adjust fairing ejection power, only one side adjusts
<awang> Use the "Enable RCS" tweakable for RCS? Only affects one thruster
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<blowfish> well shit, I can't actually spend my science until R&D finishes upgrading
<blowfish> is there a reason the uncrewed lunar landing pays less than the uncrewed lunar orbit?
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<awang> blowfish: The first thing sounds like a bug to me
<blowfish> about spending science? I think it's debatable
<awang> Not being able to spend science while R&D is upgrading?
<awang> Wait, do existing things under research continue to be researched?
<blowfish> no, I can spend science
<blowfish> just that I've unlocked everything under the limit
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<awang> Oh
<awang> That sounds alright then
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<wb99999999> hello about half of the world
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<wb99999999> why is there so many instences involving backward-installed accelerometer?
<wb99999999> it's like morphe's haunting the aerospace industry
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