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<awang> Also, does RSS still support Custom Asteroids?
<Bornholio> there is a dev .dll for RSS use at your own risk
<awang> Hmmm, ok
<awang> Is there a good replacement for Fusebox?
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<awang> Does the non-RO dev version of MJ have the PEG code integrated?
<awang> Or only the RO version?
<Bornholio> use lamonts fork
<lamont> the “rss” version of MJ is further along now
<awang> Do you know if it's 1.3 compatible?
<awang> Or am I going to have to recompile myself?
<lamont> oh just use mechjeb-dev then
<lamont> and definitely don’t use mine
<awang> MJ-dev doesn't have PEG, right?
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<lamont> MJ-dev has PEG
<lamont> PEG has been merged to MJ-dev
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<awang> Oh yay
<awang> Is there a RealHeat release for 1.3?
<Bornholio> haven't found one, do a PR :P
<awang> But I have no idea what I'm doing with this change :(
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<awang> Anyone here played around with Configurable Containers by allista?
<awang> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/150104-13-configurable-containers/
<jclishman> when launching from KSC, how much Δv is needed for polar orbit?
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<lamont> its about 400 m/s east that you have to couteract, so a bit more than that
<jclishman> thanks!
<soundnfury> lamont: you mean, about 400 m/s that you're _not_ getting for free
<soundnfury> the "counteract" is the tiny pythagorean correction
<soundnfury> (something something cosine)
<lamont> yeah true, launching north mostly you’re just seeing how much it’d cost if the earth didn’t rotate at all
<awang> What's vectrocity?
<awang> It's referenced by TF
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<awang> And does KSPUtil exist any more?
<Rokker> Pap: are the procedural wings supposed to be expensive
<taniwha> KSPUtil is dead
<Rokker> to unlock
<taniwha> vectrocity is what draws the lines in KSP (PAW to part, orbit lines, space center scene)
<taniwha> awang: dead as a separate dll, that is
<taniwha> (very much alive internally, though)
<awang> No need to have it referenced as a separate assembly, then?
<taniwha> correct (not even possible to)
<Rokker> anyone else know?
<Rokker> like are supersonic procedural parts supposed to be 10k each or do i need to upgrade
<Bornholio> 10 gets all three
<Bornholio> once you buy one of the three the others go zero cost
<Rokker> Bornholio: oh ok, i was about to say, 45k is a bit much for a single node
<Bornholio> you get the smae kind of thing with engines like lr105/101/79/89
<awang> Uh
<awang> If I wanted to recompile RP-0 for KSP 1.3
<awang> What should I do about the custom RF/KCT dlls?
<Bornholio> look at nathankells branch/forks of those
<Bornholio> you might be able to compile those for 1.3 also. Good luck!
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> I think I see the right branch for RF
<awang> Don't know about KCT though
<awang> NK's fork is way outdated
<awang> There is a 1.2.2-backport's on the original repo that looks like it has relevant stuff
<awang> Not sure though
<awang> Doesn't look like it's going to be easy to merge in the RF changes, either
<awang> Branches appear to have diverged a good amount, judging by the number of commits
<awang> Not sure about content though
<Pap> Rokker: I actually have no idea, I don't really play with them too often
<awang> Anyone know what the extra patches in Kerbal Atomics that enable "fancy nuclear engines" do
<awang> ?
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<taniwha> MM patches or git patches?
<lamont> BILLL!!!!!
<lamont> omg
<lamont> i was in inverse rotation hell like 2 weeks ago
<taniwha> thought I pinged you when I got back, sorry
<taniwha> ah, no, tried to
<taniwha> and yeah, it's hell
<taniwha> (and why I left it to NK:)
<lamont> heh you might have, but my irc client crashed a few days ago and i lost references
<taniwha> anyway, still giving you trouble, or have you got it sorted?
<lamont> so it looks like it affects mostly/only the Orbit class, kind of like swizzling?
<taniwha> mostly
<lamont> so vessel.obt_velocity and vessel.body.position and various things that mechjeb uses like its north/east/up vectors seem to be unaffected
<taniwha> I'm pretty sure it's used for the pseudo forces
<lamont> but the Orbit class was bonkers below the inv rotation threshold
<taniwha> have you done any deep-study of the orbit class?
<lamont> so is the point there to basically rotate the world around the vessel or something like that?
<lamont> no?
