we need to add useTheInName = true to Mun and Sun
to the templates
that's the problem right?
No, I need to fix the code that resets the display name :D
let me check what happens if I add "useTheInName" to Mun
btw, all my mods work out of the box
which is weird to say the least
the only change I needed to make was putting a (Texture2D) cast in front of a texture which I was loading from the list of loading screens
because now that array is a Object[] as opposed as a Texture2D[]
even tho it contains basically only Texture2Ds
thomas, also the cfgs from "Kopernicus/Config" are loading weirdly on windows' notepad because they are formatted for linux
not sure if that's intentional
to hell with windows notepad
I just mentioned because I noticed it always loaded fine untill now
The config was always formatted for linux
that's how little I open it then :D
I remember a post from 2014 complaining about it because it didnt work in windows notepad
possibly from me
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Thomas: btw, adding useTheInName fixed the mun
Yeah, but thats not the solution I want
how are you going to approach it?
Quick question about modulemanager configs: If I'm adding an entry to a config using " % ", do I need to add the % for everything inside the node?
thomas: I mean, since you leave the "useTheInName" option, I would expect cloning the Mun would give the new body the same behaviour,
unless you want to deprecate usetheinname in favor of displayname
Sigma88: Well, the Mun is called "The Mun" when Kopernicus clones it. In the past Kopernicus resetted useTheInName when you changed the name of the body (so bodyname != tempate name). Now it seems to ingnore this and simply resets "useTheInName", so displayName always
thomas, what?
I distinctly remember inheriting the usetheinname from the template
is that another wrong thing I remember?
It only did that for the stock system
if you changed the name, you lost it
no I remember cloning the sun in GN and getting The for all the stars
At least it was supposed to work like that
Is this valid syntax: "@Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus]:FOR[ModName]
I mean
yes but that's not a good idea
Ah alright
Thank you
you can add :NEEDS[Kopernicus] but it's pointless
since if there is no kopernicus it means there is no node to edit
[Kopernicus] Sigma88 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHngN
Kopernicus/master 259ff7d Sigma88: you don't need this ;)
[Kopernicus] Sigma88 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHn2e
Kopernicus/master 1bf2ef0 Sigma88: but you might need this
thomas, now that I think about it
I would suggest against using MM to patch the solar panels
I would make a ConfigNode fixer in the dll
there might be part mods that add the solar panel module after kopernicus edits them
[Kopernicus] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHn2f
you can remove the first @MODULE if you don't care about case sensitivity
[Kopernicus] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHn2G
Kopernicus/master a61dba4 Dorian Stoll: Config inside of the config
there's still a case in which the cfg could cause issues
but it's so dumb that I would blame the other modder that set up the system so that this issue can occur
(basically, the kopernicus cfg will trigger on MODULES that have "name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel", even if that is not the first "name" key in the node)
so if the first name is different, and the second name is ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, kopernicus will change the first name
[Kopernicus] Sigma88 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHnrm
Kopernicus/master 7f44013 Sigma88: kopernicus' planet color
Hmm, something is weird about the lights
which lights?
Starlights yes
tell me if I need to test anything
when I install ohiobobs test config, and cheat a vessel around the sun, I get no light from the sun
When I orbit TestStar, I get lights
did you save/reload?
cheating messes up the tracker
when you save-reload it should work
I quicksaved and quickloaded and nothing happened
let me check
I know whats wrong
I set an orbit around sun, but TestStar caugh my vessel
.. But sun is still the nearest star
!slap Starlightswitcher
* Qboid
puts Starlightswitcher as a stamp on his next application letter
are you pointing to the closest?
shouldn't you point to the one with the highest flux?
No the light is only enabled for the closest star
I am not talking about flux
I am talking about light
ahhh so the lighting effect?
that's a bit more complex as a choice
there's still space to argue that the biggest flux should be the one displayed as ambient light
but that's your choice
Thomas: does your code correctly adjust for eclipses?
... what?
i don't remember, does stock ksp stop solar panels when there's a planet between them and the sun?
I would assume so
I don't think you get light when behid a planet
ah, yes
so if there are two star, and the best one is temporarily hidden behind a planet, the solar panels will turn to the second star?
that would be cool
yes, they should do that
and now that I think about it, I think there are two choices when you are considering light
the lighting effect I mean
1- the star that has the biggest flux (solar panels will point there, so it makes sense that you see them illuminated by that star)
2- the star that is illuminating whatever body you are orbiting (that planet will be illuminated by that star, so it makes sense that the craft has the same lighting)
unless you are changing lighting for planets as well
in which case always #1
[#1] title: Missing variable in PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform. | Should have the 'body' var set to the planet's Celestialbody component.... | https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/issues/1
you silly qboid
Hmm, I blame the config. The debugger says that the light is enabled
I feel like making a Stock Kerbol Rekerjiggered, just a set of stockalike improvements to the system that doesn't change the overall feel of the system so heavily.
Duna Restoration Project, a new skin for Jool, more realistic atmospheres (visually and otherwise), a Sol-like Sun, and maybe a few more improvements.
Maybe even a couple new bodies.
But without such a huge emphasis on realism.
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Galileo88: you can stay logged in :)
that would be nice
I think I'm getting tired of RevSSS and how realistic it is. Maybe it's alright if Kerbal planets are really colorful.
But I want to make it look a bit better.
Ok i made the changes. Also removed cbNameLater and added displayName in the properties for bodies that needed it. Now I hear the main menu music but all i get is the spinning loading texture
output log might have suggestions
or kopernicus.log
check kopernicus.log, see if any body errors
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Hey guys i got it figured out. I reverted all of my changes and started fresh. making the changes one system at a time. Works great. Sorry for fussin' at you guys earlier