July 25: In 1958, NOTS Pilot possibly launches a satellite into orbit after deployment from an F4D Skyray. In 1973, the USSR launches Mars 5 which will operate successfully in martian orbit for a few days before failing.
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Raidernick: yes, it is a question mark
i thought space was _ and ? is wildcard1digit
or i wrong?:3
Not when reading part names I know
? is wildcard 1
^ i know that much is true
so just a matter of _ is space or not
Ah, I guess that makes sense, I have used ? since it worked for space as well
spece is ignored for a few things, and _ is not
though i'd take pap's word as justice :)
^^ not always the best idea ;)
borntosleep is now known as Bornholio
Slept in today, huh Bornholio? ;)
just now attention to pay to IRCS
ProjectThoth has joined #RO
I just made a 20t to orbit using 7 RL10, it seems a little exessive but I did not find an alternative since I don't have the J-2 yet
any PEG news?
Ramh5: Saturn I_irl
!seen stratochief
xShadowx: I last saw stratochief on [24.07.2017 17:40:08] in #SpaceX saying: "how about that ITS downscale to 9m. I'm curious how long the regulars in this channel knew about that before elon's tweet"
xShadowx: _ is _
because confignode strips spaces in node names (but not values), while you obviously can do `foo = bar baz` you can't do `@PART[bar baz]:FOR....` because confignode stops parsing at the space.
That's why you need to use wildcards to cover spaces.
17:45] <ProjectThoth> Ramh5: Saturn I_irl <<< no, viRL
NathanKell|WORK: hehe
ya i get it, i just thought _ was space or _, i was wrong, sue me :P
_ seems like it should count as space or _ though, because ? is purely wildcard and open >:)
NathanKell|WORK: wow you are right I didnt know, I am glad I made something reasonable, will be my first manned moon orbit
NathanKell|WORK, are model node rotations in quaternions or degrees?
Raidernick: Degrees
Ramh5: cool, good luck! :)
NathanKell|WORK, so if i want to spin a part around to face backwards it's rotation = 0,0,180?
or rotation = 0,180,0
the second
0,0,180 will rotate 180 on z
or better yet stop using spaces in names
NathanKell|WORK, i always get confused by the fact that unity reverses z and y compared to modeler
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NathanKell|AWAY, weird that it didn't work
* xShadowx
nomz dried blueberries
NathanKell|AWAY is now known as NathanKell
welcome to time away from work! where you share all your secrets and goodies! :P jk
Raidernick: silly thing is (afaict) unity doesn't /force/ that because I'm pretty sure the physics engine doesn't care, and the axis swap can be moved into the camera transform
Unity defaults to left-handed because the graphics hardware and gl libraries are essentially left handed (y up, z forward (depth/z buffer)), but as a counter example, quake (and thus quakeforge) is right-handed right up to the shaders (just a bit of fancy matrix transformation in the shaders)
also, OpenGL (and probably DirectX) lets you tell the hardware what vertex order to use for determining face orientation
NathanKell, so, as usual, I can't focus on just one project and now I'm working out what would be necessary to get proc engines working.
I think the worst part will be trying to figure out the power needed by the turbine.
And the fuel and oxidizer that need to be put in there.
there is a good CASI from '75 on that topic
Ignoring the models. I'm sure I can draft someone into that part fairly easily.
hmm, you're pushing a certain mass at a certain velocity against a certain force (both force and velocity determined by pipe cross-section area)
Well, okay. So I can figure out the power for the turbine easily, actually.
Centrifugal pumps for rockets19750003130.pdf does a good job of curve fitting versus needed SHP and weight
Pumps are fairly simple.
It's calculating back the temp into the turbine, and the temp / pressure on the other side that's difficult.
Also the composition, since it's a combo of combustion products and fuel / oxidizer excess.
