<jclishman> designing my first interplanetary probe
<jclishman> this is hard
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<jclishman> How much dV should I bring for mid-course corrections?
<jclishman> 1km/s?
<soundnfury> jclishman: where's it going?
<jclishman> venus!
<jclishman> hopefully
<soundnfury> then yeah, take 1k your first time
<soundnfury> venus is a bit inclined
<soundnfury> (once you're good at it, a few hundred should be enough, but it's nice to have a margin)
<jclishman> alright i'll bring 1.5
<jclishman> how much inclined?
<soundnfury> it's only 2 or 3°
<soundnfury> and with care you can still get a ballistic transfer
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<soundnfury> jclishman: nice
<awang> Do the custom KRASH settings work for anyone else?
<awang> I have to manually replace the KRASH settings with the RP-0 ones to get them to work
<awang> jclishman: What are the long white poles sticking out the right side?
<jclishman> RPWS antenna
<awang> RPWS?
<jclishman> one of the instruments from dmagic
<jclishman> i think it's in electrics
<awang> I see
<chatz> awang: sorry missed the message - I'm trying to test out the development version of rp-0 for 1.2.2 - I thought there is no release yet and I have to build from source?
<awang> chatz: You're right in that there's no official release, but I believe the .dll in the repository should be the development version
<awang> It should always be the version corresponding to the current commit, I think
<chatz> oh ok - thanks
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<blowfish> ugh, how does adding an avionics unit bring me down from 100% built to 60% built
<blowfish> increases build time a lot for my unbuilt one too
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<jclishman> Styx I aboard a Gagarin class launch vehicle https://i.imgur.com/BYEU83W.png
<soundnfury> can't quite identify, what are those engines?
<soundnfury> (and what's the GLOW?)
<jclishman> First Stage: 2x RD-253 — Second Stage: 1x LR105 — Third Stage: 2x Astris
<jclishman> ~224t
<soundnfury> !tell Pap interesting moire patterns at Venus http://jttlov.no-ip.org:8080/venus.png no scatterer, no EVE, just stock graphics
<Qboid> soundnfury: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Bornholio> soundnfury are you using the new texture pack with RSS?
<soundnfury> Bornholio: I'm using Pap's ScaledRSS_Textures, if that's what you mean
<soundnfury> !tell Pap closer in http://jttlov.no-ip.org:8080/venus2.png
<Qboid> soundnfury: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> Hmmm, KSP suddenly is only taking up ~12GB of RAM instead of ~20
<awang> Not that I'm complaining
<jclishman> hmm, its not letting me upgrade Rate 2 of my VAB for some reason
<jclishman> oh wait i need to upgrade it for that
<jclishman> duh
<awang> Only 1 million funds
<awang> No big deal
<jclishman> 300,000 to upgrade to lvl 2
<awang> Oh?
<awang> Could have sworn it was 1 million
<jclishman> yeah thats what i've got
<jclishman> why can you not plant flags until lvl 3 astronaut center
<awang> ...It's definitely 1 million for me
<awang> Just started a new game
<awang> Interesting
<jclishman> what difficulty are you playing on
<jclishman> that could be it
<awang> Hard?
<awang> I didn't think the upgrade costs changed
<jclishman> i'm on medium
<soundnfury> awang: I have it as 1 million too
<soundnfury> maybe jclishman is playing release rather than dev?
<Bornholio> soundnfury using 1.3?
<soundnfury> Bornholio: no, 1.2.2
* soundnfury |zzz
<blowfish> Redstone with 2 Castor boosters looks a lot less silly than Redstone with 2 A4 boosters
<ProjectThoth> This deployment problem is tricky.
<ProjectThoth> I'm de facto part of my school's AIAA branch, and we're working on a rocket... but the parachute deployment system has to be entirely mechanical.
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<awang> Bornholio: I'm trying out 1.3, and it's a million here
<blowfish> ugh, is there a way to prevent KCT from sending a vessel to the bottom of the build list when you edit it?
<Bornholio> cool hope your pr for test flight gets pushed
<Bornholio> ^ awang
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<jclishman> DOCKED
<jclishman> Jo Sims lining up with the target vehicle https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/wsLbJPe9/screenshot14.png
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<jclishman> do RCS thrusters need to be directly attached to a fuel tank?
<jclishman> nope just had them using the wrong fuek
<jclishman> *fuel
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<blowfish> oh, I think I can get to lunar orbit on 1956 tech
<blowfish> must try this out
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<blowfish> ah no, this doesn't quite work
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<awang> blowfish: If you do make it, let me know what your LV is
<blowfish> the LV is easy
<blowfish> problem is TLI and then insertion
<blowfish> basically, I can do it once I unlock the early controllable core
<awang> Let me know if you solve those too, then :P
<awang> In the past I built LVs with enough delta v
<awang> Just couldn't aim them right
<awang> since I had solid kick motors
<awang> Only had RCS to line up the kick motors
<awang> Then it's spin stabilization and prayers
<blowfish> solids should work OK, but you need a way to reorient for the insertion burn, and also to tune your periselene
<blowfish> you don't need a very circular orbit, just an orbit
<awang> Oh right, orbit
<awang> I tried that once, too, using one of the Vanguard probe cores
<awang> Had kick motors for TLI, and a 1kN thruster for insertion
<awang> Never tried insertion, though
<awang> Was trying for a low periselene orbit, and the kick motors weren't accurate enough
<awang> ...Although now that I think about it, I'm not sure why I couldn't use the 1kN thruster for adjustments
<blowfish> if you've got that, sure
<awang> Wait, those are past 1956 tech, aren't they
<awang> What design are you using for your probe?
