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<awang> Fuel is right
<awang> RD-103 uses Ethanol90
<awang> And that's what shows up in the right-click menu
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<Bornholio> .poke
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<awang> Are proc tank utilizations supposed to be locked?
<awang> If so, does that functionality actually work for anyone?
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<awang> What is "percent utilization" for proc avionics supposed to mean?
<awang> Is there any penalty for going over 100%?
<ProjectThoth> awang: The Universe collapses in on itself if you do.
<awang> :O
<awang> Is there any reason to use the LR79 instead of the LR89?
<awang> It seems that the LR89 beats the LR79 in pretty much every metric
<awang> It's lighter, higher thrust, and better efficiency
<awang> And more or less the same cost
<ProjectThoth> Historical accuracy.
<awang> I see...
<awang> LR79 for the earlier rockets, and LR89 for later ones?
<awang> Also, what PEG parameters do I generally want to mess with?
<awang> And which ones should I leave alone?
<ProjectThoth> I don't fucks with the PEG.
<ProjectThoth> And, yeah, 79 was older than 89.
<ProjectThoth> bbl \o
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<awang> Gah
<awang> Enough delta-v to get to the moon
<awang> Not enough to get to a parking orbit, then TLI
<awang> This is driving me crazy :(
<awang> Also, whose bright idea was it to give the same engine two different fuel mixtures?
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<Maxsimal|Work> which engine awang?
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<awang> Maxsimal|Work: X-405 (XLR50-GE-2)
<awang> Part SXTX405
<awang> And bluedog.vanguardEngine
<awang> Wait, not the SXT one
<awang> Just the bluedog one
<awang> Bluedog one has 3 engines
<awang> One using stock LF/O
<awang> One using kerolox
<awang> One using kerolox + HTP
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<BadInternetCo> Howdy
<awang> SXT one has two engines, both using kerolox + HTP
<awang> Hello!
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<Maxsimal|Work> awang: Ah, so it's just buggy, guess we'll get around to fixing it some day
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<awang> "some day"
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<Maxsimal|Work> well, when NK gets back I guess we'll get back in gear. Dunno when that'll be
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<BadInternetCo> What.the.HELL
<BadInternetCo> god damn it!
<BadInternetCo> I got krakened
<BadInternetCo> I jumped to a ship, the game crashed.
<BadInternetCo> Came back, all my probes were gone
<BadInternetCo> I am absolutely FURIOUS
<BadInternetCo> And my last quicksave was 2 years ago in game time
<BadInternetCo> *sigh*
<BadInternetCo> Oh well, gotta do half of the stuff again I guess
* BadInternetCo overdoses on his own salt
<Maxsimal|Work> I have KAC keep doing the backup saves for just such problems.
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* soundnfury is experimenting with 1959-tech unmanned spessplanes
<soundnfury> currently it's flying the early part of re-entry hands-off without SAS, which is... odd
<soundnfury> it just sits happily at 18° AoA (slowly increasing as the air thickens)
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<gazpachian> o/
<soundnfury> \o
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<awang> Another complaint about the X405: two different mixture ratios for the same engine
<soundnfury> ok, well I can fly a beautiful re-entry with this thing, it's just impossible to land it without explosions.
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<egg|afk|egg> happy user! https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162200--/&page=33&tab=comments#comment-3191363
<ProjectThoth> Yay!
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