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|Twitch
Because it should be (massflow_total / dens_total)*(P_pumpExit - P_tank) = (massflow_gasgen * specHeat_gasgenproducts)*(T_turbEntrance - T_turbExit)
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Pap: Bubble sort is usually implemented using swapping the elements. If you copy one element over the other, it would have the behavior you’re seeing.
acharles: would you be able to peek at some code and tell me what I am missing? The code seems clean, but obviosuly it is not working
You’re modifying the name during the swap
I.e. you need to swap the whole thing, not just the name
So I want to check the name and swap the whole thing?
I GOT IT!! Thanks acharles!
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Pap: Cool
I suppose this is one case where abstraction helps. If you have a comparison function for `T` and a swap function for `T`, then you can’t possibly mess up by changing only parts of `T`, since you can’t access those parts. :P
spec: Pioneer Able was even lighter than the 20in xray, and had the advantage of an Altair under it
NathanKell|Twitch is now known as NathanKell
RealismOverhaul/master e2bcb5c pap1723: SSTU Fuel Tank Changes...
[RealismOverhaul] pap1723 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7q5c
SpecimenSpiff has joined #RO
so it looks like rd-103m might not be my best choice for 1st stage
[21:13] <@nathankell> Pioneer Able was even lighter than the 20in xray, and had the advantage of an Altair under it
[21:14] <@nathankell> I'm confused why you lack delta V though since (as you saw in the tut) I could do it with an RD-103. What do you have for first stage, I thought you had an LR79?
yeah... I miss a really light probe core like vanguard or pioneer in "stock" rp-0
leudaimon: stock RP-0 requires SXT which has the 20in XRay...
oh right Vanguard *1*
that, yeah
but I think I have done lunar launches from an RD-103M
I used to
IIRC RD103M, AJ10, XASR1 for orbit, and then the sargeants for TLI
or even only 2 stages, not sure
But after the config changes it's nerfed to reality
booster is giving me 4725m/sec and a twr of 1.35, so that seems fine. then aj10 for 3191m/sec, then 4x1x sergeant for a total of 11271
specimenSpiff try a third stage
You can try redlining
Redlining is more doable now
The curve is gentler
by redlining, you mean run the stages 5sec past rated burn time?
But leudaimon is righter
I could also
No I mean 20+
"cheat" and use the dome tanks for pressure, with my main tank default :)
5s is nothing
is that a known bug, btw?
Yes it is
It was too much work to detect
well, it means that no one has bothered to rewrite the fuel request logic for RF
but your first stage tank is default, right?
Honor system
Blowfish exactly
Blowfish since it requires building our own partsets and discarding invalid tanks
yeah, first stage is default, doesnt need pressure, all my others are fuselage
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I guess I can add ullage thrusters and push the burn time. cant risk hotstage if im going to push the engines
* leudaimon
always hotstages
is the first stage at rated burn time with 1.35 liftoff TWR?
1.52 twr, 1.35 slt
Yeah Rd 103 has very low burn time
it seems like on modern engines you can (IRL) extend the burn time almost indefinitely. Did some technological change happen that allowed that compared to early tech?
better machining and materials, maybe
hm, +20 sec the first and second stages gained me about 150m/sec. thats not the way to go, apparently
notice how standard car engines redline at 6krpm or higher now
but that used to be reserved for racing cars
also cooling would help with engine life
NathanKell: my life is a lie
(modern engines run the propellant around the engine as coolant before feeding it to the combustion chamber)
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|NOMZ
NathanKell|NOMZ: i didnt know that the B-66 was based on a disgusting carrier aircraft
I imagine most of the rated burn time came from heat and turbo-pump life-span
taniwha: that was mostly true of early engines too though
Pap: I don't think :AFTER[RealismOverhaul]:AFTER[SSTU] will actually work
It is working on my test right now
which pass does it actually run in though?