<taniwha> I suggest you do, and take a look at the functions that use WorldToLocal and LocalToWorld (body.somethingframe)
<taniwha> (I don't remember the exact names of thing off-hand)
<taniwha> also, the state vectors for UT function
<taniwha> (note: I wrote that for 1.1/1.2, so it's unlikely MJ makes use of it)
<lamont> //Vector3d rot = vessel.orbit.GetRotFrameVelAtPos(mainBody, r.xzy).xzy;
<lamont> //v = rot + vessel.velocityD;
<taniwha> GetOrbitalStateVectorsAtUT
<lamont> that is what i got from NK. although vessel.obt_velocity seems to == that as far as i can tell
<taniwha> that gives you pos, vel at the current time inside the rotating frame
<taniwha> (works at all altitudes)
<lamont> oh
<taniwha> (frame simply stops rotating when you get high enough)
<lamont> so thats different than getOrbitalVelocityAtUT ?
<taniwha> ah, similar, but it will be correct for the given UT
<taniwha> getOrbitalVelocityAtUT is correct only for the given UT
<lamont> yeah so i was trying to do that...
<lamont> CSEorbit.GetOrbitalStateVectorsAtUT
<taniwha> hmm, not sure what will happen with GetOrbitalStateVectorsAtUT when vessel current position and target point are on either side of the threshold
<lamont> ah, yeah, they definitely were
<taniwha> I think it will be good enough for PEG
<lamont> this was integrating a coasting trajectory that approximated a launch trajectory, so it started more or less at the surface and ended more or less in orbit
<taniwha> well, I think it will be correct so long as you use that information only for creating orbits
<lamont> ^ that has me trying to hack up the inv rotation threshold
<taniwha> hmmm
<lamont> i just added another file to that which is what i had initially, which failed very badly
<lamont> so it was using UpdateFromStateVectors, with swizzled vectors, then reading from GetOrbitalStateVectorsAtUT and swizzling back
<taniwha> yeah, orbit is exclusively right-handed
<lamont> yeah that bit is easy
<lamont> but when i used that version it went crazy below the threshold, and then sorted itself out above it
<taniwha> I'm doing a bit of digging, but I think it's because UFSV uses non-rotating coords
<taniwha> yeah, GOSVAUT gives rotating/inertial pos/vel (depending on vessel altitude), UFSV expects inertial
<taniwha> you don't need to do anything for pos, but you do need to adjust vel by GetRotFrameVelAtPos
<taniwha> pos, vel = whatever; vel += GetRotFrameVelAtPos(pos); UpdateFromStateVectors(pos,vel);
<taniwha> (watching your swizzles, of course)
<lamont> okay
<taniwha> but the += is only if the vessel is below the inverseRotThreshold
<lamont> so more or less just the first block i’ve got there
<taniwha> yeah, second block is messing you up
<lamont> ‘k
<lamont> so you apply the rotation, then swizzle?
<taniwha> let me double check
<taniwha> rotation vel is right-handed, so swizzle into right-handed first
<lamont> you mean getRFrmVel is preswizzled?
<taniwha> (ie, take vessel pos/vel, swizzle, mess with orbit stuff, swizzle back)
<lamont> and does the position argument of getRFrmVel need to be swizzled?
<taniwha> (rewording for clarity) all physics related functions in Orbit use right-handed
<lamont> right
<taniwha> both pos and vel
<lamont> but getRFrmVel isn’t Orbit, i’m getting it from CelestialBody
<taniwha> there are some things that deal with left-handed, but not the one's you'd be interested in
<taniwha> (mostly for dealing with rendering)
<taniwha> no, you get it from Orbit
<lamont> so there’s alot of other FrameVel stuff in Orbit
<taniwha> orbit.GetRotFrameVelAtPos
<lamont> 'k
<lamont> i’m using CelestialBody.getRFrmVel
<taniwha> oh, hmm, interesting. it looks like orbit's GRFVAP is smart and checks whether the frame is actually rotating
<taniwha> so you can eliminate the check from your code
<taniwha> (TEST!!!)
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<lamont> gotcha
<lamont> okay i just made a ton of notes, i’ll have to test it out later
<lamont> i’ll switch to orbit.GRFVAP
<taniwha> even the initials are hard to type :P
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<lamont> nothing about the inverse rotation makes any sense
<lamont> not even the acronyms
<taniwha> yeah, thus NK's and my exhaustion by the time 1.2 got out
<ProjectThoth> If anyone wants a read. https://imgur.com/a/YEky1
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<ProjectThoth> TL;DR: Designing a rocket from a spreadsheet.
