<wb99999999> I was thinking like maybe they didn't define separating small clusters of kick motors or a space tug from the big missile "staging"
<wb99999999> but then Titan is a true 2-stage rocket
<wb99999999> plus they were calling Atlas a 1.5 stage from the beginning
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<awang> \o
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<Pap> Anyone stuck in Florida?
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<ProjectThoth> Pap: Someone in another channel I'm in is.
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<awang> ...I'm definitely *gaining* money from failed simulations
<awang> Anyone else see this?
<awang> Like I try to simulate a craft with a part I haven't paid entry costs for
<awang> KRASH complains
<awang> And money goes up
<NathanKell|AWAY> o/
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<NathanKell> o/
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<Pap> o/
<SpecimenSpiff> o/
<SpecimenSpiff> is anyone else having problems with mechjeb wanting to spin rockets like mad? I have perfectly stable rockets that I can fly manually, the moment I let mechjeb take over they spin up like mad
<SpecimenSpiff> interesting, it seems to be the a-9 engine, not mechjeb. if I turn off everything, the rocket starts spinning
<SpecimenSpiff> but with sas, it flies straight
<awang> SpecimenSpiff: If I'm understanding you right, I have a similar issue
<awang> I usually interpret it as not having enough control authority
<awang> Adding A-4 fins usually helps for early rockets
<awang> I tend to have similar issues with the RD 107 series, since they have a gimbal range of 1.5 degrees
<awang> Or at least that's how I interpret it
<awang> No idea if it's actually correct
<SpecimenSpiff> i can try with more fins, but it's pretty seriously finned up as is
<SpecimenSpiff> but its odd that it flies straight on sas, but starts spinning like mad under mechjeb control or left to coast
<SpecimenSpiff> and its not a wobble, or a pitch, its straight clockwise spin
<awang> Oh, idk then
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<wb99999999> Hurricane?
<wb99999999> Oh, in the states.
<awang> Does TACLS affect planes?
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<wb99999999> I think it does
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<wb99999999> but if you have an air intake, you don't have to worry about oxygen
<wb99999999> airline food right?
<blowfish> NathanKell: for what it's worth, I checked the mass of my Thor-Vanguard, and it's under 58t. Mind you, that doesn't mean it's worth building now, just that it is under the pad limit.
<awang> Yeah, food/water was what I was concerned about
<awang> Didn't quite plan far enough ahead for a cross-country flight
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<awang> Also, how was teh runway weight limit chosen?
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<awang> Anyonehere play with EVA parachutes?
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<blowfish> sounds like an excuse not to build a real LES
<awang> On a plane?
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<wb99999999> Is there any practical advantage to using storeable lower stages?
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<SpecimenSpiff> in theory your rollout time/cost should be reduced, but I doubt kct actually does it
<wb99999999> maybe dry TWR is good...?
<wb99999999> I remember seeing RD-253/275 and later LR-87 have mad TWR
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<SpecimenSpiff> oh, you mean in real life. the point is that you have a missile thats ready to go
<SpecimenSpiff> no need to fuel up before launch
<wb99999999> Nah, in game TWR does mean something too
<wb99999999> you can have a larger stage for the same amount of engine
<wb99999999> or cluster engines and gain more from the thrust
<wb99999999> this is why the Kuzunetsov engines are so damn OP
<wb99999999> their dry mass is way too low for good
<Rokker> ew
<Rokker> russian engines
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<RokkerSleep> launch hype
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<awang> ferram4: How goes proc engines?
<ferram4> It is going.
<awang> Any exciting new developments?
<ferram4> Currently looking into an issue with kerolox engines, there's an anomalous efficiency peak at O/F = 2.2 and I need to properly implement a frozen equilibrium nozzle expansion with variable spec heat ratio to get the right efficiency rather than assuming constant spec height ratio
<ferram4> Still need to work out details for the pump efficiency and design and turbine efficiency and design.
<ferram4> Especially for properly handling staged combustion.
<awang> That sounds complicated
<awang> Sort of curious, do you know how this kind of simulation is done in real life, if it is actually done in real life?
<wb99999999> are we SERIOUSLY going to be dealing with combustion instability ourselves one day in the future,,,?
<ferram4> awang, This is more along the lines of preliminary analysis only.
<awang> Oh boy, looking forward to reliving the F-1 design experience
<ferram4> wb99999999, ideally. I need to if I want to properly account for the inefficiency of the F-1.
<awang> ferram4: preliminary analysis?
<ferram4> Basically, something cheap to run, not perfectly accurate but close enough to use in designing rockets, but needs much more analysis before actually building a functional chamber.
<ferram4> What you'd use in reality to see what's feasible and rule out all the really dumb answers.
<awang> Ah
<awang> So what kinds of things would this allow that wouldn't actually fly?
<ferram4> Quite possibly a few marginally unstable designs, possibly a few designs with really nasty injector heating.
<ferram4> Other errors might be in calculating efficiency and reliability.
<wb99999999> I hope blue origin test fire their BE-4s soon so we can see some numbers...
<awang> I see
<awang> hat doesn't sound too bad
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<awang> How much does flying at a higher altitude help plane efficiency?
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<Rokker> stratochief: wake upppp
<stratochief> o/
<stratochief> I was about to go run. what up? rocketz? feed me a feed
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<Pap> It is starting to look routine for SpaceX now
<Sigma88> it has been for a while
<Sigma88> I don't think they ever got a landing wrong after the first successful one
<Sigma88> maybe after the first barge landing
<Pap> Yeah, just the really difficult high speed reentries have landed hard, but otherwise, pretty impressive
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<wb99999999> they launched the OTV?
<wb99999999> anyone know what X-37B does on orbit?
<Sigma88> !g judas priest the hellion electric youtube
<Qboid> Sigma88: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1B_pZC8aWU [The Hellion/Electric Eye - Judas Priest - YouTube] (3990 results found, took 0.77s)
<Sigma88> ^
<Sigma88> wb99999999 that's what the x-37b does
<Sigma88> :D
<wb99999999> badass song
<Sigma88> one of my favourites
<Sigma88> from JP
<Sigma88> The Rage also
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<wb99999999> yeah it's very good
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<SpecimenSpiff> o/
<wb99999999> hmmm
<wb99999999> is it me or is SSTU's Modular SRBs don't work despite having a proper config for RO?
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<Pap> Correct wb99999999 they are broken and are going to be removed for 1.3
<wb99999999> oh, I see.
<wb99999999> sad :( they have thrust curves and everything
<wb99999999> I can only hope we'll have procedural SRB with thrust curves in the future
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