Ah, are you saying that as long as I have it as an AFTER[SSTU] it should run after RO anyway?
got it, i'll fix it, thanks
so maybe NEEDS[RealismOverhaul] on the first one
Man, I'd forgotten just how hard it is to do this stuff with early tech
coming up just that *tiny* bit short on orbity
SpecimenSpiff: I keep having engine failures for my Moon Shots
Pap: technically what I said would not be true if SSTU.dll existed but RealismOverhaul.dll did not, since plugin mods run before non-plugin mods
but it is in fact the other way around anyway (SSTU's plugin is SSTUTools.dll) so AFTER[SSTU] should be correct here
Ah, very interesting
Guest6721 has joined #RO
Russian engines stronk. Russian engines cheap. Russian engines go boom on pad
wow, then my aj-10 went boom just as I was lighting the 3rd stage
10/10 irony.
qwertyy2 has joined #RO
I have 2k nitrogen on my 2nd stage, and used 15 on that attempt, 12 so far on this one. almost makes me consider rcs on that stage a waste...
damn, ab out 600m/sec short of orbit. 1328 grav losses, 34 steering. not sure where I'm going to find it...
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SpecimenSpiff: what are you trying to orbit with?
rd103m first stage, then an aj-10, then xasr, on top of that I have a 4x1 cluster of sergeants, then a 20in x-ray probe
trying to get into orbit without using the solids, which are my tli stage
o/ all
Pap is now known as Pap|Sleep
lol, I dont have the ability to target the moon and set up a node yet. ok, solar launch for science it is
NathanKell|NOMZ is now known as NathanKell
Rokker: Wait til I tell you about that crazy twin-J79 thing McNamara tried to stick the AF with!
Or, you know, the SLUF.
SpecimenSpiff: Your gravity losses should not be very high.
What kind of ascent are you flying?
SpecimenSpiff: Try using PEG with a very high pitch rate, going to 150x150
NathanKell: yeah yeah yeah but I thought the B-66 was an actual bomber, not some useless navy junk
Douglas \o/
>carrier based
>strategic bomber
>Better than USAF junk
NathanKell: shoo
NathanKell: im going to indoctrinate you all one by one
I wish MJ didn’t have pid issues with keeping roll stable
damn, I had nvidia record that launch, but it turns out 720p KSP is completely unreadable
if you have an i5, let alone an i7, you might be fine with software encoding
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July 25: In 1958, NOTS Pilot possibly launches a satellite into orbit after deployment from an F4D Skyray. In 1973, the USSR launches Mars 5 which will operate successfully in martian orbit for a few days before failing.
On a Ford!
I'm tempted to try that in KSP
NathanKell|Twitch: i hate the navy, but i like to believe the first and 3rd notsniks lived
NathanKell|Twitch: tomorrow is GSO day
NathanKell|Twitch: 54 years since Syncom 2
ProjectThoth has joined #RO
NathanKell|Twitch: also 46 years since the best apollo mission
and 45 years since the only notable contract rockwell ever recieved
* Rokker
hides the clusterfuck that was the B-1 program
NAR by then so you can count it for NA :P
NathanKell|Twitch: you know what you should do in 2024
come to dayton. ill give you a tour and then we can watch the eclipse
NathanKell|Twitch: Never go to Dayton.
which passes directly over dayton
I went there once and died.
NathanKell|Twitch: can you op me for a sex
NathanKell|Twitch: do you know why apollo 15 is the best apollo
Dayton was... draining.
ProjectThoth: listen
It really took the... life out of me.
ProjectThoth: literally your only bad experience at dayton
was a bad plate of spaghetti
and you have been complaining about it ever since
Rokker: That was literally the sickest I've ever been.
i dont care
ProjectThoth: its a shit complaint
Rokker: It was a shit experience, literally.
ProjectThoth: ur just a pussy
Rokker: Your city tried to kill me.
ProjectThoth: i wish they had with how much you bitch about it
NathanKell|Twitch: your stream has been cutting out before your speech lately. too fast on the cut button?
NathanKell|Twitch is now known as NathanKell
taniwha: I wait 2-3s
but I guess I need to go back to waiting 5-10
Rokker: I assume it was an all-USAF crew, after the Navy already got all the glory from prior landings? :P
all USAF, its at my museum, and first lunar rover
egg: Cool, I didn't misremember
and cheers all!