<awang> taniwha: MM patches
<taniwha> awang: then I guess check the NEEDS to see what mods they enable
<awang> taniwha: it requires NearFutureElectrical?
<awang> Decaying RTGs, maybe?
<awang> Also, what assembly contains BaseEventData?
<awang> If any does?
<taniwha> change to BaseEventDetails
<taniwha> that's the main thing that broke 1.2 mods for 1.3
<taniwha> (ie, why they actually crashed KSP)
<awang> Oh
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<taniwha> (also why mods that didn't add anything to the PAW were often compatible)
<awang> PAW?
<taniwha> part action window
<awang> Ah
<awang> Do any other changes need to be made when changing BaseEventData to BaseEventDetails
<blowfish> nope, same interface
<awang> Yay
<taniwha> just a class rename
<awang> Alright, let's see how quickly KSP crashes
<awang> Is there any naming convention for the new dialogName parameter for PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog?
<taniwha> no idea, I just duplicated the other param
<blowfish> awang: I think it just has to be a unique identifier
<awang> That should be easy enough
<awang> So that's RP-0 compiling under 1.3.0
<awang> The easy part
<awang> ...KSP seems to be consuming a heck of a lot more memory under 1.3.0 than under 1.2.2
<awang> Just got to MM and it's eating up ~14.25 GB of RAM
<awang> 1.2.2 never got above 8GB
<awang> I think
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<github> [RP-0] aw1621107 opened pull request #767: Update for KSP 1.3.0 (Developmental...update-for-KSP-1.3.0) https://git.io/v5NAu
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<awang> Bornholio: Just realized PhineasFreak already has a PR for RealHeat for KSP 1.3
<awang> With testing DLL
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<awang> How severe of an error is PartCompiler saying it can't compile a model/part?
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<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn awang
* Qboid gives awang a Sturm-Liouville étale SPANG
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: SPANG!
<awang> SPANG?
<awang> Qboid, why :(
<awang> I was counting on you
<awang> That makes more sense
<blowfish> awang: mostly it means the part won't show up
<blowfish> usually it's the result of a model being referenced that doesn't exist
<blowfish> it doesn't have any reprocussions beyond that particular part if that's what you're asking
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<Bornholio> for RSS
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
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<Maxsimal> o/
<Qboid> Maxsimal: blowfish left a message for you in #RO [18.09.2017 23:03:47]: "I guess the problem is just that there doesn't seem to be enough of an advantage to the go higher sooner route. Why should I build a new LV now when I can launch my old one a couple more times and get more funds out of it. I'm only delaying my space program by a little bit and I will get the higher altitude contracts eventually e
<Qboid> ither way. The funds gained vs time lost seems heavily skewed toward getting each contrac"
<Maxsimal> !tell blowfish I dunno, to me it's worthwhile to get to contracts where the payout is higher as soon as possible, if you're racing against the clock. If people want we can just remove the altitude contract.
<Qboid> Maxsimal: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<wb99999999> greetings
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<wb99999999> GJ college wifi...
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<Maxsimal_> o/
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<BadRocketsCo> Hi everyone
<BadRocketsCo> Uh, one question
<BadRocketsCo> How do I choose a launch site these days?
<Maxsimal_> Choose a launchpad, or a site on the map?
<BadRocketsCo> Clicking on them won't switch the launch site
<BadRocketsCo> Oh
<BadRocketsCo> Because I don't have KSC switcher...
<Maxsimal_> Yes it will - you go to the tracking station, click the site you want, leave the tracking station
<Maxsimal_> Ah yeah well - that'd do it
<BadRocketsCo> Yeah, I answered my own question...
<BadRocketsCo> This is one of these days where I'm just dumb
<Maxsimal_> Ehh no worries, happens to the best of us
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<Maxsimal_> !tell soundnfury What settings did you use for getting to orbit by 1953. 320% money?
<Qboid> Maxsimal_: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Rokker> ferram4: i have discovered what concentrated stupid looks like
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<wb99999999> Is my text visible?
<wb99999999> Oh yes it is now...
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<wb99999999> I hate this internet...
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<awang> Bornholio: Have you tried recompiling the RO DLL?
