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<Starwaster> Oh oh, April 1st is here... Nyan cat complaints in Module Manager forum in 5...4...3...2...
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<acharles> I can’t wait for RO. Though, I’m curious if it’s worthwhile trying the prerelease and helping test things or whether I should just wait til the next one.
<Ezko> yes
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<Probus> April Fools Sarbian!!
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn Sarbian
* Qboid gives Sarbian a ferram4/2N7000 hybrid
<waerloga> that's mildly disturbing :P
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<egg|zzz|egg> waerloga: so, Cartan should have rendez-vous help with the LVLH frame of the target vessel
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<waerloga> Cartan is the current/next version of Principia?
<egg|tea|egg> next
<egg|tea|egg> current is Cardano
<egg|tea|egg> previous was Cantor
<waerloga> neat
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<egg|tea|egg> following Cartan will be Catalan, then Cauchy, Cayley, Чебышёв, Cesàro, Chasles, 陈景润, ....
<soundnfury> well that's curious, ignitions=0 doesn't work with the latest release of RF (which I'm fairly sure includes the patch to do that), but if I build it myself it works fine
<soundnfury> oh hm never mind, the release was cut just _before_ my patch went in
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<soundnfury> !tell rsparkyc I notice that the proc avionics don't have Range Safety actions. Should they?
<Qboid> soundnfury: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<waerloga> soundnfury: this is KSP...'range saftey' is impacting cuba :P
<waerloga> or virginia
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<soundnfury> waerloga: hey! I'll have you know I keep my Cape launches within 035-120 azimuth
<soundnfury> (because I am a nerd)
<soundnfury> as M & S might put it, This is not just KSP. This is _RO_ KSP.
<waerloga> hehe
<waerloga> I try to..then Agathorn comes by and slaps the rocket off course
<Probus> We need a mod that lines up the KSC with the launch window.
<Hohman> Range safety is for people who build rockets that leave debris behind when they fail.
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<soundnfury> hmm. Why is the Moon in a _sliiiightly_ different place to where konrad thinks it should be?
<soundnfury> (as in, it's 866km too far away from my probe just leaving LEO. This is less than one percent.)
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<Starwaster> Sarcasm is lost on some people...
<soundnfury> ?
<egg> soundnfury: could it be a confusion between earth mass and earth mass + moon mass for the mass used in Kepler's equations?
<soundnfury> egg: I don't think so, both I and Kopernicus use the sum
<egg> ah but KSP doesn't
<soundnfury> it _may_ have something to do with there being two different values of the gravitational constant in Kopernicus
<soundnfury> (in one place it's 6.674e-11, in another it's 6.67408e-11)
<egg> it's the right order of magnitude for being off by a moon mass somewhere at least
<soundnfury> egg: the thing is, it worked in KSP 1.1.3 and the version of Kopernicus that had
<egg> hm
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<xShadowx> RO has it wrong, proof ^
<xShadowx> Thomas: does kopernicus support flat planets? should do like sarb and apr 1st, hide a little goody :D when ksp starts, regardless of planet packs, render the planet flat ;3
<Thomas> howManyTimesHasxShadowxAskedThatQuestion++;
<Thomas> I think its 4 times now :P
<acc> if you wanna have fun with flat planets: just search for flat earth on youtube and enjoy the stupidity :>
<waerloga> flat earth + timecube
<waerloga> that'd be hilarious
<acc> heh
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<acharles> soundnfury: I’ve considered writing (or trying to, at least) a mod that allows enforcing range safety.
<soundnfury> ooh
<soundnfury> yes, you should definitely do that
<acharles> I learned recently that it doesn’t matter whether the rocket has humans on it or not… range safety still presses the button.
<acc> yep
<acharles> And for some reason, that made having a mod that did it in KSP more appealing.
<Probus> lol
<acc> but that's already a thing in RO/RP-0
<acc> duno who put it in there, but it exists
<acharles> I technically mean AFSS (I think that’s the acronym)
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<acharles> There’s a button that allows range safety on probes, but you get to decide.
<acharles> I’m not sure if it’s on capsules (crewed) as well.
<acc> I don't think so. usually you fire the LES, to rescue the crew and then a litle bit later blow up the rest
<xShadowx> Thomas: sorry i always forget because i dont use em XD
<acharles> The mod I want is one that will blow up the rocket automatically, whether it’s a probe or crewed or before or after the LES is engaged.
<acharles> Or, in the case of vehicles like the shuttle, there is no LES, so you just make pretty explosions
<acc> ah, ok. yeah, the shuttle is a exception in that case
<acharles> I think the hard part about the mod will be communicating when the explosion will happen and how to prevent it. But I fully expect that test flight + range safety = hilarity.
<soundnfury> acharles: klaxons. Lots of klaxons.
<acharles> haha
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<Theysen> gday
<Qboid> Theysen: rsparkyc left a message for you in #RO [31.03.2017 21:27:37]: "i think a section for the 1.2.2 would be great"
<Theysen> rsparkyc, yes, I think so too, though I make a disclaimer and label it as no support and highly wip
<rsparkyc> yeah, it would at least give the general community a place to look to see what's going on
<Qboid> rsparkyc: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [01.04.2017 15:22:56]: "I notice that the proc avionics don't have Range Safety actions. Should they?"
<rsparkyc> soundnfury: yeah, they probably should. I think right now they don't because a lot of the procedural stuff runs after RP-0, but i can update the MM patch for it to include range safety.
<rsparkyc> soundnfury: want to make a github issue for me so i don't forget?
<Theysen> done, should be safe for us to not have people pestering around, I'll keep a close look on the thread for the next few weeks though just in case. Cheers all o/
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<acharles> Oh, someone did proc avionics? Cool
<rsparkyc> yep, it's a rough draft
<rsparkyc> feel free to suggest/add improvements
<Probus> where is it rsparkyc?
<rsparkyc> it's baked into RP-0
<Probus> Nice!
<Probus> Once you play RO/RSS/RP-0 for a while, it spoils you to regular KSP.
<Probus> Everything seems so OP in vanilla.
<Probus> Just getting to orbit is a completely different experience.
<rsparkyc> for real
<rsparkyc> btw, happy nyan cat day
<acc> mewo to you too
<acc> meow
<acharles> I did my first RO launch yesterday in like 6 months and it was of a simplified falcon 9 in sandbox. I had to try 3 times to get to orbit.
<acharles> ullage + mechjeb’s default launch apoapsis being 100km = bad
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<Starwaster> Hmmmm what happened to Stratochief?
<rsparkyc> vacation