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AWAY
Rokker: first in space, first in orbit, first on moon, all reported to Dept. of the Navy :)
NathanKell|AWAY: wasnt armstrong civilian by that point
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NathanKell|AWAY: by 'first in orbit' assume you mean earth orbit, but theres also first manned spacecraft to change orbit, gemini 3, with once again, navy
go navy :)
8 day human spaceflight record gemini 5, navy
First orbital rendezvous (station-keeping, no docking) - navy
navy is racking up the points, wheres the silly usaf guys hiding
first space docking, gemini 8, navy
ah yeah, the navy, with their... vanguard and their...
EELVs? no wait
hold on, ill think of something
aww rokker is trying to insult the navy how cute
their polaris based orbital launch vehicles?
trident based?
First direct-ascent rendezvous on first orbit - gemini 11, navy
seriously i never accually looked before which side they worked for o.O woohoo for learning
!tell first man to dance on moon, pete conrad, navy, apollo 12, go navy :P
xShadowx: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
uh did usaf get any firsts during 60s? i mightve missed as i went through list, accually sskin
they were all working for nasa at that point
ferram4: always check your bullet sizes before you fire them
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July 25: In 1958, NOTS Pilot possibly launches a satellite into orbit after deployment from an F4D Skyray. In 1973, the USSR launches Mars 5 which will operate successfully in martian orbit for a few days before failing.
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Maxsimal: Pap left a message for you in #RO [24.07.2017 16:14:15]: "Any luck with the Sounding Rocket contracts?"
Pap: You here? I just posted in the Contract Configurator thread again - nightingales been logged in but he hasn't replied, and deleting the parameter checks didn't help. Not sure what else to try
Pap: In good news though, I'm almost done tagging the tech tree sheet
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!tell Pap I just posted in the Contract Configurator thread again - nightingales been logged in but he hasn't replied, and deleting the parameter checks didn't help. Not sure what else to try
Maxsimal: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
!tell Pap However, in good news, I just finished tagging that spreadsheet
Maxsimal: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
!tell NathanKell: Just finished tagging that spreadsheet, now we need to convert those to part tags and I'll mess with the KCT formulas to find something appropriate.
Maxsimal: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
ferram4 has joined #RO
Pap: Maxsimal left a message for you in #RO [25.07.2017 16:24:55]: " I just posted in the Contract Configurator thread again - nightingales been logged in but he hasn't replied, and deleting the parameter checks didn't help. Not sure what else to try"
Maxsimal: That sucks about CC. I don't know what could be causing it!
Pap: Maxsimal left a message for you in #RO [25.07.2017 16:25:10]: "However, in good news, I just finished tagging that spreadsheet"
I will take the spreadsheet and create some formulas off it to process the tags
Probably won't be for a day or so
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Pap: No worries
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Pap: I had enough 'fun' tagging that stuff that I don't wanna look at it again for at least a day or two :P
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Pap: I'll go back to the contracts and see if I can think of anything else to try with debugging them. I'm really stumped though.
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!tell Maxsimal Would it be worthwhile to include everything that works, or will it not be working the right way?
Pap: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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Tragically I do not
I closed the notepad window...
errf wrong tab
!wpn NathanKell|WORK
* Qboid
gives NathanKell|WORK a white compactification
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stops on the 23rd, that's when Cayley came out so then people reached the new link
!wpn egg
* Qboid
gives egg a Lagrangian orb
Bornholio: previous releases would get ~350ish downloads
Cayley got 665 downloads in a couple of days already
hopefully the support needs didn't escalate too much
for now I actually haven't heard from anyone since the release :-p
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Maxsimal: Pap left a message for you in #RO [25.07.2017 17:12:18]: "Would it be worthwhile to include everything that works, or will it not be working the right way?"
Pap: I dunno. The sounding rocket(difficult) contract is the one players use to increase the difficulty of future contracts.
Pap: out of curiosity, is there a reason why you are editing the planets manually for the rescaled RSS versions ?