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<SpecimenSpiff> o/
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<blowfish> Apparently Norhrop Grumman is buying Orbital ATK
<Qboid> blowfish: Maxsimal left a message for you in #RO [19.09.2017 12:44:55]: "I dunno, to me it's worthwhile to get to contracts where the payout is higher as soon as possible, if you're racing against the clock. If people want we can just remove the altitude contract."
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<awang> Hmmm
<awang> KSP seems to hang when compiling proceduralTankXenon
<blowfish> awang: always worth looking at the log
<awang> blowfish: That's what the log says
<awang> Well, the last line in the log
<awang> No errors before that
<blowfish> both ksp.log and output_log.txt ?
<awang> Er
<awang> Actually, quitting KSP updates KSP.log
<awang> Last part mentioned is proceduralTankSRB
<awang> Then exception
<awang> ArgumentException: Unable to find engine-like module
<awang> KSPAPIExtensions.Utils.EngineWrapper..ctor
<awang> ProceduralParts.ProceduralSRB.get_Engine()
<awang> ProcSRB.InitModulesFromBell()
<awang> And so on
<awang> Also "Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleEnginesRF'"
<awang> Pretty sure I have RF installed, though?
<blowfish> is RF loading properly, should be near the beginning of the log
<blowfish> or you could just post the log I guess
<awang> What should I look for to indicate a proper load?
<awang> Wait, think I might have accidentally broken something
<awang> Let me move around some commits and try again
<awang> Does Proc parts require RF?
<awang> I thought it was optional
<blowfish> proc parts does not require RF by itself, but there might be some patch that ends up adding a dependency
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<soundnfury> .
<Qboid> soundnfury: Maxsimal_ left a message for you in #RO [19.09.2017 18:11:36]: "What settings did you use for getting to orbit by 1953. 320% money?"
<soundnfury> Maxsimal_: whatever the default is. I think it's 240% now?
<soundnfury> yeah, FundsGainMultiplier = 2.4 in my .sfs
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<Maxsimal_> @soundnfury: Huh, my 'normal' defaults to 400% now - guess you're on hard, or I'm out of sync
<soundnfury> yeah, hard
<soundnfury> (but with quickload enabled because fuck bugs)
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<blowfish> soundnfury: what LV did you use for first orbit?
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<soundnfury> blowfish: uhh, this time it was A-6/2xAJ-10/XASR-1
<soundnfury> with Able-class avionics on the 2nd stage and a spin-stabilised kick stage
<blowfish> AJ10-27 ?
<blowfish> and how many engines on the 2nd stage?
<soundnfury> blowfish: yeah, AJ10-27
<soundnfury> I *think* it was 2x, but I'm not sure. I usually go with 3x though
* soundnfury checks his notes
<Maxsimal_> soundnfury: Thanks
<blowfish> oh, kick stage was solid?
<Maxsimal_> Hrmm, where's the A-6 from? I just have A-4 and A-9 in my game.
<blowfish> I did something similar recently but did not have the 1956 solids yet, so I did 5x AJ10-27 -> 1x AJ10-27
<blowfish> Maxsimal_ it's redstone
<soundnfury> blowfish: no, kick stage was the XASR-1
<soundnfury> (actually it might have been another AJ10-27, I'm not sure now)
<soundnfury> Maxsimal_: FASA, I think
<soundnfury> different part, not a config of the A-6
<soundnfury> s/6/4
<Qboid> soundnfury meant to say: different part, not a config of the A-4
<soundnfury> it's the Redstone engine
<soundnfury> blowfish: I almost never use solid upper/kick stages
<Maxsimal_> Blowfish|soundnfury : Gotcha - NA-75-110 is the same engine?
<awang> Wait, you had an upgraded launch pad by 1953?
<blowfish> Maxsimal_: yes
<blowfish> awang: it's not that difficult to do
<blowfish> you just have to start it early
<Maxsimal_> Anyway, I'm off to bed. G'night guys
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<blowfish> soundnfury: did you also have the early probe cores unlocked for a payload at that point?
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<soundnfury> blowfish: no, I think it was just the sounding rocket core
<blowfish> ah, that makes things a bit easier
<soundnfury> (otherwise I could probably have done it with an A-4)
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<awang> blowfish: Pad upgrades take more than 3 years for me...
<awang> Unless I'm not upgrading something I should be upgrading
<blowfish> I remember it being a while, was it 3 years?
