egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
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<soundnfury> ProjectThoth: I haven't done it myself (never used anything bigger than an A-class) but I've got friends who have
<ProjectThoth> soundnfury: Ah, we're in the information-gathering stage at RU.
<soundnfury> RU?
<ProjectThoth> My uni.
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<wb99999999> so does anyone know why the Kuznetsov engines are SO incapable of restartingÉ
<wb99999999> that was supposed to be a question mark
<wb99999999> I think it was Nthankell who told me that not only they're incapable of restarting in flight, they're almost not restartable at all
<wb99999999> like you can't do a static test
<wb99999999> but he didn't tell me that time why that is the case
<wb99999999> oops...nobody even had a guess?
<blowfish> which engines were Kuznetsov's again?
<wb99999999> it's in the name
<wb99999999> anything start with NK
<wb99999999> NK for Nikolai Dmitriyevich Kuznetsov
<blowfish> ah
<blowfish> not sure
<blowfish> maybe some parts (turbine?) ran hot and would deform when they cooled down?
<blowfish> just a guess though
<wb99999999> but they were given a few restarts (at least on the ground, not sure about in flight) later for modern use
<wb99999999> so there's nothing REALLY impossible about it
<blowfish> if it was indeed turbine temperature, you could either use higher temperature materials or reduce the O/F ratio in the preburner
<blowfish> but I have not evidence to back it up
<blowfish> no
<blowfish> *
<wb99999999> maybe is just the (almost) irrational pursue of T/W of the original design...?
<wb99999999> like literally no kerolox engine have came near the T/W to these things in the next 40 years or so
<wb99999999> until we have Merlin, but even Merlin have to be uprated a few times to beat it
<ProjectThoth> NK33?
<wb99999999> yeah
<wb99999999> or "crazy kuzunetsov engines" in general
<wb99999999> most of his rocket engines are pretty insane
<wb99999999> so just to get you up to the topic
<wb99999999> nathankell use to tell me that the older NK-15s and the like was not restartable AT ALL
<wb99999999> neither in flight nor on the ground
<wb99999999> they fire for once and that's it
<wb99999999> talking about rocket being expendable lol
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<wb99999999> man I want to have RD-1025A
<wb99999999> 0125A*
<wb99999999> a single chamber RD-0124? I'm on board with this
<blowfish> I think there were also proposed single-chamber versions called RD-0124M and 0124M1
<blowfish> but yeah, clustering them would be nice
<wb99999999> rd0124 is such a high performance engine
<blowfish> big expansion ratio I think
<wb99999999> very high pressure as well
<wb99999999> you don't find upper stage engine running this hot often
<blowfish> well yeah, because vacuum performance is pretty insensitive to chamber pressure
<blowfish> (although TWR is)
<wb99999999> largely insensitive, yes
<wb99999999> but if you're Russian and you want the last bit of Isp and TWR
<wb99999999> you go with high pressure chambers
<blowfish> please, USA owns the stupidly large nozzle department
* blowfish looks at RL-10B2 and Merlin Vacuum
<wb99999999> ah yeah
<blowfish> to be fair, both of those use radiatively cooled carbon nozzles which aren't thaaat heavy
<wb99999999> also that AJ10 on Apollo has a monster of a nozzle as well
<wb99999999> since it's p-fed you can even say that it is mostly nozzle
<blowfish> carbon-carbon I should say
<wb99999999> carbon-carbon...isn't this the stuff on the shuttle?
<blowfish> apparently yes
<wb99999999> so this is why the merlin vacuum looks a bit floppy during operation
<wb99999999> it's a light weight extension
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<wb99999999> so now mechjeb knows how to use RCS to ullage before firing
<wb99999999> this must be some complicated coding I guess...
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<BPlayer> Hi!
<BPlayer> Quick question - what version of SSTU do I grab for KSP 1.2.2 with the current RO?
<BPlayer> Any additional compatibility requirements/dependicies?
<BPlayer> recommendations*/dependences*
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<Maxsimal|Work> o/
<BPlayer> Hi!