I mean, instead of using SD
Sigma88: When I did it originally, I wanted to have as few dependencies as possible. I didn't want to be waiting for others to updated, didn't know how much Mod support there would be going forward. For the next releases, I will probably use SD as I don't even play those versions anymore, I am focused on RSS
ah ok
I just asked because if there was a particular reason to avoid SD it could be something to fix
feel free to ping me as much as you want if you decide to try SD, I'm happy to help you with the setting up if you need it
Ah, no, when I originally made Half Size RSS, I don't think you had SD out for very long, so I didn't know what kind of support it was going to have
I will do that, thanks Sigma88!
well, until I added the plugin you could have obtained the exact same results with manual cfgs
What do you mean by that?
SD used to be just a series of very complicated MM patches
but anything that SD did, you could have written it manually
Ahhh, yes, when I first go into modding, I didn't have the first clue of what I was doing. so I preferred completely re-writing over trying to make patches ;) I've come a long way
now with the plugin you have access to new features that are not available on just kopernicus
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I just meant that even if SD was out, there was no real reason to use it if you prefered doing things manually
but now, you can do some cool stuff with SD, like changing the size of buildings
their positions
stuff like that
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I hadn't looked into the SD updates, I am excited to see all of the new features
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Pap: Fixed it
REALLY!!!!!! What was it?
Pap: Parameter missing a @. But it still got parsed.
I assumed it was something like that, it always is
Pap: Yeah, guess I gotta go delete my configurator posts
Sigma88, that doesn't look like a face, just a pile of dirt! :P
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Pap: Ok, I've got my files set up in the RP-0 local github clone, I can see the APP has teh changed/deleted/new files. I go to Repository - Push - doesn't change my clone online. You said I should sync something? I don't see a sync.
Guest6725 has joined #RO
Beneath where you have the changed files, you need to create the Commit. Fill in the Summary and Description, then click Sync
Before you hit sync, there is a check mark on the bottom That says Commit to xxx, clikc that first
Ok, did it, now my changes are online on my clone of the master branch.
Guest6726 has joined #RO
So now I create a pull request to let NK merge it to master after he reviews?
Pap: Yup, it's done. Now off to watch GoT with the gifrlend, but I'll keep this open.
Maxsimal: spoiler alert, GoT is always awesome
Pap: thanks for the help
thank you for the work!
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NathanKell|WORK, if all the generic engine configs set an origMass which overrides anything else how am I supposed to account for the weight of the deocupler in the booster
the total booster mass includes the mass of it's hardware
but in ksp the decouplers have to be separate parts
so how am I supposed to account for that mass if the engine configs always override it
using a mass offset
what's the syntax and where do i put it in the config?
Look at the FASA LR105
that should have an example of it
I think below engineType = whatever, you then have the following line:
massOffset = [the offset in tonnes]
like massOffset = 1.2
ok I see it i'll try that
also NathanKell|WORK for engine configs that change the gimbal for certain configs
does that always overwrite the gimbal values defined in the original aprt configs?
I notice that if the config value for gimbal is set to 0 the aprt still HAS a gimbal
i'm assuming it means the gimbal is just set to 0
so it won't move?
I'm trying to start using these engine configs now
so I'm not that familar with them
they're very useful IMo
they make life easier in the long run, much easier
NathanKell|WORK, except when someone keeps changing the mix rates
SpecimenSpiff has joined #RO
Evening world
Raidernick: no one would do that! (Except NK of course ;)
Problem can easily be solved: be right the first time! \o/
yo NCommander
aradapilot__ has joined #RO
how are things here?
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I tried to get engines to explode last night and was not able to
ProjectThoth has joined #RO
TF fails to strike?
nope, unrelated to testflight
NCommander: cayley's out, icymi
blowfish, apparently there is a quota on engine explosions, and I hit it, leaving none for you
Steps to reproduce: 1) Be SpecimenSpiff
2) design rocket that pushes 10-20 seconds past rated burn time
3) use un-researched engies
I think I had 4 flights in a row fail because either the rd103m or aj10 exploded
SpecimenSpiff: wait I think we may be doing this stupidly. What about using a 1x-AJ10 stage and then a 2x-AJ10 stage?
instead of stretching the core or the uppers
(and then the RD-103 under them obvs)
yeah, the approach I was using last night was not working. I eventually just tried removing the tli payload and aiming for orbit, and that launcher couldnt do it even with no payload. so a different approach tonight
of course at this rate, I'll have bigger engines available before a launch succeeds...