<awang> 1100+ days IIRC
<awang> So that should put it beyond 1953
<awang> And unlocking the Gammas before then sounds like it'd be hard too
<awang> If it's possible at all
<blowfish> Gammas? Aren't those 1956 tech?
<soundnfury> awang: tbh it's possible that I was using a redstone shortened to fit the 20t pad, I can't really remember
<soundnfury> but the pad upgrade did not take 3 years, I'm sure of that
<awang> blowfish: Those are, but I thought those are the way to get to orbit under 20 tons
<awang> soundnfury: Redstone can get to orbit? TIL
<blowfish> well, that or Vanguard
<awang> I thought it was too heavy
<awang> Er
<awang> s/get to orbit/get to orbit under 20t
<Qboid> awang meant to say: soundnfury: Redstone can get to orbit under 20t? TIL
<blowfish> Vanguard is also 1956 though
<awang> I thought Vanguard engines are also 1956 tech?
<blowfish> it might be possible with a shortened redstone
<blowfish> haven't checked for sure
<awang> Hmmm
<blowfish> especially if your payload is just the sounding rocket core
<awang> Guess I'm trying that next
<awang> If KSP ever gets around to starting properly
<ProjectThoth> What date does Year 0 Day 0 00:00 correspond to?
<soundnfury> ProjectThoth: RO's epoch is Y1 == 1951
<ProjectThoth> So January 1, 1951 at what time?
<soundnfury> 00:00 GMT I think
<ProjectThoth> Ah, GMT, that's why I was confused.
<soundnfury> see the RSS Kopernicus config for details
<soundnfury> Best time zone.
<soundnfury> awang: a XASR-1 kick stage can do a lot (maybe 4k), so you only need three-ish from each of your mid-stage (two or three AJ10-27s) and your booster
<soundnfury> so I can believe that a 20t redstone is possible, but like I say, I can't remember for sure
<awang> soundnfury: sounds quite reasonable
<awang> Main issue at that point would be the entry cost for the A-4
<awang> I think
<ProjectThoth> I am starting to develop a space debris problem.
<blowfish> awang: what does A-4 have to do with it?
<blowfish> (also A-4 is in the start node)
<awang> Er
<awang> Whatever the Redstone rocket is
* awang needs to learn his rockets
<awang> Entry cost 75000 funds
<awang> Don't remember the name
<awang> Priorities
<blowfish> yeah, it isn't cheap
<blowfish> you can take the first orbit contract to pay for it if you need to though
<awang> I usually hold off on the first orbit contract because I'm either waiting for the Gamma or for the launchpad
<awang> Then forget to accept it until right before I launch :/
<awang> Does upgrading the VAB build rate increase the speed the launch pad builds?
<awang> I've been dumping all my upgrade points into R&D to avoid waiting around as long
<awang> But maybe that's part of the problem?
<awang> Also, all of RaiderNick's part packs should work in 1.3, right?
<soundnfury> awang: yes, all building upgrades depend on total VAB BPs
<soundnfury> (possibly plus total SPH BPs)
<soundnfury> I generally accept a contract once I know that _at my current rates_ (of building, researching etc.) I can do it before the expiry
<soundnfury> then the time saved by increasing those rates gives about the right margin for failures
<soundnfury> anyway, I'd better zzz now, need to be up early tomorrow (have to be at work by _11am_!!! scandalous!!!)
<awang> soundnfury: Ah, that makes a lot more sense
<awang> soundnfury: Where do you work that lets you start at 11?
<awang> .....Wait, was it you that did the day drinking thing some time ago?
<soundnfury> solarflare communications
<soundnfury> I'm a kernel hacker, we're _expected_ to be nocturnal ;)
<soundnfury> what thing?
<awang> Ah, right, you're one of *those* guys :P
<awang> Someone did a <name>|day_drinking some time ago
<awang> Then had to change it because he was also in #kspofficial or something
<soundnfury> *shrug* not me
<awang> Never mind then
<soundnfury> heh, not sure I've ever been in kspo
<soundnfury> anyway, nn
<awang> Sounded like a place that lets you start at 11 would be the kind to not mind drinking on the job
<awang> Especially if you're a kernel hacker
<awang> Par for the course, probably :P
<awang> Night!
<soundnfury> our company _does_ sponsor the cambridge beer festival
<soundnfury> and (totally unrelatedly) one of my co-workers runs it
<soundnfury> which would be great, but I don't drink
<awang> Sounds like it'd make for an interseteg day for the workers there
<Probus> o/
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