<Maxsimal|Work> How's it goin here? I've been away on vacation
<BPlayer> Dunno, I am new here myself ;-)
<Maxsimal|Work> oh ok, well, hope you're enjoying it, it is kinda quite, both just lately and also at this time of day
<BPlayer> How could a first launch profile for RSS work? And how would a rocket for that look like? I just need to get started, first timer here
<BPlayer> That is, I can find the rocket on the wiki, but I mean in a more general sense
<BPlayer> dv should be on the order of 10 km/s? Or will I not manage to do this by hand?
BPlayer is now known as APlayer
<APlayer> Also, is there some GPU-light mod that adds some haze to the atmosphere? Scatterer totally kills my framerate (the GPU is the limit, definitely), but I am fine with just something that recolors the atmosphere to look... Well, like air, not like a vacuum.
<Maxsimal|Work> I dunno that there is
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<Sigma88> they fixed the vote system on the bugtracker, you can now upvote this:
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<APlayer> I noticed that some parts with RO have use W as units of electricity, while others still use EC/s. How do these convert?
<Maxsimal|Work> off the top of my head, I think it's 1 EC = 3600 Wh or 3.6kwh.
<Maxsimal|Work> But you should double check that before you have your kerbals life depending on it
<Maxsimal|Work> Err wait, maybe it's 1wh= 1ec.
<Maxsimal|Work> I haven't slept in a while, don't trust me.
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<APlayer> I will not make any Kerbals depend on it. Moreover, I will probably not even make any unmanned rockets depend on it and rather do a stage test firing because I have no idea if I can make the engines work.
<APlayer> But I have no real way of testing electricity precisely, I have no idea how to measure input/output
<APlayer> The fuel cell is 1.5 EC/s and labelled as "a 750 W fuel cell"
<APlayer> I guess that settles it
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<APlayer> And are RLA's small thrusters disabled or something?
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<schnobs> o/
<APlayer> And what does the "insufficient avionics" popup mean?
<APlayer> Hi schnobs!
<schnobs> I tmeans what it says. You have avionics for (say) 5t but your vessel masses more than that.
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<APlayer> And what's the consequence, and how to fight it?
<schnobs> When you ask questions on that level, I'm tempted to go all RTFM on you.
<APlayer> I found no M for that :P
<APlayer> No, seriously, I only found the GitHub Wiki
<schnobs> "Avionics" allow you to control a vessel. No (or insufficient) avionics is much like no comms in the stock game, only even more restrictive.
<schnobs> IIRC you can stage, and that's that.
<schnobs> Alright for sounding rockets... but as soon as you want to do a proper turn, you want to have avionics.
<APlayer> So I slap on stage-sized probe cores?
<schnobs> Read part descriptions. Every avionics module is rated for a certain mass.
<APlayer> I saw that. The question is, is it intended to work that way? Or am I misinterpreting that?
<schnobs> The idea is that in the 1950s, they had to use relays and switches made from copper spools. The soldering would befit a rainpipe.
<APlayer> I seem to remember images, that ring on the S-V
<schnobs> yeah.... though that was already pretty advanced.
<APlayer> So that was "old huge computer" combined with "space rated" combined with "rocket"
<APlayer> And what about existing smaller electronics? Why would a satellite-bus sized computer not serve the purpose to steer a greater tonnage rocket?
<APlayer> Or is it just the relays for higher voltage gimabls/fins/stuff?
<schnobs> In principle, yes.
<APlayer> gimbals*
<schnobs> Avionics also covers valves and cabling and whatnot. You know, you supercomputer on top can't do much if theres no cable leading down to the valve, and an actuator to move it.
<APlayer> Oh god, that procedural avionic part really pulls down my dv. And I cannot make it big enough, even
<APlayer> Ah, that makes sense. Thank you!
<schnobs> I think things have changed quite a bit since the last time I played. But the great distinction between satellites and 1st stage avionis was that the satellites had much lower power requirements, down to "hibernation" modes.
