<awang> Just curious, just how much force does rocket exhaust exert on nearby items in space?
<awang> I remember reading about having to be careful around the ISS to avoid RCS exhaust impinging upon something important
<awang> But I would imagine rocket exhaust expands quite rapidly in space
<awang> So how much force would it actually exert?
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<taniwha> don't know, but consider that something strong enough to push a shuttle around at full strength will easily be strong enough to mess up radiators or solar panels at 0.1%
<taniwha> as a guess, since the gases would (try to) expand spherically, the force would be inverse-square
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<Maxsimal> o/
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<schnobs> greetings.
<Maxsimal> Hey schnobs
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<wb99999999> oh I really want to go to Mars now...
<wb99999999> this Earth is disappointing...
<schnobs> me too.
<schnobs> BRB
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* schnobs has not been on Mars in the mean time.
<schnobs> Just rebooting after system updates.
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<soundnfury> !tell Pap* looks like the Pioneer 10/11 and Voyager antennas are marked non RP0 and have zero cost.
<Qboid> soundnfury: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<soundnfury> !tell Pap* (also I don't know if I've mentioned this, but the 75-point R&D building upgrade only opens up a handful of techs — a lot of branches jump straight from 50 to 80)
<Qboid> soundnfury: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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