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<awang> Jeez, cut 50kg off the probe, and suddenly I can get to orbit with ~300 m/s without having to overburn the upper stage by a minute
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<Bornholio> .poke
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<awang> \o
<awang> There doesn't seem to be much reason to pick Tank-III over the balloon tank in my opinion
<awang> Just doesn't turn out to much of a difference in cost, rollout cost, or build time
<awang> Is that the way things are supposed to be?
<awang> For this particular rocket, I can use a 2m x 15.3 Tank-III for the first stage, or a 2m x 14.8 balloon tank
<awang> Vacuum dv goes from 4810 to 4992
<awang> Per-rocket cost goes from 6477 to 6668
<awang> build time goes from ~149 days to ~155 days
<awang> Rollout cost goes from 24123.1 to 24921
<ProjectThoth> Does hacking gravity change the parameters of craft in orbit?
<awang> IIRC, yes, indirectly
<awang> Your craft keeps its velocity/position, but the planet's gravity changes
<awang> So at apoapsis/periapsis, your semimajor axis would change
<ProjectThoth> Ah, good thing I don't have anything important up there.
<awang> What are you doing that requires messing with universal constants?
<ProjectThoth> awang: Testing rover deployment systems.
<ProjectThoth> Now that I've finished my Apollo re-do in stock...
<awang> ProjectThoth: Ah, fair enough
<awang> Protip: low-TWR upper stages can't correct for aerodynamic forces
<ProjectThoth> awang: Yeah, I learned that while screwing around with the ascent stage.
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<awang> What mechanism are you using for rover deployment?
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<awang> Hmmmm
<awang> lamont: Is it possible for physics delta time to affect whether MJ cuts off an upper stage engine?
<ProjectThoth> awang: A decoupler on a stick.
<ProjectThoth> Damn, I found this absolutely beautiful CSM design that I want to use, but it feels like plagiarism.
<awang> Give credit if you use it?
<awang> Or ask for permission?
<awang> Off-topic: TIL heavy probe cores are INSANELY expensive
<awang> Er
<awang> *light probe cores for heavy ships
<awang> Those costs climb crazily fast as utilization goes up
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<ProjectThoth> awang: It just looks so perfect...
<ProjectThoth> This is the original.
<awang> That looks really nice!
<ProjectThoth> :D
<ProjectThoth> Thanks! I really wanna try the AAP challenge in some form.
<awang> AAP challenge?
<ProjectThoth> Apollo Applications Program.
<awang> What's the challenge?
<ProjectThoth> It's on the forums, one moment.
<ProjectThoth> Somewhat necro'd
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<awang> That looks pretty interesting
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<awang> I like how my first comms/weather satellite is about 2.5 times the cost of my Mars/Venus impactors
<wb99999999> doesn't sound very impossible for me tho
<wb99999999> commsats are huge
<awang> Guess that's something that's never occurred to me before
<wb99999999> well everyone designs differently
<wb99999999> I'm just saying that real life commsats are usually big buses with large power supply and propellant for years of station keeping
<wb99999999> ya know
<wb99999999> so they are large
<awang> Guess that's what the ComsatPayload thing is supposed to compensate for
<awang> Nothing quite beats having to actually deal with it yourself though
<wb99999999> well now you reminded me the commsat bubble
<wb99999999> and the dead Delta 3 rocket...
<awang> Commsat bubble?
<wb99999999> in the 90s
<wb99999999> I only have vague idea of what happened
<wb99999999> but apparently there is a commsat bubble that burst and killed a few vehicles
<wb99999999> including the Delta 3
<awang> Ah
<awang> Jeez that's a large fairing
<awang> Looks pretty similar to the Delta II Heavy
<awang> And/or the Delta II
<wb99999999> Delta II heavy actually came later than this
<wb99999999> they took the GEM-46 srbs from Delta III and fit them on the Delta II chassis
<wb99999999> normal Delta II uses GEM-40
<wb99999999> but the upper stage became DCSS on Delta IV laater
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<Maxsimal> o/
<Maxsimal> What's new, been a while since I was on
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<lamont> awang: afaik the code i’ve written should tolerate tweaking physics delta’s just fine
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<awang> Gah
<awang> Lack of RCS balancing is driving me nuts
<awang> Fine maneuvering is stupid hard
<lamont> why are you building out of balance rockets?
<awang> I assumed that "min throttle" actually meant something
<awang> And that force couples are a thing
<Rokker> Bornholio_: Russia is apparently considering using the Tu-22 as a nuclear bomber again. do you know what that means?
<UmbralRaptor> Why, tho. I thought the Tu-22M did everything better.
<Rokker> UmbralRaptor: Tu-22M
<Rokker> is what I was referring to
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<soundnfury> welp, it's snowing
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<awang> Um
<awang> Is there anything I can do to fix KSP loading a vessel with parts offset weirdly?
<awang> Like I just loaded a probe and the fuel tank is sitting maybe half a radius worth off center
<awang> And the probe is spinning
<acc> usually that only happens with IR involved. duno if you can fix that
<acc> save file hacking might be the way to go there
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<awang> Hmmm
<awang> I have IR installed, but don't have any of its parts on the ship
<awang> Is just having it installed enough to break things?
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<awang> Wut
<awang> My probe just spontaneously combusted in the middle of a burn
<xShadowx> too much heat?;p
<awang> Pretty sure I was well above the atmosphere
<awang> This part jerking thing on physics load is getting old real fast too
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<ProjectThoth> awang: Yeah, I hate that.
<awang> Is there anything that can be done about it?
<awang> Or is it just one of those facts of life when playing KSP?
<ProjectThoth> I find heavier craft tend to not experience as violent a jolt, and launch clamps help.
<awang> I never had issues when loading a craft for launching
<awang> This is loading a small probe that is on its way to the Moon
<ProjectThoth> Craft switching?
<ProjectThoth> Oh, hmm.
<awang> Well, that's when I first noticed it
<awang> Seems like loading a (quick)save also causes it
<awang> At first, reloading the save fixed it, but that doesn't seem to be the case any more