I spent a lot of time trying to duplicate what luedemon described in his ris post without any luck at all
so he missed something in his description, most likely
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does anyone know how power requirements scale for Brayton cryocoolers for different target ranges? Is it linear or does the efficiency scale on a curve?
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its a stupidly complex problem at low temps
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well I just need to find a better way of scaling power costs than just a flat rate that's probably more expensive than it needs to be for cryogenics in the range of LOX or LCH4
Starwaster: botec but e of pi figured S-II would need at most 4kW to cool
maybe that helps?
just remembered I'd read that from him
thanks but it's not so much needing to know how much it would cost so much as how much would it cost along a wide range of temperatures. Keeping LH2 (20K) cool costs about 114W of electricity per watt of heat removed Cooling at 70K is something like 50We per watt of heat and it's probably even less for LOX.
ah gotcha
So my goal is to figure out what kind of curve it's on so it can be scaled accordingly by whatever it is that's being cooled
right now, HeatPump is just doing a flat rate of 114 watts per watt removed
(which is why insulation is a big plus)
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Starwaster: it /might/ be linear. at higher temps, you need to remove fewer watts to keep the thing cool
because your heat influx is lower
Starwaster: have you looked at the heat pump page on wikipedia?
the thing about LH2 at 20K is it needs two stage cooling so 8% efficiency pumping into 12% efficient range is what is really happening for that
Did anyone read the space law implications of the mars colonization goal of space x? I thought it was enlightening, but it didn’t consider the fact that the treaty was signed when people believed that landing on the moon alone would cost 5-10% of the largest country on earth’s GDP. In that situation, agreeing to not lay claim to space is a no-brainer. In a world where going to space is ‘cheap’ by comparison, making claiming space
more pragmatic, I don’t forsee any country with the ability to effectively claim space following the treaty, as written.
US did not sign that treaty
I would’ve thought that the entire article would hinge on the US signing the Outer Space Treaty.
Cause if they didn’t, then none of the laws apply
now its what treaty, US has siggned some of them
It mostly talks about the Outer Space Treaty, which the US did sign.
the moon treaty is the stupid one, signed by a lot of nations but its meaningless because the US and Russia wern't dumb enough to sign it
I just find it amusing that he doesn’t list the inevitability of the US just deciding that it’s not going to follow the treaty anymore.
the space treaty only prevents military occupation not any civillian
you know whats weird about the Atlas OV1 missions?
no mouse sex?
A lack of mouse sex is weird?
Bornholio: it was sorta up to 3 launch vehicles all sharing the same first stage
but with independent upper stages
such a strange concept
most of them blew up too
So, it gave separation a whole new meaning?
they just tossed Sounding rocket tests onto ICBM tests
good use of flight time otherwise wasted
Bornholio: not sounding rockets
Bornholio: a lot of them were orbital
leudaimon has joined #RO
one of them had double orbital stages didn't it, two compltely differnt orbits and two sats
Bornholio: thats what im talking about
Bornholio: they even had some 3 satellite ones
Bornholio: so you have one first stage
we do that all the time now
with 3 separate upper stages
stage and a half
Atlas A-H was good stuff and pretty
ferram4: did you see the picture i linked early this morning
Rokker, now I did. That poor gun.
ferram4: surprisingly
the only badly damaged part was the bolt
so they just replaced that and some bits on the receiver and it was good to go
July 26: Syncom 2 is launched on a Delta B and becomes the first geosynchronous communications satellite in 1963. In 1971, Apollo 15 launches from LC39A. NASA awards the contract for the design and building of STS in 1972.
ferram4: to be fair it was an AK chambered in 5.56, so..