<APlayer> Humm, okay
<soundnfury> APlayer: note that the tonnage capacity of proc avionics depends on their volume
<soundnfury> if you're hitting its limit, make the part bigger
<soundnfury> also, the utilisation fraction affects the part cost and mass — if it's as small as possible for the tonnage, it'll be comparatively lightweight but expensive
<soundnfury> whereas if it's bigger but has the same tonnage, it'll be heavier but cheaper
<soundnfury> (up to a point — making it bigger also makes the built-in battery bigger, and that has its own cost)
<APlayer> Humm, increasing the height didn't help
<APlayer> I am using the Proc. Parts Mod's part
<APlayer> It seems to go up to 40t and stop there no matter what I tweak
<APlayer> Although the percent utilization does shrink
<APlayer> The 2m fixed size one does the job just as well, though
<APlayer> Or I may stack two procedural ones
<APlayer> Anyway, I've got to go for now. Be back later! Thanks for the help!
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<soundnfury> !tell APlayer hmm, you're on an older version than I realised, then, the top-of-tree is different. Sorry for the confusion
<Qboid> soundnfury: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<APlayer> soundnfury: Uh, what's the newest version, then? I just installed RO, I may have grabbed a wrong release, though
<APlayer> Uh, huh? I cannot start my upper stage engine? It is pressure fed, has ignitions and propellant is listed as very stable. It was supposed to start in a separate staging event from the decoupler, to give some clearance, but has no ullage motors or stuff. Did I miss something?
<APlayer> Actually, I think I don't have control whatsoever, nevermind
<APlayer> Ah, got it. Upper stage probe core had no EC. Sorry!
<soundnfury> APlayer: newest version is "top-of-tree pulled from Git", but that's only for developers and the adventurous ;)
<APlayer> Ah, then
<APlayer> :D
<soundnfury> (especially as we've recently Changed All Of The Things)
<APlayer> Okay, RO is seriously complicated... And seriously amazing.
<APlayer> Plus I am using principia and have no idea what my NavBall is reading as of yet. But the direction looks about right. :P
<soundnfury> APlayer: heh, I don't use principia. Too complicated even for me
* soundnfury gives APlayer an egg
<soundnfury> anyway, gotta run, ttyl
<APlayer> See you!
<APlayer> Thanks for your help!
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<schnobs> Gotta go. but before...
<schnobs> I tried to copy-rescale a part for stock, taking a few hints from how it's done in RO. It "almost" works:
<schnobs> You can see the half-length piece, the attachment nodes are where they're supposed to be. But the original shape still lingers on.
<schnobs> Here's the relevant MM code:
<schnobs> If someone could find the time to look at it and leave me a tell about what I'm doing wrong, that would be most kind.
<schnobs> Thanks.
<APlayer> ;tell schnobs I think you should use @rescaleFactor as seen here:
<APlayer> .tell schnobs I think you should use @rescaleFactor as seen here:
<APlayer> Uh, I have no idea how to use the bot... :/
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<APlayer> !tell schnobs I think you should use @rescaleFactor as seen here:
<Qboid> APlayer: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<APlayer> Ah
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<awang> Are there any parts with a proper airfoil shape in KSP?
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<wb99999999> no way
<wb99999999> I saw a VR test drive setup in the mall
<wb99999999> we're officially living in the future now
<wb99999999> this is something youngsters in the 80s would dream of isn't it
<wb99999999> put on a fancy helmet and you can test drive the brand new sportscar
<wb99999999> all without moving an inch
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<wb99999999> absolutely fucking future
<wb99999999> wait wtf
<wb99999999> Aerojet bought AJ-26s for only $110M per engine
<wb99999999> about $200M today
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<schnobs> OK, about to sign off for the night.
<Qboid> schnobs: APlayer left a message for you in #RO [04.10.2017 18:36:20]: "I think you should use @rescaleFactor as seen here:"
<schnobs> !tell APlayer "rescaleFactor" won't help, I want to make it shorter while keeping it's width.
<Qboid> schnobs: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<schnobs> Rescaling works fine as far as I see. The problem is that the old mesh, or at least the old texture, is still around in addition to the new shape.
<schnobs> repeating my plea from above: if someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong, that would be most kind.
<schnobs> this is what happens when I want to halve the parts height.
<schnobs> and this is how I did it.
<schnobs> Repeat, the picture doesn not show two clipped parts, but a single one.
<schnobs> Now, have a good night everyone. Or day, or whatever applies to you.
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<wb99999999> okay..
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<Probus> I was thinking. Ion Engines and low thrust engines. It would be nice if we had a script or a mod that would slow your craft down while maintaining the proper trajectory to drop into an elliptical orbit.
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