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<Starwaster> So what's the deal on RO updating to 1.3? I've been out of things for the past couple of weeks
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<blowfish> man, the early controllable core does not have a lot of avionics
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<Bornholio> starwaster as faras i can tell only Test flight stands in the way of 1.3 upgrades, beyond some minor other stuff you can run most of the mods in 1.3 with patches or dev dlls have not updated in two weeks
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<awang> soundnfury: I like your taste in music :D
<awang> Is there a way to "turn off" proc avionics?
<awang> Like make them stop drawing power?
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<wb99999999> hey...
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<wb99999999> I think we could use a metholox ecosystem in RO in the future
<wb99999999> there's too few options if you want to use a bunch of methane engines
<blowfish> wb99999999: to be fair, no methalox engines have even flown at this point in time
<wb99999999> I am aware
<wb99999999> but neither do any NTR
<wb99999999> I believe there's some liberty in RO
<blowfish> true
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<awang> The parachute icons in the staging stack are lying to me :(
<awang> Grey background, indicating that parachutes should be fine to deploy
<awang> Parachutes deploy, instantly destroyed
<taniwha> awang: realchutes?
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
<BadRocketsCo> Welp, it's official
<BadRocketsCo> Organic chemistry is work of the devil
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<awang> taniwha: Yep, RealChutes
<awang> Also, if we're going for realism should the crewed sound barrier contract have a time/altitude restriction?
<awang> To avoid using rockets instead?
<blowfish> vertical speed maybe
<blowfish> hard to say what's acceptable in this regard - the X1 did use a rocket engine after all
<awang> idk, I was thinking basically some way to try to gauge level/sustained flight
<awang> Don't think it'd apply for crewed Karman, though
<awang> I think?
<blowfish> I think you can set a maximum vertical speed
<awang> Might be walking a fine line
<awang> How fast did the X15 ascend?
<blowfish> I suspect not very fast when it was nearing Mach 1, but I don't know for sure
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<blowfish> the record I've always heard for it was "breaking the sound barrier in level flight"
<awang> So maybe something like ±10 m/s limit for 1 or 2 minutes?
<blowfish> yeah, that seems pretty reasonable
<awang> Patch incoming, then. Maybe.
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<blowfish> of course, nothing prevents you from launching a rocket vertically then flying it horizontally
<awang> True, although at that point it's sort of blurring the lines, isn't it
<awang> And given the sorry state of the runway, it might be ok
<blowfish> heh yeah
<blowfish> although I thought RP-0 starts above the tier 0 runway now
<Rokker> ferram4: oi
<ferram4> Rokker?
<Rokker> ferram4: remember fairings over the gridfins guy
<ferram4> What next? Fairings over the engine exhausts?
<Rokker> ferram4: he got a problem right in freshmen physics, clearly hes far smarter than i thought
<ferram4> Someone should ask him what he thinks the aerodynamic proportion of dV losses during ascent is.
<ferram4> I suspect his numbers will be equivalent to pre-1.0, no-FAR KSP.
<Rokker> ferram4: i tried pointing out to him that for something like the saturn V it was only 50 m/s
<ferram4> Even with the smaller Falcon 9 scale it shouldn't be much more than 150 m/s
<Rokker> ferram4: even that sounds high if you ask me
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<Rokker> but you are more of an expert than i
<ferram4> I'm setting an upper limit.
<ferram4> I don't think it can get higher than 150 m/s for that size. Actual estimate I'd put it around 100 m/s.
<Rokker> ferram4: and what portion do you think is caused by folded grid fins?
<Rokker> 10% perhaps?
<Rokker> at most
<Bornholio> those russians with chain link fence for interstages must be pulling an extra 1000m/s for drag too right? :P
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<ferram4> Rokker, maybe? Depends on what speed. I can see it being a very large portion around Mach 1 - 1.5 where the drag from the front and legs won't be very high, but the flat surface of the fins will be a bigger deal.
<ferram4> But a "very large portion" still isn't much more than 15% or so
<ferram4> They just aren't big enough
<ProjectThoth> F9 S1?
<Rokker> ProjectThoth: we are discussing grid fin guy
<ProjectThoth> Oh, that moron.
<ProjectThoth> Oh, NO.
<ProjectThoth> NONONONO
<ProjectThoth> WHY
<Rokker> ProjectThoth: hes a genius man
<Rokker> ProjectThoth: i mean did you see what he did in freshman physics?
<ProjectThoth> Rokker: No, what'd he do?
<Rokker> ProjectThoth: read the replies
<ProjectThoth> Oh.
<ProjectThoth> I just found it.
<ProjectThoth> This is why parents should hit their kids.
<Rokker> lol
<ProjectThoth> He could literally calculate the drag at maximum dynamic pressure by himself.
<ProjectThoth> He could even treat them as flat fucking plates.
<ProjectThoth> And I guarantee that the drag force nets a penalty of less than a meter per second.
<ProjectThoth> Also, what the hell is "mg/6" referring to?
<ProjectThoth> I'm still pissed that ptp is considered a valid business model, this is just making it worse.
<awang> blowfish: It starts on the tier 3 runway, but it still has issues, unfortunately :(
<blowfish> oh right
<blowfish> but didn't some work go into a recent version of KSP to fix the seams?
<blowfish> 1.3 maybe?
<egg> <ferram4> What next? Fairings over the engine exhausts? :D :D :D
<awang> blowfish: I thought so too, but I'm on 1.3, and can assure you that the runway is still a pain in the neck
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<blowfish> oh nice, screw dropping from a bomber or booster rockets or whatever, my X-1 type thing can take off and reach Mach 1 on its own
<soundnfury> blowfish: well done :)