idea for nightingale, upon contract completing for launching a sat, delete vesasel (already can do) but add effect to create RT 'station' at its coords
surprised mars heats vessel so much o.o
atmo so thin
xShadowx: coords, "in space" ?
xShadowx: what made you say that, about Mars' atmo?
just its thin o.O chutes barely work unless massive, by which time their own weight nearly makes impractical, and i tend to stick to just engines
yeah, chutes aren't great for Mars, because you'd want to open then at hypersonic or supersonic speeds, and we haven't designed good, reliable versions of those yet. Ballutes and HAIDs might work, but we haven't invested sufficiently in R&D on those yet
xShadowx: well lift and drag are ~ ρv² and heating is ~ ρv³, so you'd expect a thinner atmosphere to involve more heating I think
I find that having an off centre CoM is amazing for trying to land on Mars, and also mapping the altitude beforehand, so you can aim for low spots
and looking at it another way, all your vessel's KE has to be turned into heat at some point
and the thinner the atmosphere, the less the air can take that heat away
just like with Earth, you want to punch through the thinnest stuff as fast as is reasonably possible, do a lot of aero slowdown in the thickest air you can, and stay airborne long enough to slow down to mach 1 through 3
with the NAR MEM, I got to ~800 m/s 15 km above Mars, with "time to impact" of 56 seconds, chutes slowed me a lot from that, or I could have just landed propulsively
and that thing doesn't have a great L/D, it is like 0.06 or something
so, RP-0 logic check. does it makes sense that the set of apollo couplers would/should be in the same tech node? like, the Apollo CSM and Apollo LEM docking system was designed all at once, not as part of 2 entirely different programs
that sounds logical to me
right now one is with the CSM, and the other is with the LEM. does anybody know if it is possible to have a part get unlocked by either tech being researched?
* stratochief
opens up Notepad++ and starts dabling
sooo, you can totally put a part under multiple tech nodes, which blows my mind, and might open interesting and useful doors
oh nice
i'll hack at this later, heading tou
the game accepted a part that has multiple "TechRequired ="
o/ rsparkyc
rsparkyc has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
Socrates — 'The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing.
we need neimand303 back, or anybody else who had been interested in re-jiggering the tech tree
stratochief: multiple nodes? where you see that?
xShadowx: the more you know, the more you don't know? as your knowledge increases, your knowledge of your ignorance grows at an ever faster rate
i wouldnt have thought itd read both only first o.O
xShadowx: I know, from wanting to do it, then hacking it into RP-0's Tree.cfg
xShadowx: I thought the same thing, but there are no stupid questions, so I tried to see if it worked. a part appears under both nodes now
neet :P
though i dont know of any good uses
very neat. much potential application. at the very least, any pair of docking parts can be unlockable from either end
i mean things that take 2+ techs i could understand, but not a or b
I wonder if I can slap a TechRequired = into an engine config, and force it to show up in the tech tree?
dout it
part class is prolly the exception due to the loader
I'll try later, this was a passing curiousity, and I shared it because the unexpected happened
id like it more if was a and b, not a or b ;3
i got a few places i could use a and b
you kids and your stinking co-requisites
back in my day, we only had pre-requisites
* xShadowx
pushes the button to open the airlock while stratochief talks about old people things
in a vacuum, nobody can hear you harken back to the good ole' days
Tantares is doing an N1? shiny
BasharMilesTeg has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]