<blowfish> well, trying to figure that out
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<awang> Wonder if something's borked with the TestFlight recompile...
<awang> I've had the Aerobee fail to ignite literally 6 times in a row
<awang> ...Of course as soon as I say something it wokrs
<awang> s/wokrs/works
<Qboid> awang meant to say: ...Of course as soon as I say something it works
<awang> Guess I'm just horrendously unlucky
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<awang> ...And again, 3 times in a row
<awang> I'm also seeing "Temperature Scan from the upper atmosphere over Shores of an Earth"
<awang> "an Earth"?
<awang> Don't know if it's a KSP 1.3.0 thing or...?
<awang> Also, since when can RealChutes fail to deploy due to being too high?
<awang> Oh wait, that's the "arm" setting. Thought I already set that...
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* NCommander fires up RO for the first time in ages
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<Duncan> can someone explain to me how to make a comsat?
<Duncan> someone said there is a comsat resource that needs to be added like a fuel, but I cant find any containers that have it
<wb99999999> so RD-107s have limited steering authorities right?
<wb99999999> the verniers seems to be significantly weaker than gimbaled engines
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<Bornholio> duncan use either Tank I -pressurized or service module
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<mdjseymour> hi all
<Bornholio> Good morning
<mdjseymour> is their a suggested setup when starting an RP-1 game?
<Bornholio> mainly the RO and RP-0 required list and then https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/Setting-up-for-Development-Install-:Temp-Page:
<Bornholio> plus add a couple mod packs to get the parts you want to use
<Bornholio> to use the crew science that pap put together you also need wild blue tools 1.19 https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/Crewed-Science-Extension-(Dev)
<mdjseymour> I was more talking about the difficulty level etc on startup
<Bornholio> should be set correct noe, but the reward funds should range from 240% for hard to 500% for easy
<Bornholio> now
<Bornholio> I like Hard with rewards at 300% and allow save/revert
<Duncan> can someone explain to me how to make a comsat?
<Duncan> someone said there is a comsat resource that needs to be added like a fuel, but I cant find any containers that have it
<Bornholio> use either Tank I -pressurized or service module
<Bornholio> procedural tanks
<Duncan> ok, thanks
<mdjseymour> is that like the sounding rocket resource?
<Duncan> what is the sounding rocket resource? i never needed that for sounding rockets
<Bornholio> same thing payload requirement for the sounding rocket contract type
<Duncan> seems like that one is bugged then
<Duncan> I completed heaps of those and never new about any of these resources
<mdjseymour> there ist still classic "get to x hight" contract but also additional ones with mass requirement
<Duncan> I have a service module tank and it is still not on the list
<Duncan> what is the resource called?
<Bornholio> let me load up and i'll make a couple picks
<Bornholio> duncan are you using release, master or dev install?
<Duncan> master I think
<Duncan> 1.2.2
<Duncan> I also have a non-ckan mechjeb and principiaa
<Duncan> no not master, I am pretty sure my RO is from ckan
<Bornholio> ok then you don't have the new contracts or resources
<Duncan> so does that mean I cant complete the comsat contract?
<Bornholio> you have remote tech?
<Duncan> yes
<Duncan> the launch new craft condition never gets ticked
<Bornholio> does the contract have a requirement of "needs xxx units of comsat payload"?
<Duncan> no
<Bornholio> oh ok, not sure. can you snip a picture of the contract and link it
<Duncan> the part "CommSat 1 (new)" is never completed
<Duncan> are there a lot of changes in the newest version?
<Bornholio> yes, tons
<Duncan> is it 1.3 yet?
<Bornholio> no not quite, a couple mods it needs aren't yet updated
<Bornholio> yeah that contract should update as long as its a new craft and meets all the other requirements, do you have enough antennas and correct orbit with the sats?
