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<ProjectThoth> So I've been playing in stock for the last few days... got a DH-1 replica working. :D
<ProjectThoth> Really wanna try that one in RO, it's so cool.
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<Bornholio_> sigma88 did you figure out the roation issue you worked on?
<Sigma88> yup
<Bornholio_> cool
<Bornholio_> what did it end up being?
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<Sigma88> what do you mean?
<Bornholio_> was it a two operation problem or something unity did weird?
<Sigma88> no I didn't really understood what was wrong
<Sigma88> but I assume I was visualizing it wrong
<Sigma88> I ended up adding a boolean to choose if I want to position the face or the corner
<Bornholio_> ah
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<Sigma88> wich is easier to understand
<Sigma88> for example in the pic, the face is centered on KSC
<Bornholio> steep climb to avoid the mountains, does it have standard revolution speed?
<Bornholio> and is atmosphere square?
<Sigma88> no atmospheres cannot be squares afaik
<Sigma88> it has a square ocean tho :D
<Sigma88> but the bouyancy is crap
<Bornholio> so the new expidition to set up an edge launch facility must happen :P
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<Sigma88> :)
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<ProjectThoth> Stock, I know, but I wanted to share this with you folks. DH-1 replica! http://imgur.com/a/IPvdu
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<awang> How do you guys get low-altitude science?
<awang> Long plane flights?
<awang> Or is there a better way?
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<wb99999999> parachute?
<awang> What do you mean by parachute?
<awang> Also, does the runway max weight limit seem a bit low?
<awang> The B29 is 33 tons empty, which is well over the level 1 runway's weight limit
<awang> Which shouldn't be the case for 1951
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<wb99999999> how much sense does it make to revive the rd-0120 tech?
<wb99999999> ...no body need that big of an engine now I think about it
<xShadowx> wb99999999: s/^*an/everyone needs a bigger
<Qboid> xShadowx thinks wb99999999 meant to say: ...no body need that big of everyone needs a bigger engine now I think about it
<xShadowx> wth o.O
<xShadowx> oh...
<xShadowx> wb99999999: s/^.*an/everyone needs a bigger
<Qboid> xShadowx thinks wb99999999 meant to say: everyone needs a bigger engine now I think about it
<xShadowx> :)
* xShadowx never has enough engine
<wb99999999> it seriously large tho
<wb99999999> 1 of this engine with a few boosters you're lifting 25 tons
<wb99999999> 2 you're well into super-heavy
<wb99999999> 4 and you get Energia
<wb99999999> and OMG Energia...
<wb99999999> As someone who's from China I'd love to personally beat the Russians until they spit out the core techs about this LV
<xShadowx> you're from china?
<wb99999999> yeah
<xShadowx> like in china?
<wb99999999> nah
<xShadowx> or came from
<xShadowx> lol
<xShadowx> aww
<wb99999999> 'm in Canada
<wb99999999> Canada is nice
<wb99999999> just a bit barren...
<xShadowx> quit burnin down yer forests then :P
<wb99999999> It's not like I can help
<wb99999999> the sky here has been piss-colored for a good week already
<xShadowx> ya you ruined our air show
<xShadowx> what part of canada?
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<wb99999999> Vancouver, just North of Seattle
* xShadowx headdesk
<xShadowx> just north of me ;p
<wb99999999> well that's why we're having the same smoke problem...
<xShadowx> not really i mean theres fires everywhere lol
<xShadowx> oregon is on fire too
<xShadowx> cali
<wb99999999> someone said something about 118 major fires a few days ago
<xShadowx> wouldnt surprise me
<xShadowx> global warming is to blame :P
<xShadowx> havent even had a drop of rain in 3 months
<xShadowx> hit triple digit temps and that almost never happens around here
<wb99999999> can't do Fahrenheit XD
<wb99999999> can't do it when I was in China and still can't do it here cuz Canada switched to metrics before I came
<wb99999999> oh, okay...just did the conversion
<wb99999999> that's pretty severe
<xShadowx> usually 50-80 is our range
<xShadowx> >100f is rare
<wb99999999> Yeah
<wb99999999> sometime I don't know if it's the heat that caused the fire or the fire caused the heat
<wb99999999> but when the fire goes away the heat usually calm down a bit
<xShadowx> in more than a few cases (oregon atm) dumbass kids with fireworks
<wb99999999> well that's just...shit
<wb99999999> it's dry season, don't play with fire
<xShadowx> wasnt BC fire someone with a campfire?
<wb99999999> I'll not be surprised if there is
<wb99999999> it's bbq everywhere
<wb99999999> shoot, it's almost 1am
<xShadowx> only?
<wb99999999> bedtime
<xShadowx> cya :P
<wb99999999> night
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<Bornholio_> attack of the 40' valentina!
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<Sigma88> :)
<Sigma88> she keeps going poof tho
<Sigma88> >_>
<Sigma88> I want to figure out how to fix those
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<Maxsimal> o/
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<soundnfury> time to install new SSD!
<soundnfury> biab
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<wb99999999> peek
<wb99999999> I just learned ULA has a masccot
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<Probus> Did SpaceX ever release that bloopers reel?
<ProjectThoth> Not yet, to my knowledge.
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