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<Bornholio_> rokker context?
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<Rokker> Bornholio: overwing missiles
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<Bornholio> this one simple trip bomb loaders everwhere hate it
<Bornholio> trick
<ProjectThoth> Cool find. http://slideplayer.com/slide/10912913/
<Bornholio> whenever i see the "hey lets make 747 deliver bombs" I imagine the venom and swift kick to the junk every bombloader ever would hand back
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<ProjectThoth> Huh, today's the 55th anniversary of Kennedy's speech at Rice University.
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<Bornholio> This is a breathtaking pace, and such a pace cannot help but create new ills as it dispels old, new ignorance, new problems, new dangers. Surely the opening vistas of space promise high costs and hardships, as well as high reward. https://er.jsc.nasa.gov/seh/ricetalk.htm
<Bornholio> We choose to use pap's tech tree. We s=choose to do it in this month and do the other things because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of of energies and skills of pap and NathanKell and others. :P
<smartdummies> Is there a reason why the Service Module I tanks are heavier than the starting Tank I (HP) tanks?
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<SpecimenSpiff> presumably the components that make it a service module: thicker walls, pressurization tanks, etc
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<smartdummies> they should weigh more then the unpressureized Tank I, but more than the pressureized Tank I? At that point they are useless as they cost more and give you less delta-v
<SpecimenSpiff> they have better insulation if that matters to you.
<ProjectThoth> Any mods out there that fix engine shrouds?
<smartdummies> that would be something later in the game, but in the early nodes boiloff is not an issue
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<awang> Uh
<awang> Should proc wings ever have negative cost?
<UmbralRaptor> Subtractive cost bug?
<ProjectThoth> There's a lack of radial mount paragliders.
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<wb99999999> is there anything to gain from a hydrolox semistage?
<ProjectThoth> Semistage?
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<ProjectThoth> Oh!
<ProjectThoth> Stage and a half!
<ProjectThoth> I gotta go rest. \o
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<Maxsimal> o/
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<Probus> o/
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<Kropotkin> Hi
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<UmbralRaptor> taniwha, TheKosmonaut: http://www.isef2-se.space/
<Maxsimal> !tell Pap: It's gotten kinda quiet around here lately, how're things going? I'm slowly trying to sort out errors in the plane contracts I'm working on, but it often feels like a 2 steps forward, 1.9 steps back process, so I can't say I've made much progress.
<Qboid> Maxsimal: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Pap> o/
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<Maxsimal> Hey Pap :)
<Maxsimal> How's it goin? Did you end up trying World of Warships?
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<Pap> Maxsimal: Yeah, it has been quiet since NathanKell has been busy with RL. I decided to take some time off from KSP at the same time since it worked out well
<Pap> Maxsimal: Actually I just tried it 2 days ago! I am enjoying driving around with my DD and launching torpedo strikes
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<Maxsimal> Pap: Yeah the DD's are the most fun - especially when you get ones with reasonable torp ranges
<Maxsimal> Pap: DD's actually also feel the most strategic - you pay attention to the flow of battle more because you're not just busy shooting. CV's weren't too fun, and BB's too slow - some CL's are really fun too.
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<Sigma88> Is there any mod that allows to move the POV of the camera in flight mode?
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<Sigma88> Possibly one that can allow to center the camera on a point outside the current vessel
<xShadowx> uh wasnt tjhat camera tools?
<xShadowx> Sigma88: ^
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<Sigma88> Thanks xShadowx
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<Rokker> Bornholio: you know what the funniest lil bomb is?
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<magwo> heyo.. I'm on an exciting mission to.. mercury, after two venus slingshots.. and I'm wondering a few things (playing hard mode so saves are turned off)
<magwo> first... I want to confirm that the most efficient injection-to-orbit method is to burn as close to the planet as possible.. true?
<magwo> (barring any slingshots, which seem hard on mercury - I will zip past)
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<soundnfury> magwo: yeah, burn at periapse. But, Mercury orbit injection, even from a Venus transfer, is pretty heavy-duty
<magwo> second question.. anyone know the lowest safe flyby altitude of mercury?
<magwo> soundnfury: ok thanks, should I maybe aim for a powered slingshot to try and align orbital plane with mercury, and then arrange a second encounter? I have about 4.2k dv
<soundnfury> uhh, depends on your TWR
<magwo> um it appears to be about 0.5ish
<soundnfury> aaaand, I'm not sure exactly how much dV you need, capturing from Earth-Mercury transfer is about 6.3k (7.5k if you want low circular orbit), Venus transfer will be less but I dunno how much
<magwo> earth-twr
<soundnfury> actually without knowing your Isp that doesn't really help (and with it I'd need to do some calculations)
<soundnfury> what I really meant was burn time
<soundnfury> basically if you can do all your burn at low altitude, no point splitting it in two
<magwo> 7 minutes.. heh.. i just checked transfer window planner.. it says 4.2k dv xD
<soundnfury> but if your burn time is long enough that it'd stretch waaaay either side of Pe then a single burn will be inefficient (insufficient Oberthing)
<soundnfury> in which case yeah doing the first burn as a "just slow down a bit at Pe and get another intercept in a few orbits' time"
<magwo> yeah it seems I need to make a second encounter
<magwo> thanks
<magwo> what's a better for a braking slingshot, assuming you currently have an impact trajectory? to make a and pass from a higher orbit, or lower orbit?
<magwo> actually never mind, I don't have a choice.. coming from higher altitude
<magwo> any idea on safe flyby altitude of mercury?
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<awang> How am I supposed to build a B-52 if there aren't any Mk3 parts the same size as the cockpit?
<awang> :(
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<magwo> well I can tell you 8 km is not a safe flyby altitude for mercury in RSS
<soundnfury> magwo: science progresses as much by negative results as by positive ones ;)
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<magwo> yeah :) 17 km worked
<awang> magwo: Wikipedia says highest point is ~10km
<magwo> seemed veeery close to surface
<magwo> awang: ah ok good good
<magwo> but is the RSS planetary topology accurate, generally?
<soundnfury> magwo: I believe it's from maps published by NASA
<soundnfury> same as the textures
<awang> magwo: If it weren't, I'd probably file a bug
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<awang> Or at least if it were super inaccurate, I would
<soundnfury> I don't know what we did for Pluto before NH arrived and mapped it
<taniwha> UmbralRaptor: hmm
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<magwo> ok
<magwo> darn mercury orbit is pretty hardcore stuff.. I've done two venus slingshots and two mercury slingshots.. it still wants 11k dV from me to get into orbit.. (I have a rotated orbit from mercury)
<magwo> was lucky to get two easy encounters, but now no luck
<magwo> orbital plane change is about 3k dv, which I don't have
<soundnfury> magwo: told you it was heavy-duty
<soundnfury> ("Great Scott!" "I know, this is heavy.")
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<magwo> hehe
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<Pap> soundnfury: there are a lot of planets (well moons only now) without height maps. They are flat. :(
<soundnfury> Pap: yeah, but I meant the textures
<soundnfury> did we just use the Hubble occultation-data interpolation?
<soundnfury> (you know, the black-and-orange blobs)
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