<Duncan> I was checking it on the launchpad
<Bornholio> I know in release i conpleted it a couple times with just a bit of fiddling to get sats positioned right to connect
<Duncan> I assumed it would acknowledge that it was the correct type of craft regardless of orbit
<Duncan> I always check on the launchpad before launching because it is easy on some contracts to forget a required part
<Bornholio> I'd wait for all the other things to be complete and if thats all thats left just use mod-f12-->contract-..active and force complete it
<Duncan> ok
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<BadInternetCo> Howdy
* BadInternetCo pokes soundnfury with an R7
<Bornholio> sounds painful\
<BadInternetCo> Heh
<Duncan> mod f12 isnt working for me
<Duncan> it was a while back but now it seems to toggle time compress
<BadInternetCo> Talking oc the R7, I am giving up on that thing in early RP0
<BadInternetCo> The engines fail ALL the time
<BadInternetCo> of*
<Bornholio> yes, kind of like r7
<Bornholio> :P
<BadInternetCo> heh, true
<Duncan> damn it now I have new version fomo
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<Duncan> principia is so awesome
<Bornholio> man quit egg ing him on :)
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<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn Duncan
* Qboid gives Duncan a hypothetical non-conforming culverin
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn Bornholio
* Qboid gives Bornholio a Аэрофлот multimeter-like refractor
<Bornholio> not sure why aeroflot would make them but Rus companies do crazy things
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<chatz> Anyone know if telemachus/houston works with real solar system?
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<chatz> I've got no clue what the "units of payload" are for sounding rockets - Any pointers?
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<soundnfury> BadRocketsCo: don't poke me with R7s :(
<soundnfury> chatz: telemachus does work with RSS (you might want tcannonfodder's fork though for unrelated bugfixes)
<soundnfury> chatz: and the FooPayload are all in litres like all other resources
<egg|zzz|egg> !seen NathanK*
<Qboid> egg|zzz|egg: I haven't seen the user NathanK* yet.
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<chatz> soundnfury: Sounding Rocket contracts require some Sounding Rocket payload - but I don't know where I configure that - do I just add it to a tank?
<soundnfury> chatz: add it to a Tank-I or ServiceModule tank
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<chatz> Thanks
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<awang> Does anyone mind trying out my TestFlight recompile in 1.3?
<awang> I'm getting what I feel to be waayyyyyyy too many ignition failures
<awang> Like maybe 1 in 8 launches have successful ignitions
<awang> For a basic Aerobee sounding rocket
<awang> I think something may be off with the MTBF thing too
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<awang> New Aerobee engine has MTBF of ~550 seconds
<awang> Editor says it should be ~350 seconds though
<soundnfury> awang: editor always lies though
<soundnfury> usually shows the "no data" MTBF no matter how much data you have, ime
<awang> soundnfury: Well, TIL
<awang> Wait
<awang> You're supposed to start with 0 data units, right?
<awang> ....Why am I starting with 2000 in a simulation?...
<soundnfury> awang: I *think* the very earliest parts start with a little data
<awang> Oh
<awang> The editor lies again, then
<soundnfury> heh
<awang> But that'd explain the numbers I'm seeing
<awang> Although not the behavior
<soundnfury> also, tech transfer is broken
<awang> Tech transfer?
<soundnfury> yeah, when you upgrade a part you're supposed to get a percentage of the data from the old part on the new one
<soundnfury> but it only lasts for the first flight, then subtracts itself back off for some reason
<soundnfury> _but_ if beforehand you hire an R&D team, you get and keep the tech transfer
<soundnfury> but beware, if that takes you over the part's R&D limit, it'll just keep on R&D-ing until it gets to 100%
<awang> wut
<soundnfury> (and you can't stop the R&D in the editor, you have to use the spacecentre TF menu)
<soundnfury> yeah, tl;dr: TF is kinda buggy :(
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<awang> Kinda?
<awang> Sounds pretty darn buggy to me
<awang> Is this on the GitHub issue tracker?
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<soundnfury> v0v
<awang> Well, it's there now
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<soundnfury> awang: ty
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<wb99999999> check
<soundnfury> o/ nines
<awang> soundnfury: np
<wb99999999> afternoon :)
<soundnfury> evenin'
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<wb99999999> so anyone know why does the Soviets stick with kerolox so much in the early years?
<wb99999999> I mean aside from probes and RCS they don't even seems to use hypergolics that much until Yongel got an upper hand and beats Koreolev
<Bornholio> killing large numbers of people with death fume soup
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<ProjectThoth> Am I supposed to see aero heating effects (visually) at 1 km/s at roughly 50 km?
<wb99999999> don't think so
<wb99999999> that's a mere mach 3
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<ProjectThoth> What could be causing that, then?
<ProjectThoth> Here's what I've got. https://i.imgur.com/Cpop0zb.png
<wb99999999> this is not 50k and 1km/s man
<wb99999999> this is a little more than 30k and almost mach 4
<ProjectThoth> Oh.
<ProjectThoth> Well, never mind, then!
<wb99999999> puff what?
<wb99999999> as far as I am aware if you fly faster than mach 3 and is below 60k
<wb99999999> you'll get heat effect in some point
<ProjectThoth> Fair, fair.
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<soundnfury> !wpn BadRocketsCo2
* Qboid gives BadRocketsCo2 a surjective blurglecruncheon
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<wb99999999> wait
<wb99999999> I just noticed that RD-0110 has only around 60kN or so of thrust per chamber
<wb99999999> are the soviets just THIS bad at large chambers?
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<ProjectThoth> wb99999999: ye