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<blowfish> ugh, the early controllable core really just isn't enough avionics for a moon landing is it?
<Qboid> blowfish: awang left a message for you in #RO [08.10.2017 22:02:16]: "I may have found the source of the freeze... I deleted the engines from the .craft file, and it now loads"
<blowfish> awang: if you put just the engines in a craft file and then try to load it do you get the freeze again?
<blowfish> also what engines were they?
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<awang> blowfish: I'll try that after this mission
<awang> Which may be a while since I still have ~17 hours to go
<awang> They were the AJE J57s
<awang> Do I just copy/paste the corresponding PART nodes into a dummy .craft file?
<awang> How would the editor deal with the fact that none of the engines are root parts?
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<blowfish> uhh, just create a dummy craft with those engines and save and then try to reload
<blowfish> just want to see if it's something specific about those parts
<awang> I added the engines back after loading the modified craft file
<awang> Loaded fine after that
<awang> Or at least it's been loading fine since then
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<awang> Is there a way to see what the orbital elements of an orbit would be *after* a maneuver?
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<awang> Like if I'm trying to insert into a sun-synchronous orbit, is there a way for me to ensure that I have the right inclination/eccentricity for a maneuver, so I can try to avoid corrections after the fact?
<blowfish> I wish
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<wb99999999> hey world
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<blowfish> is there a way to just disable RemoteTech for a particular save? In this instance I want to not have it in my sandbox save because I don't actually have a comm net set up
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<wb99999999> man NK-9V is actually amazing
<wb99999999> 400kN at 352s
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<riocrokite> nice
<Qboid> riocrokite: awang left a message for you in #RO [06.10.2017 18:28:07]: "You're a lifesaver!"
<riocrokite> :)
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<blowfish> morning
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<probus_> o/
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<probus_> Had an idea that is related to FMRS. I wonder if there is a way to make a mod that would let you control/watch both parts of a rocket that seperates allowing you to land the 1st stage while monitoring the burn of the 2nd stage to orbit...
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<awang> probus_: You mean at the same time?
<wb99999999> so...could RS68 possibly handle unsymmetrical boosters?
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<wb99999999> I am thinking about a hypothetical revamp of the Delta IV rocket
<wb99999999> keep the CBC but improve on booster and upper stage
<wb99999999> what would be a good upper stage for a low orbit optimized DeltaIV?
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<wb99999999> did I miss anything
<UmbralRaptor> nope
<UmbralRaptor> Uh, as far as an upper stage engine goes, RL60?
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<awang> Uh
<awang> On the Black Arrow Wikipedia page
<awang> "The oxidiser tanks were located below the fuel tanks, following the practice of putting the more dense propellent at bottom in order to lower the centre of gravity and make the rocket easier to control."
<awang> I thought it was the other way around?
<awang> Higher CoG is generally desired?
<wb99999999> not sure
<wb99999999> might be something to do with lowering the rotation moment of the vehicle for more TVC effect
<wb99999999> like...swinging a sword
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<awang> That's an interesting point
<awang> Hadn't thought of that
<wb99999999> one thing come to my mind is how stock (even with FAR) aero affect design
<wb99999999> stock engines' gimbal is so weak it can't overcome minor instability during flight
<wb99999999> so most stock rocket is fat, short and conical in general
<wb99999999> but RO engines' gimbal is much more powerful, and can easily power through max Q with unsymmetrical booster
<wb99999999> so long, thin design is preferred
<awang> I thought longer would be better for smaller gimbals? Longer moment arm?
<wb99999999> but longer is also more aerodynamically unstable
<wb99999999> think in terms of AOA
<wb99999999> when you have a non-zero AOA, the longer you rocket the more pressure you have to deal with
<awang> Wouldn't a longer rocket allow for smaller fins due to that longer moment arm?
<awang> Wait
<awang> Depends on where the CoG is, I guess
<wb99999999> yes
<wb99999999> actually I don't usually think about fins that much
<awang> Only reason I've been worried about fins is that the early engines don't have much in the way of gimbal range
<wb99999999> I think the LR89 has enough gimbal range for this to not matter already
<wb99999999> anything before that might have a problem
<awang> I'm definitely before that
<awang> Best engines I have are the A-6 and/or RD-103
<awang> Enough for orbit, but not a nice orbit
<awang> have to use a steep ascent, otherwise the aero forces overpower the engines
<wb99999999> let me think about it
<wb99999999> did you try a zero AOA phase?
<awang> The entire thing was at zero AoA
<wb99999999> lol
<awang> After booster jettison the entire thing would gradually turn sideways
<awang> Then boom
<awang> So I can blame MJ, I guess
<wb99999999> intervene manually when necessary
<wb99999999> MJ has this trouble\
<awang> I'm always scared of doing that since I don't trust myself to not oversteer
<wb99999999> try it in the simulation
<wb99999999> MJ always have problem through max Q
<wb99999999> and it's pretty normal for me to overwrite the turn briefly
<awang> I'll try that next time
<wb99999999> oh and, try not to stage around max Q
<awang> Yeah, about that...
<wb99999999> maybe weigh your rocket down with more fuel or lighten it up
<wb99999999> just don't stage around max Q
<awang> Trying to work around combination of launch pad mass limits and poor choice of parts
<awang> Best engine I have is RD-103, I think
<awang> A-6 doesn't have as good TWR, even though it has better vacuum ISP
<awang> 60 tons
<wb99999999> you didn't get vanguard?
<awang> I haven't unlocked that yet, I think
<Maxsimal> awang: I also find that it's better for me to manually steer the early rockets - they're too twitchy, Mechjeb can't deal. Later, bigger rockets are easier for it to handle.
<wb99999999> MJ, being a computer program, would cause pilot induced oscillation for some good reason...
<wb99999999> it's exactly like a pilot induced oscillation in real life except performed by a computer
<awang> So much for trying to multitask
<awang> Was hoping to just tilt over a bit, then leave it at surface prograde
<awang> So I can procrastinate some other way while procrastinating with KSP
<wb99999999> you might want to get into kOS
<wb99999999> for the ultimate hands-free launch experience
<wb99999999> you can write yourself a gravity turn and grab a PEG code for insertion guidance
<awang> That sounds like so much work...
<awang> And I thought kRPC was all the rage
<awang> Although that was quite a while ago, when Agathorn was still around...
<awang> And I thought PEG wouldn't work well with early rockets
<awang> With coast phases/kick motors/etc
<wb99999999> well I imagine you can modify the code so it insert you into a suborbital trajectory and then circularize at apogee
<wb99999999> anyway I can't code at all
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<awang> I don't think I'm that much better
<awang> Ugh
<awang> I was looking to make this less work, not more :P
<awang> Uhhhh
<awang> Try to launch a sounding rocket
<awang> Upon engine ignition, literally all the fuel just vanishes
<awang> o_O
<awang> Tank full, press space, tank empty
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<wb99999999> probably due to wrong fuel
<wb99999999> there's a couple of types of RFNA
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